Waiting For You Online

Chapter 8: couple tasks


Fire asked He Jin to wait, and while He Jin was familiar with the control panel, he recalled Fire's words.

"Because you are my wife..."

They were originally a husband and wife relationship in the game, so it didn't seem strange for the other party to say such things.

But the other party's ambiguous tone... He Jin always had the feeling of being "molested"...

He is a man, but he feels like being molested by other men... How should I put it, it doesn't seem to be disgusting, but a little embarrassing, a little flustered, and a little... Sour ~ (=_=)

... Well, it could just be that he just doesn't get used to the drag role.

But why should he adapt to this role! (=dish=)

Just as He Jin was thinking wildly, a new message suddenly flashed below the public channel——

〖Private chat〗"Luohua Yiyi" said to you: "Hello~"

In "Gods and Demons", players can't see the account, and they can't even hear the sound. They can only add friends to communicate with the dialog box, or send "private chat" messages on the public channel. Luohua Yiyi chooses the latter.

He Jin froze for a moment, feeling that the name looked familiar. He quickly remembered that he seemed to have seen it on the leaderboard just now, and was about to confirm it, when a new message flashed on the public frequency——

〖Private chat〗"Yiyi Luohua" said to you: "Master~o(∩_∩)o~"

He Jin: "..."

He Jin asked Fire embarrassingly: "Luohua Yiyi... your apprentice?"

Fire is ruthless: "Yes."

Xiaoxian Ajin: "Did you tell her about our relationship?" He Jin speculated that this is a girl from the name "Luohua Yiyi" and the cute expression she used.

Fire asked back: "Our relationship is not in the light?"

He Jin: "..."

This is not a matter of seeing the light, right? After so many years, the relationship between him and Fire has long been "existing in name only". ) called him "teacher"... He Jin suddenly felt like he was riding a tiger!

But being awkward is awkward, out of politeness, He Jin still replied "Hello" to Luohua Yiyi.

Just after saying hello, Qin Yang planned to take Xiaoxian Ajin away, and at the same time sent a message to Luo Hua: "Let's go first."

Luohua Yiyi sat in front of the computer, staring blankly at Shanghuo Wuqing holding Xiaoxian Ajin in his arms, and the two rode off together. The champion reward for participating in the PK competition last year is a unique beast in the whole server.

When she was with him, she had never been treated like this, because they were all demons, they had wings, and they flew directly wherever they went. He flew in front and she followed. She thought it was quite romantic before. Only now did I realize that it was just self-deception.

There is also a private chat in the input box that will not be sent in time in the future: "Teacher, I have a chance to play together, so I won't bother you~"

She deleted each word, feeling a great sense of loss in her heart.

He Jin didn't know that Luohua Yiyi was beside them just now, and the other party didn't reply after that, so he didn't care.

Fire turned on the voice again, and continued to take He Jin to "find memories". Every time he went to a place, he would stop to mention a little bit about the past. He lost his way together in Cuiwei Forest, chased and killed others together for the first time on Immortal Island, and Towns set off fireworks together for the first time…

Under the reminder of Shanghuo, He Jin recalled most of the things, and gradually regained the feeling when he was with Shanghuo back then.

They are really nice, they will play together every time they go online, and He Jin will secretly chat with each other when He Jin's parents are away on weekends... But this relationship is of course not a relationship between a man and a woman, but a pure friendship between playmates! Or at most it's brotherhood. In my memory, Fire is like a younger brother who needs to be protected, while he is a meddling old hen.

The so-called "marriage" is actually very simple to say, as He Jin speculated before, everything is just for experience and for upgrading.

Although there is also a sworn system in the game, the benefits of "worship" are far less good than "marriage".

Fire is a mortal male, and his gender can no longer be changed, but He Jin is a genderless "spirit" who can choose his own form. As long as he transforms into a female appearance and goes to the "Love Fairy" to apply for a bond with Fire, he will be able to form a relationship. Husband and wife, this can also explain why He Jin looks like a "Tsing Yi Lolita" now.

Will He Jin be embarrassed by same-sex marriage? How could a fifteen-year-old ignorant boy care about these things! It's just a game, so it's impossible to take it seriously, as long as you have fun!

… That's all.

But He Jin didn't expect that the faint stroke that he had abandoned in the long river of memory would be so obsessed with Fire, and many details were reminded to recall, it was so kind, warm, and even so sweet (… ?), the originally ordinary friendship with playmates seems to have gradually fermented under eight years of thinking, and the taste has changed. "Waiting" has become a habit, and "not divorcing" has become a matter of course.

At this moment, a little guilt grew in He Jin's heart, for his leaving without saying goodbye, and for Shang Huo's affection.

As if to hide his guilty conscience, He Jin has been sending messages to Fire, but he does have a lot of questions he wants to ask.

Xiaoxian Ajin: "Why are you a Demon Lord? I just read that the level introduction says that only souls can cultivate demons. Isn't it true that mortals can only cultivate gods?"

Fire briefly explained the path of falling into the devil to him, and He Jin was surprised: "It's so good, why do you want to fall?"

Fire: "There are too many gods, no match."

Xiaoxian Ajin: "..."

Fire added another sentence: "After falling from the devil, knowing yourself and the enemy, killing gods is also more exciting."

Xiaoxian Ajin: "Amazing..."

We haven't seen each other for eight years, and it's a farewell. Who would have thought that the old and foolish little follower would become the number one master in the whole server!

He Jin asked again: "How does it feel to be number one in the server?"

Fire smiled: "Maybe it's the same feeling as when you got the first place in the class in the exam."

He Jin was speechless... How could he even tell Fire about this kind of thing back then! ()

Fire said: "You have asked so many questions, let me ask you one."

He Jin generously replied: "Ask."

Fire: "I remember when you said you wanted to be admitted to Huada, did you pass?"

He Jin was startled, he didn't expect that Fire would ask about real things, but the two of them got along so far, and the other party was frank and frank, so he would appear petty no matter how secretive he was, so he answered honestly: "I passed the exam."

Fire: "Hehe, just pass the exam."

He Jin: "..."

Unknowingly, the world in the game was already in the evening, and Fire brought He Jin to the lakeside. The sun was setting, and the purple light was shining on the lake, sparkling like crystals, and it was as beautiful as a fairyland.

He Jin immediately recognized this place—Lingxi Lake.

In the middle of Lingxi Lake, there is an island in the middle of the lake called "Caifeng Island", with a bridge called "Magpie Bridge" across it, and an NPC called "Niulang" standing on the lakeside of the bridge, and another NPC standing on the island at the other end of the bridge. The NPC is called "Weaver Girl"...

That's right, this is the scene of doing husband and wife tasks.

Couples who get married in "Lingxian" can do husband and wife tasks every day, and they can gain rich experience after completing them.

The specific gameplay is that male and female players stand in front of Cowherd and Weaver Girl respectively and are asked the same questions to see if the husband and wife have a good understanding. If the two answer the same, they can gain experience.

There are not many questions, there are ten in total, and the more experience you get, the higher your experience will be. According to He Jin's level, if you do all of them correctly, your experience will be reduced by half.

This task sounds simple, but it is not easy to do, because once the task is started, the system will block any dialogue and voice functions between the two players, and each question has only a 10-second time limit. , Players who answer incorrectly will "bleed". Basically, if they get five wrong questions, they will directly "hurt the street". As long as one party dies, the mission cannot continue. Unable to move for a few minutes, they can only look at each other from a distance across the lake.

However, players who are familiar with the rules of the game can always find a way to cheat. If two people who do the task are in the same room, or call each other to report the answer, then they can do it quickly and accurately!

Seeing that the familiar NPC was still in the familiar position, He Jin guessed that this "God and Demon" continued the husband and wife mission in "Lingxian", but he didn't know if the gameplay was still the same as before.

As if guessing what He Jin was thinking, Fire beside him suddenly asked, "Do you want to do it?"


※Lingxian past events※ (6)

A new rule of the game officially released by "Lingxian" - interracial bond!

This means... mortals and spirits can intermarry! (≧▽≦)

In order to promote this gameplay, mortals and spirits who get married during the event can get double experience if they kill monsters together within a month, and they can also do couple tasks to get higher experience~!

When He Jin heard the news, he immediately went to Fire and said, "Let's get married!"

Fire: "..."

Fire, who was vigorously chopping monsters, suddenly stopped moving, allowing the little monsters to scratch at him, bleeding straight away.

Qin Yang stared blankly at the screen...

Ah Jin actually proposed to him? (O_O)


Is it a girl? ! (O port O)

Qin Yang, who always thought Ah Jin was a boy, suddenly blushed~! (O////O)

Fourteen-year-old Qin Yang simply thought that men could only marry women, even in games.

He was playing a mortal man, so Ah Jin who would propose "marriage" to him should be a woman.

Xiaoxian Ajin: "Where is he? Are you there?"

Fire: "At..."

Thinking of what happened before, Qin Yang seemed to become shy and shy in an instant. He had never been so intimate with a girl before. Ah Jin was different from the soft and delicate girl in his impression...

However, he seems to like it quite a bit. (>////