VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 75: Elemental barriers


Hanyue Rose stood up from the grass, gritted her teeth with hatred, this scene reminded me of a joke, on the grass, 50 yuan, 5 times.

With a faint glow of flames, the blade of Hyuna suddenly shredded the kid's head.

The fourth little ghost is also gone, the experience bar has risen a lot, and I still maintain a state of full blood, the black bee has 65% of the remaining blood, which is very good!

My current brainwave neural reflex delay is only 0.4 seconds at most, while for ordinary people, it is about 0.3 seconds. Basically, there are not too many obstacles, but there is still a big gap from the peak level masters. After training and In connection, the brainwave delay of some geniuses can be shortened to 0.1 seconds, such as the legendary masters such as Qingcai Baiyutang, Crazy Scholar, and Zhu Yingchaan.

However, my condition is slowly getting better. Methamphetamine has caused me physical burning pain, but it has also brought me out of the trough of life. It is a blessing in disguise. I believe that in the near future, my delay will definitely be restored. 0.2 seconds, or even lower!

Continue to exercise and move with Xuanfeng to give me a feeling of recovery. The long-forgotten abilities have finally returned again, and the state of my whole person is at its best.

The sword light blossomed. Soon after, the skills such as pardon, blade, necromancer, and undead regeneration were all upgraded to level 4. Killing monsters was even sharper, and the experience value has been rising rapidly. There are countless little ghosts under the sword. With a golden light, I finally reached level 43, only one level lower than the first place, Lin Yixin, and still ranked third.

Hanyue Rose didn’t come back after she left. She also knew that I had the ability to hide from the land, and the level was very high. Even if the Crazy Dragon Guild organized hundreds of people to encircle and suppress, I could still rely on the land to retreat. Besides, , The most important thing is that they know that I have returned to the main city, and the equipment that the BOSS exploded must have been stored in the warehouse. In this case, using hundreds of manpower to kill me by one or two levels is of little practical significance.

I practiced until 7 o’clock in the morning, and my experience gained a lot. The package was filled with big magic stones. At the same time, the mission was completed. The monsters in the town were slaughtered by me, and the bottle was filled with Eidolon venom. Time to hand in the task!

Looking at the experience bar, 97% of level 43 should be able to rise to level 44 after handing in the quest. Once again, it is the same as Lin Yixin's level, but after she goes online, she will definitely level up and throw me off. Lin Yixin’s Slaughter Wind Swordsmanship has greatly improved the efficiency of leveling, and it is indeed very powerful.

Moreover, Lin Yixin intends to establish a guild, so she will definitely try her best to keep the number one in the top list. If this is the case, the guild will be established in the future, and there will be the first masters, and the heroes and heroes in Floating Ice City will not come one after another. cast

Thinking of Lin Yixin, I couldn't help but smile. This MM is both a friend and an opponent. It seems that the relationship between us is becoming more and more complicated and subtle.

Leave the town and head to Crow Hill.

Back in the hut, the palace pharmacist Xiu Yi squinted at me and laughed and said, "Young dead, you are really strong, come on, this is your reward!"


System reminder: You have completed the task [Edwin Venom], gained 14500 experience points, gained 550 prestige points, and obtained the task reward: [Elemental Barrier]!

scare? Equipped? !

I quickly opened the package, and sure enough, a shield with multicolored luster lay in the corner of the package, it seemed that the grade was not low!

When I picked it up, I was dumbfounded—

[Elemental Barrier] (Mysterious Ironware)

Defense: 72

Block: 7%

Stamina: +9

Additional: Increase the user's defense by 1%

Required level: 35

TNND is actually only level 35 equipment, but it is so powerful with a surname, 72 defensive power, higher than my silver boots, too powerful!

In the rules of Tianzong, there is only one profession that can equip shields, the magic knight, so this profession is destined to be a high-defense and high-blooded existence in the end, the best choice for team MT!

Such a 35-level mysterious iron shield has 72 points of defense. A higher level is more against the sky, while fighters like me take advantage of the powerful explosive power of two-handed weapons. The development path of each profession is different.

Well, this elemental barrier is a good thing, it should be brought back to Floating Ice City to sell, or given to Guiguzi!

Chat with the NPC again, but didn't get the task, so I had to return to the city feeling disappointed.


Appearing in the Floating Ice City Plaza, at 8 o'clock in the morning, many diligent players have already been online one after another, and the auction house is very lively.

I walked in and sold the two black stone cloth armors in the package. This was something that was exploded by killing a kid last night. Basically, it looked like dozens of silver coins. It was not very valuable.

I sent a message to Guiguzi and asked: "What does your shield look like?"

Gui Guzi was very excited and said: "Last night I killed a BOSS with Brother B. Hey, a 39-level mysterious iron shield just burst out, with a defense of 65 and a physical strength of +11. Not bad?"

I'm speechless. It seems that my shield can't be sold domestically. Let's put it on the shelf and sell it to the rest of the magic knight players.

I was about to submit, but I heard a sweet voice around me, very familiar, this is the voice that has always been dreaming of me—

"Mingyue, um... This is a bit expensive. A level 25 fine iron shield dare to sell for 100 gold coins. Is it crazy?"

I turned around in amazement and found two big beauties standing next to a transaction window of the auction house, one of them was Murong Mingyue, still rough and beautiful.

The other is a 29th-level knight MM, not very high-end equipment, a sleek and elegant black breastplate envelops a full body, the peaks and ridges do not lose to Murong Mingyue, a beautiful face with a faint smile, Looking forward, she looked graceful while standing there, carrying a black spear in her hand, looking at the equipment on the shelf, above her head, a line of words floated—

On the water side LV-29 magic knight

He Yi, it really is He Yi!

I took a deep breath and felt that my heart was about to burst. This is the second time I saw He Yi in the game. He Yi in Tianzong is still so gentle and graceful, and the beauty revealed in a casual smile. Enough to reverse sentient beings.

Murong Mingyue said: "EVE, stop talking nonsense, okay? Your level 4 whiteboard shields have been brought to the present. It should have been replaced. Even if you save money, you don't need to save it like this? Besides, you have hundreds of thousands in a second. Up and down, do you need to care about these 100 gold coins? This level 25 fine iron shield is already the best here. It's a bit more expensive, but it can greatly improve your defenses, and it won't be so difficult for me to treat ."

He Yi still had difficulty making a choice, frowned, wanted but was reluctant to spend money, pursed his small mouth, hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Don't buy it, let's go and play a fine iron shield. !"

Murong Mingyue was speechless: "Good guy, fight till the year of the donkey... EVE, you are also the boss of the ancient sword and soul dream, how can you still bring a level 4 white board shield? It's too low grade..."

He Yi: "..."

At this moment, I plucked up the courage and walked forward, greeted with a low, hoarse voice that is unique to Eidolon: "HI, beautiful Murong, do you remember me?"

Murong Mingyue was taken aback, He Yi looked back at me like He Yi, her clear eyes made me a little bit overwhelmed.

"Oh, is this handsome man Shensha?" Murong Mingyue pursed his lips and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to be here, how is it, what's the point?"

I took out the Elemental Barrier Shield from the package and said, "This is what I just hit. I heard that your friend needs a shield. We are friends again, so let's sell it to you at a cheaper price!"

"Oh, what kind of shield?"

Murong Mingyue looked at it, and couldn't help but open her small mouth, and said in surprise: "Good fellow, Xuan Tieqi! This... this is a good BT family name..."

As she said, she looked up at me: "Shensha, this should be expensive, right?"

I smiled: "You make a price, and you can sell it. Anyway, I don't need a shield as a soldier."

Murong Mingyue's eyes lit up and she smiled and said, "I'll sell one gold coin, do you sell it too?"

I was taken aback: "You are too dark..."

He Yi chuckled and said, "Well, how about 20 gold coins?"

The price of this mysterious iron shield is at least 100 gold coins. Looking at He Yi's innocent smile, I couldn't help but groan secretly. He Yizai me, I can only recognize it, otherwise, what else

Forget it, anyway, this shield is rewarded by the mission. If you are lucky, I will give it to He Yidang as a long-awaited meeting.

I nodded slightly: "20 gold coins are 20 gold coins!"

He Yi gave an "Ah", but I did not expect that I would agree. Murong Mingyue was even more surprised and fell from ear to ear. I directly handed the shield to He Yi's hand, and then stretched out my hand and said, "Give me 20 gold coins. Late all night, we are going offline, two beauties, please speed up..."

He Yi nodded and gave me 20 gold coins. This loss-making transaction is considered complete.

I waved my hand and turned around to come out of the auction house.

"etc… "

He Yi chased out the auction house, but found that my figure had not entered the hotel. When she rushed to the hotel, I was already offline, and my body gradually blurred.

He Yi looked at me blankly, her beautiful eyes were covered with a layer of mist, and muttered: "It won't be him? Really... it won't be him..."

I was not completely offline. In the offline countdown of the system, looking at He Yimeimei's appearance, I couldn't help but feel a pain in my heart. How long will I have to wait for my body to recover and to meet her

It's already morning in the heartache to go offline.

Guiguzi and Du Shisan also went offline together, and a few of them went to have a casual meal, and then went back to the studio to sleep with their heads covered.

In the dream, He Yi’s beautiful face faintly appeared, and in the vague picture, I heard a smile, saw tears, smelled the fragrance of the old days, the ancient sword soul dream, which touched the hearts of He Yi and me, and made us linger in our dreams. , Scarred, but still persevering without repentance.

When I woke up, I was sweating profusely. After taking a shower, it was already past 5 o'clock in the evening. I met Guiguzi and Du Shisan to the food stall downstairs for a drink. The so-called brothers met three bowls of wine!