VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 66: Copycats


"Depend on!"

The first reaction of Gui Guzi and I was to drew our swords and rushed forward. No matter who attacked Li Le, as long as we kill our customers within the mission time of our Scarlet Mercenary, that would be to ignore the authority of the Scarlet Mercenary!

Keke, let's just think that Scarlet Mercenaries are authoritative!

The figure was shaken, and the person who killed Li Le appeared, his name was very familiar-Crazy Dragon proud bone, the ace assassin of Crazy Dragon Guild unexpectedly appeared here!


Kuanglong Aogu had already seen me and Guiguzi, immediately reached out and took the trapped magic stone and a few equipment into his bag, and grinned: "If you have the seed, come and get it!"

My profound bee arrived the first time, the tail thorns glowed with cold light, and flew away suddenly in the air.

Kuanglong Aogu was very calm, reached out his arms and drew out the phosphor, and disappeared in place with one hand raised, the assassin's level 30 unique skill-disappear!

Forced invisibility is very difficult to break, especially in the early days when we all did not have the ability to kill.



Both Guiguzi and I lost their weapons. There was only Li Le's corpse on the grass. Where else could I see the figure of the arrogant dragon

When I stepped on the ground, I suddenly rotated, and the blade of Hyuna opened an arc in the parallel mid-air!


The invisible mad dragon proud bone made an evasive action. Although I could not see him, I could clearly feel the fluctuation of the wind in the environment. At this time, my mind was clear, and it seemed that I had never had the same senses as this moment. Sensitive too.

Location, found it!

I shouted: "Little devil, 25 degrees north east, right away!"

Although Guiguzi is a bit 2, he reacted very quickly in the game. He had already shot the moment I spoke, and a long spear, a dragon, pierced out of the sea like lightning!


A trace of blood flew out of the air, and the hidden arrogant dragon turned over and fell out of the sneaking state, and it was indeed my judgment.

"Damn, how is it possible?!"

The Kuanglong yelled proudly, and was about to escape when he turned over, but he didn't want Du Shisan to have already stood behind him with the majesty of his sword, Jian Feng pointed and smiled: "Boy, you admit it!"


I flew past, and an understatement brought down the arrogant dragon. The assassin's physique was very limited. Gui Guzi and I were enough to kill him.

With the arrogant dragon falling to the ground, the trapped magic stone exploded again. The explosion rate of this thing is quite high!

Looking at the trapped magic stone lying in the grass, none of the three of us picked it up, and surrounded it.

"What to do, how to deal with this blood skull?" Du Shisan asked.

Gui Guzi said: "Take it back and return it to Le Shao?"

I shook my head: "No need. This blood skull was buried by himself. We will return it to him. That's nosy."

"Then what to do?"

"Yes, how to deal with it?" Du Shisan was also confused.

I groaned and said, "This blood skull cannot be sold by ourselves, so let's take it, thirteen, and sell it with an anonymous game notary transaction. If you exceed 600 gold coins, you can sell it. Don't be greedy!"

Du Shisan nodded: "OK, how to deal with the money sold?"

"Confiscated, used as studio activity funds, um, it's actually the food expenses of our three brothers!"

"Haha, no problem!"

Du Shisan originally wanted to leave the blood skull to practice by himself, but my previous remarks made him change his mind. It is not wise to practice a meat shield pet in the early stage of the game. If it is a mage with more than attack power and insufficient vitality, it may be possible. Practice, the soldiers forget it.

Looking at the two corpses on the ground, Kuanglong Aogu and Li Le were lying head-to-head, like a pair of good brothers. I couldn't help but laugh. Li Le is a second-generation ancestor, and the boss of Kuanglong Aogu and Longxingtianxia is a wealthy family. Master, these two gangs are bound to die endlessly, and the next situation in Floating Ice City seems to be more and more interesting.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Du Shisan sold the blood skull anonymously in an online transaction. They bid 700 gold coins. Then all the 700 gold coins were sold at 80RMB/gold coin. I also sold 900 gold coins for a total income of 76950 yuan. , My personal card is almost 100,000 RMB.

After the transformation of methamphetamine, the delay of my neural reflex in the game was shortened to about 0.3 seconds. Sure enough, I have achieved considerable results in the world of Tianzong. Looking at the balance of the card, I sighed and made good luck. , If a year ago I had the current reaction speed, why would I be repeatedly defeated by the candle shadow chaos, He Yi and Gu Jian Hun Meng would not end in such a desperate way.

Speaking of it, it’s a blessing in disguise. After dying, my body was strengthened and my brain fluctuated very strongly. Unfortunately, I don’t know if I am a human being, especially after I woke up, I saw my skin on my skin. The faint erythema, and the burning pain all over the body under the daylight, everything made me have to stop the heart that wanted to return to the dream of the ancient sword soul, and made me work harder to create the scarlet mercenary, only In this way, I can better protect the ancient sword soul dream, because the ancient sword is my destination, the dreamland of my dreams.

In the afternoon, it was close to dinner time and went offline.

In the hall of the studio, I sat on the sofa, took a ballpoint pen, and recorded all the income and expenditure of the Scarlet Studio today in a notepad—

The blood skull sold for the first time, 1000 gold coins, equivalent to RMB76950

Accept the mercenary mission (to bring Li Le to level 27), 100 gold coins, equivalent to RMB7600

The blood skull sold for the second time, 700 gold coins, equivalent to RMB53,200

Total income: 137750

Expenses: 12 fried dough sticks for breakfast, 5 sesame cakes, a total of 17 yuan, lunch at a Sichuan restaurant, 287 yuan, total expenditure: 304

Net profit today: 137346

I read it again. Du Shisan and Gui Guzi both nodded and said there was no problem. I said: "Since there is no problem, now, the three of us should go to China Construction Bank? Everyone has a card. The Scarlet Mercenary is the first time. Salaries are paid."

Gui Guzi said: "Boss of the halberd, in fact, you grabbed the blood skeleton yourself and shouldn't be counted in the total."

I shook my head and smiled: "It's okay. The money is not too much, just enough. What do you want to do with too much, and you can't bring it into the coffin."

Gui Guzi laughed and asked, "So, how is the salary paid?"

I was confident and bluntly said: "50% of the total income will be deducted as the operating capital of the studio, which will be kept by thirteen, and the remaining three will be divided into three cities. How about the three of us equally?"

Du Shisan was stunned, and said, "Lu Chen, in this case, you seem to suffer too much. In this studio, you have contributed the most, and it stands to reason that you should get the most..."

I shook my head and said, "Needless to say, this is the wasteland period of our studio. I don't want to have too much selfishness. Besides, a blood skeleton sold for seventy to eighty thousand. A game otaku like me has no time to spend. , It’s better to share it with everyone and send some money to the family so that the family can feel at ease and we can have fun outside, right?"

Gui Guzi and Du Shisan nodded in agreement.

At this moment, Du Shisan saw the phone in the paper bag next to me, the TC72 made of pure platinum, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help asking: "Lu Chen, when did you change your phone? This phone... It’s so dazzling and cool, tut, what material is it, so heavy, it’s definitely not cheap, right?"

I smiled casually: "A copy of the carefully crafted aluminum alloy, why, do you like it?"


"Then take it as the 25-year-old birthday gift I gave you in advance."

"Haha, really?" Du Shisan was overjoyed and grabbed the TC72 in his hand.

I smiled and said, "Of course it's true. Use it. It's not very expensive anyway, but... ahem, when the phone is about to be scrapped, you can take it to a gold and silver store for identification. Maybe you can sell it for some money. Ha ha… "

Du Shisan was a little suspicious, holding the TC72, he couldn't put it down, as if he had only captured the heart of his beloved girl after many years, and he refused to let it go.

Before dinner, the three people went to the secondary bank to complete the transfer and other services. They made a public card in my name, deposited 70,000 RMB, and put it in Du Shisan’s custody. All future purchases and living in the studio He presided over all the expenses. This kid has become the chief financial officer of the studio. Gui Guzi has always called Du Shisan "Brother B supervisor", and Du Shisan has always suspected that this kid is scolding himself "B supervisor".

After everything was settled, the three of them drove to the nearest Yijia Hunan Restaurant, which was Xiaoyaoju opposite the University of Science and Technology. The last time I ate here with Lin Yixin, the taste was not bad.

After eating and drinking, go back to the studio and continue working hard!


I appeared in Floating Ice City, looking at my level 40, I have to go out to level up quickly. Players at level 40, level 3 skills will gain proficiency, can be upgraded to level 4, early my ghost armor, pardon , Zhu Jian and other ace skills, let's talk about it until you reach level 4!

At this moment, a ringing sound came--


The system prompts: The player's style fantasy asks to talk to you, do you accept it

After confirmation, Lin Yixin's voice came from the other side: "HI~Lu Chen, good evening!"

I am alert, with such a good attitude, there must be nothing good!

"Yat beauty, please tell me the truth..."

Lin Yixin's silver bell-like laughter came over there. After a few seconds, she said: "Lu Chen, I saw Li Le this afternoon, hehe, the gray-headed look is really interesting~"

"Oh, it's good if you feel good..."

"By the way, I heard that in the morning, you took Li Le to level up?" Lin Yixin asked seemingly inadvertently.

I said deeply: "He didn't recognize me. Besides, the Scarlet Mercenary puts the customer's requirements first. It's normal to take him to level up and serve the people!"

"Are you serving the renminbi?" Lin Yixin said.

I laughed and said, "Yiyi, you didn't level up but you were chatting with me, why, not seeing me for a long time, miss me?"

"Go to hell, the ghost misses you!"

Lin Yixin said with shame, "Okay, I'm going to level up, goodbye!"

With the communicator hung up, I was secretly refreshed, looking at Floating Ice City, it seemed that I was the only one who would dare to openly flirt with the goddess of the fruit knife.

Stepping out of the floating ice city, the goal is directed at my next stop: Reflecting Hills. A refreshing place for high-level monsters, and a sacred place that is rich in "garlic", a level 5 ingredient!