Waiting For You Online

Chapter 32: talk show


The time for the hologram of "God and Demon" is getting closer and closer. The official news group of the game company invited several players on the top player rankings to conduct a voice interview program, which will be published in conjunction with the production of game video clips.

He Jin also watched this interview.

The hostess with a sweet voice introduced a few well-known players after the interview started, and Fire Ruthless was naturally among the invited ones. Besides him, they also invited the No. "Copenhagen-Dazs", the No. 1 "Human-faced Ghost" and No. 2 "Sha Qianfan", and finally there is "Luohua Yiyi", a beauty and powerful player recognized by the whole game.

At the same time as the introduction, the video broadcasted the game images of several players, and the screen was instantly covered by screams and cheers from the audience. This level of madness is comparable to star chasing.

He Jin adjusted the number of bullet screens to only 5% with a black line, and continued to read.

Host: "Ever since Shenmo announced the news of hologram, the game company has kept its development progress in this area in a state of extreme secrecy. In fact, this time the talk show is also the official plan to further disclose the hologram to all players through several great gods. What kind of questions and conjectures do the guests have about the holographic "God and Demon"?"

Passing Water was the first to speak: "I heard that players above level 50 will be able to meet in the realm of gods and demons at that time? Then can all of us holographic queens meet in the game?"

Host: "Yes, at that time, the server that players over level 50 in the old third district will enter will be the server where the three districts are merged."

Copenhagen-Dazs: "Wow! This is so exciting!" Haagen-Dazs' voice sounded very young, and he felt like a healthy young man.

The ghost with a human face asked sadly, "Will the master rankings of the three districts be merged?" The man's voice was a little low.

Host: "Of course, except for Yiyi beauty, several great gods are currently on the comprehensive list of the game, and the combined list will be ranked according to this data."

At the same time that the host said this, the video also switched to the comprehensive strength list of the official ranking list, and I saw that Huo Ruqing was still hanging high in the first place, but the second place was not the passing water, but the Copenhagen Dafa Si, the third place is Ghost with a Human Face, followed by Passing Water and Sha Qianfan.

Sha Qianfan's voice was a relatively thin male voice, and he asked, "I'm more curious about whether the image of our current game characters will change after the holography."

Copenhagen-Dazs also said: "Yes, there are still so many human monsters in the game now, are you still a human monster after wearing a helmet?"

The host laughed: "After the hologram, in addition to the prototype of the Lingchong, the game company will provide players who log in with a helmet for the first time to change their appearance. Of course, everyone can keep the same, but the helmet will also be changed according to the player's own appearance. Traits make some adjustments to the character's facial features and expressions. Even if a male player plays a female account, he will still look like a girl after going online. It will not be changed forcibly, but the character's expression will be related to reality. If the person's expression in reality is very Wretched, the expressions of the characters in the game will also become very wretched.”

Copenhagen-Dazs: "Damn it..."

A few barrages of "so perverted", "hahahahaha", "suddenly want to play with a different gender" flew across the screen...

But hearing this explanation, He Jin was inexplicably relieved.

Fire asked ruthlessly, "Where's the Spirit Pet?"

"The spirit pet number is also the original image." At this moment, the video screen captures the appearance of a spirit pet rabbit, and the host explained, "Take the rabbit as an example. After the player puts on the helmet and enters the game, all the angles of view are based on the rabbit. Of course, just like people can't see the back of their head, players who play with rabbits can't see themselves, but the visual experience is based on the rabbit."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar, and the part of the bullet screen that was not blocked was a series of "fuck", "hahahahaha", "so crazy", "I really want to play..."

He Jin was also stunned. So, his visual experience...was a ferret


Passing water asked again: "How will players communicate with each other after holography? Does the text dialogue function still exist?"

Moderator: "At present, the fully realistic voice of gods and demons will continue to holographic, but it is different from the original way of speaking into the microphone. After wearing the helmet, the player does not need to speak into the helmet to transmit the sound, but read directly by the helmet. Take brain waves, translate what you want to say into voices and appear in the game world... In this way, even if you play games in noisy places, you are not afraid that these voices will disturb yourself or be transmitted to the game. People with disabilities who cannot speak can also experience the feeling of speaking in the game. As for the text dialogue function, players can go to the game to explore.”

Barrage - "Wow... that's cool!!!" "I'm going to order a helmet!!!" "I'm looking forward to it!"

Fire asked ruthlessly: "If that's the case, is the voice in the game still my own?"

Moderator: "For players who want to use their own voice to play the game, they can set it up before they put on the helmet and enter the game for the first time. At that time, the helmet will prompt the player to read a few words to calibrate the accent and pitch. If you don't want to use your own For the voice, you can only calibrate the accent and choose the tone provided by the system. For example, a male player with a female account can adjust the tone to a female. At that time, there will be voices of various age groups to choose from... Everyone who wants to change yourself image or voice?"

Copenhagen Dazs: "I think my voice and image are pretty good, and I won't change."

Host: "Haagen-Dazs means, are you confident in your real appearance?"

Copenhagen Dazs: "Of course."

Everyone booed for a while, and the host said again: "Beauty Yiyi doesn't talk much today, will you play the game with your real image then? I guess in that case, you will be very popular!"

Luohua Yiyi smiled and said: "The host is joking, but I hope that girls with ordinary looks in real life can become beautiful in the game, so that everyone will not only pay attention to my appearance."

The host said with emotion: "It turns out that Yiyi doesn't want to be treated specially!"

Luohua Yiyi said playfully: "Yes, I am a powerful player!"

Barrage—"Goddess praise!!" "Luohua Yiyi is amazing..." "Yiyi marry me!!!"

After the conversation with Luohua Yiyi, the host asked Fire again: "Where is the Great God Ruthless? As the most famous player in the whole Gods and Demons, are you looking forward to the holographic transformation of Gods and Demons?...By the way, I am also your fan."

Barrage—"Oh my husband!" "My husband fucked me!" "My husband, please divorce me!" "I hate Xiaoxian Jin!"...

He Jin: "..." Why does the painting style become so weird every time I go to Fire? ( ̄_ ̄|||)

Several people in the interview room heard the host's confession, and laughed again. Qin Yang has been doing live broadcast for two years, and it is quite easy to deal with this kind of interviews and conversations: "Thank you, of course I look forward to it. Gods and demons are games that accompany me growing up. , if possible, I also want to accompany it to go on.”

The host asked again: "The hologram of "God and Demon" will enter a new era. Do you still have the confidence to sit on the number one throne all the time?"

Fire is ruthless: "Confidence is inevitable, but whether you can always be the first does not depend on self-confidence. It depends on the right time, place and people."

The host asked: "Then who do you think is most likely to become your rival after holography? Haagen-Dazs?"

Copenhagen-Dazs: "That goes without saying, it must be me." Haagen-Dazs is the second player in the game overall.

Fire smiled heartlessly: "Hehe, it's not ice cream."

Copenhagen-Dazs yelled: "Ci'ao! You even lost a game to me!" — that's when Fire said that his wife came to gg and surrendered.

Fire Ruthless: "Oh, then you've won."

Copenhagen-Dazs: "..." Why does this person feel so embarrassed when he speaks! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

Everyone laughed, and the host continued to gossip: "It's not Haagen-Dazs, is it Passing Water?"

Fire is ruthless: "No."

Passing Water immediately declared gently: "We are not rivals, but friends."

"Ah~" the host yelled and said with a smile, "Your sense of CP is really strong!"

Passing Water joked: "Really? How about you say I'll change the name to 'Passing Water Love Deep'?"

Host: "Pfft..."

The style of barrage changed again—

"Ah, ah, openly selling rot!"

"It's so immoral, but I like it so much!!!"

"Fire and Passing Water, I will push it! Fire and Water, I will push it! Fire and Water, I will push it..."

"My old lady told a hundred cucumbers that the two of them were having an adulterous affair, and Xiaoxian Ajin is nothing! It's definitely just a cover for the two of them to have sex!"

Watching those screams flying by, He Jin could feel a magic through the screen...

The host coughed lightly, maintained his image, and continued to ask solemnly: "Haagen-Dazs and Passing Water are not strong rivals. Could it be Ghost and Qianfan?"

Fire Wuqing: "Neither of them."

Host: "Do you mean that you don't take these great gods seriously?"

Fire is ruthless: "You also said that after the hologram, there will be a new era. Take Passing Water as an example, his hand speed is very fast, I can't compare it at all. If it is still in the era of keyboard games, I will indeed regard him as a strong enemy. Even though I'm crushing him on the leaderboard right now..."

Everyone: "..."

Fire is ruthless: "But without the keyboard, hand speed will no longer be an advantage. Everything is still inconclusive. I think there will be many newcomers coming out at that time. I am looking forward to meeting them."

Host: "So that's how it is. Ruthless is worthy of being the number one god in the game. His analysis is very correct. In fact, I have another very important news to announce..."