Wait for a Summer

Chapter 42


Jian Mingxia dozed off in the taxi, Xue Liyan hugged her and said, "Sleep when you're sleepy."

She opened her eyes wide and said, "I'm not sleepy."

Xue Liyan didn't argue with her, instead he patted her on the back lightly to make her fall asleep.

Jian Mingxia couldn't help closing her eyes, but she would suddenly open them again to take a look. She still retained some sense of sanity, knowing where she was and what she was doing, but her thinking ability was affected by alcohol and declined.

When she reached the place, she leaned against him limply, and he asked, "Can you walk by yourself?"

She nodded "hmm".

But the fact is that she walked crookedly, even with Xue Liyan, she couldn't walk well. When she got home, she was fine, and he was sweating from exhaustion.

He put her on the bed, helped her take off her shoes, coat and short skirt, covered her with a quilt, and went to get a hot handkerchief to wash her face. After finishing all this, he kissed her forehead and said, "Go to sleep." .”

She lay on the bed, looked at him with red eyes, and didn't speak.

Xue Liyan's house is a one-bedroom apartment, and the whole house has been converted into one room. Except for the bathroom, which is separated by a glass door, everything else is not covered by doors and walls, and all the interior furnishings can be seen at a glance.

Naturally, there is no second bed for this kind of single room, but there is a large sofa with a view in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and Xue Liyan plans to make do with it for the night.

Xue Liyan took a pillow from the bed, found a spare blanket, turned off the light, and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Jian Mingxia blinked her eyes in the dark, her mind was a little messed up, and she became a little aroused by alcohol, so she didn't feel any fear or shrink back.

She felt that she was not drunk, she was very sober.

She got up from the bed and waited at the door of the bathroom. When the door opened, she was blinded by the light and closed her eyes.

Xue Liyan obviously did not expect her to stand here, frowning and asked her: "You..."

She stood on tiptoe and hugged his neck, sealed his lips, and blocked the rest of his words. She also turned off the light in the bathroom, making the room completely dark.

In his mouth was the fresh breath of having just brushed his teeth. Jian Mingxia kissed him tentatively. She was actually not very good at kissing. She had a lot of theoretical knowledge, but she was a mess in practice. After all, this was the first time she kissed him on her own initiative.

Like a kitten eating candy, she sucked and licked his lips, sticking out the tip of her tongue to tease him from time to time, but she didn't dare to get close.

She kissed him very comfortably, Xue Liyan didn't know how to react for a moment.

There was no response for a long time, Jian Mingxia's legs were sore, she fell back to the ground, hesitantly kissed his neck, her soft lips pressed against his neck, and her warm tongue licked his skin from time to time.

Xue Liyan's breathing became heavy, and he asked her: "Are you awake?"


She made a sound from her nose, like a whisper, or just a meaningless single sound.

But just such a simple sound made all his reason lose control, all worries and worries disappeared at this moment. He pressed her against the wall and kissed her hard, as if he had exhausted all his strength.

The subsequent development was so fast that people couldn't keep up with the rhythm rationally. I don't know whether it was she who touched her somewhat cold hands on his smooth back first, or whether he touched her flexible and slender waist first.

The two kissed from the wall to the bed, their reason was burned by an emotion, and their thoughts were invaded by an idea.

When the last piece of clothing was taken off, Jian Mingxia regained her senses for a moment, and then quickly suppressed it.

Jian Mingxia thought that this was how things developed.

The result was interrupted by a phone call.

The ear-piercing ringtone stopped the two of them, he gasped next to her ear, his body pressed against her tightly, rising and falling in rhythm with her breathing. Jian Mingxia took a few breaths, pushed him, and said, "It's my mother."

He buried his face in her neck, not wanting to move.

She was itchy by the breath he exhaled, and she couldn't push him, so she could only use this posture to get out from under him and find the phone by the light of the phone.

She lay on the bed and answered the phone: "Hello."

Jane's mother asked, "Why haven't you come back?"

Jian Mingxia exhaled, and said in a voice as calm as possible: "I'm not going back tonight."

"Then where do you live?"

"I'm staying in a hotel." She said this very lightly.

"Come back to sleep. It's not very far away. I'll ask your dad to pick you up."

Jian Mingxia didn't know how to answer. He didn't know when he touched her and lay beside her. Although she couldn't see her, she knew he must be looking at her.

She organized her words and said: "Forget it, I'm already asleep, and I don't feel relieved to ask Dad to come out for a run at night."

Jian's mother seemed to think about it for a while, and finally she could only say: "Then you go home early tomorrow morning, and I will make carrot dumplings."

"Okay, then I hang up."

Jian Mingxia hung up the phone, feeling cold, only then did she realize that only the stockings and the pants inside were intact, she fumbled to find the quilt, wrapped herself up, and then pretended to be dead.

He didn't make a sound.

After a while, Jian Mingxia felt a little uneasy, so he gave him a corner of the quilt.

As a result, he took her into his arms, pressed her head to his chest, and said, "You won't admit it when you wake up from the wine?"

She bit her lips and didn't speak. In fact, she didn't know where she got the courage to send herself to the door without thinking. She could only say that the wine made her courageous. Now she was sweating and sober. People start to feel scared.

It's not that I regret it, it's just that it's human for women to be afraid of such things.

He touched her head, but he didn't intend to continue.

After a while, Jian Mingxia shrank her legs back and said, "You should sleep on the sofa."

"Huh?" He made a soft voice, which sounded sexy.

"You touched me, I can't sleep."

A few seconds later, he laughed out loud in the darkness.

Jian Mingxia was so embarrassed that she kicked him off the bed in annoyance.

Xue Liyan got up from the ground and said, "Then I'm going to sleep on the sofa."

She was too lazy to answer, rolled herself into a ball, and turned her back to him.

Xue Liyan also returned to the place where he was going to stay.

□□ Attempted, the two slept at both ends of the house, talking in silence, feeling a little complicated.

Jian Mingxia rolled around, but couldn't fall asleep.

After a while, she heard him get up and go to the bathroom, and it took a while before he came out.

Jian Mingxia was a little thirsty and didn't want to get up because she didn't know where her clothes were.

She endured and endured, and finally couldn't help but say: "I want to drink water."

Xue Liyan got up again to pour water for her, this time he turned on the light, and Jian Mingxia buried her head in the bed.

He put the water on the head of the bed and said, "I put it here."

Jian Mingxia pulled the quilt and got up to drink water, but noticed that there was still a folded men's T-shirt on the edge of the bed, obviously he had just brought it over.

After drinking water, Jian Mingxia took the t-shirt into the bed and put it on. Then she felt much more comfortable and no longer felt empty.

He was always so considerate of her, even in this kind of thing, he didn't have to stop, but he realized that she didn't want to continue.

She lay down again, and the lights in the room dimmed.

Jian Mingxia started to be in a daze again, she wasn't irrational before, she just really wanted to do that, isn't that what men do, once they get it, they won't cherish it anymore, so she suddenly gave birth to a little With a distorted thought, she gave him everything she could to see how he would change in the future.

This is irresponsible to herself and doesn't cherish herself, but she just wants to gamble like this, like a gambler who has lost her mind.

Unfortunately, they still stopped at that step.

Moreover, Jian Mingxia found that he didn't seem to be very willing to do that, otherwise it wouldn't have been so long without success.

Jian Mingxia felt that sometimes she really didn't understand his thoughts, as if a lot of her original understanding of men didn't apply to him.

What is he holding back

Jian Mingxia couldn't figure it out, but she couldn't ask him either.

Jian Mingxia took back her phone and sent him a message: Xiaowei, if this relationship can't end in the end, I hope we don't leave any regrets for each other.

Instead of sending it, she chose to delete it and continue typing.

—Sometimes I am very worried, worried that you will suddenly feel boring and break up with me.

—I'm different from you, you still have a long time to think about it, I'm afraid I won't be able to wait until then.

— So, shall we break up

—You said you couldn't refuse, you are willing to marry me, what if you regret it

—You are still so young, you are so bound by marriage, will you blame me? I will.

—In the future, you will blame me for slowing down your steps, and for preventing you from pursuing a better love. We will exhaust each other's feelings like a resentful spouse, and become strangers.

—So I always want to back down, I am afraid that the longer I am with you, the more reluctant I am to say goodbye.

— Am I being selfish? I shouldn't have promised you, but I like you so much, I want to be with you, even if the time is short.

— But we have to say goodbye after all, right

— How I wish I could grow up with you.

—Little Tail, say goodbye to me.

—Can you break up first

She closed her eyes and fell asleep with tears in her eyes.

In the morning, when Xue Liyan got up, he found that she was still holding her mobile phone. He took out her mobile phone and prepared to put it aside.

Suddenly, he noticed the darkened pillowcase on the side of her face.

After hesitating, he turned on the screen of her mobile phone. She was lazy and didn't set a password lock, so he easily saw the unsent text message on the text message interface.

—If I leave you, it's not because I don't love you anymore, I just want to set you free.