VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 43: Venomous bee forest


The wasp is distributed in the poisonous bee forest in the south of Floating Ice City. The name of the poisonous bee forest is very scary. It is conceivable that the monster like the wasp has a poisonous surname. The reason why I chose to catch the wasp is not just the growth of the wasp. , Also because the monster level here is higher, just suitable for me to level up.

Half an hour later, I arrived at the poisonous bee forest. When I came to the edge of the forest, I was shocked to find the voice of speaking in the forest—

"Boss, will there really be a level 1 wasp here?"

"Of course, brush it for a while, there will definitely be!"

"okay… "

Pulling out the branches and leaves, you can see that a group of four people are killing monsters in the forest. They are all level 30 or above 2-revolution players. Looking at Floating Ice City, there are naturally only dominating families with such a lineup!

The Tyrant Knife carried the sharp sword at the forefront, the blade flipped, and two consecutive swords were cleanly and neatly turned. The wasp buzzed. A level 34 wasp, with its head and wings about the size of a ball, when dancing. There was a loud noise, and there was a poison cone on the tail. When attacking, the body sank, and the poison cone hooked up from the bottom, and suddenly the face of the Batian Dao turned green, and it was poisoned!

"Priest, add blood, thank you!"

The Batian Sword and Dance Sword hacked the Hornets to death two more times, and the holy light above his head fell, and the blood lost in half was immediately added back. It was a 29th-level priest, apparently a clerical talent cultivated by the Domination family.


With two quick knives, the domineering God of War killed another wasp, and at the same time quickly recovered his vitality with the help of the priest. To be honest, it was still difficult for him to single-handed the wasp, and he had to have supplies.

"Boss, have you heard of what happened yesterday?" said the Domineering God of Mounting.

"Well, what's the matter?" Ba Tiandao asked.

The Domineering Horseman retracted his spear and said: "The Crazy Dragon Guild organized nearly a hundred people to fight the ultimate BOSS in the Bluestone Valley. In the end, it was half-fighted, and it was destroyed by the wind fantasy and the halberd sinking sand."

"Well, I heard..."

The Tyrannical Dao smiled: "Longxing Tianxia, this kid is really a clown. He wants to dominate with us because of his wealth. He is simply seeking a dead end, huh, this time it’s cheaper. , Next time, we will dominate our own shots!"

The Dominator Riding God frowned and said, "Boss, don't you worry about the two people, the illusion of the wind and the shackles of the halberd?"


The Batian Dao couldn't help but sneered: "Yes, the wind fantasy and the halberd sinking in the sand are all Wang Zuo's talents, but they are not the materials of the king. The small-scale organization is thin and powerful, and the game is as large as Tianzong. Here, how can it be possible to compete with us? Don’t forget, our Mighty God Guild alone has 2,000 registered members!"

The Dominant Riding God smiled happily: "The boss is too thorough in his analysis. There is no way out for a lone hero in this game. However, if we can bring these two people into the domineering family, that would be great, tut. , I noticed last time that Feng Lu Fancy is a superb beauty!"


Tyrant Dao couldn't help laughing: "You kid is good at everything, and you are also a good player in the game. You are too obsessed with women. If this can be changed, it will be a big deal!"

I don't want to provoke them. I am not afraid to beat them, but I don't want to waste the time I should have been catching pets to PK, which is meaningless.

Going around from the west side of the poisonous bee forest, this forest has a large area, and the wasps in it are quite high-level and densely distributed. There is a flying wasp almost every two meters, so you must be careful when attracting strangers. At a distance of about 4 meters, the monster’s hatred will be attracted. You must judge the distance before you can act.

I cautiously led a wasp over, level 35, 3 levels higher than me, it should be able to handle it.


The wasp flew like lightning, showing super speed, and the tail poisonous cone stepped forward and gave me a "prick"!


Fortunately, my defense is very overbearing!

With a volley of Xuanhuo's blade, a big MISS floated out, and I hit a second blow like thunder and lightning, which was the sword after the pardon!


The ball hit the Hornets like a ball, and the damage number flew up-1287!

Yes, it is very sharp, this wasp has about 3000 points of vitality, the level is too high.

In consecutive instants, I successfully killed the first wasp, and I must drink a blood bottle. Fortunately, the skill of undead regeneration is quite good. Up to level 3 undead regeneration, an average of 0.3% of the total blood is recovered every second. , And so on, the regeneration of the undead at the 10th level of the sky should restore 1% of the blood per second, even if the blood is empty, it can be full within 100 seconds. Such a powerful skill is definitely the housekeeping skill of the necromancer. !

Moreover, at this time, the rebirth of the undead actually saved me a lot of potion consumption.

In a blink of an eye, more than two hours passed. At 1:00 in the morning, I killed countless wasps, but never encountered the legendary level 1 wasps.


I received a message from Fengse Fantasy MM: "Little liar, what are you doing?"

"Catch pets!"

"Oh, what did you catch, I'm also catching it~"

"Wasp, how about you?"

"Little Red Riding Hood, hehe..."

"What is Little Red Riding Hood?"

"You do not know?"

"Well, education..."

"1 gold coin tuition!"


Seeing that I didn’t reply for a while, Lin Yixin sent me a picture book—

【Fire Blade】

Attack: ★★★★

Defense: ★★★☆

Qi and blood: ★★★★☆

Agility: ★★★☆

I was slightly surprised, and replied with a sigh: "What a strong attack and blood!"

Lin Yixin must be snickering: "Yes, if only one can be caught, it's better to have a BN of 70 or more!"

"Well, I wish you manslaughter if you encounter a level 1..."

"Go to hell, little liar!"

I laughed, turned off the communicator, glanced away, and suddenly my whole person was petrified—coming, and finally TMD made me wait for one!

A few steps ahead, a wasp is slowly flying, and the number above his head is so moving: Wasp LV-1.

Finally a level 1 wasp has appeared!

I couldn't help but ecstasy, and even put away the fire blade, and then walked up and down quietly, and took out a sealing card from the package. The target locked on the wasp, and suddenly lost the sealing card. Flew out!


The card-sized seal card suddenly turned into a huge magic circle in the air, and it was placed on top of the little wasp's head, and began to enter the process of taming and guiding!

A green progress bar slowly fills up, but suddenly breaks—


System prompt: If the seal fails, the target can be sealed 4 times!

With a convulsion in the heart, there are only 4 chances. If they fail consecutively, the level 1 Hornets will be promoted to level 2, and they will lose everything. God bless me, let me RP explode!

Throwing a sealing card again, swiping it, the card was flying in the air, and the little wasp continued to buzz and dance, and it didn't kill me at all.


I gritted my teeth, go on, the third time!


the fourth time!


In an instant, I broke down and wailed, "Hero, let me go!"

The seal card was sacrificed for the fifth time. The six-pointed star array that the card turned into tightly wrapped the little wasp, and saw the little wasp's body shrinking, getting bigger, shrinking, and getting bigger. Finally, at the last moment, the little wasp Disappeared, turned into a yellow light and flew towards me and entered my pet space. My only pet space was immediately occupied, and it was no longer possible to obtain a second pet.


System reminder: Congratulations, you successfully tame the wasp!

Hastily opened the parcel, the surname of this wasp is at a glance—


Grade 1

Attack: 5

Agility: 6

Stamina: 3

Qi and blood: 5

Into length—

Attack: ★★★★☆

Defense: ★★★☆

Qi and blood: ★★★☆

Agility: ★★★★☆

Let me calculate a little. The initial four points are 19 points, which is the legendary BN value is 19. There are two criteria for evaluating the pros and cons of a pet. One is the length. The length of each category of pets is different. , Pets of the same category have the same length, but the initial points are different. Generally speaking, the higher the initial point, the stronger it will be in the future. This is the origin of the BN value.

And the Hornets I caught now have a BN of 19, which is a bit speechless.

So, I sent a message to Lin Yixin: "Beauty Yiyi, the Hornets of BN19, how about it?"

Lin Yixin replied: "Very good, let's practice..."

I felt a little worried, so I asked, "Where is it?"

Lin Yixin sent a smiley charm and replied: "Then the initial point of the dish, if you practice such a pet, it will be much more convenient for me to beat you in the future, of course it is not bad..."

"Depend on!"

Turn off the communicator, my sister, this wasp turned out to be garbage, what should I do? Throw it away, reluctant, don’t throw it away, if I want to be a super expert, it’s impossible to bring such a garbage pet. Looking for a dead end, as Lin Yixin said, if I practice such a pet, it will be very easy for her to abuse me.

The rule in Tianzong is that players have the first pet at level 30, and they can get the second pet at a higher level. The maximum seems to be three. However, only one pet can be released at the same time to participate in the battle. After a pet dies, 10 Can not be summoned again within minutes, in this case, the requirements for the pet's NB level are even higher.

The little wasp flapped its wings, flying and flying on my chest, still in circles, seemingly excited.

I was very distressed. I was about to leave, but at this moment, there was a voice on the right side—

"Damn! This kid caught a level 1 wasp!"

Turning around, the people who came were two people, the Domineering Riding God and the Domineering God of War. The two of them stared at my Little Hornet with greed. This kind of look was also seen when Dong Zhuo first saw Diao Chan.