Wait For Me After School

Chapter 8


On Wednesday afternoon, after finishing the lessons of other classes, Zhuang Fangqin returned to the office with the lesson plans.

Seeing the person leaning against her desk, she raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Yo, rare guest." Zhuang Fangqin dismantled his little bee loudspeaker and put it on the table.

Yu Fan: "Didn't I come here yesterday?"

"I mean it's rare for you to come here on your own initiative." Zhuang Fangqin sat down on the seat, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Yu Fan cut to the chase: "I want to change seats."

"Where to change?"

"The last row, next to the podium, whatever."

Zhuang Fangqin took a sip of water: "You either give me a reasonable reason, or don't waste each other's time here."

Yu Fan: "The new deskmate affects my study."


Zhuang Fangqin looked at him in surprise, wondering why he said such words without changing his face.

"How did he affect you?"

"Writing is too noisy, my body smells bad, I look down on poor students—"

"Nonsense!" Zhuang Fangqin picked up the lesson plan and patted him, "This time, Chen Jingshen himself applied for a transfer with me. How could he look down on you?"

Yu Fan was silent for a while, then repeated: "He applied for it himself?"

Zhuang Fangqin: "Otherwise?"

Oh shit.

Why is this person so annoying

"Why can he sit wherever he wants?" After Yu Fan finished speaking, he suddenly felt that the words sounded familiar.

Zuo Kuan seemed to have said something similar yesterday.

"What do you think?" Zhuang Fangqin said, "Isn't it a great thing that the first student in the grade offered to help the students with poor academic ability?"

"You give this good thing to others, I don't want it."

"It's up to you." Zhuang Fangqin waved the pen in his hand, and said simply, "Go back to the classroom, and tell me about changing your seat when you add a zero to your math score one day. Where do you want to sit then? Well, even if you want to sit in Director Hu's office, I will definitely find a way to help you with this matter."


Yu Fan's face was stinky when he returned to the classroom.

Seeing the person sitting next to his seat, he immediately smelled even worse.

During the break time, people in the class are either sleeping or chatting, and some people go to the cafeteria to buy food. In the whole class, only Chen Jingshen was sitting upright doing the questions.

"Yu Fan, where have you been?"

Wang Luan was transferred to the team next door, and Yu Fan was absent from the two front tables at the moment, so he took someone else's seat first.

Yu Fan sat on the seat, without looking at the person next to him: "Toilet."

"Oh, why don't you ask me to go with you?"

"What are you doing? Lookout?"

"It's not impossible." Wang Lu'an turned around and sat down, put his hands on the back of the chair, and complained, "Hey, you don't know how miserable I am, my disciplinary committee member doesn't stare at the same table in class, just fuck Look at me, I can't even play on my phone... No, I have to find Wangqin to change seats, whoever wants to sit in this unlucky seat."

"I'll sit." Yu Fan said, "Will you swap with me?"

Wang Lu'an was taken aback, and subconsciously glanced at the person next to Yu Fan.

Chen Jingshen lowered his eyes and didn't even stop writing.

He glanced at the question bank under Chen Jingshen's hands, good guy, he was sleepy at a glance.

He always felt that the relationship between the newly transferred Xueba and Yu Fan was a bit strange, but it was not like what Yu Fan said.

"It's not impossible." Wang Lu'an said smoothly, "Then don't ask Xueba if he is willing?"

Yu Fan frowned: "What does it have to do with him..."

"No change." A heavy sentence came from the side.

Yu Fan: "."

Unexpectedly, Chen Jingshen would pay attention to him, Wang Lu'an was also taken aback for a moment.

"No change, no change, we just talk about it casually, basically no one can transfer the position fixed by Wang Qin," Wang Lu'an moved to the side, and seized the opportunity to ask himself the question that he had been holding on all night, "By the way, Xueba , You said yesterday that you like to watch it, so sit closer... What are you watching?"


Yu Fan shook his hand, and the phone he just took out fell to the ground.

Chen Jingshen said, "Look—"

Yu Fan: "Director Hu."

Chen Jingshen: "."

Wang Lu'an: "..."

Wang Luan narrowed his eyes in confusion: "Director Hu? Fat Tiger? What does he have to do with this seat?"

"Well," Yu Fan didn't blush, "I'm in this position, I can see the office downstairs when I stand up."

Wang Lu'an: "Why didn't I find out?"

It's normal, the parties themselves didn't find out.

Chen Jingshen glanced at Yu Fan's mouth, wondering why this person was still so good at talking.

Wang Lu'an stood up and tried it: "I can't see it."

Yu Fan: "You are too short."

"Damn." Wang Lu'an looked at Chen Jingshen, "Xueba, you like being fat... Director Hu? Why, doesn't he take classes?"

Sensing the vicious stares of the people around him, Chen Jingshen held the pen between his fingers and remained silent for two seconds.

"Well," he said dryly, "I like his math lecture notes."

Wang Lu'an: "..."

Yu Fan picked up the school uniform and threw it on the table, spread it like a pillow, and chased people away: "Go back to your place, I'm going to sleep."

At the end of the class break, the bell rang, and the physics teacher walked in with the textbook in his arms.

The squad leader yelled and stood up, Chen Jingshen stood up and found that there was nothing around him.

Yu Fan was lying on the table, already asleep.

He originally slept with his coat face down, but when he fell asleep, he felt stuffy, and turned his head to reveal half of his face.

The boy's eyes are closed, the bridge of his nose is straight, the end of his eyes and the two small moles on his right cheek maintain a delicate balance, and he feels much less aggressive than when he was awake.

It turns out that moles don't grow with age.

"Sit down," the physics teacher repeated. He pushed his glasses and looked at the people standing in the back row, "Chen Jingshen?"

Chen Jingshen closed his eyes and sat back.

Yu Fan was woken up by the sound of banging on the table.

As soon as he looked up, he gave Zhuang Fangqin a cold look.

Seeing that he was awake, Zhuang Fangqin stopped slapping the podium with the lesson plans, and raised the test paper in his hand: "Put away the things on the desktop. These two self-study classes are used for the exam first. After such a long vacation, I want to see how many knowledge points you have forgotten. I want to mark the exam this time, write it carefully for me. The first student in each group will come up to get the test paper and pass it on later.”

Yu Fan moved his fingers, buried his face in his arms again, and sat up with difficulty until the test paper was passed in front of him.

Zhuang Fangqin's invigilation is strict, and his eyes are wandering around, but he rarely looks at Yu Fan.

Because the teachers knew very well in their hearts that Yu Fan was very honest in the exams - he scored as much as he should, and never bothered to cheat.

Yu Fan took out a pen and wrote his name, planning to go back to sleep while Zhuang Fangqin was not paying attention.

Because of sleepiness, his handwriting is crooked, like a caterpillar that has been cut into several sections.

A few seconds later, Yu Fan suddenly remembered something, and slowly raised his head to recall—

What did Fangqin say today

After passing the math test with a score of 90, he can sit wherever he wants in the future.

Yu Fan propped his chin, the more he thought about it, the clearer he became.

He rubbed his face and sat up straight, lowered his head, and carefully read through the math test paper in his hand—


I can't understand a single question.

Yu Fan held his pen and observed the classmates around him for the first time since changing seats.

The two people at the table on the right had better grades than him, on the left were Wang Lu'an and the disciplinary committee member, and at the front table were Zhang Wenjing and a short-haired girl who seemed restrained and silent after only three semesters of communication with him.

Either you can't copy, or you can't get 90 points in the test.

Yu Fan sat for a while holding his eyelids dry.

It wasn't until Zhuang Fangqin on the stage changed his sitting position that he reluctantly moved his eyeballs and secretly looked at the people around him.

The people around were still stuck with the multiple choice questions on the first page of the test paper, but Chen Jingshen had already reached the end of the second page.

Yu Fan didn't struggle much in his heart, he just wanted to hug the table and hurry to sit under the blackboard newspaper.

Two minutes later, after making sure that Zhuang Fangqin wasn't looking at this side, he shielded himself with one hand, and glanced at the test paper under Chen Jingshen's hand.

Thanks to his dislike of studying, Yu Fan has very good eyesight. He was just about to see the first multiple-choice question—

Chen Jingshen pinched the draft paper and gently covered it, covering the written part on the test paper.

Yu Fan: "?"

He subconsciously looked at the owner of the paper.

Chen Jingshen lowered his head to answer the question, without even giving him a glance.

Chen Jingshen: "Do your own papers."

Zhuang Fangqin invigilates the exam and cannot play with his mobile phone or sleep.

Yu Fan leaned back resignedly, put his hands in his pockets and began to look out the window.

"Some students, take your heart back. If you really want to go out to pick up trash, you have to endure it until graduation." Zhuang Fangqin's voice floated down from the podium coolly.

"Some classmates" turned their heads back in boredom.

The test paper was full of lines and numbers, which made him dizzy.

So his eyes wandered, and he began to patrol the classroom.

Everyone else in the class was doing the paper seriously, only two people were distracted like him.

After finishing the multiple-choice questions, Zhang Wenjing is now arranging her forked hair.

Wang Lu'an... with his palms in front of his eyes, blocking Zhuang Fangqin's sight, he was peeking at the discipline committee's test paper.

Wang Lu'an's head remained the same, his eyes twisted into a strange angle, if he hadn't looked carefully, Yu Fan wouldn't have noticed that he was peeking.

Of course, the disciplinary committee didn't find out either.

How did Chen Jingshen find out? He was clearly watching so carefully.

And, didn't you say you liked him

They are not even allowed to copy the test papers

These top students like to have a fart after all.

Thinking about it, Yu Fan glanced to the side again.

Chen Jingshen was pressing the draft paper under his hands, and was still working on the questions seriously. Most people's draft papers are so messed up that I can't read them. Chen Jingshen is different, his draft papers are clean and tidy, and those who don't know think he is writing the answers to the paper.

At this moment, Chen Jingshen's eyes fell on the last question on the paper, the corners of his mouth were tense, and he raised his right hand to support his temple, as if he was about to meditate.

Only two seconds later, he loosened his eyebrows, nimbly turned the pen with his fingertips, pulled the draft paper and started writing.

"The paper will be closed in one minute. When the time is up, put down the pen for me, and don't write more than one stroke. No one will give you time in the college entrance examination room."

As soon as Zhuang Fangqin's voice sounded, Yu Fan regained consciousness and looked away.

What kind of academic master, isn't he still solving problems at the last minute

He picked up his school uniform jacket, ready to leave as soon as it was wrapped up.

Suddenly, there was a "swish", and a piece of draft paper filled with writing was placed in front of him.

Yu Fan paused as he put on his coat, his eyes stayed on the draft paper for a while, and he recognized that it was the one that Chen Jingshen had been writing just now, and it was densely packed with formulas.

After making sure that there was no title of any stupid tutoring book written on the paper, he asked coldly, "What?"

"The answer and solution of the paper." Chen Jingshen threw the pen into the pencil case, and looked at him in the blink of an eye, "Didn't you want to read it?"


Yes, I want to watch it, I fucking want to watch it at the last minute of the exam.