Wait for a Summer

Chapter 6


When Jian Ming was in high school, the school assigned a computer teacher who had just graduated.

This teacher is very trendy, teaching everyone to use chat software and browse forums. You know, computers were still banned on campus in those days, and if you were caught going to an Internet cafe, you had to write a review letter to ask your parents.

But this teacher does not shy away from these things. He uses his own method to break the magic of the Internet.

Afterwards, an animation training class was held, and Jian Mingxia was one of them.

At that time, Jian Mingxia didn't know what 2D was and what 3D was. She naively thought that as long as she studied hard, she could learn something.

Jian Mingxia thinks about her future every day before going to bed and makes a touching love animation, so excited that she can't sleep.

But until the teacher left after the internship, everyone only learned the deformation of the sphere.

It was so naive.

Jian Mingxia didn't remember if she had revealed any bold words unintentionally, but thinking about it now, she just felt embarrassed.

But Jian Mingxia didn't think Xue Liyan was talking about herself. When she was in high school, Xue Liyan was still in elementary school! Neither is narcissism!

Which girl does not dream.

Just a coincidence.

But Jian Mingxia was still a little curious about people who saw the same thing as the hero, so she asked: "Now, have you made her novel into an animation?"

When that person dies, God has done it.

Such a sentence appeared in Jian Mingxia's head.

Xue Liyan watched her fall silent. His pupils were very pure black. When he looked at others, he gave people a very focused feeling. It was not very aggressive, but it was also impossible to ignore. After a while, he said in a slightly lighter voice: "She probably forgot."

So it ended without a problem.

Jian Mingxia didn't ask any more questions, poking someone's scars is a shame.

But a story appeared in her mind, which gave her the urge to write it down. Jian Mingxia hoped that this story would have a happy ending.

The atmosphere of the dinner was much more relaxed than the last time we ate together. Although there was no conversation, the feeling of rivalry was gone.

At least Jian Mingxia thinks so.

She is a visual creature who judges people by their appearance. People are often viewed with first impressions, and it is difficult to change your mind about a person afterwards.

Jian Mingxia is quite accurate in judging people, and of course she has been slapped in the face.

Before, I felt that Xue Liyan had a sharp temper and felt a little rebellious as a young man, so that he ignored other details.

In fact, he already has a very good personality. When traveling with women, he knows how to bring them snacks to relieve boredom, and will take the initiative to help them with their luggage. He is not like those boys who command and move one by one.

Even the unpleasantness of lunch, in fact, he is not wrong, he doesn't like Jian Mingxia's life habits, this is a normal thing, Jian Mingxia sometimes can't understand other people's habits.

But this time, Xue Liyan seemed to have removed the only thorn on his body at once. Then more details were shown in front of Jian Mingxia. He prepared indoor women's slippers for her, and the water he poured was half-warm. Even the dishes for dinner avoided Jian Mingxia's taboo.

Jian Mingxia does not eat green onion, garlic and chili, which means that he does not put these things in his mouth. If it is just seasoning, it is still tolerable. Some dishes also need seasoning with green onion, garlic and pepper. It's okay at home, and her family unconditionally indulges her bad habits, but outside, even the best friends can't stand her indecent behavior of picking and picking from the dishes.

So after so many years of going out, Jian Mingxia actually eats at Xue Liyan's most comfortably.

There are no shadows of those side dishes in the dish, but it is full of color, fragrance, and should be squeezed into juice.

It was only then that Jian Mingxia realized that there was another method, but if it was herself, she would definitely be too lazy to do so. She is a picky eater, but she can bear it even if she eats noodles for three meals a day.

However, Jian Mingxia's appetite improved a lot, and she unconsciously ate more.

After finishing the meal, Jian Mingxia said goodbye to Xue Liyan.

Xue Liyan said, "I'll see you off."

Jian Mingxia smiled: "You forgot, I live in the building opposite to you, what is there to give away?"

Xue Liyan changed her outdoor shoes anyway and sent her downstairs.

After saying goodbye downstairs, Jian Mingxia thought to herself, what a stupid girl to give up such a boy.

For Xue Liyan, Jian Mingxia was a friend's younger brother at first.

They are more than five years apart, so it's impossible for them to have any friendship at all, they can't play together, Jian Mingxia is just used to calling him when he is having fun, so that he will not always stay alone and be excluded by others.

On the contrary, after Jian Mingxia and Xue Liheng fell out because of that oolong, Xue Liyan often came to her, at first to persuade them to reconcile, and then to play with her.

Children in their early teens regard her as their best friend. Jian Mingxia sometimes finds him annoying, but every time he comes to play with her, he will bring her chocolate and other snacks, Jian Mingxia endures it, and sometimes Jian Mingxia will leave him at home when she goes to play with her classmates, and let him Watching TV alone.

He was not noisy, he could watch TV all afternoon at Jian Ming Xia's house by himself, and later he turned into playing computer.

Jian Mingxia studied in high school for three years, and Xue Liyan played computer games at her house for three years on weekends, winter and summer vacations.

At that time, Xue Liyan didn't mention anything about playing with Jian Mingxia anymore, half-grown boys began to understand the difference between men and women.

Jian Mingxia felt that he was probably using her as an excuse to play with the computer. After all, even the elders next door who watched him grow up would not really discipline him.

After Jian Mingxia went to study abroad, Xue Liyan stopped going to Jian's house. He would occasionally text her to ask her how she was doing in a foreign land.

When Jian Mingxia left home for the first time, she must have a lot of feelings and complaints in her heart, and she didn't dare to let her parents know so as not to worry them, so she basically complained to Xue Liyan.

The uncles and aunts of the Xue family are busy in Jian Mingxia's memory, and they spend very little time at home. The brothers of the Xue family basically follow their grandparents. Such children are always more sensitive, and they are used to being disgusted by their brothers and friends when they were young, so Most of the time, Xue Liyan is very patient and more precocious.

From time to time, Jian Mingxia also had a good chat with him, and he would always follow her and be a quiet listener.

At that time, Jian Mingxia felt that Xue Liyan was a younger brother who was closer than his own brother, and sometimes cried in front of him when he lost his composure.

Xue Liyan is Jian Mingxia's first real male friend. Although he is much younger than her, Jian Mingxia feels that he is far superior to her peers in many aspects.

Then in Jian Mingxia's second year of work, he said he came to see her, but suddenly he stopped contacting her.

But Jian Mingxia is not the kind of person who would give me a cold butt and I will give you a hot face.

So, in the end, contact was cut off.

Of course, people are not grass, and Jian Mingxia occasionally misses this little tail.

But the little tail will eventually grow up, so he will find her annoying.

When Jian Mingxia returned home, she didn't turn on the light, but lay on the sofa.

She did want to see him again, that's all, she didn't want to get too close.

Jian Mingxia is really too greedy for the past.

But the friends around her always stay away from her one by one. Is it because she is a bad person, or it is just like this in life.

Some people say that losing is a cycle, the more you have, the more you should know to lose in the future.

To some extent, Jian Mingxia is an emotional pessimist.

Occasionally she would let herself be immersed in pessimism, not exile, but that every human emotion is precious.

Jian Mingxia believes that people should accept themselves, no matter good thoughts or bad thoughts.

Jian Mingxia never regrets the past, she is grateful for everything in the past, which shaped her present self.

When the phone's text message sounded, Jian Mingxia had already escaped from the world of thinking. She turned on the light in the room, squeezed a glass of juice for herself, and then went to read the message.

Liyan: Why don't you turn on the light

Jian Mingxia: I'm not going to disappear in my own corridor too, little tail, you are too worrying.

Xue Liyan did not send any more messages.

Jian Mingxia washed up and went to sleep.

Before going to bed, she changed Xue Liyan's contact name to Xiaowei.