Wait for a Summer

Chapter 20


Will it snow in summer: I want to try, in the last youth of my life, to love someone once, so that when I am old, I can tell myself in my memory that I have loved, and this life is not in vain.

The moon is a circle Reply: Sister, are you in love

Will it snow in summer: Yes. Is the wedding date set

The moon is a circle Reply: Congratulations on leaving the order. It's settled, get married on New Year's Day, sister, remember to come and have a wedding wine, as agreed, there will be a big red envelope, let me count the money until I am soft, and my brother-in-law will bring it too!

Will it snow in summer: Don't worry, it will make you soft.

The moon is a circle Reply: Yes. Then I'm going to sleep, you go to bed early too, good night.

Will it snow in summer: Good night.

The kite who wanted to break the line replied: No, Xia Xia, you are not in love with that kid surnamed Xue, are you crazy

Seeing this message from Feng Zheng, Jian Mingxia did not choose to reply. Turning off the Weibo interface, Jian Mingxia lay on the bed in a daze with her eyes open, and light shone in from the curtain that was opened a gap.

The person on the opposite side has not fallen asleep yet.

Li Lixiang got married on New Year's Day, but she didn't say a word about the bridesmaids. At the beginning, she agreed to be each other's bridesmaids and send each other to the sedan chair. Now it seems that it is just a yellowing leaf in time, and it is nowhere to be found.

Thinking about those things in the past, Jian Mingxia couldn't sleep.

In the past, she would just be alone in a daze, but now she seems to have someone she can justifiably disturb.

She sent Xue Liyan a message.

Jian Mingxia: Are you asleep

It was almost a second over there.

Little Tail: None.

Jian Mingxia: Why haven't you slept yet

Little Tail: Waiting for your message.

Jian Ming Xia Lengran, how did he know that she would send a message

Jian Mingxia: How did you know I would send a message

Little Tail: I just think you might send messages. You always like to think about things before going to bed, and when you can’t sleep, you want to find someone to chat with.

Jian Mingxia: Er, is that so? I haven't texted anyone in years.

Little Tail: You only send it to me, I know.

Jian Mingxia didn't reply for a while. She couldn't sleep before, and she seemed to always send messages to Xue Liyan, because among the people she knew, he was the only one who was free. Whenever she sent him a message, he would always be awake, sometimes in the middle of the night Also, Jian Mingxia will send him a message to complain about some things, and by the way, scold the children who play games in the middle of the night and don't go to sleep.

Jian Mingxia: To be honest, I sent you messages before, did you find me annoying

Little Tail: Yes.

Jian Mingxia: What nonsense are you talking about! Am I really annoying

Little Tail: Well, it’s very annoying. You can send me dozens of messages a day, and you send them very quickly. Before I reply, the next message comes again. When it’s over, you complain that I don’t reply to the message, and you don’t respect the elders.

Jian Mingxia: Haha, your hand speed is slow, blame me

Little Tail: Well, I don't blame you.

Jian Mingxia felt that what he said was not sincere at all.

Jian Mingxia: Xue Liyan, I used to feel like I was very annoying, why do you still like me

Little Tail: Jian Mingxia, if someone is around you all day, you will get used to her.

Jian Mingxia: So, is your feeling for me a habit

It took a while to reply to the message. The lights on the opposite side had also dimmed, and Jian Mingxia waited in the dark for a reply, feeling a sense of uneasiness in her heart that she hadn't experienced in many years.

Little Tail: Yes. I am used to falling asleep only when I receive your messages. I am used to checking my phone to see if I have ignored your text messages. I dare not think about whether you have fallen in love with someone during the period when you did not reply, and whether you no longer need my company. .

Little tail: Jian Mingxia, the thing I hated the most was not being able to grow up with you, so I can't even say I like you.

Five years seems like a short time. But in these five years, when she was in high school, he was still in elementary school, when she was in college, he still had one year to go to high school, she could talk about marriage after graduating from college, and he just finished the college entrance examination , is still a few months away from becoming an adult, and four years away from the legal marriage age.

So five years is really not a short time.

Jian Mingxia: I'm sorry, I don't know, four years ago, I didn't receive your text message.

Little Tail: If you received it, would you agree

Jian Mingxia: No.

Will 23-year-old Jian Mingxia fall in love with 18-year-old Xue Liyan? Obviously not, Jian Mingxia told the truth.

Little Tail: So, I'm glad you didn't receive it. If you had, you wouldn't consider me today, would you

Jian Mingxia: Yes. Did you think that I rejected you at that time, so you stopped contacting me

Little Tail: Yes.

Jian Mingxia felt that there was something inside, Feng Zheng might be involved, maybe the message had been received, but the person who opened it should be Feng Zheng, what did Feng Zheng say to Xue Liyan? Then maybe the only way to know is to ask Feng Zheng for confirmation.

Little Tail: Asleep

Jian Mingxia: No, I was thinking about something, little tail, I thought you stopped contacting me because you thought I was annoying.

Little Tail: You know now, I didn't for that reason.

Jian Mingxia: Well, little tail, you owe me two tickets to the amusement park.

Little Tail: Then I'll give you two back, okay

Jian Mingxia: I think about it. I am sleepy.

Little Tail: Go to sleep, good night.

Jian Mingxia: Good night.

Half an hour passed.

Jian Mingxia: What should I do, I can't sleep.

Little Tail: I can't sleep either.

Jian Mingxia: Let's go for a walk!

Little Tail: Well, wear more.

Jian Mingxia felt that sometimes she was crazy alone, but there was one person who was willing to accompany her crazy.

This seemed to be the life she had been looking forward to for a long time. No matter how ridiculous things she wanted to do, she knew in her heart that there would be someone who would indulge her.

After she wrapped herself into a ball, Xue Liyan rang the doorbell before she even opened the door.

He tidied her scarf and asked her: "Go for a walk now, can your feet bear it?"

It's hard to bear, a real warrior will go on even if his feet are bleeding, but she won't say that.

Jian Mingxia looked at him with a smile: "If I say I can't bear it, will you carry me?"

He didn't answer, just turned around and bent down with his back to her.

Jian Mingxia was not polite, she put her arms around Xue Liyan's neck and lay on his back.

She didn't dare to lie on the whole body, her chest was some distance away from his back, and she leaned on it.

But if this is the case, he has to lower his waist, although it is only a psychological effect, it may not really fall.

After noticing this, Jian Mingxia really lay on the ground.

She grew up so big, except for the male elders in the family, it was the first time that other men carried her on her back.

The last time someone carried her was many years ago. When she graduated from high school, a few sisters went to the prodigal family to relax. Walking on the street, she suddenly suffered from menstrual pain and her eyes turned white. It was Feng Zheng who carried her home that day , so thin and small, Feng Zheng carried her all the way home and climbed up to the fourth floor in one breath. Li Lixiang helped her carry the shoes, and Zhou Dan helped her carry the bag.

At that time, she was so moved by the pain that she swore in her heart that she would be their good sister for life.

Now that she was lying on another man's back, she also had the urge to cry.

Jian Mingxia's tear point has always been very low, and at some point, she has become more and more emotional.

Seeing a lonely old man on TV, saying that he has worked so hard to bring up his child, but the child is not filial at all, Jian Mingxia can't help but think about the old man raising a few children alone, what he has experienced and suffered, and then put I was so moved that I couldn't stop crying.

She is a person with too much imagination, and she always thinks about more things than others, but it is difficult to change her mind about the things she believes, so she always alienates herself from the people around her unconsciously.

Jian Mingxia lay on Xue Liyan's back and said to him: "My mother said that I lived to be twenty-seven years old, and I was still like a child. I lost my temper when I didn't go well. Whatever you do is wrong."

"You obviously found a girlfriend who is so much older than you, but she didn't take care of you, but asked you to take care of her. Do you regret it?"


Xue Liyan walked with her on the sidewalk that was becoming sparsely populated, and the street lamps stretched their shadows long. He said: "I only hope that you can rely on me a little more, and be a little more childish. It's best to be so bad-tempered that you can only I can bear it, so that I don't have to worry about one day in the future, you suddenly bid farewell to me."

"Men are born artists of lies. There is a certain truth to this sentence. When my temper is so bad that no one can bear it, you will run away long ago, okay?"

"Then you want to make a bet with me?"

"No, I'm not stupid."

Treating yourself as a princess disease that everyone hates is really nothing to do when you are full.

Xue Liyan called her name: "Jian Mingxia."


"If it's just in front of me, you can be a little more bad-tempered and more pampered. You must at least make me feel that I am different from others in your eyes, is that okay?"

It was the first time for Jian Mingxia to hear such a self-abuse request. She bent her eyes and said, "Your request is a bit too embarrassing for me, but since it is your sincere request, let me think about it."

"Well, are you hungry?"


The two found a place to eat a small glutinous rice balls, and then went home to sleep.

Jian Mingxia lay on the bed, and received another message.

Little Tail: I turned off the phone, go to sleep.

She curled her lips, making it look like she was harassing him!

Jian Mingxia closed her eyes and slowly fell asleep.