Waiting Upon You

Chapter 14: Paparazzi


In the hotel where the crew stayed, a young man with sunglasses and a backpack appeared in the long and narrow corridor.

He looked cautious, and looked around with an indifferent look every few steps, making sure there was no one behind him to move on, and didn't stop until he reached the door of the room with the words 1603 written on it. After several days of investigation, he had already locked Ling Lang's room.

He is none other than the paparazzi who followed Ling Lang and Feng Hao that day, and it was he who broke the first scandal in the ten years since the actor's debut. The sales of the newspapers under the newspaper office where he worked increased sharply in a short period of time, and he became the editor-in-chief's key training target.

This time, he bribed the insider and learned the real location of Ling Lang's new film. The editor-in-chief allocated him a large amount of money, so that he could arrive here ahead of time before the crew went to the island, and set up an ambush first.

He wanted to be a respected detective, forced to make a living as a despised paparazzi, but even then he had to do something different.

If there is any difference between his way of thinking and other peers, then the biggest difference is that other paparazzi are looking for scandals and exposing them, but he assumes that there are scandals first, and then uses various means to confirm his assumptions.

The paparazzi looked around alertly, and with a flick of his sleeve, a pair of pointed surgical tweezers appeared in his hand.

The tweezers were carefully inserted into the crack of the door shaft, and the paparazzi carefully took out an intact toothpick.

His eyes lit up and the toothpick didn't break, which showed that his guess was correct. Ling Lang really didn't come back last night.

But he saw Ling Lang returning to the hotel with his own eyes yesterday. If he didn't go back to his room, where would he sleep at night? The paparazzi's gaze drifted to Room 1606, which is diagonally opposite the door.

Sensing that someone was coming, the paparazzi immediately pretended to have just come out of 1603, lowered their heads and rummaged in their bags.

The person who came was the hotel's cleaner, and when he saw the guest, he nodded politely and greeted him.

"Do you need to clean?" Room 1603 has been hung up on Do Not Disturb for a few days, and has never been cleaned.

The paparazzi looked back at the tag on the doorknob, not wanting to startle the snake, and shook his head, "No need for now."

"Okay," the cleaning staff pushed the cart past him, and the paparazzi stopped her as if remembering something, "Ah, by the way, where is the hotel's dry cleaning room?"

"If you need dry cleaning, just give the main service desk a call."

"Oh no, it's like this. I seem to have left something important in my pocket. They just put away the clothes. I want to hurry up and look for it."

The cleaning staff nodded understandingly, "It's on the third floor of the hotel, just go out from the staff passage and turn right."

The paparazzi went down to the third floor along the staff passage, and did not go out immediately, but changed into the uniform of the hotel staff first, which was also one of the props he had prepared in advance.

He walked into the dry cleaning room with his head lowered. The people inside didn't look carefully when they saw that someone had gone. They just thought they were here to pick up the clothes. "Why did you come here? It's all washed there, so hurry up and deliver it."

The paparazzi nodded, walked to the cubicle, quickly scanned the clothes on the sixteenth floor, and pinpointed the target he was looking for.

If I remember correctly, this is what Ling Lang wore when he went to the island.

He took the shirt off the hanger and pulled out the label inside, with four big numbers, 1606.

The corner of the paparazzi's mouth twitched, but Ling Lang's clothes were brought from Feng Hao's room for dry cleaning.

Actor, actor, I see how you want to explain this time.

The dry-cleaning machine outside began to turn, and under the cover of the noise, the paparazzi took out the pocket camera, snapped it twice, and put the evidence into the memory card.

Ling Lang heard two snaps and raised his head alertly, "Someone."

Feng Hao also listened carefully, "Someone knocked on the door."

Ling Lang suddenly wanted to struggle, but Feng Hao gently comforted him, "It's okay."

The door was opened with a small gap, and Ling Lang's manager had a sullen face.

"I just saw a staff member coming to deliver clothes outside."

Feng Hao smiled and took the clothes, "Thank you so much."

"Where's Ling Lang?" The agent probed inside.

Feng Hao turned to one side, blocking the scene in the room, "Don't be so sensitive, I just made an appointment with the senior to recite the script."

"You guys..." The agent just wanted to say that you don't mess around, but then he thought that these two people were already messing around, so he had to change his words, "You guys are careful not to leave any clues, you know?"

Feng Hao smiled, "This is on the island, how can the paparazzi chase so far, you are too nervous."

"Be careful sailing the ship of ten thousand years, let me tell you, Ling Lang has been in ten years..."


Before he could finish his tirade, the door in front of him was mercilessly closed.

"… day."

Feng Hao pressed the do not disturb warning light, "Let Xue wait for a long time."

Ling Lang didn't say a word, his face turned pale.

Feng Hao picked up the script, "Which section did you memorize just now? Ah, it's here."

He compared the script with his hand and read it word by word, "Why are you digging here?"

"From here, go straight down, and you can reach the sewers in Area C."

"There are iron gates in the sewers, we simply can't get through."

"The key to the iron gate is in the second compartment of the safe in the Warden's Office, the password is, L2, C8, M5, X4..."

"Wrong, it's X3," Feng Hao interrupted him briskly, "Senior remembered it wrong again."

Ling Lang's expression flashed a moment of panic.

Feng Hao pretended not to see it, he leaned down and stuffed another bead inside, "Count them, how many is this?"

"Don't," Ling Lang groaned and begged for mercy.

"Senior's mouth is never honest," Feng Hao sat back in his seat again, "Ask it, do you like it?"

He gently kicked Ling Lang's lower body with his toes, and the little brother nodded in spirit.

"Hmm..." Ling Lang suppressed his voice.

"If you want to blame the senior, you should blame yourself for not being familiar with the script," Feng Hao patted his head.

Ling Lang glanced at him in disapproval, "How do you want me to concentrate like this?"

Feng Hao's movements stopped, and the smile that was always on the corner of his mouth also disappeared, "If you talk back again, I will let you stuff it to the set tomorrow."

Ling Lang immediately closed his mouth. After getting along for a while, he became more and more aware of Feng Hao's habits. On the surface, he smiled like an angel, and he could turn into a devil in a blink of an eye. As long as he could say it, he could definitely do it. .

Seeing that he was silent, Feng Hao smiled again, "That's good, come, let me reward you."

He got up and went to the box to get something, Ling Lang bit his lower lip as soon as he saw the shape.

"Looks like you know what they do," Feng Hao carefully pinched the thing in his hand to the bulge on Ling Lang's chest, which quickly became warped due to stimulation.

"It turns out that the senior's place is so sensitive, then you will definitely like this," Feng Hao fiddled with the remote control, and the vibrating egg immediately vibrated at a high frequency under the clip.

"Ah~~" Ling Lang finally couldn't control his voice.

"Do you like it?" Feng Hao asked again.

The sensitive areas of Ling Lang's front chest and back court were stimulated at the same time, but the part that was most eager to caress was left aside, but his hands were locked behind and unable to move. He was almost crying with sadness.

"If you want, say it, and if you say it, I will give it to you."

Ling Lang bit his lip and shook his head.

Feng Hao stared at him for a while, put on an expression of surrender, and said helplessly, "Alright."

He gently touched the mouth of Ling Lang's bell, and evenly spread the crystal clear liquid overflowing there to the entire front end, the sudden stimulation made Ling Lang tremble all over.

Feng Hao's finger reached Ling Lang's mouth, "Open your mouth."

Ling Lang's lips subconsciously opened a small slit, Feng Hao took advantage of the situation to pry open his teeth, and forcefully penetrated his fingers, with a fishy and salty aura, wantonly stirring in his mouth.

Allowing the other party to do something wrong for a while, Ling Lang suddenly bit down hard without warning. Feng Hao's expression remained the same, staring at him motionless. Under his gaze, Ling Lang slowly loosened his teeth again, unable to restrain himself. suck up.

"The tongue is very flexible," Feng Hao commented, pulling his fingers out of his mouth, wiping it with a tissue, then taking out a pair of white gloves from the box and putting them on.

"Senior has the right to remain silent," Feng Hao dragged Ling Lang onto the bed by the collar, every time Ling Lang moved, the beads in the secret cave squeezed and collided, rubbing against his sensitive prostate, "Anyway, I have one. I've been waiting for you to speak all night."

Feng Hao's index finger slowly slid across Ling Lang's firm desire, and the delicate touch of the silk gloves made Ling Lang stand up unbearably, as if he was asking for more.

His desire was clearly conveyed to Feng Hao. The hand that rubbed his avatar seemed to contain magic power. Everywhere he went, all the senses were magnified infinitely, and he could draw the path that the finger passed with his eyes closed.

A hallucination appeared in front of Ling Lang's eyes. His whole body seemed to be replaced by another time and space, surrounded by a dark tunnel, and he was running in the tunnel. The exit ahead was getting closer and closer to him, and he was only one step away from reaching it. That light has an irresistible force that pulls him back to darkness in an instant.

"No—" Ling Langqing cried out uncontrollably, but Feng Hao didn't seem to hear it.

It took a long time for Ling Lang's breathing to slowly calm down, and the lust in his eyes gradually faded, but Feng Hao's hand was once again covered unconsciously.

He easily provokes Ling Lang's desire, and often ignores him at critical moments. Ling Lang doesn't know how many times Feng Hao has repeatedly tortured him, like a never-ending torture.

When the opponent's hand moved away from his scorching high again, Ling Lang twisted uncontrollably, desperately trying to get rid of the shackles of his hands.

"Let go of me! Let me go! Untie me, you bastard!" He almost angrily roared at Feng Hao, but the man watched him struggling as a trapped beast with satisfaction, as if he was appreciating the freedom A good play by him.

Ling Lang exerted all his strength, but couldn't break free, and finally stopped because of exhaustion. Feng Hao fiddled with the breast clip on his chest, and the taut strings in Ling Lang's mind finally snapped at this moment.

"I want it, give it to me, please let me shoot," Ling Lang was almost crying and begging. At this moment, as long as Feng Hao allowed him to be released, he would do whatever he asked him to do.

"As long as you answer me one question honestly," Feng Hao grabbed his genitals and tugged it up slowly, "Did you think of me when you did this yourself?"

"I..." Ling Lang subconsciously bit his lip again.

Feng Hao chuckled, and Ling Lang felt that the opponent's hand was about to be withdrawn from his body again. At that moment, all restraint and all shame were annihilated, and he screamed desperately, "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

The huge force pushed him out of the tunnel at once, and the light instantly shrouded him. His whole body was bathed in holy white light. Small luminous bodies danced around him in slow motion, and a dreamy voice sounded in his ears. Ding-dong sound, echoes everywhere.

Ling Lang raised his neck desperately, his pupils dilated, his heartbeat was so violent that it seemed to rush out of his body, and his hands and feet spasmed due to excessive stimulation.

After a while, he collapsed on the bed feebly, the vibrating egg still humming on his chest.

Feng Hao turned off the remote control and started to clean up Ling Lang meticulously. Ling Lang was reluctant to move his little finger, so he could only close his eyes and let the other party manipulate his body.

He thought that Feng Hao would come in, but until Feng Hao untied his hand, he didn't see the other party's intention in this regard.

These days, no matter what Feng Hao did to him, he never violated him. The only time he saw Feng Hao's body was on the set.

Besides, Feng Hao was neatly dressed at all times, including sleeping. No matter how dissolute Ling Lang behaved, he never showed the slightest impulsiveness. Ling Lang almost suspected that he was indifferent.

"Don't you have any needs?" Ling Lang stared at his calm face and couldn't help asking.

Feng Hao glanced at him in surprise, "I'm a normal person, and of course I have desires," he cleaned up the props and put them back in the safe, "But I don't want to force you, I will wait patiently until the day when the senior takes the initiative. ."