Waiting For You Online

Chapter 51: Reproduce the rose


Fire's PK against Ah Jin was still as brutal as ever, even if He Jin repeatedly used the two new skills "Show Cute" and "Teleportation", he could not escape death.

After the practice was over, Ferret Jin, who had been tortured several times, lay powerlessly on Fire's hands, and he didn't even have the energy to complain...

"What's the matter?" Fire looked very gentle at this time, and smiled very brightly, but in He Jin's view, this smile was a smile of success, a smile of evil, and a smile of the capitalist exploiting class!

It would be fine if there was no comparison by Hou Dongyan, but when he thought of the completely different attitudes of Fire towards the two, he felt extremely distressed.

"Depressed again?" Fire still had to stretch out his fingers to poke the ferret's nose, and He Jin, who was full of irritability, couldn't help biting Fire's finger!

Fire: "..."

Not only did Fire not hide, but he also looked at him with a smile, because it was a hologram, a bite by a ferret would not bleed, let alone hurt, this kind of bite was like a little love between a spiritual pet and a taming master Same, no damage value.

On the contrary, He Jin himself felt embarrassing the moment he bit someone impulsively. If he encountered this kind of thing in reality, he would at most be depressed by himself, how could he bite someone...

And now, biting Fire like this, why does it look like she's acting like a baby in disguise

God, could it be that he has become a ferret, someone else's pet, and his mentality will change accordingly! ? OAO

... He Jin quickly let go, curled his neck and hid his face in his fur!

Fire patted the hair on the ferret's neck, squinted his eyes and said nothing, for a person like He Jin with a bit of a cold nature, this way would impress him more than gentle guidance.

—It doesn’t matter if you bite me or blame me, you can also quarrel with me, or act like a baby to your heart’s content, the stronger the reaction, the happier I am, because I want you to feel my existence deeply, no matter on the Internet or in reality, Can't forget me anymore.

Although he was aggrieved, He Jin was still an adult man after all, so he calmed down after some self-mediation.

And today's practice was not in vain, the ferret was once again inspired with new mysterious attributes.

This time it is a "blurring method". When using it, as long as it turns in a circle, there is an 80% chance of causing the opponent's insanity, and instantly changing the attack target. He Jin has also seen it on the system pets of the passing water before.

With new achievements, He Jin also comforted himself by saying that no matter what the process is, at least he is getting stronger... right

After the two exited the arena, they went straight to Caifeng Island.

On the way of flying, Qin Yang's friend bar flickered for a while, and he saw that it was a secret message from Shishui——

Passing Water: "Is Yiyi and Ice Cream together?"

Qin Yang was taken aback: "Who said that? I don't know."

Passing water: "I just saw that the ice cream in the world gave her flowers. The players are discussing it. It looks quite messy."

Qin Yang immediately looked at the World Channel, and sure enough, just a minute ago, there was a message that Copenhagen-Dazs sent Luohua Yiyi 999 roses, which was exactly the same as the one he sent to Ah Jin.

The roses in the system mall can be bought individually or in bunches. Although the price is the same, only the "999 roses" can be shown on TV.

It doesn't mean that only Fire can give this flower, but because of the high price, not many people will buy it, but Haagen-Dazs happened to be less than an hour away from the bouquet of Fire, no wonder it caused a sensation.

And because of the rotten "adultery relationship" between Huo Wuqing and Luo Hua Yiyi, it triggered a frenzy of comments from players—

[World] "Dimple Lord": "Damn it, is Haagen-Dazs trying to poach a ruthless corner?"

〖World〕『Qi鈅』: "What is a ruthless corner? If someone is ruthless and has a wife, what kind of thing is Luohua Yiyi!"

"World" "Yan Zhexue": "I just want to say... well done ice cream! ~(≧▽≦)/~"

〖World〕『Chanel』: "Why didn't I see Xiaoxian Ajin come out and squeak, steal someone's sweetheart, he will only be a coward!"

〖World〕『Little Deer Girl』: "Is there any reason upstairs? How can a man's first wife say that he robs someone's sweetheart when he goes online? Is it an honor to be a mistress? The world is going downhill!"

[World] "Yu Qi": "That's it!"

[World] "Moon White Tassel": "Those upstairs who said that may have never seen the exposure post in the recent forum, right?"

[World] [Han Bin]: "Actually, I really like Yiyi. She saw her fighting monsters in the wild and helped her a lot... I wish her a good home."

〖World〗〖From Amanzhou〗: "What post? Ask for popular science and gossip! (⊙o⊙)"

[World] "Moon White Tassel": "The hottest recent post in the Qingyuan section of the Gods and Demons official forum!"

〖World〗「The clouds are calm and the wind is light」: "Hey, the circle of the great gods is really chaotic!"

forum post? Qin Yang frowned.

Of course, it is obviously not these gossips that have attracted the attention of Passing Water, but—

Passing Water: "Are you going to let Yiyi join the team? Ice Cream obviously needs to stand on its own. I saw Yiyi and Ice Cream together at the Peach Grove looking at the scenery yesterday. They are getting too close now. Should we pay attention?"

That's right, because they regard Luohua Yiyi as one of their own, they will not guard against her. It can be said that after getting along with each other for the past two years, Luohua Yiyi has a very good understanding of each of them's strengths and weaknesses, as well as teamwork tactics. Now that Luohua Yiyi is getting close to people from other forces, it doesn't mean that they can't continue to be friends with them, but some things that involve the interests of the team should be cautious, and they will even choose to avoid them when necessary.

"It's hard to say. Now I only see ice cream giving her flowers. It's not abnormal. Before you know the specific situation, it's better not to jump to conclusions. After all, Luo Hua has been with us for a long time." Qin Yang rarely felt sorry for Luo Hua. Yiyi said something.

Passing water: "You mean Yiyi tricked the beauty into trapping the enemy?"

Qin Yang didn't think so, but the meaning was the same. Based on his understanding of Luo Hua, he always felt that this girl would not be so frivolous. Maybe she was depressed, but she just confessed to herself not long ago, and now she is in a hurry to have sex with other male players. Being ambiguous is not her style. From Qin Yang's point of view, Luo Hua's heart is always biased towards old friends whom she has played with for many years. Of course, anyone has the right to pursue her. If Haagen-Dazs treats her sincerely, he will also sincerely bless them.

Fire: "Let's have a look again, or you can come forward and ask when the time comes."

Passing Water: "I think it's better for you to ask?"

Qin Yang didn't tell anyone about Luo Hua's confession to him. Considering the girl's self-esteem, it's not easy to mention it to the passing water now. "What is Jiu doing recently, is he better?"

Passing water: "I came here during the day, and it is said that I spent a whole day with a group of NPC brothel girls in the Piaoxiang Building in the imperial city, and now my kidney deficiency is offline..."

Fire: "..."