VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 336: Thor's Hammer



Walking on the edge of the sky forest, not far away, is an NPC farm. The light breeze blows across the wheat fields, bringing out waves of wheat. The fragrance of the field is wrapped in the wind, which makes people feel refreshed.

The purgatory sword straddles the back of the armor diagonally, holding a dead wood in one hand, I grabbed a leaf of green grass from the side of the road, bit it in my mouth, and hit the dark green flower on the bush with the dead wood. My mood was too good. .

Looking down, the surface of the obsidian dragon scale armor is rugged, glowing with a faint light, and can't help but reach out and touch his chest, the sound that makes people's mind shake whirls around the ear—

"I want to leave a spell here, and it will always be stamped in your soul. In this way, no matter where you go, who you marry as your wife, on a rainy day, you will think of me, so your heart will be because of me, It hurts slightly."

I trembled all over, I was stunned there, He Yi's voice and smile appeared in my mind, now she is far away on the other side of the ocean, right? Did she have a good day

Although my heart didn’t hurt, but I clearly felt that in less than 10 hours, I had missed her very much. Perhaps, for the past half month, He Yi has been by my side, it is indeed a luxury, after all. , He Yi is the talented vice president of GGS Asia. Such a woman will never belong to a certain person. At least, she can't always be by my side.


After a sigh of relief, when I looked up, I found a huge black city standing in the canyon in front of me. It was a little less in scale than the city in the sky, but it was much stronger than the floating ice city. The city wall was tens of meters tall and the city wall was thick. , The defensive ability of this city is far better than Floating Ice City!

Summoned Tianyao Greedy Wolf, now Greedy Wolf is level 68, and it was inevitable that he had failed several times in the previous miracle battle.

Following me closely, Tian Yao greeted the wolf and yelled softly, looking at the direction of Violet City with some fear, as if he had a natural fear of this main city belonging to the dead. It is no wonder that Little Wolf is an epic level. The sacred pet is definitely a bit afraid of dead creatures, and its level is too low, a few NPCs can handle it, not afraid to be weird.

Reaching out and patted Little Wolf's forehead, I said, "Don't be afraid, you are yours!"

As a result, the little wolf really calmed down a lot, and began to shake his head.

Some players have already settled in the Violet City. Maybe it’s not settled. They just use it as a supply place for the time being. After the last Battle of Skull Castle, an alliance agreement was reached between the Blood Dance Alliance and the Silver Moon Alliance. Players can also buy goods here, and Violet City is adjacent to high-level leveling sites such as Dragonbone Mountain Range and Iron Bull Fortress. It is a very good location. Many high-level players use this place as a temporary supply site.

With the Blood Dance Alliance badge on my shoulder, I easily entered the city and ran all the way to the front of the palace. When I looked up, a statue of a bloody giant sword rushed into the sky, just standing in the inner courtyard of the palace. In, it symbolizes the arrogance and unyielding of the Blood Dance Alliance. This building is really magnificent, not inferior to the City in the Sky!

Before entering the palace, the two guards bowed to me respectfully on one knee and said, "My lord!"

I did not speak, and took the little wolf into the palace. My rank in the Blood Dance League seems to be LV-5. The Ash Knight should be regarded as a local ministerial officer. Well, this feeling is good and it can be unimpeded. Enter the royal city!

Meteor striding across the forest path, when I arrived outside the palace hall, a group of high-ranking dead guards separated on both sides, looking at me with grimace, the gloomy eyes full of distrust and doubt.

I was cautious, with a gloomy face, and stepped on the steps to the hall. Sure enough, there was no throne in the hall, but Princess Sophia stood under a huge violet emblem, pressing the hilt with her hand, her eyes calm. He looked at a group of civil and military officials beside him.

When I saw me walking up to the hall, an NPC warlord immediately came out with a sword, and it was the shadow dancer Xuewei!

"You came!"

Xuewei nodded and smiled: "His Royal Highness and I often mention you, but I didn't expect you to come today!"

I nodded: "Xuewei, where is my heart?"

"Master Wind Songer?"

Xuewei was startled, showing a mysterious smile, and said: "Master Wind Songer is in a very sacred place. For the time being, it is not convenient to see people..."

I insisted: "But, I want to see her..."

"Then..." Xuewei hesitated and sighed: "Forget it, if it's you, she should be willing to see you, come with me!"


Xuewei led me, turned around and walked out of the main hall, and went straight to the magic altar in the backyard of the main hall, and then said to a few gray-haired magicians: "Come on, open the teleportation array to the gods!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Several old wizards released magic together, the light above the magic stone was shining brightly, and the huge source of magic power rushed to the center of the magic circle. Soon after, the teleportation circle had formed, and Xue Wei chuckled: "Come with me!"


Secretly surprised, God Realm? Why is Xinran in God's Domain? Isn't God's Domain the highest realm pursued by players? What is going on

Stepped into the magic circle full of doubts, the next moment, the body was torn into sporadic brilliance and traveled through the space!


It was dark in front of me, and I had already arrived at another piece of heaven and earth!

I looked up and was stunned. There was a vast and resentful gorge in front of me. The gorge was full of vastness, full of bones, and bones that did not belong to human beings. Where did it resemble the realm of God? It's almost... It's like a tomb of gods, those dead are not ordinary people, but ancient gods!

Seeing my astonishment, Xuewei smiled faintly, and pointed her finger at a dead body with a big sword. The body was about ten meters high and looked like a sculpture, flesh and blood decayed, and only one was glowing with silver light. The bones, but the terrifying majesty still exists, and the golden battle armor has not been washed away by the years.

"This is the corpse of the ancient war god Auhuus..." Xue Wei laughed.

I took a deep breath, and sure enough, in the expansion pack of Tianzong, God of War is the peak-level existence in God's Domain, and he died here.

Going further, I saw a deep gully leading to the distance. At the end of the gully, a silvery scepter was inserted on the rock, and the owner was nowhere to be seen.

Xuewei said: "That is the goddess of ice and snow, only her ice scepter is left, and her body has been shattered by the evil spirit..."

I was shocked again, the goddess of ice and snow, has the fragrance disappeared

Going further, I saw an arm bone appearing on the mountain. The arm bone tightly grasped a huge and heavy warhammer. The warhammer was shining with a bit of thunder, and the powerful force contained in it was enough to shock people.

Xuewei smiled: "This is the bones of Thor. In the battle of the gods and demons, he held the Thor's Hammer to kill the three leaders of the opponent, but in the end he was cut off by a sharp weapon and lost Thor's Hammer. , And was finally pushed into the purgatory space, and the soul will never be redeemed."

I trembled all over: "Who is the enemy if you can kill so many gods?"

Xuewei shook her head: "This, it's already tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years ago. At that time, I was not born yet, so I couldn't know it anymore."

I looked at Thor's Hammer and said, "This should be an artifact, right?"


Xuewei nodded: "Yes, ancient artifacts have extremely powerful powers, but... these are cursed weapons. The owner has already perished. These artifacts will not be used by anyone, otherwise it will bring eternal life and eternal curse. Can't escape..."

I stretched out my hand and grabbed the handle of Thor's Hammer, and suddenly a mighty force poured into my body. My eyes lit up: "Can I..."

"No!" Xuewei's tone was very firm.

I clung to the handle of the artifact: "I want..."

Xuewei desperately tugged my arm: "No, I really can't take it..."

At this moment, a crisp voice came from the sky: "What are you doing?"


Xuewei and I looked up together, but found a beautiful girl standing proudly in the cold wind, holding a long spear full of dragon spirit in her hand, a black armor leaf glowing with blood, and a beautiful face with Perplexed, she was looking at me who was pulling Thor's Hammer and the shadow dancer Xuewei who was pulling me.

"It's all you!" Xuewei stuck out her tongue, turned to look at Xin Ran respectfully, and said, "Master Wind Songer, he wants to see you!"


A smile appeared in his heart: "Brother, have you finally come to me?"

I nodded: "Heartly, why did you get to this place where birds don't shit..."


I was speechless, and after a few seconds he said: "I am working hard to open the dark door that seals the gods. Perhaps, I can redeem the tormented souls of the gods..."

"Oh, is it really possible?"


Xuewei also nodded and said, "After we sealed the gate of the Demon Realm with the Suppressing Demon Sword, we discovered the existence of the entrance of the God Realm. So Master Wind Song came here and looked for the legendary Dark Portal. Once we find the darkness, The gate may really be able to awaken the souls of the gods!"

I was stunned and suddenly understood that my mind was no longer the little LOLI who was holding the corner of my shirt, and now my mind was already a figure with an important mission.

Seeing my stunned look, my heart fluttered down, standing by my side, holding my arm as always, and smiling: "Brother, do you have any thoughts?"


"Why are you looking for me?"

"Uh..." I hesitated for a few seconds, and said: "I just want to see if you can find a suitable mentor for me. The last time I was in Frozen Hill, I... I killed Suren..."

He smiled, "Brother, did you kill Su Lun for me?"

"Uh... um..."

Seeing my embarrassment, I couldn't help but smile, and then he thought: "There are really not many people who can be your mentors, but I have a personal choice, I don't know if you want to..."


I was shocked suddenly, ecstatic in my heart, the new mentor is coming!

(WAP network charges, to clarify, Ye Ye said that the whole book is free, but the Internet is free. The 17KWAP network is different from the Internet, so charging is inevitable. If you can’t accept it, then come to the Internet to see free. But in fact, even if the fee is charged, it will not cost a lot of money. Please do not go to the pirate post station with outrage, it will be a blow to the author and the genuine website.)