Waiting For You Online

Chapter 1: Xiaoxian Ajin


The author has something to say:

Before we start, let me explain when this article takes place—

The background of the story is set in the next few years, that is, the time is overhead (there will be holographic online games at that time, and the article will also slightly associate some future new products, black technologies, etc.), but only a span of ten years, the changes will not be great. At the same time, the "eight years ago" in the story is equivalent to the "now" in the objective world. Therefore, at that time, the Internet and personal computers had become popular, and most minors had smartphones. , Tianxia, Jiuyin, etc. The game background of this article will also refer to these settings, and make some prospects for the future on these basis, hoping to write interesting and real.

Well, let's start this sweet love! ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿


He Jin ordered sweet and sour pork ribs and cabbage meat paste in the second canteen, and walked slowly to the dormitory with the food box.

On the path leading to the dormitory building, ginkgo and sycamore leaves fell all over the ground, with golden fans sandwiched in the yellowish brown, making crunching sounds when stepped on.

Passing by a group of beautifully dressed girls, bustling and bustling, accompanied by coquettish laughter, they carried balls and other props for shouting and cheering, and revealed key words such as "tennis" and "school grass" during the conversation. He Jin could not help but tremble just looking at their long and long legs that were still exposed in this season.

The fork ahead leads to the school tennis court. It seems that some heavyweight competition will be held this afternoon, and the "school grass" as the girls call it will also participate.

However, He Jin doesn't care about these things—he has spent two and a half years on this campus, and he has experienced everything that should be new, and he has experienced everything that should be experienced.

The junior year is the busiest year for professional courses, especially after the second half of the semester, the relaxed and romantic college life seems to have gone, and the anxiety and hesitation about the future began to spread gradually in the grades.

He Jin sighed, thinking back to the home appliance last night. The woman said on the phone that his father had arranged a job for him in his hometown. It was a well-known public institution, and he could be recommended to be a civil servant internally. The salary was high and the benefits were good. Wait for him Going back to work as soon as you graduate...

For some reason, He Jin felt a little bored.

When he was about to reach the dormitory building, a few figures rushed out of the front, recklessly brushed his arm and ran past, bringing up a gust of dust, just as He Jin was in a trance, holding his lunch box in place, dumbfounded, and even the last person in the queue Unable to dodge, he bumped into his arms.

With a "bang", He Jin staggered, and all the food boxes fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry..." The man gave him a hand, and bent down to pick up the box for him after he stood still, "You didn't break it, did you?"

"It's okay." He Jin took the box. This is a plexiglass lunch box produced by Lock. It is well sealed and can't be broken or smashed. It's lucky for this kid, so he doesn't need to pay.

He Jin looked up at him, and saw that the man was wearing a blue and white POLO shirt and a Nike casual jacket. He was tall with long arms, neat short hair, slightly narrow eyes, and pursed lips. It looks a little unsmiling.

—It's the tennis team, rushing to the game

He Jin waved his hands to indicate that he was really fine, and didn't say anything else, just passing him by with his lunch box in his arms.

A few years ago, the National University Alliance called on all colleges and universities to improve the student accommodation environment and move closer to famous foreign schools, and the government allocated funds to some key colleges and universities for the reconstruction of old school buildings. He Jin just caught up with this benefit when he was in college. .

The Huada University where he is located belongs to the scope of the allocation of funds. The old school abandoned the "pigsty dormitory" that has been complained about by countless alumni, and changed it into a new type of two-person shared room. Every two or four people share a room for discussion and dual use. In the dining room, there are refrigerators, microwave ovens, air conditioners and heaters. The conditions after the renovation are so good that many students from private third-school colleges are envious.

He Jin opened the door, and the other three people in the two dormitories were sitting around the table eating. Seeing him, one of them shouted, "Brother Jin, why are you so slow?"

The speaker was Hou Dongyan, He Jin's roommate. He was thin, with a flat nose and big ears. He looked like a monkey. Of course, his nickname was "Monkey".

"I went to the cafeteria after turning around the Academic Affairs Office, so it's late." He Jin opened the empty seat and sat down. He opened the lunch box but was dumbfounded. Originally, the appearance of the canteen dishes was not good, but now the red, white and white paste is even more unbearable to look at.

"Ugh, what kind of food are you ordering? It's disgusting." Hou Dongyan complained bluntly.

He Jin: "..."

"Academic Affairs Office? What are you busy with?" Another person asked.

He Jin has been a class committee member since he was a child. After entering university, he naturally joined the student union. He also contributed a lot to student activities in the past two years. Because he did a good job, he was promoted to the study department in his sophomore year. minister. But from the beginning of this year, He Jin obviously felt powerless. Originally, many people recommended him to join the presidium this semester, and even had the opportunity to run for the chairman of the student union, but he didn't know where he was cramping, and he wanted to quit the membership.

"It's nothing, just let me go and vote." He Jin moved his chopsticks a few times before losing his appetite.

After class in the afternoon, He Jin went back to the dormitory and squinted for a while. When he woke up, he saw Hou Dongyan still playing games in front of the computer, muttering a few words from time to time, looking very excited.

This guy is a game fan. From his freshman year to now, He Jin has never seen him not playing computer games for a day. Although he usually doesn't skip class, he doesn't seem to be motivated much. Grades, but now that he is approaching his senior year, this guy is still like a normal person, he should eat, sleep, and play without missing a second. Sometimes He Jin really envies him.

Seeing the unfamiliar picture on Hou Dongyan's computer screen, He Jin leaned over with his slippers and asked, "Still playing?"

Hou Dongyan took off the earphones, stroked his chest and shouted, "Why are you so silent? You scared me!"

"You didn't hear it yourself." He Jin smiled at him, looked at the computer again, and asked, "What kind of game is this?" I saw a majestic fairy-hero background on the screen, distant mountains and vast seas, and smoky waves—yes A scene that He Jin had never seen before.

When asked about his favourite, Hou Dongyan immediately became excited: "This is 'Shenmo', a domestic 3D game. The official website announced that 'Holographic' will be released soon, and it's so popular now!"

"...God and Demon?" He Jin felt that the name was a bit familiar, but now most of the game names are linked with these two characters. It is not surprising that they are either gods or demons.

"This game was very popular earlier, you haven't heard of it?" Hou Dongyan explained the game scene while lighting the light-controlled mouse pad, "But it wasn't called this at the beginning, it was called "Lingxian". I have played it before, and I thought it was not as fun as European and American games, so I gave up. Now I have played it again, but I did not expect it to be so good. It completely broke through my understanding of domestic games! The key is that it is almost "holographic". This is the third holographic online game released in the world after "Beast Soul" and "Magic Tower" in the United States!"

He Jin was stunned, but not because of "Holography", but because of "Lingxian" - this game was popular in their middle school back then, and it was the only game He Jin had ever played.

At that time, Chinese online novels became popular, especially the themes of alien world, fantasy, and cultivating immortals. Young people were attracted by the fantasy world described by the author, and they were extremely fanatical. Just at this time, Qinghu.com launched a large-scale 3D cultivating online game "Lingxian" with the theme of cultivating immortals, which attracted countless young players for a while.

At that time, almost all the classmates in He Jin's class were playing the game. Every day after school, there were topics related to the game. Some people even established a guild with the class as a group in the game.

"..."Magic Tower" opened its server in foreign countries half a year ago, and it received rave reviews, and now it is attracting attention!" Hou Dongyan was still talking, "Oh yes, the game official recently held an event. It is said that if it is' Accounts registered during the "Lingxian" period have the opportunity to draw a "God and Demon" holographic helmet, which is worth tens of thousands of dollars... But we were still junior high school students during the "Lingxian" period, and the account password has long been forgotten!"

Just as he was sighing, Hou Dongyan suddenly realized that the person he was talking to was He Jin, that He Jin who never played games, telling him these things was like talking to a duck.

"Okay, I know you're definitely not interested..." Hou Dongyan looked at the time, and was about to put down his earphones and ask his roommates to go to the cafeteria for dinner, when the other party asked, "Do you have the installation package for this game?"

Hou Dongyan: "..." Is the sun coming out from the west

After dinner, He Jin double-clicked to open the installed "God and Demon" on the computer screen, and entered a string of familiar account passwords in the long, smoke-filled login box.

Hou Dongyan yelled "Damn it", stood behind him and said in surprise, "You actually have an account?"

He Jin: "I played it when I was in junior high school."

Hou Dongyan's eyes widened: "Do you still remember the account password?"

He Jin: "I use the same set of account passwords on all social networks. If I make a mistake, my account may be canceled..."

"It shouldn't be." Hou Dongyan also looked at the screen expectantly. Today's He Jin is an eye-opener for him. I have known this guy for two and a half years, and I have never seen him become interested in anything other than study and student work. , I always thought he was a nerd and a workaholic who was rigid to the bone, but I didn't expect him to play online games!

The internet speed is already very fast these days, and waiting in line is rare because of the hot server. The moment He Jin presses the login button, the game loading bar starts up, indicating that the account password is correct.

Immediately afterwards, the game pops up a system notification box—

Dear "Xiaoxian Jin", welcome back to "Lingxian"! This game has undergone many revisions and upgrades in the past eight years, and has become the current "Shenmo". Since the system detects that your account is the initial version ID, you have a chance to draw a lottery for the "Shenmo" holographic helmet. This time The winning rate of the lucky draw is as high as 5%, please click the following URL to go to…

"Ah! Hurry up!" Hou Dongyan urged, patting the back of the chair.

The corner of He Jin's eyes twitched and he opened the lottery drawing interface. Seeing that he needed to fill in a series of information related to himself, including his real name, mobile phone, contact address, and ID number, he couldn't help but cautiously said: "Fill in such details? Is it okay?"

Hou Dongyan said anxiously: "Brother, you must register your real name when you play games now, and you have to fill in these when registering an account, not to mention that this is Qinghu.com, a national game certification website, if you don't worry, just fill in mine, in case you win the lottery You can also receive it if you send it here!"

He Jin thought about it, so he filled in Hou Dongyan's, but an error notification popped up when he submitted it—"Sorry, this ID card has already been used. game account."

Hou Dongyan: "..."

Helpless, He Jin had to change it back, and then he passed the lottery. The result of the lottery will not be released until one month later, and the holographic version of "God and Demon" will also be opened at that time.

Switching back to the game interface, He Jin's character image has appeared in front of his eyes - a little girl in Tsing Yi with a bun on her head.

"Pfft..." Hou Dongyan burst out laughing, "Brother Jin, you're playing a female number!"

He Jin blushed slightly, coughed lightly and said, "I chose blindly."

—He himself forgot how he could be a female number. (=_=)

However, it is also very common for boys to play female accounts in games. Nowadays, the images of female characters in many games are designed to be sexy and enchanting. Sometimes male players play female accounts purely for pleasing to the eye. Hou Dongyan's "Magic Tower" account is a redhead female elf.

Hou Dongyan glanced at the server where He Jin was, and sighed in disappointment: "We don't have the same server!"

He Jin: "I'll just come up and take a look at it casually, and I don't necessarily want to really play."

Hearing what he said, Hou Dongyan lost interest in watching, and jokingly said, "Then if you get the helmet, give it to me", then turned around and went to play with himself.

He Jin successfully entered the game. The place where he went online was an uninhabited flower valley. The mountains and plains were filled with white grass and yellow flowers, glowing golden in the sun...

The scenery is beautiful, but He Jin is at a loss.

Adjusting the perspective of Lolita Tsing Yi, He Jin looked at the brand-new scene and the dazzling control layout, feeling very strange.

Flipping through the gloomy friend list, He Jin counted the few names on it in detail: Dancing Roujiamo, Egg Rolls with Eggs, Dumplings Lying Gun... Most of them were classmates from junior high school at that time.

—Uh, fire is ruthless

This name seems a bit out of place in a pile of "food", but it makes He Jin feel very familiar, but he can't remember who it is. After all, eight years have passed, who remembers who, maybe they are not playing. …

In the next second, the name he was staring at suddenly lit up, and then a line of golden characters floated on the screen—

〖System〗: Your husband "Huo Huo Ru Qing" is online.

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