Waiting Upon You

Chapter 32: train


Ling Lang knelt on the ground upright, and in front of him placed three black massage sticks of the same material but with different thicknesses. The length was only about half a palm. The leftmost one was only about the thickness of a finger, followed by the middle one, and the right one had the usual massage sticks. thick.

Not understanding their purpose, Ling Lang raised his head and asked Feng Hao with his eyes.

"Starting from today, you have to expand by yourself," Feng Hao clicked in turn, "Start with the first one every day, and then switch to the second one after getting used to it, until the three are used up."

"Unless the work is too busy, as long as you have time, you must ensure that you expand for half an hour every day, and every ten minutes. I will not supervise you. This time is up to you."

He took out a pocket-sized bottle from his arms and put it on the coffee table, "The liquid in it contains anesthesia ingredients. At first, you may be uncomfortable with foreign bodies in your body. Every time you use a small amount, you will temporarily ignore that kind of liquid. It's uncomfortable, and it's not harmful to your body."

"Of course, this method is only for initial use. After your body gets used to it, you won't be able to use it anymore."

"I have calculated the amount in the bottle. After using it up, ask me for it again."

Ling Lang looked at the bottle on the coffee table, the sea blue glass bottle, full of mystery.

"Finally, and the most important point, I ask you to expand behind you. No matter what reaction you have during this process, you can't touch the front of yourself, and it's not allowed at other times."

"In the future, I will decide when and how to release your desires. I don't want to lock you up for the time being, and I hope you won't let me have this idea. I can't follow you 24 hours a day. By your side, everything depends on your self-consciousness."

Feng Hao's words reached Ling Lang's ears word by word. The volume was low but full of majesty. Ling Lang could only silently write down every word he said.

Feng Hao paused for a moment to let him digest, "Let's do a multiple-choice question, I asked you to do all this, what's the purpose? A, so that you don't get hurt when you do it officially? Or B, to make you more comfortable. Excited."

Ling Lang thought for a while, "A?"


"B," he replied simply.

"That's not right," Feng Hao shook his head. "The correct answer is C. In order for me to enter your body smoothly, I won't be caught in the pain by the inexperienced you."

He put his hand on the top of the other person's head, "Remember, everything you do is to please me, your own feelings are irrelevant, you have to learn to take my happiness as happiness and satisfy me as yours The first principle of action, my needs are paramount, and my satisfaction is the greatest compliment to you."

"Your body and mind will be completely surrendered to me, how to control them is my right, the only thing you need to do is to obey. It doesn't matter if you can't understand now, I don't need your approval, I just need you to remember , and abide by it."

"If one day, you can understand what I said correctly, it means that you have grown into a qualified pet."

His hand stayed on Ling Lang's head for a moment before leaving, "Remember?"

Ling Lang looked up at him, nodding as if he didn't understand.

"Very good," Feng Hao regained his amiable expression, "What problems do you have now?"

Ling Lang pondered for a while, "Can I get a phone number by doing this?"

Feng Hao smiled, "Whether you can get a number, this condition can only be put forward by me, you have no right to apply. I will not hold you accountable for the first offense this time, next time it happens again. In any case, I will deduct one."

He bent down, Ling Lang's reflection was reflected in his pitch-black eyes, and his smiling face reminded Ling Lang that he used to chase after him and called him senior.

"I'll give you a call when I've finished memorizing your number completely. I'll tell you what you want to hear, okay? Senior."

Feng Hao left, Ling Lang looked at the things placed in front of him and decided to start his first training.

He washed his body in and out of the bathroom, and took the lubricant on the washstand with him when he came out. Feng Hao put it in the most conspicuous place early in the morning, but seldom used it on him.

The material of the massage sticks was very special, and Ling Lang couldn't recognize them. At first, he thought they were gelatinous, but after picking them up, he found that the surface was unusually smooth, heavy, and even had a bit of the coolness of marble. Common sense tells it that those are definitely not stone.

Ling Lang put lubricant on the thinnest massage stick, and after wearing the anal plug for a period of time, the thickness was not a problem at all. Then he discovered that the most difficult thing was not to put it in, but to clamp the smooth and lubricated fine object so that it would not fall out of the body.

He tried his best to tighten his buttocks, but he could still clearly feel it sliding down the intestinal wall little by little. The route he passed through was infected by its coolness, and his nerves were stimulated very sharply. However, psychologically, there is shame due to the invasion of foreign objects in the private parts, which in turn leads to signs of a certain organ rising.

The sphincter muscle contracted for a long time and would inevitably get tired. When it loosened a little, the massage stick suddenly tended to slide out. Ling Lang had to reposition it with his hands, and then tried to clamp it again.

After about ten minutes, Ling Lang relaxed his gluteal muscles and let them slide out of his body, then put on a second massage stick of moderate thickness. Having learned the lesson of over-lubricating in the last round, this time he didn't add any more lubricant. Using the water-based liquid remaining in his body, he pushed it into the back hole without much effort.

This massage stick is about two fingers thick, which is roughly the same as the butt plug that he wears during training. Ling Lang felt that the thickness was just right after inserting it. Compared to walking 6 kilometers with that one on, the current practice is not difficult at all. The second ten minutes passed easily.

Ling Lang somewhat understood why Feng Hao set up the second branch. Compared to the long-term muscle tension just now, this process was more like a break.

The last one was not so easy. Ling Lang tried twice without success, so he had to smear some lubricant on it so that it could stretch his folds more smoothly. This time, he only entered one front end, Ling Lang immediately felt the discomfort of foreign body invasion, and instinctively wanted to push it out.

Only then did Ling Lang remember what Feng Hao had left behind. He opened the sealed glass bottle, carefully poured out a few drops, spread it evenly on his acupuncture points, and massaged it slowly for a while. Sure enough, as Feng Hao said, the liquid in the bottle contains anesthesia ingredients, and it was very sensitive at first, but after gently pinching it with a fingernail, it won't hurt. After the preparations were completed, he slowly inserted the three-fingered massage stick into the body again. When he encountered resistance, he pulled out a little, rubbed back and forth for a while, and brought more lubricant into the body. root not in.

Ling Lang knelt there obediently, the sphincter muscles that had just been exercised and contracted were fully expanded at this moment, he slowly made his body remember this feeling, and the tense muscles relaxed little by little. The little brother was even more excited.

He couldn't understand every word Feng Hao said to him today, but he couldn't deny that some mandatory words made him excited, and even had the urge to try. He felt that a certain factor in his body was awakened by Feng Hao, just like when Feng Hao provoked his desire seven times on the set, it seemed that his body had been ready to accept this person since then.

Ling Lang began to recall every word Feng Hao said, imagining that if the master's genitals were in his body at this time, he would have to do anything to please him.

He began to contract the sphincter muscle vigorously and steadily, and at first the exercise gave him muscle soreness, but as he worked to overcome the soreness, it became a natural activity, like heartbeat and breathing.

Ling Lang closed his eyes, and performed the levator ani exercise regularly with deep chest breathing. He could feel his muscles getting stronger and stronger, and each contraction would make the rounded tip of the massage stick tightly touch. Deep in the gut, stay there for a few seconds, then slowly slide back into place the next time you relax.

He didn't count how many sets of such exercises he had done, and when he finally opened his eyes, the ten-minute time limit had passed unknowingly.

Ling Lang switched to abdominal breathing again, expelling the massage stick from his body little by little. When it was completely separated from his body, the originally full chrysanthemum point suddenly felt empty, and he wished that something thick would quickly fill it.

He put his fingers over, probably due to inertia, the acupoints still kept a weak movement of opening and closing, as if a tiny heart was beating there.

After completing the training plan for the day, Ling Lang carefully cleaned the used equipment, and finally stood under the shower to rinse his body covered in a thin layer of sweat.

He washed himself up and down, and finally his right hand stopped in a place where it was forbidden to touch. Due to the passage of time, it had begun to cool down, but the sporadic flames were enough to ignite the lust that had been suppressed for a long time.

Ling Lang stood motionless under the nozzle, and was silent for a long time, and finally slowly moved his hand away from the desire that had begun to wake up.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or intentional, the filming of this film was not far from Feng Hao's residence, both inside and outside the studio. Ling Lang rarely had the experience of filming a movie and could go home every day, but this time he enjoyed it. this kind of treatment.

After Feng Hao was busy outside for a week, it was finally his turn. Ling Lang had already packed up, but found that he was still arranging things in the bedroom.

"When are you going?" he asked as he walked to the other side.

"No hurry," Feng Hao smiled, "there is still time."

Only then did Ling Lang realize that there were ten silver metal balls neatly placed in front of Feng Hao, about two-thirds the size of a table tennis ball.

Although Ling Lang had doubts in his heart, he did not ask. He knew that Feng Hao would not put them out for nothing.

"I'm conflicted..." Feng Hao looked at the metal ball on the table with him.

Ling Lang silently waited for Feng Hao's next sentence.

Unexpectedly, he changed the subject, "What's your second number?"

Ling Lang was stunned for a while, then followed his leaping thinking, "3."

Feng Hao smiled and looked very relieved, "That's good, I was worried at first, what if your second digit is 8 or 9?"

Ling Lang didn't think it was great, but as he thought, Feng Hao counted three balls from the pile of balls, and then unbuttoned his pants naturally.

"3 is a good number, no more, no less, just right."

A coolness poured into his body, the same feeling was repeated three times in a row, Ling Lang's expression changed a little.

"I will write down the second number until I finish work today," Feng Hao smiled, "Is there a problem?"

Ling Lang wanted to say yes, but couldn't say it.

Feng Hao didn't seem to intend to get his answer, and smiled again, "You have two choices now, one is to put on your old friend, it will help you to play a fixed role, and of course it will also squeeze the ball. It's deeper; the second is to keep it as it is, but I'm afraid you'll have to work hard to clamp them for the rest of the day, and if they fall off during filming, it will be embarrassing."