VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 239: King's Blade



A ray of Venus appeared in front of me, and the purgatory sword seemed to have reached something. I hurriedly sank and pushed aside the soil with my hands. I could see that it was a sword hilt with a faint golden luster, floating on the hilt with saying, moon, and rain. , Snow pattern, surrounded by ancient runes, completely incomprehensible.

"Is this the King's Blade?" He Yi knelt next to him, watched closely, and asked with a smile.

I nodded: "Eight or nine is not far from ten, ready to pull it out, and then you can go to Kardin III to settle the account."


I grasped the hilt of the sword and drew it suddenly, but found that the long sword did not move at all!

How could it be possible that I have a 5-strength bonus, plus the surname bonus of the equipment, and the strength points are more than 500 points. Why can't I draw a mere sword

He Yi was speechless and said with a smile: "Dig deeper to see if something has locked the King's Blade?"


I continued to dig and dug out all the dirt around the sword. The truth became clear. The reason why I couldn’t pull out the King’s Blade was because the sword was actually a sealed weapon, and the blade was suspended straight. In mid-air, around the sword body, there is a faintly floating six-pointed star array, like a spider silk entwining the king's blade, and it is tightly tied to the earth!

Murong Mingyue said in surprise: "What to do?"

I gritted my teeth: "What else can I do? Come on!"

"Oh oh!"

I stood up suddenly, put away the purgatory sword, holding the scorching king's blade hilt in both hands, I almost exhausted my whole body strength, pedaling the six-pointed star formation with my feet, and pulling out the long sword forcefully. !

"Kacha... Kacha..."

The sword edge and the magic circle were torn apart, making successive clank sounds, and my head was sweating profusely. My hands were like pulling a thousand catties of boulders, with blue veins violent on my face, and he shouted in a low voice, "TNND, don't you come out yet." !"


Suddenly pulling the entire blade out of the confinement of the magic circle, it caused the turbulence of the floating ice city. The whole earth trembled violently, and the sky was shrouded in dark clouds. In a blink of an eye, the sky and the earth were dark, followed by bloody rays of light. Penetrated through the clouds and projected around us.


The golden light of the King's Blade flickered, and it made a faint sword groan. It seemed very excited. Looking closely, this sword had no surname, it was just a task item, and it was of the same type as that of the Town Demon Sword.

However, the surrounding scenes scared He Yi, Murong Mingyue and Bei Mingxue. The three MMs were panicked. Seeing the blood in the world, He Yi's eyes were a little worried: "It seems that things are getting bigger, Lu Dust..."

Bei Mingxue held my arm and nodded: "Brother, did we touch something?"

I did not speak, holding the King's Blade in my hand, I saw a golden light from this magic soldier soaring into the sky, piercing through the clouds, and slightly illuminating the sky above the floating ice city. Then, a fiercely turbulent system bell echoed on the floating ice. The sky above the city has lasted for a long time—


System announcement: The player smashed the halberd and settled in the sand, in the water side, Murong Mingyue, and Bei Mingxue successfully opened the King's Blade, triggering the drastic change in Floating Ice City. The version "Return of the King" is updated instantly. When the player completes the task, the system will be maintained for 10 hours. If the player fails to complete the task, as a punishment, the level is reduced to 3, and the reputation value is deducted to zero!

"Depend on!"

I was stunned: "The system is too shameless. Who would have thought that this task would have smashed such a big basket, and actually triggered the update of the new version in Floating City. If we can't complete the task, then we will die..."

He Yi pursed his lips and smiled: "Stop talking nonsense, and immediately slaughter the Kardin III. Hurry up. If we are slower, it may be too late. Not only will we lose the ranks, but also Princess Karinshan. Can't be resurrected, you must be worthy of your own responsibility!"

I nodded heavily, and took the three MMs straight to the direction of the palace.

Put away the King's Blade, don't add this, continue to use the Purgatory Sword, and then use the King's Blade when you want to kill Kardin III.

The name of this version is called "The Return of the King". As the name suggests, the real king of Floating Ice City is definitely Princess Karinshan. As an outstanding human commander, she also has the status of a royal family. The lord of the ice city is Princess Karinshan.

The sky changed dramatically. When we stepped out of the back garden, we suddenly found that the names of the guards outside the palace hall had become blood red. Obviously, these people were all Eidolon puppets lurking in the palace, and they had to be killed before they could go to the palace. To kill Kardin III, this task is too arduous!

Bei Mingxue asked: "Kill them one by one, or kill them in pieces?"

I gritted my teeth and said: "It's too slow to kill one by one. I'm ready to spawn monsters. I will summon the pets to find the monster points!"

He Yi stretched his hand to the east and said, "The edge of the pool has a triangular space. If it blocks the periphery, it can be used as a computer card!"

I nodded and felt relieved. After training with everyone for a long time, He Yi's game surname has improved a lot.

Instructed a few MMs to stand, and I rushed out with the black bee. The shadow boots under my feet have a 4% movement speed bonus. Basically, it is more than enough to attract strangers, because the NPC soldier himself moves. The speed is not high, isn't it great to cause it.

Carrying the sword of purgatory, the blood-colored cloak swayed behind him, and the whole person was walking through the strange pile in an incomparably elegant way. Guiding the strange is also a science, especially in the dense strange group, you must look far away, otherwise It's easy to get stuck in the strange pile, and the position needs to be decisive and clear, and don't hesitate.

A few minutes later, the palace guard brigade of the palace hall was attracted by me. There were at least a thousand soldiers, all of which were Eidolon puppets. Although they possessed human bodies, their eyes were blood-red, and there was an evil atmosphere on their bodies. Those Skeleton Eidolons are not much different.

He quickly came to He Yi's side, stood still, and commanded Xuanfeng to stand still, ready to kill!

When a large group of monsters arrived, Bei Mingxue took the lead in shooting evil spirits, and immediately exploded the evil energy in the crowd. The super splash effect made the guards howl miserably.

Floating ice rebellious guard, LV-80, elite level monster, the upper limit of attack is 900, the defense power is 600, the vitality is 24000 points, it is an elite NPC, this genus is much stronger than the average level 80 elite monster, especially 900 points of attack power can even cause a painful blow to me.

"Keng Keng Keng!"

I hit three swords in a row on the shoulder, and each sword brought out 300 damage points, directly knocking out about 1000 points of vitality and blood. Fortunately, Murong Mingyue was behind him, standing very close, even I could feel the back The back was pressed against two soft, plump, soft, brushing light flying shuttles, the healing effect was too strong, and it was full of blood in a blink of an eye.

Coming and not going to be indecent, I raised the sword of purgatory, Qianhuan cut!

The sword light violently broke out with a bang, and split into 7 sword aura attacks, which blasted straight into the monster group, bringing out a series of damage numbers—




After the direct damage, there is a series of splash attacks. The damage amount of each monster being attacked is almost doubled. After a sword, the dense monster group has lost at least more than 10,000 points of vitality, so the damage output Let several MMs open their mouths—

Murong Mingyue: "Woo, I really can't stand this kid Lu Chen, a soldier has group injury skills, and can sputter so much BT. I am afraid that in the entire Floating Ice City, except for the beauty of the wind, all the soldiers will see you. This kind of attack will make you want to jump off the building."

Bei Mingxue smiled and said: "Fortunately, my brother has always been very strong, otherwise I won't come all the way to go~~"

He Yi smiled without saying a word, with a sweet smile wafting from the corners of his mouth, and the two beautiful dimples were fascinating to see.

There was a sudden cold in the arm, another blow!

Purgatory Slash!

Triggered the superior surname of Purgatory Sword, and the guardian in front of him is destined to be a tragedy. Purgatory Slash’s attack damage is stronger than Qianhuan Slash. A violent sword, covering a large area, plus splash damage, suddenly a lot The guards fell in piles, and countless experience rays flew up, and in just an instant, you could see the experience bar swiftly violently visible to the naked eye!

Everyone is very happy with this leveling method. Several MMs are extremely happy. Murong Mingyue smiled and said: "In the future, we will organize more outings for training at Frost Cloud Studio, and strive to let the members of this studio rank to be able to enter the Chinese region. Top 100!"

"Well, yes, yes!"

I checked my real-time ranking, 78% of the experience points, ranked first in Floating Ice City, but only seventh in the ranking in China, the first place is Beijing Luoshen, 79 level 23 % Experience, a little bit higher than the candle shadow chaos!

Sure enough, Chinese servers have always been Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and they were unknown in the early stage of the game. Once the founding of the country, they can often kill the main cities of the surrounding small countries. The gaming power, at least, is enough to gain a foothold on the mainland.

However, the ranking does not indicate any problem, it is just that the level is relatively high. The main players of the Candle Dragon Guild in Dawn City are all rushing, and the level is higher than Lin Yixin, but in fact, in the field of actual PK, I am afraid the entire Candle Dragon Only the leader of the guild, Candle Shadow Chaos, has the strength to shake the goddess of fruit knife. As for the gods of gale and blue sky, they are not Lin Yixin's opponents at all.

I have every reason to believe that in the entire China region, in addition to Lin Yixin, there are many sharp masters who practice hard in the mountains. Although they have not been able to enter the CGL Hall of Fame, their strength is not inferior to the active CGL. Hall of Fame players, so far, Tianzong is still in the early stage of the game. Once it enters the latter stage, the list of the CGL Hall of Fame in China will probably be shuffled. At the level of Lin Yixin, entering the CGL Hall of Fame is almost an ironclad thing. Up.


At this moment, Lin Yixin sent a message: "Halo, Lu Chen, have you triggered a new version?"


"Good luck, you must take me next time!"

"Oh, look again..."

Lin Yixin was speechless, sent a pouting expression, and then continued to hide the monsters.

We were killing the guard, and suddenly, a pleasant system bell echoed in the gloomy sky again—


System Announcement: Please pay attention to all players in Floating Ice City, the imperial princess Karin Shan of Floating Ice City has officially awakened and broke the seal, and the war of peace and chaos has officially begun!