Waiting For You Online

Chapter 31: Learn to play tennis


The two ate in the cafeteria. He Jin had the habit of taking a nap. After the meal, he went back to the dormitory to take a nap. He and Qin Yang met downstairs in the dormitory at three o'clock. Qin Yang told him to wear a sweatshirt. If he didn't have one, he should wear loose clothes order clothes.

When he went downstairs at that point, He Jin saw Qin Yang put on the racket, and the two went directly to the tennis court.

Because of the popularity of the Huada Tennis Team, the school has invested heavily in the construction of tennis courts. The courts are divided into indoor and outdoor courts, including one indoor court, six outdoor courts, and a practice area for beginners.

The weather was fine that day, there were several couples of students playing on the outdoor field, they saw Qin Yang from a distance, and shouted loudly, some called "Brother Qin", some called "Senior", and some called "Vice President".

He Jin was taken aback: "So you are still the vice president of the tennis club!"

While waving to them, Qin Yang said to He Jin, "Those who are just calling for fun are actually not very serious about it."

When they got closer, Qin Yang told He Jin that the players who are playing now are all freshman students, and some of them approached curiously and asked, "Brother Qin, who is this?"

Qin Yang patted He Jin on the back, made him take a small step forward, and said in a familiar tone: "He Jin, my friend."

He Jin was taken aback by the other party's introduction again. It wasn't "senior" or "so-and-so from the student union", but "friend"... This sentence of friend made He Jin feel very comfortable.

Several juniors called He Jin "senior" and greeted each other. Qin Yang put the racket aside and asked them to help watch, then he swung his arms and started to walk in small steps: "Run two laps to warm up first. ?”

He Jin kept up with his pace, and the two started jogging. Qin Yang talked to him while running, "How much exercise do you usually do?"

He Jin shook his head. Huada requires freshmen to run every morning in the first semester, but it is no longer mandatory from the second semester. He Jin still maintains this habit at the beginning. When he was with Tong Xuan, there was a Time to bring breakfast to the other party, and this habit was gradually abolished, and there was no exercise after that.

After a while, He Jin began to pant. After two laps, he put his hands on his knees, bowed his waist and couldn't stand up straight.

Qin Yang didn't blush and was not flustered, and while doing stretching and stretching movements, he criticized him: "You can't do this, no wonder you have a fever after being exposed to such a little rain, and you are so afraid of the cold. From now on, I will take you for two runs every night. Circle it, fifteen minutes is enough, it can relieve stress, help sleep, and enhance physical fitness."

Panting for breath, He Jin shook his head, Qin Yang's suggestion was very good, and he also felt that he couldn't go on like this.

After he regained his breath, He Jin felt that his whole body was getting hotter. Qin Yang handed him a racket: "Weigh it, is the weight okay?"

Holding the racket in both hands, He Jin commented: "Heavy!"

Qin Yang smiled "puchi", "The one I gave you is fairly light." Then he weighed his own for him.

He Jin's eyes widened: "This one is heavier!...why?"

"Beginners' rackets should not be too heavy. This is the racket I bought when I was just learning tennis. It has a large surface and is easier to hit. I found it out yesterday and wrapped it with a new sweatband..." Qin Yang pointed the racket head upside down to He Jin looked at it, let him hold it again, and then said in surprise, "Why are your hands so small?" Pretending as if you just discovered it...

He Jin clenched the beat awkwardly, feeling a little shy of being exposed, he lowered his eyes and said, "Well, it's always been like this, and I don't know why I haven't grown up."

Qin Yang couldn't help laughing, but said calmly, "The handle of this racket is a bit thick for you. If you don't feel comfortable holding it, I'll change it to a lady's racket that's a size smaller."

He Jin shyly said: "No need, I'll just hit it casually, just use this one, and it won't make me unable to hold it, so there's no need to be too professional."

Qin Yang said seriously: "A handle that is too thick will inhibit the downward pressure of the wrist when serving the ball, and it is not easy to exert force, and it is easier to hit it with less strength... But today there is no way, I will play with you first, see If you like to play, next time we will pick a suitable beat together."

He Jin nodded: "Alright."

The two walked to the novice practice field and learned how to play squash first. Qin Yang demonstrated a move and then threw a ball to He Jin: "Come on, try it."

Before that, He Jin himself had read two or three strategies for beginners to learn tennis on the Internet. He thought that Qin Yang would explain it to him again, but he didn't expect the other party to let him go directly!

He Jin hit two shots but failed to catch, Qin Yang persevered in throwing the ball to him: "It's okay if you drop it, take your time."

After serving a dozen or so balls, He Jin gradually found his sense. As the number of times he caught the ball increased, his sense of accomplishment became higher and higher... This tennis seems to be quite simple!

At this moment, Qin Yang suddenly said: "He Jin, stop for a moment, keep this movement, right..."

He Jin maintained the antics of raising his right hand, not daring to move like a puppet. He felt Qin Yang coming from behind, thinking that the other party would lift his arm like last time, fiddle with his arm, and correct him. Posture or something, unexpectedly, Qin Yang posted it directly from behind!

— That's right, the whole body was pressed up, chest to back, because Qin Yang was taller and bigger than him, so close to him, He Jin felt a strong sense of oppression coming from behind!

Qin Yang clasps He Jin's wrist with his left hand and presses down, wraps the palm of his right hand around the hand holding the racket, and pushes back hard: "Relax your shoulders, straighten your arms, squat down, and lower your center of gravity..."

When the other party spoke, the warm breath brushed behind his ears, He Jin's ear bones twitched, his scalp went numb, and he lost his mind like a marionette, allowing the other party to swing at will.

This... this pose...

He Jin couldn't bear it in his heart and burst out the words "I'm second"...

… Is he the only one who finds it weird? Orz…

"Ah~..." The exclamation of several girls came from a distance, and He Jin, who was out of his body, was pulled back to reality in an instant!

(↑You are not alone↑)

Qin Yang had already taken a step back without a trace, He Jin turned around stiffly, and saw a row of girls hanging outside the iron net of the squash court at some point, all of them staring at him and him with bright eyes and flushed faces. Qin Yang... excitedly scratched the iron net!

Qin Yang was unmoved, didn't even look at them, and said to He Jin expressionlessly: "Go on." He really looked like a strict and calm tennis coach, without any sense of joke in it.

He Jin played ball for a while without saying a word, and then slowly suppressed the embarrassment just now.

He didn't suspect that Qin Yang was abnormal. When encountering any problems, he was always used to finding the reason on himself first. Qin Yang was so serious, if he acted surprised, he would look weird... So even if there was something just now Such an ambiguous action, He Jin will not hide from the other party because of it.

The problem was himself, as Fire said, he became overthinking. (=_=)

Afterwards, Qin Yang didn't approach him again, and just stood by the side to point out his movements, occasionally doing a demonstration or something.

Exercising is indeed a very stress-reducing thing. He Jin put all his random thoughts behind him just now. The more he sweated, the more energetic he became. It seemed that all the boredom in his heart was excreted with sweat. The whole person relaxes.

"I can't tell, you are quite athletic!" Qin Yang praised him generously.

He Jin was very happy. He took off his coat, grabbed the collar of his T-shirt and wiped the sweat off his face. He said proudly, "I played badminton in junior high school, and I won prizes in the district on behalf of the school team."

Qin Yang looked at him with a funny face and asked, "What about tennis, do you want to continue playing?"

He Jin: "Think about it, it's pretty fun... why don't you fight?"

"I'm watching you," Qin Yang uttered "look" the first time, as if looking at a child, "in case you don't move properly and hit you a lot, your whole body will be sore for several days when you go back."

"You're really dedicated," He Jin sat on the ground, gasping for breath, "I'll rest for a while, and I'll take a look after you play for a while, so I can study."

Qin Yang weighed the racket in his hand, held it tightly, and turned to go.

Throwing, serving, kicking... Qin Yang slowly stretched his body away, hitting each stroke steadily and accurately!

After controlling the rhythm, Qin Yang began to speed up, hitting every ball at twice the speed that He Jin practiced just now.

He Jin stared in a daze, but what shocked him was still to come, because Qin Yang was obviously not satisfied with this - he hit faster and faster, returned the ball more and more densely, shuttled through the air like bullets... but there was no one The ball fell from his hands, or in other words, his body was like a net, his arms swung quickly, dancing shadows in the air, catching every ball flexibly, and hitting back with accuracy and full of offensive momentum!

He Jin also found that the opponent's counterattack points were also concentrated in the same area, unlike when he was playing himself, running around, that area was hit by the high-speed impact of the tennis ball returned by Qin Yang, making the people watching almost feel like a wall. The illusion of being punctured!

The girls hanging on the iron net to watch Qin Yang were screaming again, He Jin swallowed unconsciously, and suddenly understood why so many people said that Qin Yang was handsome... because Qin Yang, who was flamboyant and flamboyant, was real Very handsome, very handsome.

Thinking of how proud he was when he showed off his "junior high school badminton prize" in front of Qin Yang just now, He Jin suddenly felt ashamed!

In the evening, He Jin took a shower and lay on the bed exhausted, recalling Qin Yang's heroic appearance when he hit the wall.

Such a boy makes him envious, makes him yearn for... He wants to run with him, fight with him on the court, and see him treat himself as an opponent, be watched with that kind of focused eyes, and then fight it out.