VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 60: Trapped magic stone


After waiting for a long time, finally, with a beep—

System reminder: Your friend Feng Se Fantasy is online!

Next to him, the tent moved, and Lin Yixin got out with an angry face.

"Well, what's the matter?" I asked.

Lin Yixin looked at me. It seemed that her mood suddenly improved, and she smiled: "Lu Chen, let's not eat dinner. When it's 9 o'clock, I will invite you to supper, okay?"


I glared at her: "Isn't it a banquet without a good banquet?"

"How come?" Lin Yixin smiled: "It's just a normal invitation to dinner, don't you usually invite others to dinner?"

"Yes!" I laughed: "I used to invite Du Shisan to eat, but now I invite him to eat every day, as if he was taken care of by me..."

"Dizzy, you don't feel nauseous, the taste is really strong!" Lin Yixin gave me a sideways glance.

I spread my hand and smiled and said, "Let's go, continue leveling!"


Going deeper into the ghost valley, the carrion gradually reduced, and replaced by a stiff undead creature-a zombie! Of course, the zombies in Ghost Valley are not the kind of jumping and jumping in Qing dynasty official uniforms, but ragged, stiff undeads. They have not evolved into skeletons, and their muscles remain intact, but they have dried up and their flesh is like. The cotton wool was broken, and there was a scream in his mouth.


Level: 45

As I expected, the level is very high!


Lin Yixin has turned into a silver light and rushed over, her beautiful eyes covered with moonlight, it is the moon pupil!


A dagger accurately pierced the zombie’s throat, Lin Yixin pulled the handle of the dagger horizontally, causing fatal damage again, and then changed hands with the long sword, the wind-slaughter sword whistling, and several understatement attacks, this level is 45. The zombies only had time to issue two attacks before they fell.


A big magic stone burst out, and Lin Yixin sank up and picked it up, and asked, "Why don't you fight?"

I said, "Does this zombie have a deep hatred with you? Why do you go to death like this?"

"Huh, I'm in a bad mood!"

"Oh… "

Going forward, the highest level of the zombie is 46, which can be tolerated. And Lin Yixin and I, two masters with both strength and skill, can imagine the efficiency of training here with two top-quality pets. Two people team up to level up, and the skill of a single monster is increased to 140%. In fact, the leveling efficiency is much higher than that of one person.

Five hours later, I was promoted to level 38, and Lin Yixin had already reached level 40, and the amount of killing monsters required for our mission was already full.

I was absorbing a zombie's undead fire with my five fingers open. Lin Yixin patted my shoulder from behind: "Go, let's hand in the task!"


The two walked side by side in the valley, the black bee flew over my shoulders, and the fire blade followed Lin Yixin’s shirt. This fire blade has reached level 34, with high attack power and hard defense. , Qi and blood are also ridiculously high, worthy of Lin Yixin's favorite pet.

My profound bee has also risen to level 36, and the surname is even stronger and outrageous—

Level: 36

Attack: 405

Defense: 282

Qi and blood: 1204

Agility: 585

It can be said that Xuanfeng’s offensive and defensive surname at the moment has completely surpassed me, making me very suspicious whether Lin Yixin liked me or Xuanfeng. After asking, the answer was very hurtful. She really just liked Xuanfeng. It's just the strength.

When we came to Taniguchi, the NPC soldier accepted the dialogue and immediately changed his respect to us. He said grimly: "You have proven your strength, young and powerful adventurers, please accept my little care. Bar!"


System reminder: Congratulations, you have completed the task [Clean Ghost Valley], gained 8500 experience points, prestige value +150 points, and obtained the task reward: [Magic Stone]×1!

The experience value has skyrocketed for a while, without upgrading, it is now at level 38, and the upgrade speed is much lower than before, and it is close to very slow.

After opening the package, a magic stone with dark rays of light appeared. It was the legendary magic magic stone with a quality of 100 points. I couldn't help taking out the magic magic stone and said with a smile: "1 gold coin!"

Lin Yixin screamed "Woo": "I don't have anything..."

"You can't RP..."

"Come less, your RP won't be so good either."

As he spoke, the NPC soldier said with a stern look: "Respected, powerful young adventurer from afar, I must tell you a very terrible thing. The depths of the ghost valley are occupied by a group of terrible dead. They continue to launch attacks on us, they must want to rush out of the ghost valley to attack the human villages and towns under the mountain. For such innocent civilians, please be sure to agree to my request."

Lin Yixin nodded: "You said~"

The soldier said: "Please enter the Ghost Valley immediately and kill 500 blood skeletons and 500 blue skeletons, but you must be careful, these powerful dead creatures will not let all the living, they are cruel and violent, you must be cautious! "


System prompt: Do you accept the task [Blood Diffuse]? (Task level: C-level lower)

Lin Yixin and I looked at each other and smiled. It was actually a C-level mission. Great, such a high-level mission might be able to reward us with a fine iron tool or even a profound iron tool. Now the equipment market in Floating Ice City is so hot. A bronze ware can be fetched at a sky-high price of 100 gold coins. If you sell a mysterious iron tool of about 40, the lowest price is estimated to be more than 500 gold coins, which is equivalent to 50,000 RMB!

At the same time, confirm that the C-level task is ready!

Lin Yixin smashed my arm with the sword hilt and chuckled, "I have a hunch that we may be getting rich, really, at least mysterious ironware, maybe silverware can be produced!"

"Mysterious Ironware?" I glanced at her: "You still have silverware? Yimei, you haven't woken up yet. We are only level 40 now. If you dare to wear silverware and swagger through the market in Floating Ice City, I promise to have a strengthening group. The people follow you waiting to explode you! Humph, I think it’s not bad to get a bronze..."

Lin Yixin glanced at me, and the corners of her mouth raised: "You really didn't pursue..." (PS: The setting of this book is different from that of the world. Please don't think that silverware is garbage equipment. The name of the equipment, the number of players, the price of the equipment, etc. And so on is different from the vertical and horizontal world, this, Ye Ye only said it once, I hope it will not cause dyslexia to everyone.)

The two returned and entered Ghost Valley again. We killed a lot of carrion and zombies along the way, and they are being refreshed one after another. I deliberately avoid these monsters. When there are tasks, don't waste time to kill them. The non-task is weird and time wasting.

Lin Yixin also agreed with my idea and walked side by side with me without saying a word.

Soon after, I came to the depths of the Ghost Valley, and it became gray everywhere, and a layer of blood-red mud was spread on the ground. The boots stepped on it, and the sound of "Humhhhhh" sounded like muddy flesh. Having a sticky surname makes people feel very uncomfortable. Of course, the most uncomfortable is Lin Yixin, and I have become accustomed to the eerie horror of the Eidolon Realm.

"Wait, beautiful lady..." I stopped suddenly.


"There is a situation, the monster has appeared!"



Lin Yixin swept her beautiful eyes, and suddenly said "Ah", "Will you still pretend? Get out for grandma!"

Angrily slashed the sword, the grass shook, a blood-covered skeleton appeared, naked, dragging a bronze sword full of patina, two eye sockets filled with blood, and screamed and rushed towards it. Lin Yixin.

【Blood Skull】

Level: 47

Hey, the level is really high. They are already 47-level monsters, 9 levels higher than me. If I were to single out, it would be a bit reluctant.

I stared at the blood skull and said: "Yiyi, this skull is looking at you in a fascination~"

Lin Yixin chuckled: "It doesn't matter, he will look at you first..."

"Damn, even I dare to watch, the Rats die!"

When I rushed up, it was a pardon. The mysterious bee and the fire blade killed together. After hacking and stabbing, the blood of the blood skeleton fell all the way, and the mysterious bee’s attack output was the highest, especially the combo skill had risen to level 3. Three attacks, three consecutive brushes, at least thousands of damage, such a strong attack output makes Lin Yixin very jealous, vowed to give Fire Blade a combo skill for Eudemons after returning to Floating Ice City.

The first blood skull was successfully solved, and the experience skyrocketed a lot!

It has to be said that the blood of this blood skeleton is very high. A 47-level monster actually has 5000 points of blood, which is too strong. If it is caught as a pet, its health and defense power must be a typical meat shield.

Moving on, the blood skeletons fell under the swords of me and Lin Yixin. This leveling process is absolutely very happy. I like these two feelings very much. One is the feeling of seeing the experience bar soaring, the other is It was very enjoyable to see Lin Yixin's chest undulating when he was able to kill monsters with ease.

After half an hour.

Lin Yixin wiped the sweat from her face and smiled and said, "Lu Chen, how many gold coins do you have now?"

"51, how?"

"10 gold coins sell you a good thing, do you want?"

I saw that she was really smirking and felt that she might be fooled, but she still couldn't restrain her impulse, so she asked, "What good thing?"


Lin Yixin opened her five fingers, and there was a purple spar lying in her snowy palm. The items with the surname "brush" flew up and turned into golden characters floating in the air—

[Sleeping Magic Stone]: Can confine a 1st-level Eudemons, and disappear after use.

I couldn't turn my eyes away: "Damn, what is this?"

Lin Yixin smiled: "Stupid~~ This use is obvious. You can use the trapped magic stone to get an additional opportunity to seal a level 1 pet. You can seal it and sell it with the trapped magic stone. In this case, although you are not a tame Beastmaster, but you can earn the money of the beastmaster!"

I did not hesitate: "Sell me one for 10 gold coins!"


After the transaction was completed, I asked: "Yiyi, where did you get this good baby?"

"Oh, the special surname of the Bright Ranger, you can sacrifice 100 reputation points every week for two trapped magic stones from your instructor. I have a tight hand recently, otherwise I will definitely not sell it."

"Ah, very good!"

Continue to spawn monsters. After the blood skulls, we once again encountered a new kind of undead monster, which is a skeleton covered with cyan rock bones-the blue skull!

The green skull and blood skull clusters are refreshed in the depths of the ghost valley. They are the guardians here, level 48, with extremely high defense power, and very average attack power and agility.

He was killing, and suddenly Lin Yixin was stunned, her beautiful eyes gleaming with a strange look, she slowly raised her finger to a short distance, and muttered in her mouth: "Lu Chen... Look, that's... that's what?"

My gaze swept away, and my whole body was shocked. It was a blue skull that had just been refreshed. This is not surprising. The key is the words floating on its forehead—

【Blue Skull】

Grade 1