Wait for a Summer

Chapter 28


Sometimes, Jian Mingxia really feels that time flies, in the blink of an eye, people around her are getting married, and they even get together.

The time has entered December, which means that the new year is coming again, and the number of times Jian Mingxia was urged to marry has reached its peak again.

At home, there is basically a phone call every three days and a heart-to-heart talk every five days. This time, not only the mother talked about this issue, but also relatives in the family, especially the aunts and uncles who are doubles in the education field, joined hands to do ideological work for Jian Mingxia. What they said was very educational. Meaning, to Jian Mingxia, if she does not get married, it will hinder the development of human beings, such a profound worry.

Don't doubt the teacher's eloquence and debating ability. No matter what reasons Jian Mingxia finds out, they can refute her from various professional angles. Well, no one urged him, so the aunt said directly: "Can a man be compared with a woman? Even if he is forty years old, he can still find a twenty-year-old girl, can you?"

Jian Mingxia screamed: "Auntie, as a people's teacher, how can you make such patriarchal remarks."

The aunt said realistically: "Because this is reality, it has nothing to do with how I see it or how you see it."

Jian Mingxia was very speechless, and the auntie over there continued: "Birth, old age, sickness and death, marriage and childbirth are all processes that a person must go through. It does not mean that a person must marry and have children, but after marriage and childbirth, this person is complete. Let's When you come to this world, you are destined to experience these things, because this is a part of human beings. On a small scale, this is the continuation of your life. On a large scale, it is a person’s responsibility to stand in the world. You accept the world’s responsibilities. To give is to give back, and no one can escape this responsibility."

It's really tall, but it's useless!

Jian Mingxia said: "You have said so much, I only have one feeling, that is, my head really hurts!"

The aunt laughed over there: "You child, why do you look like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water?"

Jian Mingxia sighed: "Hey, please spare me, one year at most, really, it's just the last year, after one year, if you want to kill or cut, it's up to you."

"That's not the case. I'm telling you this, not to force you to make decisions you don't want to make. Life is your own. None of us can help you make decisions. I can't, and neither can your mother. I said these , just as a reference for you, if you think what auntie said is right, just think about it in your heart, if you think it makes no sense, just pretend that I didn’t say it. But you have to know, whether it’s me or your mother, our It’s a good place to start.”

Jian Ming Xia Xin said, dare I pretend that I have never heard of it? She sighed again, and said, "Auntie, I understand everything you said. I really understand. It's really only one year. After one year, I will do whatever you want me to do. There is no difference."

Worried that the aunt would explain the truth again, Jian Mingxia pretended to be very busy and said: "Auntie, I won't tell you anymore, my friend urged me, I hung up the phone, goodbye!"

Then hang up in seconds.

After hanging up the phone, Jian Mingxia felt like she was sweating.

Xue Liyan sat on the side, looked at her and smiled, and asked her: "What did your aunt tell you to scare you like this?"

Jian Mingxia lay on the table and said: "She and I talked about the harm of late marriage to women's bodies, and the responsibility of human beings to stand in the world. My world view has been impacted, I need to eat an ice cream to calm down!"

Xue Liyan looked at her with a smile, but did not express any opinion.

Jian Mingxia also felt that they shouldn't talk about this topic, as if she was implying something to him, so she changed the subject: "I think I have enough exercise in the morning, so I won't go back to the gym in the afternoon?"

Xue Liyan stared at her quietly for a few seconds, as if he wanted to see through her whole body, and then said slowly: "That's not okay, it's okay, you will listen to me all day today."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but the smile on his face seemed to fade a little.

Jian Mingxia glared at him and said, "But you didn't tell me before that we have to spend the whole day in the gym!"

"Because I didn't know before that you couldn't even run a thousand meters."

"Don't be funny, which of the current office workers can run a thousand meters without falling to the ground?"


Jian Mingxia was speechless, she could only quibble: "I'm just not good at running. Ever since I was a child, I never passed the 800-meter run."

Xue Liyan said: "This is not a reason for you to be lazy."

"Then you can't let me run for another afternoon, can you?" Jian Mingxia felt that she would definitely die.

Xue Liyan pondered for a moment, and said, "If you don't exercise in the afternoon, learn something else, women's self-defense, are you interested?"

Jian Mingxia nodded immediately: "I'm super interested, but who will teach me, the trainer in the gym?" If it's a fitness trainer, Jian Mingxia hopes to be a woman. She doesn't like any physical contact with the opposite sex, and this kind of intimate Teach me, I have no bad intentions, but I also feel embarrassed.

Xue Liyan shook his head, but didn't give her an answer. He looked at the time and said, "It's almost time, let's go back to the gym slowly."

Jian Mingxia got up after him, walked backwards and asked him: "You haven't said yet, who will teach me, let's say first, as long as the female coach."

She is wearing the same style of sportswear as Xue Liyan, which Xue Liyan gave her a few days ago, a full set of sportswear, including a vest and shoes, one red and one blue, today she is wearing red, Xue Liyan also wore this style. When they walked together, they felt like they were wearing couple outfits.

Xue Liyan shifted her gaze from the tracksuit she was wearing to her hair, and said, "I don't have long hair anymore."

Jian Mingxia touched her ear-level short hair, and said: "Because it is very troublesome to take care of, every time I wake up from sleep, I have pimples on my head, which is very difficult to comb. Hey, if you don't answer me again, I will be angry!"

"Who else can teach you but me?" He finally gave a positive answer.

Jian Mingxia's eyes widened to express her surprise: "Could it be that besides being a middle school animator, you also work as a part-time fitness trainer?"

Xue Liyan gave her a blank look, and said, "Is it interesting to ask knowingly?"

Jian Mingxia pursed her lips and smiled: "I just want to hear from you."

Acting like a baby is a woman's innate skill. In front of the person she likes, no matter how hard-hearted a woman is, she will turn into a puddle of spring water.

Xue Liyan kept his eyes straight and pretended not to hear. Jian Mingxia took his hand and shook it. His heart was shaken to the point of dislocation, he could only admit helplessly: "My own girlfriend, I just want to teach myself, so, is it okay?"

Jian Mingxia took his hand and laughed at him: "I can't tell, you are so narrow-minded."

He couldn't help but find it funny, and asked her, "You really can't see it?"

"Fake." Facing his smiling eyes, Jian Mingxia really couldn't say anything against her will. Well, she had to admit that as soon as he said to let her learn self-defense, she guessed that he might be the one who would teach her. He always seemed to be able to consider everything, and there was no reason to be unprepared.

He always refreshed her understanding of him again and again. Before being with him, Jian Mingxia never knew that a man could be so careful in life.

Perhaps it should be said that his desire to control is a bit overwhelming, but fortunately, she doesn't hate it.

She likes that he arranges everything so that she can act like a little girl and not have to worry about anything.

As she once said, she is the older one, but he is taking care of her. In front of him, she will always forget her real age.

After returning to the gym and doing warm-up exercises, Xue Liyan brought Jian Mingxia to a practice room and said to her: "Let's start with the most basic ones. For women with ordinary physical fitness, defense is the best." attack, and there are only a few types of attack modes for ordinary people, and I will show you the summed up several attack modes, and what you have to do is to avoid my coercion as much as possible."

"Okay." Jian Mingxia nodded, feeling a little nervous.

After confirming that she was ready, Xue Liyan started to attack her. He used the most common capture method, but no matter how Jian Mingxia dodged, he would always catch him. He easily surrounded Jian Mingxia with one hand. , Xue Liyan stuck behind her, and asked in her ear: "Do you know why you can't hide?"

"There's a huge difference in strength," she said.

"Yes, the capture method of ordinary men is actually no skill at all, but due to the difference in physical strength between men and women, an ordinary man's physical strength is enough to deal with a woman of ordinary physical strength. Next, I will teach you how to avoid such people Attack, and at the same time choose the right moment to counterattack, you don't have many opportunities to counterattack, so you have to be good at seizing opportunities."

Xue Liyan let her go and taught her formally. In fact, in women's self-defense, it is unnecessary to come up to teach fighting. In the case of a huge difference in physical strength, dodging is the primary focus of learning.

What Xue Liyan teaches is a gradual process, starting with dealing with ordinary men. After all, it is more likely to encounter ordinary people than to encounter gangsters who can fight.

In addition, disarming is also a must-learn part.

Jian Mingxia felt that she had encountered malice from men that she had never encountered in twenty-seven years. Xue Liyan could always subdue her easily. She had almost no power to resist. This is not an exaggeration. In fact, men and women really move At first, it basically ended with the failure of the woman.

Being subdued again and again, there was no escape, and he basically grabbed her in his arms. This way of subduing people was too aggressive. Jian Mingxia was a little afraid of Xue Liyan. She couldn't help but say: " If someone treats me like you do, I have no chance of escaping at all, and it's scary to think about it."

Xue Liyan frowned, thought for a while and said: "Actually, it's not true. The demonstration I made did not make mistakes. The probability of ordinary people making mistakes is very high, or because of the influence of nervousness, various variables are caused. You have actually done a lot. All right."

"But according to the method you taught, I never avoided it once!"

"Because I'm stricter."

"But I don't have any sense of accomplishment in this way!"

Xue Liyan was speechless, but after thinking about it, what she said made sense, how could she have the interest to continue being beaten passively, so next, he began to release water to a certain extent.

The number of Jian Mingxia's escapes began to increase, and the counterattack was occasionally successful. Although Xue Liyan dodged them all, it was considered an effective attack and could hit ordinary people.

It is very boring to keep dodging and looking for opportunities to fight back, but because Xue Liyan is with him, Jian Mingxia doesn't feel bored.

Sweating profusely, Jian Mingxia stopped, panting and asked him: "You said just now that these are ordinary people's capture methods, so how do other people, those who really know how to fight, subdue people?"

Xue Liyan asked back: "Want to try?"

Jian Mingxia nodded excitedly, she was just asking, but now it seems that he really does.

Xue Liyan approached her, and before Jian Mingxia could react, she was pinned to the ground. Because of the air cushion, he also helped her buffer the force of her fall, so Jian Mingxia didn't feel any pain, but felt dizzy and dizzy, and was thrown for no reason. On the ground, I don't know what happened.

She got up from the ground and said, "Come again!"

Xue Liyan threw it again.

Then Jian Mingxia got up and said to continue.

After a few times, Xue Liyan felt that she probably thought it was fun and became addicted, and he didn't spoil her interest, so he just played with her like this.

Jian Mingxia thinks that being thrown out like this is actually quite fun, and this feeling of weightlessness is definitely a very novel experience.

After being knocked down again, Xue Liyan simply lay down with her. He lay on the ground and locked her hands and feet in his arms.

Jian Mingxia struggled, but naturally couldn't break free, she called him: "Don't let go!"

He said wearily: "I don't have any strength, I don't want to move."

"Then let go of me first!"

Xue Liyan let go of her as promised, but his arms were still around her waist, so Jian Mingxia couldn't get up, so she turned over and lay on his chest, facing him.

The four eyes met, and each other's heartbeats were a little out of balance. All the senses seem to be sharpened, Jian Mingxia can feel the sweat dripping from the tip of her chin dripping on his skirt, and then mixed with his sweat.

Their bodies were so close, passing each other's body temperature, Jian Mingxia could even smell his breath, she felt her face was burning.

He raised his head and stared at her silently. Suddenly, he propped up his body and approached her.

Jian Mingxia didn't know whether she should close her eyes, so she hesitated and missed the opportunity to close them.

A soft kiss landed on her forehead.

A hint of doubt flashed in Jian Mingxia's eyes.