Waiting Upon You

Chapter 23: Premiere


Ling Lang wore sunglasses that could cover half of his face, and his hat was held down low. He was particularly eye-catching at the entrance of the movie theater with a lot of traffic. Anyone who passed by would glance at him intentionally or unintentionally.

After a while, Feng Hao came over, dressed like him, with Coke and popcorn in his hand.

"It's been a long time." There were so many people watching the movie that Feng Hao waited in line for a long time to get the tickets - to be precise, because the tickets for the premiere were sold out early in the morning, fortunately Feng Hao booked two online in advance.

"Is it necessary for us to sneakily watch a movie like this?" Ling Lang turned his face to the side, avoiding the gazes of several people.

"Occasionally, I also want to meet you for dinner and watch movies like a normal couple," Ling Lang could detect the smile in his eyes even through the sunglasses.

"Normal couples don't watch their own movies when they're dating."

Feng Hao snickered, "That's why it's called fun. Don't you think it's a good deal to do things that normal couples can do and things that normal couples can't do?"

The two disguised people standing together are more conspicuous, almost becoming the focus of the theater entrance. Fortunately, the ticket check started soon, and the two people flowed into the venue as people flowed in. The huge movie hall was full of seats, and they all came to see the premiere of "Prison Breakback Ocean".

"Guess which version they will use during the escape?" Feng Hao asked Ling Lang in a low voice after taking his seat.

"The original paragraph in the script," Ling Lang didn't even need to think about it, "If it wasn't cut like that, the plot of the fight on the boat would be unreasonable."

Feng Hao nodded, agreeing with what he said, "But I still think the improvisation part is more interesting."

Ling Lang's guess was not wrong. The later stage was really the original setting of the script. In addition, he had expected several passionate scenes to be cut out.

The scene of trading with Feng Hao in prison only lasted until the white sheets were hung high, and the scene of making love on the beach was a rare scene of kissing. When a crab entered the camera, this scene also came to an abrupt end. In the originally quiet theater, there was a sound of regret.

"Even if they cut the content, I still remember what happened next," Feng Hao secretly held Ling Lang's hand, "That was our first night and first kiss on the screen."

Ling Lang said silently in his heart, they have been living together for a month, and in reality, neither of these has ever happened.

Feng Hao put the straw to Ling Lang's mouth, he subconsciously took a few sips, and then realized that his cup was still in the cup holder beside him.

Seeing him turn his head, Feng Hao's eyes were bent, and he put the straw that Ling Lang had drunk just now into his mouth, "Indirect kiss."

On the screen at this time, both Ling Lang and Feng Hao, who were too short of water, entered intermittent coma mode. Sometimes he was awake, and sometimes he was awake. Even when the two were awake at the same time, they stopped talking, as if Saying one more word will evaporate the water in the body, and the boat, which has long lost its driving force, is drifting in the vast sea, and it seems that it will never end.

As night fell, the shrouded moonlight brought some coolness to the picture, and the damp sea breeze woke Ling Lang. He looked at the people around him, his breath was weak as silk, and it was doubtful whether he could survive the night.

Ling Lang struggled to get up. The supplies in the cabin, except for medicines and tools, had been used up, but Ling Lang was still rummaging inside. Just when the audience was wondering what he was looking for, a dagger was caught by him. In his hand, it was the one Feng Hao used to dig out bullets for him.

Seeing Ling Lang holding the dagger and crawling back to Feng Hao with difficulty step by step, everyone suddenly realized that it was time to decide whether to live alone or die together. Feng Hao's choice.

The weak Ling Lang was holding the dagger and swaying beside Feng Hao. His blurry perspective was shown through the camera, sometimes focusing and sometimes sloppy. The dagger was in front of him, but sometimes it turned into several, and it was almost a few times. encounter yourself.

He shook his head and finally stabilized his gaze, facing Feng Hao, raising his dagger high.

The camera cuts to the sky again, and after a muffled groan, it is the sound of metal rolling down on the wooden board.

Ling Lang finally couldn't stand beside Feng Hao and fell down, and his bloody hand just touched Feng Hao's mouth.

I don't know how long it took, the long-lost land finally appeared in the camera, and at that moment, the audience almost cheered for the two of them.

Ling Lang, who was severely dehydrated and lost too much blood, was almost dying at this time. Feng Hao used all his strength to drag Ling Lang off the boat, and he collapsed beside him with no strength. Both of them seemed to have reached the end of their lives.

"Welcome back," a resounding voice sounded, and Feng Hao, who had only one breath left, opened his eyes, only to see his old rival.

"It's you," Feng Hao curled his lips, even if his body was weakened to the limit, even if he was lying on the ground and couldn't even stand up, he still didn't show any signs of fatigue, and he was as proud as ever.

"It's me," the old rival giggled, "I didn't expect that as soon as you landed, I would come to meet you in person, which shows how much I love you."

Feng Hao was still smiling, but he seemed to have guessed something, and the smile became more and more unnatural.

The old rival was also laughing, his smile was obviously more energetic than Feng Hao's, "As smart as you, you must have guessed it by now."

He flicked his fingers, and immediately one of his men presented a tablet, and a red dot flashed on and off on the map.

"GPS global locator, I think you must have seen this thing," the old rival kindly introduced him, "If it wasn't for it, how could I find you so quickly?"

The smile at the corner of Feng Hao's mouth disappeared little by little, and the expression on his face was terrifyingly gloomy.

"He has the receiver in his hand, do you want to know where the transmitter is?" The old opponent smiled like a fox.

Feng Hao didn't ask, and he didn't need to ask, because something cold touched his eyebrows again. Ling Lang, who was already on the verge of death, was riding on top of him, and held his gun to his forehead expressionlessly.

"How is it, I gave you a big gift, do you like it?" The old opponent rubbed his palm and laughed, "You can't imagine that I have already implanted the transmitter into his body. During this time, thanks to you and him are inseparable.”

"You betrayed me," Feng Hao stared straight at the person on his body, this scene seemed familiar, but at that time, the person put down the gun and kissed fiercely, but at this moment, Feng Hao knew that that kind of thing would never happen again .

Ling Lang slowly shook his head, "I didn't betray you, I just performed the mission from the beginning."

"Performing a mission to the point of giving up your life? Performing a mission to give up your body?"

"At least my mission has been completed," Ling Lang was unmoved by his words.

The old rival listened to their conversation with interest, "What you say now is useless, he was raised by me, do you know what his greatest strength is?"

He deliberately stopped to betray him, "It's to be unconditional loyal to me, even if I die for me."

"I have raised him for more than 20 years, and the only order I gave him was to bring you out of there alive. From the moment he received this order, he knew what he was about to face."

The old opponent shook his head, "Now I stand, you lie down, I win, you lose, do you know what the biggest gap between us is? It's that there are people around me who are willing to die for me, and you No."

"You racked your brains to plan all this, just to get that secret out of my mouth?" Feng Hao interrupted suddenly.

"That's right," the old rival's eyes became sullen, "the third and seventh are dead, and now you are the only person in the world who knows the secret. Do you think you will be safe if you hide in prison? Tell you, Even if you lie in a coffin, I will dig your grave and force you to tell your secrets."

"What if I don't say it?"

"I will lock you up and torture you with the cruelest torture you can imagine, so that you can't survive or die, until you beg me to let you speak," the old rival said slowly, word by word , the cruelty in that tone made everyone who heard it shuddered uncontrollably.

Feng Hao suddenly burst into laughter, his old rival's expression changed, "What are you laughing at?"

"I laugh at the fact that you prepared so many tortures, but in the end it was completely useless," he looked at Ling Lang with deep eyes, "because I am no longer the only person in the world who knows that secret."

"What did you say? What do you mean?" The old rival became nervous.

"That's right, I told him this secret not long ago," Feng Hao looked at Ling Lang's eyes more and more tenderly, as if he was looking at his beloved lover.

"Really?" The old rival quickly looked at Ling Lang.

"Yes, he has already told me," Ling Lang said blankly.

"Hahaha," the old opponent laughed loudly, "God helps me!"

"As long as one person knows the secret, it's enough," he finally finished laughing. "It seems that you don't even have the last value of existence."

He coldly ordered Ling Lang, "Kill him."

Ling Lang loaded the gun without hesitation.

"Do you regret it?" he asked him one last time.

Feng Hao shook his head slowly, and repeated his answer for the third time, "I have never known regret in my life."

Ling Lang and the people below him looked at each other for a moment, then suddenly laughed. After knowing Ling Lang for so long, it was the first time Feng Hao saw him smile.

"He's right, it's enough for one person to know the secret. As long as I die, he won't kill you."

Feng Hao's expression changed, "Wait, what are you doing?"

"This time, I don't regret it."

He raised the gun to his temple and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Bang - The sound of gunfire startled countless seabirds, obscuring the clouds and blocking the sun, and there was no light for thousands of miles.