Wait for a Summer

Chapter 17


Because of her foot injury, Jian Mingxia didn't move much all day.

The immediate superior called Jian Mingxia to her office. The name was to guide and educate her, but in fact it was to take care of her so that she would not be called out to run materials.

Jian Mingxia's boss, editor-in-chief Yan, is nearly forty years old. She looks rigid and serious on the outside, but in fact she loves to chat and is very kind.

But no matter how kind she was, her subordinates didn't dare to talk to her until Jian Mingxia joined the company. Jian Mingxia's aunt and uncle are both teachers, and both of them are the type who like to preach. They can drag you to talk for hours about the little things about the children at home. When teachers teach people, they don't repeat the same words, and they also like to ask and answer. Jian Mingxia and his cousins privately call them men and women doubles in the education field.

Jian Mingxia grew up under such an education, so she is naturally good at interacting with the elders. It can be summed up in six words: listen with peace of mind and answer seriously.

Therefore, after being caught and chatted by Editor-in-Chief Yan a few times, the two of them felt like they had forgotten their friendship.

In fact, after getting along with her a lot, you will find that Editor-in-Chief Yan is a person who can't hide her words and is a bit outspoken. Although she is nearly forty, she still has the personality of a child.

Jian Mingxia sometimes feels that this is the state of a happy woman.

Jian Mingxia loves to listen to stories, and editor-in-chief Yan is probably one of the two most legendary people Jian Mingxia knows, and the other is Xue Liheng.

Through editor-in-chief Yan's self-report, Jian Mingxia seems to have seen the trajectory of this woman's life.

Her ancestral home is in Guangcheng, from a poor mountain valley in Guangcheng. More than 40 years ago, Editor-in-Chief Yan’s parents left their hometowns and came to Nancheng to be a salesman to earn a living. Editor-in-Chief Yan’s hometown is a place with different customs. They are all women working in the fields to earn money to support their families, while men basically take care of their children at home. ,Doing housework.

So at that time, Editor-in-Chief Yan's mother carried two baskets, one with three children sitting in it, and the other with goods, running from city to city and north, pulling the three children to grow up. As for Editor-in-Chief Yan’s father, she said, he basically slept at home, drank and drank when he had nothing to do, and stayed drunk all day long.

Therefore, Editor-in-Chief Yan wanted to marry an upright man since he was a child, instead of being like his father, who lived a muddle-headed life, which was hateful and pathetic.

Editor-in-Chief Yan’s mother died of overwork. She was less than forty years old when she died, and the oldest child in the family was only in her teens.

Editor-in-Chief Yan said that his brother was really suffering. He was young and didn't want to do anything. She remembered that one year, her and her second brother's tuition fees were all paid by him in exchange for catching birds in the mountains.

These are unimaginable in Jian Mingxia's age, and the tuition fee is actually to be exchanged by catching birds

Editor-in-Chief Yan said that there were many people like this in those days, especially in the countryside, where every household relied on the land to support them, and there was no spare money to send their children to study. to go.

Jian Mingxia asked: "What happened later? Is your brother bringing you up like this?"

Editor-in-Chief Yan said: "No way, he is a child himself, so he can't afford the two of us. In the end, he only provided for my second brother, but I don't hate him. Everyone will choose this way. The second brother belongs to our family. Hopefully, no one expects a girl to lead her family to make a fortune. But it's hard to get over it."

"What about you? How did you go to college?"

"I was able to go to college, and it's like a dream to think about it now. I passed by the city hall once and picked up a wallet. I guarded it there and returned the wallet to the owner. The owner appreciated that I collected money well and offered money to pay for it. I went to college."

Jian Mingxia was a little surprised that it turned out to be such a development.

Editor-in-chief Yan said with a smile: "Actually, I don't care about picking up money. I also want the money in my wallet. When I return so much money, my heart is bleeding. But I dare not want it. If I really take it, My whole life is ruined, think about it, who dares to take the money picked up in the city government? At least twenty years ago, no one dared to take it."

After that, Editor-in-Chief Yan’s life began to get on the right track. She kept in touch with the owner of the wallet. In order to repay her kindness, Editor-in-Chief Yan often went to take care of the old lady on holidays. It is said that she is a filial woman who manages the house. At that time, she had low self-esteem and dared not agree. The grandson of the old lady chased her for two years before she nodded and agreed. After graduating from university, she married him.

The father-in-law and mother-in-law also liked her, saying that she was a decent person. In the next twenty years, editor-in-chief Yan went smoothly and never suffered again.

The only regret is that she has never had a child, but everyone, including her parents-in-law, did not criticize her harshly. Let her relax and don't worry.

Two years ago, Editor-in-Chief Yan finally gave birth to a baby, a fat boy.

When the child was full moon, when Jian Mingxia went to visit, he met Editor-in-Chief Yan's family, they were really amiable family, they were kind and enthusiastic, especially Editor-in-Chief Yan's husband, like Maitreya Buddha, was always smiling.

Therefore, the suffering in the first half of his life did not distort Editor-in-Chief Yan's mind.

She has become the most enviable kind of woman, with a big heart, a fat body, and a childlike heart.

Once Jian Mingxia asked: "Where is your father? How is he doing now?"

Editor-in-Chief Yan said sarcastically: "He is very good. When he was young, his wife took care of him, but his wife lost her son to take care of him. Now he married a young woman. Everything is taken care of by him. He is very good."

Jian Mingxia has already seen the difficulty of being unable to stand up in the editor-in-chief Yan's mother. Therefore, over the years, Jian Mingxia hated Feng Zheng's boyfriend more and more.

Jiang Jie was born in a wealthy family. When he was still in high school, he had 3,000 yuan in pocket money every month, and his grandparents would subsidize him from time to time, which was more than the monthly salary of many people at that time.

When I went to college, I asked for as much as I asked for, and how much my parents gave. He was a man raised in a honeypot and never experienced the hardships of life.

Feng Zheng loved his boldness and free and easy at first, but now he hates his childishness.

At the age of 28, Jiang Jie has never had a formal job, and still asks his parents for money. His parents are not confused. After graduating from university, in order to make him independent, they only give him a few thousand yuan a month for living expenses. , not much else.

Maybe the concept of money is different. In the eyes of Jiang Jie’s parents, thousands of dollars are living expenses, but this is enough for Jiang Jie to do nothing and just wait to get paid every month to live.

When it’s not enough, I can go to my grandparents to get it, or ask Feng Zheng for it. Jiang Jie’s childhood experience made Jiang Jie feel confident in asking for money. There are no such concepts.

So sometimes it is really unnecessary to be angry with others, because the other party really has a different view from you.

Anyway, every time Jian Mingxia heard Feng Zheng tell her about Jiang Jie, he felt irritable, and also felt that Feng Zheng was hopelessly stupid and couldn't communicate with her.

One hundred kinds of rice feeds one hundred kinds of people, and one hundred kinds of people have one hundred kinds of life.

The more she grows up and the more she reads, the more Jian Mingxia feels about this sentence.

After the work came to an end, Editor-in-Chief Yan started chatting with Jian Mingxia again.

Jian Mingxia has been under her hands for so many years, and she also has the feeling that she regards Jian Mingxia as her own junior, and often says: "If my child was born early, I can let him marry you as his wife now, and then we will be heaven." The most congenial mother-in-law and daughter-in-law."

Jian Mingxia smiled: "Then he is not yet twenty years old. If you really do this, he will definitely think you are the most unreliable mother in the world."

Editor-in-Chief Yan can only give up this unrealistic idea, but she is still very concerned about Jian Mingxia's marriage, and tells Jian Mingxia to help her investigate the young man from time to time.

Then there is no more, she can always pick out the faults of others, so the people she introduces usually fail to meet before they meet.

Although she doesn't like blind dates, Jian Mingxia is still grateful to her, because she really puts her heart into it, unlike many introducers who say everything is good. There are many lies in the book, but as long as it can be done, it is a good deed.

There is a professional matchmaker in Jian Mingxia's family community, and he introduces people nearby. Every time he introduces the crooked melon and split dates to Jian Mingxia, he praises him to the sky, but he is not satisfactory when he meets him.

It's not that Jian Mingxia is picky, let's take the person who celebrated Chinese New Year last year as an example. They met once. After a few days, the man finally asked Jian Mingxia to meet again. Jian Mingxia had a low fever that day. To be honest, the man asked her to pay attention to her body. Finally, ask her: Are you still coming out tonight

At that moment, Jian Mingxia couldn't help suspecting that it was him who had the fever, so he blocked him decisively.

After that, when Jian Mingxia returned home, she no longer wanted to go on a blind date, and the introducer said that it was useless to talk about it.

However, Jian Mingxia will still give editor Yan face. Although up to now, Jian Mingxia has never seen a man, but it is interesting to hear about editor Yan's digging for information about him.

This time, Editor-in-Chief Yan discovered another young man with potential.

The son of editor-in-chief Yan's mother-in-law's card friend, who is one year older than Jian Mingxia, just came back from Shanghai, and plans to find a wife before the Chinese New Year, and then go to Shanghai next year to develop together. After telling him about Jian Mingxia's situation, he is also very interested in Jian Mingxia and hopes to make an appointment to meet her.

But editor-in-chief Yan felt that there was still room for investigation. A man who is not bad, why did he suddenly come back and hurry up to find a partner? Could it be that there are so many women in the magic capital who look down on him, so he still has to come back for introductions? Therefore, we still need to investigate and investigate, but it is also possible to meet.

Jian Mingxia hesitated for a moment, and said, "Editor-in-chief, I don't want to think about these things recently."

Editor-in-Chief Yan shook Jian Mingxia's hand and said: "It's okay, don't feel pressured, just meet up, if you agree, try to get along with each other, if you don't agree, just treat yourself as a friend."

"It's not for this reason. I don't have the energy to think about other things recently. To tell you the truth, you might laugh at me. I met a man. He was my former neighbor. We grew up together. He said that he started four years ago. I just like me, and I promised him to think about him seriously, so I can't meet this person."

Jian Mingxia felt that she couldn't go on a blind date while thinking about Xue Liyan.

"Hey, you too, it's a good thing that I laugh at you when you're so out of touch. Come on, let's not talk about that, tell me about your neighbor, how is he?"

"He's fine." Jian Mingxia said hesitantly, "But he's five years younger than me, so I don't think it's appropriate."

Editor-in-Chief Yan frowned, and said, "Those are all lies, Xiao Xia, what is the most important thing in a woman's life? It's how you live, not what others think of you."

"When I married my husband, my friends said that he wanted me to be young and beautiful, and that he would find someone younger and more beautiful when he got tired of me. They said that my parents-in-law appreciate me now, but because it has nothing to do with it Myself, when I really become their daughter-in-law, I will definitely start to look down on me, and maybe I will think that I went there for their money. I was also very afraid of being told by them. In the early years, I always I lived carefully, and after more than ten years of marriage, I couldn't have any children, so they said, I should make preparations early, otherwise I won't know when I will be kicked out."

"What do you think now? Xiaoxia, life is not what others say, but you have to feel it yourself. Good or bad, use the ruler in your heart to measure it, not what others say the wind is the wind, say Rain is rain. I live my own life, what others say, does it have anything to do with me?"

"In the same way, you worry that this boy is much younger than you, and others will look at you strangely, but these have nothing to do with you. What you need to care about is whether he treats you well, and his heart for you is true. Not true. This is what a woman should care about. As long as he treats you well and is true to you, is there anything more important than this? Find out about this first, and then think about other things. "

Jian Mingxia was a little ashamed at what editor-in-chief Yan said. After all, she is an old-timer in the emotional field, and she treats emotional issues thoroughly.

Editor-in-Chief Yan asked: "Now you think he treats you well, is he really treating you?"

"I don't know." Jian Mingxia shook her head, she just knew about it, so she didn't want to think so much.

"Then see it, feel it, and then make a decision with your heart."

Jian Mingxia pondered for a while, then nodded: "I will, thank you editor-in-chief."

"No need to thank you. Come on, tell me about this young man, how is he? How did he chase you?"

Jian Mingxia was a little embarrassed, but she still thought about what she could say. For those who really cared about her, Jian Mingxia felt that there were some things that she had nothing to hide.

From this reunion, Jian Mingxia began to narrate slowly.

Outside the editor-in-chief's office, the editors guessed, whose report is Editor Jian making this time