Wait for a Summer

Chapter 45


In fact, it didn't take ten minutes. When Jian Mingxia went downstairs, Xue Liyan was already there.

He wiped her tears with his hands and asked her, "Why are you crying?"

"I don't know, I just want to cry," she said.

She showed him her palm, and the diamond ring was lying in her palm.

He looked at her quietly, without reaching out to pick her up.

"Are you going to let me put it on myself?" she said in a nasally voice.

He was still looking at her, but this time he looked a little dazed, and she continued: "You have to think carefully, you put it on for me, and I won't let it go, I will die or live, clinging to you Hold on to you, force you with confidence, occupy all your free time, from now on, you will have no freedom."

He finally reacted, smiling and revealing two deep dimples, he heard himself say in a happy voice, "I wish I could."

He took the ring and put it on her left middle finger. His hand was not very steady and trembled slightly.

She asked, "Only one?"

He took another ring from the pendant hanging around his neck and put it in her palm. It still had his body temperature on it, and he always carried it with him.

This is probably the least romantic engagement in the world, with no witnesses from parents, no blessings, no champagne and cake, only two neglected young people with red eyes after staying up all night.

Jian Mingxia helped him put on another ring, and suddenly remembered: "I regret it."

He looked at her nervously.

She said: "You didn't even kneel down, so we don't count this time?"

He looked hesitantly at the ring she had just put on, wondering if he should listen to her to take it off and start over again, or not to take it off, would it be bad to take it off as soon as he put it on

Seeing his embarrassed look, Jian Mingxia couldn't help laughing, and said, "I'm kidding, but you must make it up next time."

"Yeah." He responded, looked at her eyes with complaints, and then hugged her into his arms. His body was still trembling a little because he was so excited.

She asked in his arms: "Are you cold?"


"Then let's go home."

He was reluctant to let go of her and said, "Let me hug her for a while."

Maybe it was warmer by holding her, he stopped trembling, and Jian Mingxia let him go.

She also wanted to chat with him, to talk.

She said in disbelief: "I still can't believe it, you have liked me for so long, is that your illusion?"

She was still in the dark, but no longer alone.

He thought for a while and said to her: "If a woman is always acting like a baby to you and keeps sending you text messages, if things go on like this, you will either hate her or fall in love with her. I think I am the latter."

"It seems reasonable, but according to what you said, then the people I love should be Feng Zheng and Li Lixiang. Which round will I get you?"

"I can only say that you love me more."

He speaks with a serious face, and he can always be serious when he tells a joke.

Jian Mingxia then said: "I found out that if you lie to me, I can't tell the difference at all. What will you do if you lie to me in the future?"

"It's true, you love me more than your friends, at least that's what I hope."

He forcibly turned a possible small dispute between lovers into a love story, and Jian Mingxia felt that he had really underestimated him.

She rubbed her growling belly and said, "I'm hungry, I haven't eaten all day."

He looked down at her distressedly and said, "Then let's go eat something."

She said: "I want to eat the noodles you made, and I want two fried eggs."

With a smile on his face, he said, "Okay."

Whenever there are festive days, birthdays, visitors, or upcoming trips, Jian's mother will make two poached eggs. This is a habit passed down from generation to generation. want to eat.

The taste of poached eggs will make people tired, but the taste of happiness will never be tired.

The two returned home, he was busy in the kitchen, Jian Mingxia watched at the door, after watching for a while, she said: "I won't cook in the future, I don't like cooking."

"I know, we can hire housekeeping so that time spent in the kitchen we can spend doing other things," he said.

She added: "I hate doing laundry, too."

"There is a washing machine."

"Hate drying clothes."

"I'll hang it."

"I also hate mopping the floor for hygiene."

"Honey, save some work for housekeeping, you just have to do your job well."

What he should be talking about is not a job in the traditional sense, Jian Mingxia is curious: "Then what is my job?"

"Love me and our kids, that's all you need to worry about."

Jian Mingxia sang against him: "Then you marry me, it's not that there are no benefits at all, the housework has housekeeping, and any woman can have children. If you want, there will be many women who will love you. They must treat you better than me. , You see, there is no benefit for you to be with me."

He realized that she was still playing tricks, but at least she was playing tricks in front of him now, which is a good thing, it's good to speak out about the conflict, and it's easy to cause accidents if you keep holding it in.

While frying eggs, he said in a good temper: "But I don't love them, I only love a woman named Jian Mingxia, she is lazy and cranky, and always makes me angry, but I can't help it, I only like her .”

Jian Mingxia was very angry when she heard that, when a person says that she is bad, she usually wants to hear others say, in fact, you are not that bad, but now listening to what he said, he actually said that she is lazy and cranky

This day is really impossible.

He turned off the fire before she broke out, and said: "Let's make an agreement, if you talk nonsense in the future and deliberately make me angry, then I will kiss you until you shut up."

As he spoke, he pulled her over suddenly, kissed her, and by the way, he turned off the kitchen light.

As the two leaned against the kitchen wall to deprive each other of the air, she gasped and asked him, "Why did you turn off the light?"

"Save electricity," he said.

Of course she didn't believe it, she turned on the light to see him, and found that not only his ears were red, but his face was also red, she immediately laughed and laughed at him: "It's obviously a little white rabbit, why pretend to be a big bad wolf."

He goes on to fry the egg with a deadpan expression, but it's all the more laughable when paired with his flushed cheeks.

Jian Mingxia has long realized that he is a tough guy.

She couldn't help teasing him again, "You're so shy, don't I want to stay in the empty room by myself every day from now on?"

He ignored her, his face seemed to turn red again, he didn't know if it was from shame or anger.

"To be honest, were you too shy that day, didn't you dare?"

"Jian Mingxia!" He finally couldn't help but speak out.

She looked at him with a smile: "Huh?"

"Let's register for the marriage tomorrow."

"Huh? Huh? Huh?" She felt that her thoughts could not keep up with his rhythm.

"Registered, I will accompany you whatever you want to do."

She froze for a moment, then blushed herself.

After that, she finally became honest and obediently left the kitchen.

It was still a simple two bowls of noodles with two slightly yellowed poached eggs lying on it. The two of them sat at both ends of the dining table and ate the first real meal that belonged to the family.

Before, she always felt awkward eating at home with him, so she always ate out at night, not because of embarrassment, but because eating at the same table at home would give people the illusion that the people around them are family members .

Especially when there are only two people sitting and eating together, it will appear that they are very close. Mr. Jian Mingxia believes that it is better for lovers to keep a little distance. .

But today, they are sitting at the same table as a fiancée.

She ate and ate, and suddenly couldn't help asking him: "Xue Liyan, did you propose to me so quickly because I was too old to wait too long?"

"Love someone and want to marry her, how can there be so many reasons. If we want to get married sooner or later, what's the difference? If you don't tie you up while you love me, when can I wait? "

But some people just want to fall in love, but don't want to burden marriage.

She was thinking this way, but suddenly remembered the sentence he posted on Weibo: I would even expect her to have an imperfect love, an unhappy marriage, so that after many years, I could walk in front of her and pretend Tsukuru has the same experience as her, maybe she will no longer care about the gap between us.

His thoughts are really bad, and he would expect her to be unlucky in love, although she also thought so. She hoped that he would fall in love with someone who didn't love him, and waste it. After so many years, they were both single. Maybe she would have a chance to accompany him to heal his wounds and move forward with him. Even if that possibility is remote.

Sometimes when you love someone too much, you will bless him on the one hand and wish him not to be happy on the other hand. Just in response to the lyrics, I was addicted to love, satisfied on the one hand, and cruel on the other.

That time when she promised to go on a blind date with Xue Liheng, she sat there chatting with Xue Liheng, reluctant to leave, she knew that she would wait for him, she knew from Xue's mother that he stayed up late recently and always went to eat nearby after noon, she just thought, Goodbye to him.

Actually, they are all the same.

His thinking is so similar to hers, and his mood should be the same as hers. Even if she is uneasy about the future, she still wants to be with him forever.

The restlessness in her heart suddenly disappeared: "Xue Liyan."


"It's okay, I just want to call your name suddenly."

He looked at her with a helpless smile, already used to her capriciousness, she was always like this, easily controlling his emotions, but he couldn't get angry.

She looked at him with a tolerant smile, and she thought she would never forget this name, it had been engraved in her heart.

However, she always thought that he was a little freshman, but it turned out that he was just a dark-minded idiot.

A little spooky, but not bad.

Because she is also such a dark-minded person.