VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 46: Super mysterious bee



Suddenly the head went blank!

This... How could this mysterious bee boss be level 1? In Tianzong's system, there has never been a statement that the BOSS is level 1. Could it be said that a level 1 BOSS can also be sealed as a player's pet

If this is the case, the surname of this profound bee must be quite powerful!

I suppressed the surging in my heart and held my breath.

Xuanfeng! Level 1 mysterious bee! Can't hover in my mind.

The first step is to release an existing junk wasp with only a dozen BN.


I took out a seal card, I gritted my teeth and prepared to go. The level 1 BOSS will not attack too high, and my situation is very safe.

It’s just that I’m worried that a level 1 pet will be upgraded to level 2 after being sealed up to 5 times, and the sealing success rate of a boss level 1 monster is definitely so low that I’m not a trainer, and I don’t have a powerful one. The chance of sealing, if a miss and Xuanfeng rise to level 2, wouldn't it be regrettable for her intestines

For a while, the whole person seemed to be standing in the center of a single-plank bridge. I was worried about entering and retreating, but I had no choice but to seal it boldly!


The seal card was thrown into the sky by me, and suddenly turned into a cyan magic circle shrouded on the top of Xuanfeng, becoming smaller and smaller, emitting magical power to attract Xuanfeng.

The guide progress bar of the seal card was slowly reading, and my heart also mentioned my throat. The system was very loyal, and it didn’t make me worry for long. It dinged in less than two seconds—

System Prompt: System Prompt: Sealing failed, the target can be sealed 14 times!

Slightly surprised, 14 times? BOSS is really different, 14 times, I have more chances!

Going on, I took out the second seal card. Fortunately, I bought a lot. Unlike some animal trainers who are stingy when they go out with only 10 cards, if he encounters such a level 1 BOSS, it would be strange if he doesn't regret his death.


The seal card flew into the sky again, hovering on the forehead of the black bee.


System Prompt: System Prompt: Sealing failed, the target can be sealed 13 times!

TNND, failed again, come again!

As a result, I tossed the seal card again and again, and the black bee still flew around, completely ignoring me, an undead creature with a bad intention.

The system bell kept circling in my ears, and my heart gradually shattered and shattered—


System Prompt: System Prompt: Sealing failed, the target can still be sealed 12 times!


System Prompt: System Prompt: Sealing failed, the target can be sealed 11 times!


System Prompt: System Prompt: Sealing failed, the target can be sealed 3 times!


System Prompt: System Prompt: Sealing failed, the target can also be sealed 2 times!

After 14 failures in a blink of an eye, there is one last chance left!

Holding this seal card, I burst into tears, raised the seal and kissed my mouth, muttering: "He Yi... Boss, give me strength!"


The seal card once again turned into a six-pointed star formation and enveloped the Xuanfeng. The Xuanfeng's body gradually became smaller and was about to be submerged in the magic formation in a blink of an eye. However, it made a sharp cry of resistance and flew out again in a blink of an eye. , The power of the magic circle continued to attract, and the mysterious bee submerged in the magic circle again, and repeated this way, after 5 consecutive times, finally, the mysterious bee submerged in the magic circle for the last time, and never threw out again!


System reminder: Congratulations, you successfully tamed the BOSS-class Xuanfeng!

Surprise, ecstasy, ecstasy!

No words can describe my mood at the moment. It is a feeling, like pursuing a girl you like for many years. Suddenly she came to you one day and said to you: "Fool, in fact, I loved you a long time ago. …"

Checking the pet space, the image of a black bee appeared in my only pet space, and it was immediately summoned. The powerful family name came into view, and my heartbeat almost stopped—


Grade 1

Attack: 18

Defense: 15

Qi and blood: 17

Agility: 19

growing up-

Attack: ★★★★★★

Defense: ★★★★☆

Qi and blood: ★★★★

Agility: ★★★★★☆

His head was blank again.

Six star attack growth? Five-and-a-half stars agile growth

Damn, this mysterious bee is too domineering!

What's more terrible is that powerful initial point, 69 points! In comparison, Lin Yixin's burning blade was much eclipsed!

In ecstasy, this mysterious bee is not only a high-growth BOSS-level pet, but also a good thing with the initial points of super best. My RP today is simply a burst of the total of 24 years of RP!

I quickly opened the friends list, Feng Se Fantasy MM is still online, so I immediately sent a message: "Lin Meimei, show you a good thing, do you want to?"

A few seconds later, Lin Yixin replied: "What good stuff, send it over?"


I made a picture book of Xuanfeng's family name and sent it directly to Lin Yixin.

Lin Yixin did not reply for several minutes, and finally about five minutes later, he sent a message: "Lu Chen, I want to kill..."

I laughed wildly and replied: "Hahahaha, come and kill me, bite me!"

Lin Yixin: "Ah!"

Obviously, the little beauty has gone violently.

I feel very happy in my heart, this Queen Bee Palace does not have the rest of the oil and water, I should take my mysterious bee to level up, even if it is a BOSS-level pet, level 1 is useless, as soon as possible to train it to be the same as mine The level of PK or leveling will be even more powerful in the future.

He took out the city-returning scroll and smashed it to pieces, and returned to the floating ice city with a "brush". The main city at night was still crowded with people.

I took a look and found that my hunger and fullness were less than 40 points, so it's time to replenish it.

He stepped out of the floating ice city and went straight to Frozen Hill. Many days have passed in the game, and I don't know how little LOLI's heart is now.

Along the way, Xuanhuo's blade was overwhelmed by thorns and thorns. I named my pet mysterious bee "Fantasy". This is too festive. I don't know what Lin Yixin will feel after seeing this mysterious bee.

The mysterious bee was ordered to follow the mode by me, and did not participate in the battle. He had experience along the way. When we arrived at the Frozen Hill, the mysterious bee had already been upgraded to level 11, and the surnames of the various surnames were greatly improved—


Level: 11

Attack: 128

Defense: 85

Qi and blood: 317

Agility: 169

To make a preliminary judgment, with the strength of the profound bee as the length, each level increases 10 points of attack, 7 points of defense, 30 points of vitality, and 15 points of agility. This is quite powerful. If it reaches level 33, the surname will definitely be. Stay on top of me!

However, players can upgrade their surnames by upgrading their equipment. This is a natural advantage, and pets’ surnames are fixed. If I wear a magical item, the black bee of the same level will be no problem.

Arrived in Frozen Hill, I found my mentor, Undead Swordsman Su Lun, this majestic man with a skeleton, looked straight at me, and smiled: "Young dead, your growth speed really surprised me, it's too great. Well, we have one more companion, and we have more power to resist the intrusion of humans and evil Eidolons."

As he said, he raised his hand and said: "A group of vicious Hellwind wolves appeared in the northern woods of Frozen Hill. These cruel wolves are starving. Not only do they devour humans, but we also don’t let the dead. Now, in order to punish them, young dead, go and kill 400 hell wind wolves, and give me 100 wind wolf teeth!"


System prompt: Do you accept the task [Hell Wind Wolf]



System reminder: You have accepted the task [Hell Wind Wolf]! (Task level: D level medium)

Quest content: Go to the Fairy Forest in the north of Frozen Hill, kill 400 Hellwind wolves, and bring 100 Hellwind Wolf teeth to the undead swordsman Suren, you will get very rich rewards!

Set off, kill the hell wind wolf!

I repaired the equipment, bought some potions, and went out.

First of all, when I came to the mushroom forest, the lovely little LOLI wore a sky blue dress and was picking mushrooms with a bamboo basket. She was here almost all year round.

Seeing me coming, I ran over excitedly and said with a smile: "Brother, you are finally here. I have waited for many days and thought you are gone!"

I smiled: "How come?"

Xinran took out the oatmeal bread from his arms and said with a smile, "Here, I'll eat it for you!"

I took it, but after eating it only increased my hunger by 50 points. It seems that my level is higher and my requirements for food have also become much higher.

He took a big magic stone from the package and gave it to Xin Ran, telling her to live a good life. She was very happy, and chatted with me for a while. Knowing that I was busy, she went to pick mushrooms alone.

Saying goodbye to my heart, I embarked on the journey to the fairy tale forest alone.

The fairy trail forest is located on the edge of the ice forest in Floating Ice City. This is a quiet and peaceful woodland. According to legend, angels once visited here, so it was named the fairy trail forest. However, after so many years, the night spirits ravaged the earth, angels and gods. He had already disappeared, and he could only rely on the weapons in his hand to resist Eidolon's invasion.

I am not an Eidolon, nor a human being, I am the dead of the neutral camp, an undead swordsman who is growing up!

The fairy trail forest is off the beaten track.

There was a faint glow of fire from the flame blade. I walked in the woods, watching the two sides of the road carefully, always feeling that something was following me.

It was late at night, the cold wind was howling, and the lush foliage on both sides of the road was swaying.

Open the big map, the front is already blood red, and it seems that the gathering place of Hellwind Wolf is not far away.

I took a deep breath, lifted my sword and stepped into the jungle, but suddenly felt the fishy wind coming. A snow-white giant wolf had already rushed towards me, opening a mouth full of mucus, and his sharp teeth were glowing with cold light.


Unexpectedly, he was bitten and lost 287 points of vitality. The attack power of this wind wolf is not low!

Turning around, I launched a thunderous and fierce attack, flicking a sword to bring out a big MISS, and then outrageously playing the sword skill in the pardoned state!


The high damage figure flew up, it was too strong, and the wind wolf was chopped and fell out with a horrible cry, already losing half of his vitality!