Waiting For You Online

Chapter 113: Take your time and enjoy


As soon as the "Master" came out, there was another commotion in the audience area, and someone in the know immediately found out the real identity of Empress Chitose.

After Shenmo opened the hologram, the official gave helmet players a free chance to change their names. Many players changed their appearance. This "Niang Niang Chitose" is the protoss player who originally ranked fifteenth in the old district, and was once "Passing Water°" His apprentice, "Qianyecao. 』

There are too many ambiguous masters and apprentices in the game, not to mention "Passing Water" and "Qianyecao". 』The two circles on the side of the original name are also very like a couple symbol, so the relationship between the two has also aroused gossip among many players, but just like the two chatting just now, Qianyecao and Huang Taiji, After leaving the game for a while, I came back only after learning about the hologram of gods and demons.

No one knew what was right and wrong between her and Passing Water, and the audience didn't care, they said...the fucking fight finally started! TAT

Xiaolan: "It turns out that this is a master-student battle. The game is still very interesting, because the apprentice's spiritual pet has almost killed the master's spiritual pet. What will the master do?"

Huang Huang: "Speaking of which, although Passing Water's ranking is much higher than Empress Chitose, from a professional point of view, Passing Water's match is not flattering, because Empress Chitose's main job is a nanny!"

Xiaolan: "That's right, Empress Chitose just performed a small recovery technique on Rouge Kou, and Rouge Kou's blood has returned to 50%."

Huang Huang: "At the same time, Passing Water also used the domestication skill to recall Fence, the current HP of Fence player is 17%..."

"Recall" is a unique skill of the trainer. Once the trainer activates the "recall", no matter where the spiritual pet is or what it does, it will be interrupted instantly, and it will return to the trainer immediately. This is somewhat similar to the "Shadow and Shadow" in the husband and wife skills, except that the former is a passive single-player skill, and the latter is a two-player active skill, but this skill has a CD duration and can be used again after 5 minutes.

Qin Yang also knows the "recall" skill, but when he and He Jin are together, he prefers to use "intimate". "Intimate" and "recall" have the same effect, no CD, but "intimate" can only be used as a spiritual pet It will only take effect when it is within the line of sight of the trainer and in a non-combat state.

The battle with Rouge Button was interrupted, and Li Luo was like a child who hadn't played enough, patting his paws depressingly.

Passing Water touched the panda's head and whispered, "Jump into the water in a while."

Huang Huang: "The current situation is very unfavorable to the passing water and the fence. It should be a protracted battle between the conjurer and the nanny."

Xiaolan: "As far as I know, Passing Water is a dual-professional player. In addition to spells, he can also form spells..."

Huang Huang: "Liluo contestant suddenly rushed to the edge of the island and jumped into the water!"

Among gods and demons, although most spiritual pets can't fly, "swimming" has its own skills. Whether it is a human or land-born pet, it will not drown if it falls into the water.

Barrage—"Damn it scared me to death, I thought he was going to commit suicide again!"

Huang Huang: "Passing Water puts away its folding fan and flies away!"

Xiaolan: "He wants to fight an air battle with Empress Chitose? Empress Chitose is also flying!"

Huang Huang: "Passing water contestant didn't know when the island was filled with diversion formations... He cast the thunder spell!"

Xiaolan: "The rouge button in the center of the island couldn't dodge, and suffered an electric shock that lasted 7 seconds! The blood bar dropped to 10%!"

Huang Huang: "Mistress Chitose is performing a healing spell for Rouge Kou in the air... The healing technique was interrupted, Niang Niang Chitose used the instant return technique, and Rouge Kou's blood volume rose to 19%! Now it seems that Rouge Kou's state is very similar to that of the fence. It's close."

Xiaolan: "Passing Water's formation and spells not only leveled the status of the rouge button and the fence, but also made Empress Chitose lose a lot of blue."

Barrage—"Ah! Passing water is so handsome!!!" "The scene where Passing water touches the fence's head just now, I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels pampered?! (≧▽≦)" "You're not alone! Feeling The passing water is avenging the fence!!"

Huang Huang: "Niang Niang Qiantui launched three fireball attacks on the passing water in succession, but they were all dodged by the passing water."

Xiaolan: "Sure enough, he is a master. He has a very strong sense of dodge, and his movements are also very flexible. The movements of the empress are relatively stiff in the air."

Huang Huang: "Liluo returned to the island, and launched an attack on Yanzhikou again... Now the division of labor is clear between spiritual pet and domesticating master, and Empress Chitose has no time to be distracted by Yanzhikou."

Xiaolan: "Well... Li Luo is still a bit inferior in combat."

Huang Huang: "Contestant Li Luo fought to the last moment, but his sacrifice was not in vain, because Rouge Kou's HP was also worn down to only 3%."

Xiaolan: "However, the two tamer masters are still fighting in the air, and the rouge buckle that only has bloody skin can't help much... The empress seems to have consciously wanted to lead the battle to the island, but failed."

Huang Huang: "Ah, Passing Water launched a 'Mind Attack Curse' on Yanzhikou in the air! Yanzhikou died!"

Xiaolan: "This is the second time the trainer has attacked the enemy pets in this game, right?"

Huang Huang: "Yes."

Xiaolan: "Passing water player looks very defensive..."

Huang Huang: "They returned to the island, but Empress Qiantui stepped into the body lock array under the cloth of passing water..."

Xiaolan: "Mistress Chitose's blood volume is 26%, Passing Water 21%, in the state of body lock for 10 seconds, Niangniang Chitose cannot make any attacks, Passing Water can do whatever he wants during these 10 seconds."

Huang Huang: "Mistress Chitose's blood volume is only 5% left, she has given up struggling... the outcome is decided."

Xiaolan: "Uh uh, has the passing water stopped?"

Just when there were 3 seconds left in the locked body formation, Passing Water stopped attacking!

The host is in a hurry, and the audience is crazy... What is this for

In the arena, there are willows on the banks of the willows, the wind is waning and the moon is waning.

Empress Chitose: "Why don't you do it?"

Passing Water stood not far from her, opened the folding fan, and shook it gently.

Empress Chitose: "If you don't do anything, I will add blood to myself in a while, and the outcome may be decided."

Passing Water: "Will you?"

While speaking, 3 seconds passed, the body lock array disappeared, and the empress Qiantui stood in front of the passing water, but did not move.


"Fucking wool! Are these two going to start chatting again?"

"I feel like I'm back in the beginning of the game (=_=)…"

"No, now the panda and the rabbit are two corpses."

"I found out what Ah Jin used in that game just now! It was the "Bamboo Bowl" and "Bamboo Music Score" dropped after beating the 30 field boss "Bamboo Demon", and then he had to learn to play the flute, Playing this song together with the "Bamboo Bowl" can regain the plant-type spiritual pet... Damn it! It's too complicated! Such a hanging method can only be imagined by the ruthless master!"

"Passing Water doesn't want her, does it? I don't want to watch such bloody plots!"

After a long time, Chitose, the empress in the arena, finally said: "Forget it, you already let us down at the beginning, so winning like this is meaningless."

[Battlefield] "Niang Niang Chitose": "GG."

[Battlefield] The player "Niangniang Chitose" has left the field, and the players "Passing Water" and "Fence" won.

[Battlefield] The game is over, and the Qingyi team gets 1 point.


"Finally won! Nima, watching this match made me almost vomit blood!"

"It turns out that the purpose of chatting at the beginning is to release water for the apprentice? The passing water is so gentle!"

"After watching this game, I suddenly want to fall in love... I want to find a husband who is like Passing Water! TAT"

... A late "science popularization" just now was submerged magnificently in the tide of barrage...

Paishui and Liluo returned to the waiting area, and were collectively complained by their teammates—they, like the audience, were about to vomit blood!

His Royal Highness Ninth Prince: "Are you playing games or filming TV? It's obvious that the battle can be settled quickly, it's too ink stained!"

"It's rare to see such a beautiful scene, why not rush, just enjoy it slowly," Passing Water looked at Liluo, "How about Liluo, did you enjoy playing?"

Li Luo nodded seriously: "Cool!"

Everyone: "..."

Zhao Mingyue: "I'm the only one wondering if Brother Shui has an affair with that 'mother'?"

He Jin and Li Luo listened with pricked ears, they were quite curious too, but except for these two, everyone else looked at Zhao Mingyue with contempt on their faces: "That guy Qianyecao is a man!"

Zhao Mingyue: "Pfft... Brother Shui, I'm convinced!"