Wait for a Summer

Chapter 37


On the thirty-first day, Jian Mingxia's company let her go two hours in advance, and she went to meet Xue Liyan and the others as soon as the time came.

The time is a bit rushed, mainly because this year she used her annual leave in the middle and late October in order to avoid the peak holiday period of November, so it is not easy to ask for leave in advance now.

Today is the last day of this year, and Jian Mingxia hopes to get home before midnight, because tomorrow is Li Lixiang's wedding, and tonight is Li Lixiang's farewell night for singles, she still wants to participate.

For this, Xue Liyan and the three of them coordinated the time, and set off immediately after Jian Mingxia got off work. As for the clothes and belongings to be brought, Xue Liyan had already helped her bring them.

The return journey takes about four hours by car, but there are so many vehicles today that we may not be able to get home so quickly.

This time Jian Mingxia and Lu Yu sat in the back seat together, Xue Liyan was driven to the front, it's not good that the eldest brother's girlfriend is an acquaintance, she is too familiar with you, so she won't be polite to you at all , Xue Liyan can only dare to be angry and dare not speak out. He can't care about a girl. Although his attitude towards girls has always been relatively cold, his brother's girlfriend still has to show face.

After getting in the car, Lu Yu smiled and said, "Sister, do you want to eat seaweed and shrimp rolls?"

She bought a lot of snacks that could fill her stomach and prepared them for dinner, so she stopped looking for places to eat on the way.

"No, wait." Jian Mingxia didn't really want to eat, she asked, "Have you waited for a long time?"

"No, we just arrived too, sister, do you want to listen to music?"

Jian Mingxia thought about it and felt that sitting in the car for so long was boring, and listening to music was a good choice, so she took the headset and listened to the song with Lu Yu.

The little girl has a lively personality, and she likes to listen to songs with a cheerful rhythm and relaxing lyrics, which are quite comfortable to listen to.

There were no accidents on the expressway today, but there were more vehicles than usual, and the speed was reduced for safety reasons, so it took more than five hours.

When I got home, it was almost ten o'clock, Jian Mingxia was sent home first, standing downstairs in her own house, Jian Mingxia hesitated a little, and finally said: "If you are not tired, call me later, Li Lixiang is here KTV singing, I went to join her after taking a shower."

He smiled at her and nodded obediently. He didn't hold her hand, and he didn't get too close to her. After all, he was downstairs from her house. Maybe if he didn't pay attention, a relative of hers would pass by.

"Go." Jian Mingxia said goodbye to him, then said a few words to Xue Liheng and Lu Yu, and then went upstairs with her small suitcase.

Ten years ago, elevators were still a novelty, so there were no elevators in the community, and each building had only eight floors, so it didn't matter if you climbed up or down.

Jian Mingxia's house is on the fourth floor, so it's not too difficult to walk up. When she got home, the house was busy, all the elders were in her house, there were three tables at the poker table alone, and there was a circle of children in front of the TV.

Jian Mingxia's head grew dizzy at the first glance, and they went to call someone one by one, and their mouth was dry after running around. Jian's mother looked at her and choked out two words: "Fat."

Jian Mingxia smirked and said, "Mom, I have to go out after taking a shower. Tomorrow Lixiang gets married, so I'll go and accompany her."

"Well, then go quickly. But are all your friends married?" Jian's mother followed her back to the room, Jian Mingxia took a step, and she followed.

Jian Mingxia was a little speechless, and said: "Yes, yes, they are all married, but your daughter cannot get married alone."

Jian's mother glared at her and said, "I'm serious, now that you were playing together back then, you were the only one who was not married or had a boyfriend, so you didn't have any thoughts in your heart?"

Jian Mingxia said: "I have a lot of ideas, I must get married this year."

"To entertain your mother again, it's the last day of this year, how do you marry?"

"Oh, I was wrong, it's next year."

"You have no sincerity in what you said. When will you let us stop worrying, you child."

"Don't you worry about me after you get married? Mom, you are so cruel!"

"What are you talking about, it's not that you're going to find Li Lixiang, why don't you go take a bath soon."

Jian Mingxia can only say that this mother crosses rivers and demolishes bridges faster than anyone else! But he didn't quarrel with his mother anymore, but took the time to take a bath.

She is used to taking a long-distance bus, or taking a shower as soon as she returns home after going out for fun, otherwise she feels like she is really dusty.

After taking a shower, Jian Mingxia dressed up a bit before going out.

Before going out, my cousin teased her, asking if she was in a hurry to go on a date.

Jian Mingxia glared at him, and said: "Old man, you'd better take care of young people's affairs!"

The cousin laughed and asked her, "Do you want me to take you there?"

"No, I don't bother you." Jian Mingxia has always had a good relationship with her cousins. Although they are of different ages, she is the youngest one, and everyone loves her more.

In Jane's mother's words, she is a little big or small, she dares to choke on anyone, and she has a bad temper, which is how she is spoiled.

It turned out that it was lucky that his cousin didn't drive him, because when Jian Mingxia went downstairs, he found that Xue Liyan hadn't left, or should be said, he had returned.

He should have sent Xue Liheng and Lu Yu home first, and then returned home to pick her up.

Jian Mingxia didn't even know what to say about him, so she could only say: "I said, what will happen if you rest for a while! Do you feel uncomfortable all over if you don't move!"

It seemed that as soon as she got home and stayed with her relatives, her emotions rose, and her tone of voice became much more excited.

Xue Liyan said with a good temper: "I'm not tired, really."

"There are ghosts only if you believe in you!" Jian Mingxia complained, but she still couldn't help showing a smile on her face. She sat down in the passenger seat and told him the address.

Compared with Nancheng, where it takes half an hour by car to go out to buy clothes, the hometown city is not that big, but the prices are extremely expensive. Jian Mingxia sometimes feels that the price at home is even higher than that in Nancheng, probably because it is at the junction of two provinces. line, and has the relationship with domestic well-known scenic spots.

This southern border city has never lacked celebrities or rich people throughout the ages, but the high prices make the city empty, and Jian Mingxia feels that the city is becoming more and more deserted.

Even though it was the last day of this year, logically speaking, there should be many people counting down the New Year on the street, but there were not many people on the street tonight, and a small number of people just gathered in the food stalls.

Xue Liyan parked his car in the hotel parking lot, Jian Mingxia teased him and said, "If you are tired, why don't you go back and rest first."

Xue Liyan said with a straight face: "I'm not tired. I'll send you up and then go for a walk around. Call me when you get home."

She smiled: "won't you go in with me?"

He pursed his lips and didn't answer.

Jian Mingxia asked him: "I'm angry."

Hearing this, he looked straight at her with accusation in his eyes.

"Stop teasing you, come with me, I want to count down the new year with you."

He seemed to be very rarely angry with her, and the reasons for his occasional anger were very childish.

Xue Liyan still didn't answer, apparently still having a temper tantrum.

After entering the elevator, Jian Mingxia held his face and said, "Hey, just smile."

He didn't smile, she kept looking at him, and finally he couldn't help laughing, he couldn't be angry at her smiling face.

Jian Mingxia put down her hand and sighed: "It's been so many years, why are you still the same as when you were a child, so clingy, you have to follow every step of the way."

He frowned, unable to tell if she was joking, or if she really had such a complaint in her heart.

Jian Mingxia added another sentence: "Hey, it seems that I am the only one who can stand you."

"Jian Mingxia!" He called her.


"Sooner or later, I will be mad at you!"

Jian Mingxia laughed out loud.

When they arrived, Li Lixiang was chatting with her friends, and when she saw Jian Mingxia coming in, she smiled and pulled her over, saying, "Come on, I've been waiting for you all night, I can finally sing!"

Li Lixiang loves to sing, but she has stage fright when there are many people. She can only sing when she sings with others. Among the voices of her friends, she and Jian Mingxia sing best in time.

Jian Mingxia gave the bag to Xue Liyan, and said, "I'll sing a few songs with her, and you sit down by yourself for a while."

Li Lixiang looked at Xue Liyan curiously.

Jian Mingxia introduced to her, "This is your brother-in-law, Xue Liyan."

Li Lixiang felt that the name sounded familiar, but she didn't think too much about it, and greeted him with a smile: "Then brother-in-law, go eat something and rest first, and I will borrow it first."

Xue Liyan smiled politely.

Li Lixiang dragged Jian Mingxia to sing a few combination songs, and then said to Jian Mingxia belatedly: "I remembered, no wonder I think your boyfriend's name is familiar, isn't he always going to your house to play?" Is that the kid?"

Jian Mingxia felt that it was a bit strange that the word "children" was applied to Xue Liyan, but she could only nod her head helplessly, because it was the truth.

Li Lixiang blinked and said with a smile: "It turned out to be him. I used to wonder why you fell in love suddenly. Now that I know it's him, I'm not surprised at all."

Jian Mingxia asked curiously: "Why isn't it surprising?"

"Didn't you always like him? Of course I'm not surprised now."

Jian Mingxia couldn't help touching her face: "Is it so obvious?"

Li Lixiang nodded and said: "It's very obvious. Do you remember that when you were in college, you came to play with me during the holidays, eating, sleeping, walking, and staring at your phone. Every time you texted him, you smiled stupidly. Prime Minister, I asked you if you liked him, but you still refused to admit it. Are you finally willing to admit it now?"

Concise Xia is speechless.

Maybe it was because they hadn't made a sound for too long, Xue Liyan, who was sitting alone in the corner, couldn't help but cast a questioning look.

Jian Mingxia smiled, and said to Li Lixiang: "Hey, you have seen all of this, it seems that my disguise is not good enough."

Li Lixiang comforted her: "Actually, it's not very obvious, but we have known each other for so long and know each other too well, so I found it so easy."

"En." Jian Mingxia responded.

Many years ago, Jian Mingxia had a little secret. She fell in love with a boy who was much younger than herself, and then suddenly one day, he stopped contacting him.

She thought he had found out, but later he told her that he had no idea.

Life is so dramatic sometimes.

Now going round and round, everything seems to be back to the same place again.