VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 245: Can advance and retreat


Three rounds of wine.

The world is dim, and Gui Guzi leaned on my shoulders and asked, "Boss, the new version will be updated soon. Have you heard about the expansion of that world famous general?"

I nodded: "Well, it did reveal some in the official expansion."


He Yi, who was by my side, leaned over. In addition, Du Shisan, Luan Yue and Bei Mingxue also gathered around and asked with a smile, "What specific information?"

"Damn, don't you guys check game expansions?"

"It's not too bad, you think we don't want to!"

Luanyue MM looked at me bitterly and said, “Yueheng’s official information has never been revealed much. Only players who enter the CGL Hall of Fame can update some of the world’s famous generals in their personal database."

He Yi nodded: "That's right, we ordinary people have no information. The CGL Hall of Fame has re-listed your ID, so only you can see the ancient sword soul dream."

I couldn't help grinning: "Damn, do I have such a good break..."

He Yi couldn't help being speechless, and lightly bumped me with his shoulder: "Don't just worry about being proud, just say it, everyone is waiting!"


I nodded, drank the wine in one sip, and said: "In fact, this time I only released the prologue "Fighting Generals" in the 1.20 "Famous Generals" version. Well, the general idea is that before, only the profession of counselor can be used. With strategy skills, but in the upcoming version, if the player exceeds level 80, he will have a 5 grid strategy skills space, and he can learn up to 5 strategy skills."

Gui Guzi was taken aback: "Damn, so, doesn't it mean that non-strategic players can also serve as the captain of the captain and can inspire the whole team?"

I nodded and smiled: "Yes, that's it, so this is the spring for non-strategic players! However, each strategy skill has specific learning requirements. If I remember correctly, the 20-level military general skill'inspiration' requires 20 Point strategy value, the 50-level military skill "shock" requires 40 strategy points, and our ordinary players have a pitiful little strategy value. If you want to make up so many strategy points, how easy is it?"

Du Shisan spit: "Damn, this is too ridiculous, right? I'm almost level 70, and the strategy value is 0, rely on~~"

I laughed loudly: "Yeah, yeah, I didn't deliberately collect equipment with strategy points, so the strategy value is also 0 points, and I can only rely on getting the best equipment in the future to pile up the strategy value."

Bei Mingxue chuckled: "Oh, strategy value, in my equipment, there is a ring that is a level 65 dark gold weapon, with 12 strategy points added. It seems that I can be the captain to inspire~~"

I couldn't help but chuckle: "Well, you can, but according to my estimation, if you don't make a mistake, once the advance version of Zhengfeng is launched, the equipment explosion rate of the Tianzong Riga strategy will definitely increase. In short, There will always be bread, as long as you are diligent enough to become a peerless master."

With a glass of wine, Murong Mingyue leaned against He Yi and asked with a smile, "Is this version of the world famous really that important?"

I nodded: "Of course, in the previous team mode, the team of 5 people has one more counselor, which is dedicated to encouragement, and the output is reduced by 20%. This is too wasteful. Once the other professional players can also learn to encourage, then The battle pattern has changed. In the small team PK, the role of counselor will be greatly weakened, and the efficiency of player leveling will also be greatly improved, right?"

Murong Mingyue licked her lips, showing a seductive smile: "Hey, there seems to be a bit of truth, forget it, just treat it as you make sense, come on, drink one?"


I grabbed a glass of Coke and clinked with her, Murong Mingyue drank it all in one go. Well, at this moment, I realized that the formula of big breasts and no brains can still be applied at some point.

In fact, this dinner can be regarded as a networking event. In order to enhance the core cohesion of the ancient sword soul dream, there will be at least one or two such events every month. After the meal, everyone will chat and play. The atmosphere is very lively.

Being dragged by Luan Yue MM, I played Three Kingdoms with Murong Mingyue, Xu Yang, and He Yi. He Yi accidentally picked the lord and smiled suddenly: "HOHO, I am the lord, which one should I choose... "

I said: "Sun Quan, there is a lot of checks and balances, how awesome!"

"No, it's ugly, I want to choose Diaochan..."


I was speechless, but I didn't say anything. Anyway, what I got was an anti-thief card. At the end of the game, I must fight against He Yi. Alas, the day is not fulfilled. I should draw Zhang Zhongchen's card.

Xu Yang smiled at me, describing it as awkward. I couldn't help being surprised. Damn, is this guy like me an anti-thief

The cards are dealt, and the war is on!

Sure enough, Xu Yang was a man who couldn't hold back. He chose Lu Bu as the main general, and then launched an attack on the lord He Yi!

"Kill, who can stop me!"

Need two "flashes", He Yi was dumbfounded, was killed directly by a drop of blood, and gave me a vengeful look.

I pretend not to see it and draw the card.

It seemed that everyone was pregnant with ghosts, Murong Mingyue glanced at me, raised his hand to "kill", and said with a smile: "Lu Chen, sister is here to meet you, kill!"

I made a flash and smiled slightly: "Small meaning."

Murong Mingyue chose Zhang Fei, and another shot: "Hey, can you still flash?"

I have a good idea, Zhao Yun, the main commander, what are you afraid of, took out a "kill" and patted Murong Mingyue's hand, rubbed his palm and smiled: "Able to advance and retreat is the strongest magic weapon!"

Luanyue MM chuckled, Zeng Mi's Luoshen skill was activated, and after turning 11 cards in a row, she finally came to Auntie, seeing Xu Yang and I almost straightened our eyes.

Equipped with weapons, Luanyue MM started to kill. There were five consecutive kills. Xu Yang burst into tears. He yelled and hung up. Turning over his cards, he was indeed a counter-thief!

As a result, I was left with a male surname, and the other three MMs immediately joined together, and the fierce fighter I was able to advance and retreat was dealt with, and another anti-thief was killed.

In the end, the hidden Murong Mingyue was also killed by Luanyue MM, revealing his trump card, it was an internal annihilation!

He Yi couldn't help but sighed: "Oh, it's a failure, right? My four grand fathers of Yueyue and Stardust actually have two anti-thief and one internal annihilator. It's really impossible to mix up."

Murong Mingyue smiled lightly: "Alright, alright, go on!"

After playing until 10 o’clock, I found that I need to go back to rest. I have to get up early tomorrow morning to see what is different in the new version. After the first battle in Floating Ice City yesterday, the Floating Ice City Palace was almost caught by Cadillac. If it is destroyed, system maintenance means reconstruction. After so long, is it enough for Princess Karinshan to build a new city

Everyone was drinking and couldn't drive. There was no way. Murong Mingyue called and transferred a driver from the GGS Suzhou company to drive us back.

It was late at night when I returned to Shuangyun's studio. He Yi and Murong Mingyue were all blushing. They both drank a lot. They were pampered, lying in the car and reluctant to come up. He went upstairs with one hand, and left them all on the sofa in the studio.

Locked the door, and went downstairs again. Bei Mingxue was still in the car. She was really unsatisfied. Du Shisan and Guiguzi had filled Xiao Beiming so hard that she was almost awake. She was already drinking. It's no match for women like He Yi and Murong Mingyue who have been shopping malls, who can withstand such a toss.

Opening the car door, I went in and took out Bei Mingxue. She naturally hugged my neck, with a silly smile on her mouth: "Brother?"


I locked the car while dealing with her, and then I held her upstairs.

Back to the studio lobby, I didn’t care about anything. I threw the three MMs to their own sex, closed the door, took a shower, and went back to the room to sleep with my head covered. After a day of tossing, I was almost exhausted Up.

In my sleep, countless pictures drifted by one by one.

In a small town with white walls and black tiles, I was standing on the broken bridge with a purgatory sword in my hand. My cloak was flying behind me and my eyes drooping. I saw a girl standing in the middle of the river. The hem of her skirt was washed in the water, and the silver bell-like laughter was contagious.

Suddenly, the earth cracked, and my heart sank into hell along with the river water. I rushed forward, but I couldn't catch the little hand waving my heart. The whole body seemed to be filled with lead, and it was difficult to move.

However, at the next moment, the earth's crust cracked, and in the bloody purgatory, he appeared again holding a keel spear, a black armor, looking at me with murderous intent, dancing the keel spear, and stabbing straight!

"Xin Ran?" I asked, only to feel a tearing pain in my chest.

My side suddenly warmed, a delicate body, I turned to look, only to find a beautiful warrior holding a long sword to meet Xin Ran, the sword edge swept across, angrily said: "Go away!"


My heart was shaken back so far, I was stunned: "Yiyi, you?"

Lin Yixin glanced at me lightly: "What are you doing, idiot!"

"I… "

The dream turned into clouds in an instant, and I woke up leisurely, before opening my eyes, rubbing my head, it was painful, and sure enough, something like wine was a mistake.

At this moment, there was a scream in my ear, and suddenly, my whole body was shaken. Is this-a woman's voice? How could there be a woman in my room

I moved my arms and found that I couldn't move, and there was a hot and soft feeling in my arms. Oh my God, I slept with a girl in my arms? How could it be possible that I slept alone last night!

I looked down and found two proud peaks. The snow-colored ravines were squeezed to make people's heart fascinating. The tight-fitting shirt seemed to be torn apart. When I looked up, I found a beautiful face leaning against me. In his arms, the corners of his mouth are rippling with a smile, and the shallow dimples are beautiful and intoxicating!

In an instant, I was petrified, this... is He Yi? !