Wait For Me After School

Chapter 33


Chen Jingshen exerted force in his hand, but it was not heavy.

There is a little subtle pain where it is pulled, but it is not unbearable.

The last person who met Yu Fan's hair still has to take a detour when he sees Nancheng No. 7 Middle School.

Yu Fan has few taboos about fighting, he just doesn't like being bumped on the head. You can use a stick, but you can't touch it directly. Whoever pinches him on the head, he can accurately pick that person out of several people, and return it back heavily.

But now, Yu Fan sat on the sand, opened his mouth halfway, looked at Chen Jingshen lightly, and didn't move for a long time.

He was so tired that he didn't feel disgusted by being held by his hair. Instead, he felt a little relaxed, and even weirdly wanted to put all his strength on that hand—

Until the corner of the mouth was pasted.

Yu Fan came back to his senses abruptly, reacting slowly, he should slap the man's hand away and break it off now.

What is wrong with teaching

Who the hell wants to be good

The strength holding him suddenly disappeared, and the messy words floating in Yu Fan's mind also stopped for a moment.

Chen Jingshen tucked his fingers together in his hair, rubbed it, and then withdrew his hand.

The schoolbag was thrown on the ground casually, and there was a lot of sand on the bottom. Chen Jingshen crumpled the wrapping paper of the Band-Aid indifferently, tilted his head and tore open the side pocket of the schoolbag and threw it in.

Yu Fan stared at the freshly stained blood on his fingers, and suddenly didn't bother to scold him again.

So Yu Fan let go of his strength and leaned back against the wall.

"Why are you still carrying a Band-Aid with you, don't you dare?" He lazily found fault.

Who is always hurting

Chen Jingshen glanced at him, then quickly put it aside without saying a word.

what attitude.

Yu Fan reached out to touch Chen Jingshen's shoe, and just about to say something, something suddenly flashed through his mind.

what time is it

He immediately took out his mobile phone and found that there were many missed calls and messages on it. Because the exam was muted, he hadn't heard it before.


He quickly posted "I'm fine" in the discussion group, then grabbed Chen Jingshen's sleeve and pulled it hard.

"What are you doing?" Chen Jingshen asked.

"What do you think?" Yu Fan said, "Exam!"

"The school gate is closed."

"I have a way to get in." Yu Fan stood up against the wall, looked back at the person who was still packing his schoolbag, and frowned anxiously, "Get up."

"If you are fifteen minutes late, you will not be allowed to enter the examination room."


Yu Fan vaguely remembered that there really was such a rule.

His eyelids twitched, he stood with a cold face, and began to think about how to trick the invigilator out and allow Chen Jingshen to sneak in.

It was easy to get in, but Chen Jingshen was sitting at the first table, which was so conspicuous that the teacher could spot it at a glance when he came back.

Why don't you tie up the invigilator...

The person next to him picked up his schoolbag and got up, Yu Fan looked over while thinking.

Chen Jingshen's school uniform shirt was stained in the dark alley, the collar was messy, and there was a long gray mark on the left sleeve.

Chen Jingshen put his schoolbag on his shoulders and was about to say something when his arm was pulled over and his sleeves were roughly pulled up.

He lowered his eyes, only to realize that his left hand was bruised and there was a bloodstain on the side of his wrist. I don't know which little bastard who doesn't pay attention to hygiene has left his nails.

Yu Fan stared at his wound for two seconds, remembering the stick that hadn't dropped before, couldn't help but "tsk".

He grabbed Chen Jingshen's arm, trying to pull him away.

Did not pull.

Chen Jingshen stood firmly: "Where are you going?"

"Hospital." Yu Fan said, "tetanus."

"Not that serious."

"You can fight as long as you want," Yu Fan frowned, "I'll pay for it, and you can just pay for the flesh. Don't talk nonsense."

Chen Jingshen still didn't move, and said casually: "No, I don't want to smell the smell of disinfectant."

"Why weren't you so gruff when you took me to the hospital last time?"

Chen Jingshen lowered his eyes and raised his eyebrows without emotion, as if asking "What do you think?".

Yu Fan: "..."

Yu Fan: "Then you go in with your nose covered."

"I'm still dizzy."

Can you be more precious

Yu Fan's patience was limited, and he would have already left behind and left.

He confronted Chen Jingshen silently for a while with a cold face, gritted his teeth and asked, "Are you dizzy in the slums?"

The taxi stops at the gate of the old community.

Chen Jingshen scanned around. It was an old block with tangled telephone poles, mottled exterior walls of residential buildings, and vendors selling fruits with carts on both sides of the narrow streets.

Yu Fan rarely takes a taxi, and usually walks or takes a bus.

After paying the money, he led the people out of the car.

Zhenling, when he was standing at the gate of the community, he was still holding Chen Jingshen's schoolbag by the strap.

Chen Jingshen: "You lived here since childhood?"

The person next to him hummed perfunctorily, but did not move for a long time.

Yu Fan raised his head slightly, as if confirming something.

Chen Jingshen followed his line of sight, only seeing a closed window on the second floor.

After making sure there was no one at home, Yu Fan tugged at his schoolbag: "Let's go."

The corridor is narrow, and the two boys are almost full. Yu Fan took out the key to unlock it, and gently pushed the door open with his foot.

A smell of alcohol wafted out of it, worse than the smell of disinfectant in the hospital.

The room is not big, the living room is basically full with a sofa, TV and mahjong table. There were many empty wine bottles on the ground, and there was a plate of leftover peanuts and chicken feet on the table.

Chen Jingshen felt his schoolbag being pulled, he looked away and let Yu Fan lead him away.

The boy's face was indifferent, as if he was used to this kind of situation.

Yu Fan's room was locked separately, and a key was required to enter.

Opening the door, Yu Fan pushed the person in, said "you sit first", then turned around and went to the living room.

The windows of Yu Fan's room were wide open, letting in the wind. It was clean and tasteless.

Chen Jingshen stood where he was, patrolling silently.

The room is small, a wooden bed, old wardrobe, and table and chairs. Other than that there was no other furniture.

The top of the desk is full of signs of time, there are dirty stickers, words written with a ballpoint pen, and then knife marks and holes poked out somehow.

There were awards on the wall beside the bed, and the ones below were basically torn to the corners, but a few words could still be read on some of them.

Focusing on a certain place, Chen Jingshen paused slightly.

When Yu Fan entered the room, Chen Jingshen was already sitting on the chair.

He locked the door behind him, threw the chair he had just found beside Chen Jingshen, then bent down to open the first drawer on the right—

Chen Jingshen saw a cabinet full of emergency medicines.

It is said that medicines are beautified, but they are actually disinfectant, bandages, band-aids and other things that can handle things. There was also an unlabeled clear glass jar filled with a dark red liquid.

Yu Fan picked out a few and put them on the table, rolled up his sleeves and said, "Here."

Chen Jingshen spread his hand and put it in his.

There is the sound of horns for waste collection downstairs, and occasional car horns. The floor is low, and the sound of mahjong smashing on the table downstairs can be heard.

Chen Jingshen sat on the chair very loosely, quietly watching the wounded man carefully disinfect his small wound with a cotton swab.

The phone in his pocket vibrated, and Chen Jingshen curled his fingers lightly.

Yu Fan stopped immediately: "Does it hurt?"

Chen Jingshen was silent for two seconds, and the corners of his mouth were tense: "It hurts."

Does disinfection hurt?

"Why do you come here because you're afraid of pain? Can't you just stay in the classroom and take your test?" Yu Fan frowned in disgust, and took it easy.

Chen Jingshen looked at his hair, and suddenly asked: "Are all your certificates on the wall?"


"'Dear Yu Fan, congratulations on your outstanding performance in the Feituo summer camp for elementary and middle school students, and won the title of the most enthusiastic child'..." Chen Jingshen read out, "What did you do?"


Yu Fan looked up at the wall and saw such a certificate.

"Who remembers." Yu Fan said, "If you talk nonsense, put the certificate in your mouth."

Chen Jingshen blinked lightly, inexplicably eager to try.

After tidying up the wound, Yu Fan opened the glass jar, and a strong, somewhat pungent smell came out.

"What is it?" Chen Jingshen asked.

"Medical wine, left by my grandfather." Yu Fan remembered how expensive this tablemate was, and the cotton swab dipped in the medicinal wine stopped in mid-air, "But it stinks, do you want to wipe it off?"

Chen Jingshen didn't speak, just raised his hand, and put the blue spot on the cotton swab.

After smearing the medicinal wine on the skin, Yu Fan threw the cotton swab aside, put his thumb on it and pressed it lightly twice.

While pressing, he said: "Hold it, it will take a while to seep in."

After pressing it, Yu Fan let go of his hand.

Then take out a cotton swab again to disinfect yourself.

Chen Jingshen sat and looked at him: "Do you want me to help you?"

Yu Fan skillfully put the cotton swab on the wound without frowning: "No, my hand is not broken."

A few minutes later.

Yu Fan twisted his hands around his back with difficulty, inserted a cotton swab into his collar, and tried hard to find the location of the pain.

Damn, why would some idiot jump up and elbow someone on the back of the neck?

Chen Jingshen got up: "I'll do it."

Yu Fan: "No..." The cotton swab in his hand was taken away.

Chen Jingshen walked behind his chair and glanced into his collar.

From the bottom of the neck to the shoulders, there was a patch of bruising.

Chen Jingshen's eyes sank, just as the cotton swab was about to be touched.

The person sitting in front of him suddenly unbuttoned a school uniform shirt, and then casually pulled back the collar, exposing a large piece of skin.

"Hurry up." Yu Fan pulled Chen Jingshen's chair over, put his elbows on the back of the chair, bent his head, and urged, "Just paint whatever you want."

Usually it would be much more convenient for him to take off his shirt to apply the medicine, but today Chen Jingshen was here, and he somehow didn't want to take it off, so he lingered for a long time and didn't get it done.

It doesn't matter if you pull the collar...


Yu Fan's neck is very straight and thin. Chen Jingshen compared it unconsciously when he pressed his fingers to apply medicinal wine on it.

Yu Fan gasped.

"Pain?" Chen Jingshen asked.

Yu Fan said stiffly, "No."

"Then why are you shaking?"

"... Who's shaking?" Yu Fan said in a word, "Okay... don't press it."

He remembered as soon as he said that, but Chen Jingshen grabbed his neck and prevented him from moving.

"Wait a minute, it hasn't penetrated yet." Chen Jingshen said.


Yu Fan regretted it.

He should wait for Chen Jingshen to leave before taking the medicine.

Following Chen Jingshen's "Okay", Yu Fan immediately sat up straight, pulled back his collar and buttoned it up.

He grabbed things and shoved them back into the cabinet in a mess, and the phone on the table buzzed.

Zuo Kuan was very excited on the other end of the phone: "Damn it. I skipped the exam and came out to save you, but when I climbed over the wall, I was caught by Fat Tiger and punished me to stand in his office until now! Damn, are you alright? ?”

Yu Fan got up, leaned against the window and said, "It's all right."

"What's going on? Are you really blocked?"


"How many people are here? Why didn't you call us before you went."

"A lot." Yu Fan said, "They asked Ding Xiao to trick me out. I thought he was the only one."

It would be very fast if he was singled out, he could overturn Ding Xiao in two strokes, and he would definitely come back for the exam in time.

I didn't expect that idiot to know someone from the school next door.

He glanced back and saw that Chen Jingshen also took out his mobile phone, sitting on a chair and silently flipping through the news.

Zuo Kuan rambled on for a long time before hanging up.

Yu Fan put down his phone and turned his head, just as Chen Jingshen picked up his schoolbag and stood up.

Chen Jingshen threw the phone full of unread messages into his pocket: "I'm going back."

After sending the person downstairs, Chen Jingshen hailed a taxi, and then asked as if thinking of something.

"Maybe we can video at nine o'clock in the evening."

Yu Fan stood with his hands in his pockets, and was taken aback when he heard this: "...um."

"Physics tonight." Chen Jingshen hooked the shoulder strap of his schoolbag with his thumb, and changed the topic, "You only scored 9 points in the final math test last year."

Yu Fan: "?"

"So it doesn't matter if you miss the exam in this subject, as long as you get higher scores in other subjects."

Yu Fan just wanted to say that he can shut up if he doesn't know how to chat, but the moment he opened his mouth, he became hoarse.

Chen Jingshen touched his head briefly, rubbed it casually, and said lightly, "Let's go, let's talk at night."

The rear of the car disappeared around the corner of the traffic lights.

Yu Fan stood where he was, without moving for a long time, and did not come back to his senses until another traffic light passed—


Did Chen Jingshen put his hand on his head again just now?

Yu Fan still kept his hands in his pockets, turned around stiffly, and walked back slowly, his expression alternately cold and sometimes ferocious.

Chen Jingshen touched him for the first time twice today.

He wanted to cut off Chen Jingshen's two fingers.

How dare Chen Jingshen? Why do you owe so much? Reach out if you are familiar with it

Yu Fan scratched his hair, thinking that this must be a warning.

As soon as the video started tonight, I threw a knife on the table and asked him to apologize a hundred times first.

In the evening, Yu Fan absent-mindedly played the long-lost Snake Snake.

At nine o'clock, the video came back on time. Yu Fan picked up the fruit knife that had finished peeling the apple, and connected it with a blank expression, just as he was about to speak—

"Pull the phone higher." Chen Jingshen glanced at the screen and said.

"What are you doing?"

"A little higher."

Moji what

Yu Fan frowned, raised his hand and picked up something to scare him.

"Okay." Chen Jingshen opened the question book, "I couldn't see you just now."


Yu Fan confronted his stinky face in the small window of the screen expressionlessly for a while, then put down the knife.