Wait for a Summer

Chapter 25


When Xue Liyan called Jian Mingxia the next day, Jian Mingxia was still asleep.

He asked her on the phone: "What do you want for breakfast, I'm here at Lanhu Park."

Jian Mingxia didn't speak for a while, and after restraining her anger from getting up, she said weakly: "I don't want to eat, I don't want to eat anything."

He continued to say in a good-tempered manner: "There is a porridge shop here that tastes very good. The fillings of the steamed buns are well prepared and taste very fresh. You can eat them without green onions. Would you like to eat them?"

"I'm so sleepy. What are you doing at Lanhu Lake so early?" Jian Mingxia wanted to veto it forcefully, but when she thought of the aroma of the steamed buns, she began to salivate. She took the phone in front of her and looked at it. seven thirty.

He didn't go to work, what did he do when he woke up so early, and even went to Lanhu Park, which took half an hour by car.

Normally, Jian Mingxia would be able to get up at seven o'clock. She usually goes to bed early and wakes up early, but after a day of walking yesterday, today she feels that her body is not her own. She is so tired that she can't even open her eyes.

Xue Liyan said: "I came here to exercise, and I haven't exercised for a while. Then I'll bring you some, and you can sleep for a while."


Jian Mingxia closed her eyes and didn't care whether the phone was hung up or not.

About half an hour later, Jian Mingxia's doorbell rang.

Jian Mingxia got off the bed with bare feet and opened the door, then climbed back to bed and continued to sleep.

Xue Liyan looked at her bare feet, frowned, and said, "Why don't you look at the cat's eyes, if it's not me?"

Jian Mingxia covered her head with the quilt, and an indistinct voice came out from under the quilt: "There are so many accidents, at this time, who else will knock on the door except you."

Sometimes he really worries more than her mother, even though they live in the opposite building, but every time he has to wait for the lights in her house to turn on before leaving.

Xue Liyan didn't continue this topic, and said to her: "Get up and have breakfast, it will hurt your stomach if you sleep again."

Jian Mingxia refused: "No, I'm so sleepy."

Xue Liyan didn't move for a while, and after a while, Jian Mingxia couldn't help but lifted the quilt to look, and found that he had pulled up a chair, just sitting beside her bed and looking at her, those charming peach blossom eyes just for a moment He stared at her momentarily.

Jian Mingxia missed a beat, covered her face with her hands, and said excitedly: "There is no sound at all, are you going to scare me to death?"

Xue Liyan smiled and said, "Are you really not going to get up? Jian Mingxia, laying on the bed so defenselessly in front of her boyfriend, are you implying something?"

Jian Mingxia thought for a few seconds before recalling the meaning of his words. She wanted to smash his bag with her mobile phone, and immediately put down her hands and glared at him: "Don't think of others as yellow, okay?" ?”

"It's true, I shouldn't judge others by myself." He nodded, and said the most shameless words in the world in a serious tone.

Jian Mingxia felt so congested, how did he do it, when he said the most unserious words in such a serious manner, Jian Mingxia stretched out a foot from under the bed and kicked him, and said disgustedly: "Go out, you can come in to the girl's room Is it? Shameless, get out."

Xue Liyan reached out and grabbed that foot, and put it back under the quilt. He didn't give her time to get angry again. He stood up and walked outside, saying as he walked, "Five minutes, come out for breakfast."

Jian Mingxia shouted: "Close the door."

After the door closed, Jian Mingxia patted her flushed face, rolled on the bed a few times, and then got up to find clothes to wear.

After Xue Liyan made such a fuss, the ghost fell asleep.

Although he was just talking, even if all the men in the world turned into perverts, Jian Mingxia believed that Xue Liyan would not, he gave her a kind of confidence, a kind of confidence that would not hurt her.

He was so careful even holding hands, and he didn't dare to do anything if I lent him ten guts!

It didn't take long for Jian Mingxia to put on her clothes. She didn't suffer from entanglement. She always took and put on her clothes whenever she wanted. Sometimes she was too lazy to look for clothes. It was not uncommon for her to wear two sets of clothes in a week.

But today she was still picky, wearing a casual outfit she bought on Friday.

When he left the room, Xue Liyan had already prepared breakfast. The porridge and steamed buns were steaming, and they should have been reheated.

Xue Liyan was holding a book on the shelf and looking at it. Seeing her coming out, he reminded her: "Go and brush your teeth."

Jian Mingxia pouted, sometimes she would be lazy and brush her teeth after breakfast, this bad habit has been told by her mother many times, but after work, she always eats breakfast on the way to work, there is no chance for her to carry forward this habit vice.

Didn't expect him to remember so clearly.

After Jian Mingxia finished washing, he and Xue Liyan had breakfast together. He ate quite a lot, and he could see that he hadn't had breakfast before, so he specially waited for her to have it together.

The amount of fitness exercise is heavy, and he will be very hungry soon after the end, but he still deliberately waits for her to eat together. Jian Mingxia is a little happy while feeling distressed.

When she was half full, Xue Liyan slowed down her eating speed and said to her: "Start tomorrow morning, go to morning exercise with me."

Jian Mingxia refused: "I won't go, I'm so tired."

He frowned and said, "I feel that you lack exercise too much, and your body will get worse and worse."

Jian Mingxia thought for a while, but still refused: "I do some exercise. If I have nothing to do in the morning, I will do aerobics or something. It's fine to exercise outdoors. I'm so tired in the morning, and I don't have the energy to go to work during the day."

Xue Liyan thought about it, and felt that what she said made sense. Even if you exercise, you have to do it gradually, otherwise you won't get the effect of exercise, and it will put a burden on your body, so as a compromise, he said: " Then you go to exercise with me on weekends first, and your body adapts, and then slowly increase the intensity."

This time Jian Mingxia nodded and agreed with a smile: "Okay."

Xue Liyan looked at her suspiciously, unexpectedly she would agree so readily.

Jian Mingxia smiled and said: "You are so considerate of me, I have no reason to object, isn't it? Actually, I also wanted to exercise before, but I didn't go because I found it boring."

Jian Mingxia has always known that she lacks exercise, but as she said, it's boring to do anything alone. If she has someone to accompany her, she also wants to exercise. Who doesn't want to be healthier, health is the capital of longevity.

However, Jian Mingxia was very touched when he brought up this matter, which showed that he cared about her health.

Vigorous, sleepless love is certainly exciting, but what Jian Mingxia needs now is a lover who can look to the future.

She no longer needs someone to accompany her on the road late at night, she only needs a warm breakfast.

Xue Liyan added a bowl of porridge to her and asked her, "Why do you keep looking at me?"

She propped her chin, looked at him without blinking, and said, "It looks good."

Xue Liyan also looked at her, and then the tips of his ears slowly turned red.

His ears were originally thin, and when viewed through light, the tips of the ears felt a bit transparent, and the red color looked particularly fresh, Jian Mingxia really wanted to twist it.

Thinking of this, Jian Mingxia really reached out to twist it, it was soft, a little hot, and it felt very good.

Xue Liyan grabbed her hand. Not only did his ears turn red, but his face also turned red. He looked serious just now like a little old man, but now he is more in line with his age, a tender young man like a green onion.

Jian Mingxia suddenly felt a little guilty, such a tender child actually fell into the hands of a big devil like her, really disturbed his conscience.

Jian Mingxia didn't pull back his hand, and he didn't let go either. Jian Mingxia turned her hands around and looked at his fingers. Seeing him from such a close distance, his hands are even more beautiful, with slender fingers and well-proportioned joints. Jian Mingxia only wished that these hands were her own.

He just let her watch, without speaking, and without taking his hand back.

It wasn't until the breakfast was cold that Jian Mingxia let go of his hand, and accidentally went into a daze again, hey.

Jian Mingxia complained to him: "The porridge is cold, why didn't you remind me?"

He said: "Seeing that you are too absorbed in your thoughts, I don't want to disturb you."

She has been in a daze since she was a child, and she was arranged by the teacher at the desk because of this incident when she was a child, but until now, she still seems to be in a daze from time to time, but it is different from other people's daze, she will think about a lot of things when she is in a daze, It may be meaningless content, but she herself likes this feeling. She is a person who likes to think and enjoys thinking. Every time she wants to understand a truth or understand an emotion, she will feel happy.

Her thinking is different from most people, so many people can't understand her and think she is a person addicted to fantasy, but in fact, all she thinks about are the simplest things around her. She understands the world and understands more than anyone else. people.

Xue Liyan knew this, so he didn't want to disturb her, even if she was just thinking about how breakfast was made today.

You silly boy, I'm thinking about the possibility of changing hands with you! Jian Mingxia complained a few words in her heart, and asked him: "Any other plans for today?"

He shook his head.

"Then let's go shopping? Then go to a movie at night."

"Okay." Xue Liyan naturally had no objection.

Jian Mingxia packed her things and went out with him.

It's good to go out with Xue Liyan, he won't complain about being tired, and he won't be perfunctory when asking his opinion.

Jian Mingxia is a person with a clear purpose, shopping is shopping, and shopping is shopping, so she basically didn't buy anything this day, she just looked around and occasionally ate some snacks.

Xue Liyan was not anxious because of this, he seemed to be very interested all the time, and he could answer a few words when asked him, and he could hear that the answer was thoughtful.

In the evening, like the most common couples, the two bought two couple movie tickets, ate snacks, and watched a love movie.

After watching it, Jian Mingxia said: "Actually, I don't like watching romantic movies, because I usually guess the ending before I finish watching it, and there is no novelty at all."

Xue Liyan said: "Then let's watch something else next time."

Jian Mingxia nodded. The two held hands and slowly followed the crowd out of the cinema.

There is a kind of love, before it ends, we know the result.

Because of the process, it has given us countless hints.

Xue Liyan held her hand, walking very lightly and slowly. He only hoped that that day would come a little slower, and a little slower.