Waiting For You Online

Chapter 96: Leave a message offline


After angrily saying "I won't force you anymore", Qin Yang directly took off his helmet and went offline. He was afraid that if he continued to stay in the game, he would do something out of control like last time... He Jin's words were like A basin of cold water poured down, cooling down his one-sided feverish mind quickly.

…rejected, and still on Valentine's Eve.

He confessed his identity to He Jin without any mistakes. Originally, he wanted to use his identity in the game to test He Jin's acceptance, but Qin Yang did not expect that He Jin would be so merciless.

At this moment, he clearly realized that no matter how many people he secretly loves in reality, or how many people like and admire him in the game, when he meets his own love, he is the same as everyone else and does not enjoy any privilege.

Every move of that person can easily involve his emotions, making him play around, and that person's unintentional words are all misinterpreted by me into sweet words, and I am happy about it... A person fantasizes about a bright future like a fool, and then... Angry and desperate for the other party's sudden indifference, worrying about gains and losses... All these uncontrolled developments seem to be mocking his original arrogance and arrogance.

Different from the anger when he was rejected by He Jin last time, this time, Qin Yang felt as if his whole body was drained of strength. He threw himself on the bed, not knowing what to do, nor how to continue to face He Jin. .

Go directly to the next door and break in, telling him that he is Fire? It's not like Qin Yang didn't think about kissing him like he did in the game last time, and even raped him. Anyway, he's not as strong as himself, and now he's at his own home. He Jin is so timid, he doesn't dare to scream... But After that? How should it end

Not to mention that Qin Yang himself is also a virgin, and he doesn't know how to make a straight man get pleasure from that kind of thing, just because He Jin is "boring" to him, Qin Yang has already lost.

But if you don't do this, you can only follow what He Jin said, the game belongs to the game.

... so unwilling.

Qin Yang covered his face with his hands, covered his brow bone with his fingertips, and stroked his slightly frowning brow...

There is also an element of anger in the offline, just like a brainless boy who acts on adrenaline, he is upset, and he doesn't want to make He Jin feel comfortable.

But after a while, Qin Yang couldn't hold back anymore. He did such a naive thing because he wanted to see the desired effect. After being bored for a while, he began to look forward to He Jin's ME message to himself...

But no, neither Ah Jin nor He Jin.

Qin Yang foolishly waited until one o'clock in the morning, but still didn't receive any news, so he quietly went out and lay down on the floor, only to find that the lights in the next room had already gone out.

... I really can't be reconciled. You were the one who abandoned me first, but I was the one who fell in love first. Why am I the only one who suffers like this

In the middle of the night, Qin Yang quietly went downstairs and grabbed a bottle of Hennessy from the wine cabinet.

His mood at this moment is like the moment when he learned that the game was about to be revised into "God and Demon" five years ago, and realized that "Xiaoxian Jin" might never be online again...

It's the same now, knowing that this person is by my side, but he may never like me.

Qin Yang returned upstairs with the wine bottle, instead of going back to his room, he sat down slowly facing He Jin's door, took advantage of the faint moonlight shining in from the corridor window, opened the wine, and took a sip.

Spicy, spicy, sour, bitter... He couldn't help coughing because of the choking.

Qin Yang's alcohol capacity is not very good, let alone high alcohol, it is easier to get drunk when he is in a bad mood, after a few sips, he becomes a little dizzy, and the words he didn't want to recall just now echoed in his mind...

"Sorry, realistically, I can't do it."

"If you do this, I will never talk to you again, and I won't play games in the future!"

"This kind of fantasy is good. I have this kind of fantasy about you now, and I don't want to break it."

"If it is true, it would be a lie to say that I don't care."

Those words were chewed by Qin Yang over and over again, as if torturing himself. In the end, he only remembered one sentence - I also have this kind of fantasy about you.

He seemed to have grasped the point, and there was some hope in his heart. The pride in his heart was anesthetized a little by alcohol, leaving only humbleness.

He opened the bracelet ME, took the initiative to click on the familiar ferret head, and wrote word by word—

Fire: "Ah Jin, you said that you also have fantasies about me, so have you ever imagined what I look like?"

Have you ever imagined that I am Qin Yang? Does the same voice give you illusions

Fire: "Hehe, maybe not, you are so sensible..."

Having been rejected twice, I no longer dare to be affectionate.

Fire: "But I have, I have imagined you, I have seen you in my dream..."

The brain is hot, half sober, half drunk.

Fire: "He's very handsome, about 1.7 meters tall, with limp hair..."

Qin Yang spoke very slowly, each sentence was separated by about ten minutes.

Fire: "Hands and feet seem to be smaller than ordinary people, but they are cute..."

In a word, a sip of wine, Qin Yang can no longer tell the truth from the truth.

Fire: "Sometimes I'm a little proud, and sometimes I'm a little inferior."

As he talked, it seemed that it was beyond the scope of dreaming. Qin Yang squinted his eyes and clicked "Withdraw". The sentence just now had disappeared from the dialog box. He raised the corner of his mouth and continued to speak.

Fire: "Work seriously and write beautifully."

Meticulous notes and a well-organized outline for speeches are so excellent that people can't take their eyes off.

Send, withdraw.

Fire: "It looks very gentle and easy to compromise, but in fact it is extremely stubborn inside."

No matter how much you are abused in the PK field of the game, you will stand up again and continue to fight with me.

The appearance of being soft on the outside and strong on the inside sometimes makes people want to crush you from the inside to the outside, making you completely convinced...

Keep sending, withdraw.

Fire: "There are still many shortcomings, such as not being brave enough when facing family members... But I like you the same, whether it is your fragility or your strength."

Still sent, withdrawn.

Fire: "Do you think that what I like about you is just what I imagined?"

With the help of Jiu Jin, Qin Yang didn't know how much he said, but all the messages were withdrawn within one second after sending them, including the previous ones related to appearance, Qin Yang felt that they were redundant, and all of them were withdrawn. Only one sentence was left: "Ah Jin, go to bed..."

That's right, it's already four o'clock in the morning, and when I get up, I won't see anything.

It's like Ah Jin left the game eight years ago, and he will never see all his messages after that.

Qin Yang got up from the ground in a daze, headed back to his room lightly, threw himself on the bed, and finally... fell asleep.

Under the quilt in another room, there was a faint light from the light curtain of the bracelet.

He Jin opened his sore eyes, staring at the ME dialogue interface. It was clean and there was only one sentence—"Ah Jin, go to bed..." Sent time, 03:54, 8 minutes ago.

If it wasn't for insomnia, if it wasn't for his patience and not replying to the first two sentences of Fire, he might not have known that Fire would say so many things to him...

Even now, looking at the empty dialog box, He Jin can't help wondering if what happened just now was a dream.

From the moment he saw the third sentence from Fire, he woke up completely...

Then comes the fourth sentence, not surprise, but panic—little hands and feet, is this a feature that can be dreamed of

In an instant, He Jin guessed that Fire might not only know his name, but also secretly met him!

Then the fifth sentence, the sixth sentence... Has he read his own handwriting

No, not only have I seen him, he is someone close to me!

Realizing this, He Jin was so frightened that his hairs stood on end!

But when Fire mentioned his character and shortcomings, He Jin felt a touch of emotion from being frightened.

Fire began to withdraw messages, and He Jin stared at the screen even more intently, for fear of missing any one.

Until now, it should be over, but he still didn't dare to take his eyes off.

There was already too much information revealed in those words, so much that He Jin didn't even need to pretend to be stupid to guess who Fire might be... The same voice, the people around him, the range is too small.

He even heard a slight sound from outside the door a few minutes ago...

Fire, should it be Qin Yang

If they're the same person, a lot of things seem to make sense—

These two people appeared by his side almost at the same time, Fire was kind to him, Qin Yang was special to him...

After the first conflict in the game, Qin Yang and Fire were alienated and indifferent towards him at the same time, which made him feel very similar...

When sending a message to Fire, Qin Yang's bracelet flickered almost ignored by him...

Zhang Xiao suddenly leaked a secret in Qin Yang's dormitory. The person he likes has been waiting for many years in the game...

The matters at home were only told to Qin Yang and Fire, that's why Qin Yang called him as soon as he left home...

However, He Jin also has many things that he can't understand. If Qin Yang is Fire, why can he go out to eat with him during the live broadcast? Why would he send a text message inviting him to go for a run while the two were playing a game together? Why did he send different messages to himself as two people at the same time

Could it be that Qin Yang and Fire are twins? Actually there are two people? QQ

No, no, this is impossible. He Jin put aside this unscientific brain supplement and analyzed that it seems that it is not impossible to record live broadcasts in advance; messages can be sent at regular intervals, and the wristband also has this function...

As for other unexplainable details, in the end they converged into the most fundamental question - why did Qin Yang lie to him