Wait for a Summer

Chapter 40


When Jian Mingxia woke up, Li Lixiang had already done half of her makeup.

Jian Mingxia sat up from the bed, Li Lixiang looked at her out of the corner of her eyes, and said with a smile: "I promised to chat with me all night, but I fell asleep first."

Jian Mingxia sneered: "I've been in the car for several hours, so I'm really sleepy."

Li Lixiang didn't really care about her, otherwise she could have woken her up again.

Apart from Li Lixiang, there were only two female makeup artists in Jian Mingxia's viewing room, so she got up to get dressed. After she was dressed, she stood beside Li Lixiang and watched her make up.

Bridal makeup is usually very heavy, because sometimes there is no time to touch up the makeup, so the makeup will last for a long time, Jian Mingxia can see her original skin tone after watching her apply layer after layer of powder.

She put on the ruby earrings that Jian Mingxia gave her yesterday, and the platinum necklace that Feng Zheng gave her was put on the shelf.

After finishing the makeup, Li Lixiang put on the wedding dress with the help of the makeup artist. She said: "I didn't dare to buy a wedding dress that was too complicated, for fear that it would be too difficult to take off when changing at noon."

Jian Mingxia said: "This body is already very good-looking, I like simple and simple styles."

Li Lixiang agreed: "I also think that too much burden makes it difficult to move. I don't know how those brides run around in such heavy clothes."

"What are your specific arrangements for this morning?"

"I don't know. I have big heads. It's up to my husband's house to arrange it. But I should go to his house first. His grandma said that he will pay homage at home first, and then go to the hotel."

After putting on the wedding dress, the makeup artist went to make up the bridesmaids. The two sat on the edge of the bed and chatted. Li Lixiang must be very nervous about getting married, and she started talking too much. Jian Mingxia patiently accompanied her chat.

When it was a little brighter, everyone in Li Lixiang's family got up, and then the whole family got busy, which made Jian Mingxia nervous.

When it was almost eight o'clock, Li Lixiang's husband hadn't come yet. Li Lixiang couldn't help but check the time again and again. Jian Mingxia comforted her: "There are a lot of people getting married today, there may be a traffic jam, don't worry."

"Yes." Li Lixiang answered absently.

Seeing her distraught appearance, Jian Mingxia didn't say anything else, at this moment, she couldn't hear anything you said.

Jian Mingxia sat on the side and texted Xue Liyan.

Jian Mingxia: It seems that getting married is very complicated.

Little Tail: No matter how complicated life is, there is only one day like this. Do you go with them, or shall I pick you up

Jian Mingxia: I'll go with them first. When I get to Li Lixiang's husband's house, you can pick me up again, and we'll go to the hotel together.

Little Tail: Well, go and accompany the bride.

Jian Mingxia: She is so nervous that she can't speak now, so let's go.

Little Tail: Are you serious

Jian Mingxia: What

Little Tail: Nothing, the input method is innocent, don't blame it.

Jian Mingxia felt a little strange, she pulled up the chat history, and couldn't help crying: "My God!"

"What's wrong?" Li Lixiang was taken aback by her.

Jian Mingxia didn't know what to say, she felt like she was going to collapse!

She showed Li Lixiang the phone, and Li Lixiang was a little dumbfounded when she saw it.

I saw one of the text messages like this: She is too nervous to speak now and married me.

Li Lixiang instantly forgot her nervousness: "Haha."

Jian Mingxia knelt on the ground, distraught: "The input method hurt me, I obviously typed 'Go'!"

It’s just that the word yo was lazy and typed an o, but the sentence completely changed its appearance. Why does the quley of the Jiuge input method default to marry me? How many people have typed this sentence, or the input method is mischievous again!

Li Lixiang touched her head and said, "My condolences!"

Jian Ming Xia Wuyan is alive, so early in the morning, such a big joke came out, she is really a funny one!

"No, he sent you another message." Li Lixiang handed her the phone.

Jian Mingxia refused, with a sad gesture of unwillingness to face the cruel reality: "Don't watch it, don't watch it, I don't want to watch it."

"Then I'll read it to you." Li Lixiang said, opening a new message and reading it to her: "Jian Mingxia, if it's true, I don't think I can refuse."

After Li Lixiang finished reading, she said excitedly: "It's incredible, Xia Xia, your marriage proposal was successful!"

Jian Mingxia was also a little dazed, maintaining her kneeling posture, not knowing what to do for a while.

At this time, firecrackers sounded downstairs, and the two of them returned from the Girlfriend Theater to the Wedding Theater in an instant. Jian Mingxia got up from the ground, went to the window sill to look downstairs, and said, "Li Xiang, your husband is here."

Li Lixiang was so nervous that she didn't know where to put her hands. She ran to the mirror to see if her makeup was messed up.

The bridesmaid also entered Li Lixiang's boudoir and locked the door behind her.

The three girls listened quietly to the movement outside. Jian Mingxia held Li Lixiang's hand, feeling that she was sweating.

Afterwards it felt messy all the time, and Jian Mingxia followed suit, and when Li Lixiang went out in tears, the emotional Jian Mingxia couldn't help but also shed tears.

After going to Li Lixiang's husband's house, the two of them paid homage first. Li Lixiang's husband's grandma spoke to the couple for a long time before the bride was sent to the new house.

It's not the first time that Jian Mingxia has accompanied others to get married. When her cousins got married, she was also there, but at that time, she was young, and she just wanted to join in the fun and didn't have so many feelings.

Only by watching Li Lixiang get married now can I realize the heaviness of giving oneself to another man to marry. In the future life, women no longer belong to themselves, and men have to shoulder the responsibility.

Jian Mingxia chatted with Li Lixiang for a while in the new house. After Li Lixiang and her husband went to the hotel to greet relatives and friends, Jian Mingxia called Xue Liyan and asked him to come pick her up.

He was dressed very formally today, but Jian Mingxia was wearing simple casual clothes, so she thought for a while and said, "Take me home first, I'll change clothes."

He turned the car around as he said, with a big smile on his face.

Jian Mingxia felt that his smile was very strange, so he asked him: "Why are you giggling all by yourself?"

Xue Liyan glanced at her sideways and said, "Well, maybe I'm in a good mood today.".

Then Jian Mingxia thought of the oolong text message in the morning, and instantly felt very broken again! She had to turn her head and pretended not to see it.

Xue Liyan didn't say anything, so as not to really piss her off.

Jian Mingxia got off the car at the gate of the community, but Xue Liyan didn't let Xue Liyan take it downstairs.

When she came home, Jane's father and mother were sitting in the living room watching a red TV series, the house was full of gunfire, and Jane's mother asked her: "Why are you coming back at this time, didn't you say that Li Lixiang is getting married today?"

"I'll come back and change my clothes."

Jian Mingxia changed her clothes, came out and said to her parents: "I may be late at night, so you don't have to wait for me."

Jian's mother also knew that when young people get married nowadays, they will find a place to play together at night, so she reminded: "Drink less alcohol, if you feel drunk, call your dad and ask your dad to pick you up."

"Understood, I'm not a child anymore, besides, Lixiang is not someone else, how could her friends mess around."

Jian Mingxia said it firmly, but in the end, she was brutally slapped in the face.

Jian's mother took a red envelope and asked Jian Mingxia to give it to Li Lixiang. She also watched Li Lixiang grow up, so she should give a red envelope.

Jian Mingxia changed her shoes and was about to go downstairs, when Jian's mother suddenly said, "Who was that boy who came to pick you up last night?"

"What?" Jian Mingxia pretended to be stupid.

"After you went downstairs yesterday, your cousin still wanted to see you off, but it turned out that you left in a boy's car. That boy, could it be your boyfriend?"

Jian Mingxia was quite speechless, and he wrote something about his cousin in his heart, and denied it: "My cousin must have read it wrong, you listened to his nonsense, he probably has nothing to do and he will punish me again! Okay, I have to go out gone."

She ran out of the door in a hurry, and Jian's father, who had been as still as a mountain, couldn't help but said: "What are you doing to scare her, it's not easy for her to have a boyfriend."

"Who told her to be dishonest? Hey, I won't read it. I made an appointment with Li Heng's mother to go shopping in the afternoon. I'd better go out first."

"Then what do I have for lunch?"

"You can make some noodles for yourself!"

Father Jian felt a little pain in his heart.

Jian Mingxia ran back into the car with sweat on her forehead, completely frightened by her mother.

She urged Xue Liyan: "Hurry up, hurry up, my mother probably followed!"

Xue Liyan was also frightened by her words, so he drove quickly and asked her, "Auntie came down with you?"

"I must have followed. You don't know. I have a psychological shadow on my mother. When I was in elementary school, I would always look behind me when I went to school, because I was worried that when I was buying snacks, she would suddenly jump out of some corner and kill me. Just because of this, I almost never bought snacks in my six years of elementary school."

Xue Liyan smiled and said, "No wonder you are so happy every time I bring snacks to you."

"Hey, those are all my bitter tears." Thinking about it now, Jian Mingxia still feels very heartbroken.

"Actually, we don't need to hide."

Finally, he still said this sentence.

Jian Mingxia was taken aback, and said, "Wait a little longer."

He stopped talking and his face was calm.

Jian Mingxia opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she just chose to keep her mouth shut.

What could she say, that she wasn't ready for him to meet her parents

What she didn't need to say, she knew he understood.

It's not good for a boyfriend to be too smart. You should never try to hide anything from him, because he can see through you at a glance.

Then you will not know when he has been injured.