Wait for a Summer

Chapter 46


After eating the noodles, Xue Liyan dragged Jian Mingxia down to walk around the neighborhood, and then urged her to go back to sleep.

She opened her eyes, which had faded from redness, but were still somewhat swollen, and said bravely, "I don't want to sleep."

He said: "Be obedient."

She was not happy after hearing this, and complained: "I found that you always make me obedient, making it seem like I am self-willed."

He followed her and said, "No, I'm just used to it."

She raised an eyebrow.

He continued: "Every time I say that, I pretend in my heart that you're really good."

"Xue Liyan!"

He laughed silently.

Jian Mingxia doesn't know how to complain about him, saying that he is not big or young? But she doesn't seem to have the position to say that.

She had no choice but to change the subject, took his hand, shook it and said, "I'm not lying to you, I really can't sleep."

He was probably also defeated by her exaggerated lies, so he asked her: "Then what do you want to do?"

She asked him like a few years old: "You can sleep with me, and you can go when I fall asleep."

He was speechless, and she kept looking at him. After a while, he said compromised: "Then you go up first, and I'll go back and take a shower before I come to you."

"Yeah." She immediately let go of his hand and ran upstairs.

Xue Liyan waited for the lights in her room to come on before turning back upstairs. Unless he wanted to help her with something, he would seldom send her upstairs. He was worried that once he went up, he would hold her back, just like the first time he sent her home, he stood outside the door For two hours, sometimes he couldn't control his thoughts, he wanted to just press her against the wall and rob her of everything.

However, she was defenseless against him, and she really shouldn't believe in a man's so-called self-control.

He didn't dare to touch her, not that he didn't want her, he just wanted to cherish her a little more, if they couldn't make it to the end, he hoped that what he let go was a complete her, so that she wouldn't hate him in the future .

Fortunately, she has no intention of leaving him now, at least not now.

When Xue Liyan came, Jian Mingxia was sitting on the sofa reading a book, she opened the door for him, then sat on the sofa reading again, patted the place beside her with her empty hand, and said, "Sit here."

He sat down beside her as promised, and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, and she leaned against him obediently. He asked her: "Didn't you say that the more you read, the more energetic you are?"

She didn't take her eyes off the book, she was being attracted by the plot in the book, she said with two minds: "It's not that you are too slow, I'm bored so I just read the book."

He took the book from her hand and said: "Go to sleep quickly, if you continue to suffer, it will be difficult to regain your energy."

"Wait a little longer." Jian Mingxia didn't want to sleep, and reached out to grab the book in his hand.

Xue Liyan raised his hand high to prevent her from snatching it.

How long are your hands? Jian Mingxia was discouraged. In fact, she didn't want to read the book that much, so she gave up grabbing it again, and leaned into his arms in a comfortable position, and said, "Let's talk, talk, and I can fall asleep." .”

"say what?"

"Whatever, I just want to hear you talk, whatever you say."

Usually casual requests are the most difficult to do, Xue Liyan is not a talkative person, he only talks a little more in front of Jian Mingxia, now she asks him to talk casually, then he really doesn't know what to say what.

Jian Mingxia also knew that this request was a bit embarrassing for him, so he quickly found a topic for him: "My old notebook is with you, why haven't you returned it to me?"

"You forgot, you said it yourself, let me throw it away."

"Then why didn't you throw it away?"

"Forgot to throw it away."

She glared at him.

He said seriously: "At first I really forgot to throw it away, but later I thought you might be angry and you might want it again, so I kept it."

"Then how can you draw those novels I wrote into cartoons? Just flip through them and ask me if you have any opinions!" Moreover, how did Xue Liyan feel when he read such naive and weird novels? Fortunately, he can still draw them. Feel scary

Jian Mingxia is worried when she thinks about the complaints on his Weibo. Of course, she doesn't think that her writing is not good. Even if it is not good, it is just the fault of the times. Looking at it later, it is another aesthetic concept, so it is all the fault of the times!

He admitted his mistake with a serious attitude: "My mistake, I apologize to you, and I will definitely draw again with your permission in the future."

"Well, it's more or less the same." Jian Mingxia thought, she could write a few novels for the newspaper for him to draw, anyway, it wasn't her who was thundered. In fact, he should be thankful that she only found out now, otherwise, a few years earlier, she would have been ashamed and indignant, and would never have any contact with him.

So being old has its benefits, at least she won't get angry easily now.

"Xue Liyan."


"Tell me about your work. I don't even know what you do."

She seldom cared about his private affairs before, and didn't want him to invade too much. Now she knows more about what he is doing and what he wants to do.

He raised the corner of his lips to reveal a dimple, and explained to her softly.

He didn't talk about his work, his plans for the future, but simply explained in very simple language.

Jian Mingxia felt very ashamed, he already had the ability to help her realize her childhood wish, but now there is no shadow of her masterpiece.

However, she will accomplish it in the end, and he wants to help her realize her wish, so how can she not go all out.

Anyway, no matter how badly she writes, he won't dislike her, right

Dare to dislike him, let's see if she doesn't beat him to death!

When he talked about his personal assets, she stopped: "Stop, don't tell me this now."

He nodded and said kindly: "Well, we'll talk about it later."

She always needs to know, sooner or later.

After he finished talking about her, it was her turn to talk. She felt that she should say something. After thinking about it, she said: "Compared with you, I seem to be a person who has no ideals and no plans for the future." I haven't felt any pressure since I was a child, so I don't have much pursuit. I feel very satisfied with a simple residence and three meals a day. I don't have any pursuit of career, maybe because I It's a girl's relationship, sometimes I feel that my parents have arranged my future so well that I don't need to worry about anything except getting married."

"I don't seem to have many hobbies. Apart from reading books, writing novels, and watching dramas, I don't know what else I can do. So I always hope that there is such a person who will forcefully disrupt my life. Life, take me to try more new things."

"I want to try more things, go to more places, and see more scenery. Xue Liyan, would you like to be that person?"

He stroked her face and said, "Who could be that but me."

Who else can be your faith but me

She smiled and hugged his waist, acquiescing to his words.

"Jian Ming Xia."


"I have been your little tail for more than ten years, now it's your turn to be my little tail. You have to listen to me in the future, you know?"

"actually… "

She elongated.


"I've always listened to you," she said blushing.

He looked at her and said, "Sleep now?"

"No, let's talk for a while."

His black face: "Be obedient?"

"Okay okay, I'm going to sleep."

She lay down on his lap, pulled the blanket over herself, and closed her eyes.

He also stopped making a sound, and quietly accompanied her, waiting for her to fall asleep.

After a while, she closed her eyes and said, "I can't sleep."

He has a tough attitude: "Don't open your eyes if you can't sleep."

"Then read to me, I will doze off when I listen to others reading."

She has always been such an aggressive woman. She is especially good at acting like a baby in front of people close to her. If she had concerns before, now she really has no scruples.

She knew that a happy woman would be like a child who didn't grow up, so she also knew how to be a child.

He had never had a problem with her coquettishness, so he picked up the book, found the page she had read before, and began to read it softly.

His voice was soft and gentle, Jian Mingxia actually didn't notice what he was reading, but was just intoxicated in his voice.

Before today, she never knew that she was actually a voice controller.

She really wanted to listen to him read on, thinking of this, she fell asleep.

She fell asleep, her breathing becoming long. Xue Liyan stopped reading and stared at her sleeping face, unable to recover for a long time.

She is actually a very contradictory person, she is very soft-hearted, many things are vacillating, and she can't let go of it, but once she makes up her mind, no one can change her mind.

The happier she is, the more she likes to talk, and if she keeps silent for a long time, it is a sign that she is alienated from someone.

He thought that since she had made a choice, he would never let her think of leaving in the future. He would turn himself into a lonely city and imprison her forever.

It seemed that he should leave, but he was really reluctant to leave, he thought he should be an honest person to himself, since it was useless for him to persuade himself to leave repeatedly, then don't leave.

Her idea is actually very desirable, just like now.

He lay down and secretly kissed her in her sleep as he had imagined countless times. It was more wonderful than expected. He couldn't kiss her soft lips enough. He smiled and pulled her into his arms, closed his eyes, and soon fell asleep with her.

They seem to have had a sweet dream about each other.