Waiting Upon You

Chapter 36: biscuit


The filming of the new film finally came to a later stage, Ling Lang, who knew the truth, began to oppose Feng Hao secretly. He released his old rival who was imprisoned in the basement. The two cooperated with each other and caused a lot of trouble for Feng Hao, but these troubles were all caused by Feng Hao's powerful. Wrist solved.

Feng Hao finally found out who was behind the trouble. He solved the old rival and imprisoned Ling Lang in the villa. Outside the villa was the cliff, and under the cliff was the ruthless sea. In the last movie, Ling Lang tried to protect Feng Hao and ended up place of your own life.

The character played by Ling Lang in the second half is completely different from the previous character. He went from a ruffian, greedy, but youthful youth to a dark, unscrupulous avenger overnight, and finally he was in Feng Hao again. Under the captivity, his heart is ashes, and there is no interest in life.

The three stages and three completely different personalities must not only make people feel that they are vastly different, but also imply innumerable unity. After all, from the beginning to the end, he is still the same person, and his feelings for Feng Hao, Even if it is suppressed, it still exists.

As soon as Ling Lang had the opportunity, he put himself into the role in the play and figured out its psychology. He jumped and switched between the three personalities. Whenever this happened, Feng Hao was his best practice object. He stared at his His eyes were filled with fiery admiration for a while, intense hatred for a while, and despair all over again. Feng Hao only had to look at him to know which stage he had reached.

"How did you want to be an actor in the first place?" Feng Hao asked Ling Lang who was waiting at the kitchen door while wiping his glass.

"It's none of your business," Ling Lang replied coldly.

Feng Hao glanced at him in surprise, Ling Lang seemed to realize that there was something wrong with the conversation just now, and gradually pulled out of the role.

"I'm sorry," he apologized, then answered Feng Hao's question reflexively, "Because when I was a child..."

"Do you like watching movies?" Feng Hao continued on for him, "Don't perfunctory me with your official answer, I've read magazines."

Ling Lang pondered for a while, "Because of me, I... When I was a child, I liked watching movies in ancient costumes or during the Anti-Japanese War, and my focus seemed to be different from others."

"You want to play it yourself when you watch it, right?" Feng Hao smiled, "It seems that my guess is correct. You should have won the role in "Eternal Life of the Brave"."

Ling Lang didn't deny it, "But... I was very happy when I was in the drama, but as soon as it ended, I felt a strong sense of self-denial."

"It's like not wanting to have sex after an orgasm, right?"

"I can't face myself like that, I feel very dirty," Ling Lang lowered his eyes, as if he had entered a stage of repentance, "After the show, I can no longer accept any comments related to it, I destroy it. I got the VCR, kept that photo, and hid it out of sight, thinking that would erase the other side of me."

Ling Lang rarely speaks like this, Feng Hao listened quietly, and didn't say anything from the beginning to the end, "But when I have the opportunity to perform like this again, I am still eager to try, and then fall into a deeper self-loathing. , keep looping, keep intensifying, until you can't get out of it again."

Feng Hao waited for a while, and when he saw that Ling Lang was no longer speaking, Fang said, "So, the time you watched the VCR at my house was the first time you looked back at it?"

Ling Lang nodded, "Yes."

"Do you feel the same way when you act with me?"

Ling Lang's eyes flickered twice, but he didn't answer.

Feng Hao put the last cup back on the shelf, "That's fine, you don't have to give an answer, as long as you're willing to say it, it's already good."

He walked over to him and rubbed his hair, "Although I like a quiet golden retriever, sometimes I don't mind if you talk a little more, especially if you hold it in your heart for a long time, it will make you feel miserable. if."

Ling Lang breathed a sigh of relief, such a short conversation made him relax both physically and mentally, since he left Mr. Mo, how long had he not had a real conversation with anyone.

"Come on," Feng Hao walked towards the living room, and Ling Lang followed, "Since you are so keen on acting, let's go over tomorrow's lines."

Ling Lang finally saw the golden retriever again. From today, the film returns to the theme of escape. Ling Lang tried to escape from Feng Hao's imprisonment again and again, but every time it ended in failure.

Every time he escaped and was caught, Feng Hao would punish him severely, but Ling Lang still did not give up and tried every means to create the next opportunity to escape.

His lines became less and less, because he and Feng Hao had almost nothing to say. In the end, he was all acting with his eyes and body language. He was shackled and beaten violently, but hatred made his eyes Keep it sharp, he's still a living person.

The Golden Retriever was Feng Hao's last tenderness towards Ling Lang. In order to prevent Ling Lang, who was imprisoned in the villa alone, from getting bored, he passed on the Golden Retriever that someone else gave him to him.

This golden retriever became Ling Lang's best friend in the last days of his life. Only when he was with it could Ling Lang laugh. Only at this time could others vaguely find out about the former youth from him. shadow.

At dusk and sunset, Ling Lang was always lying by the window with Golden Retriever, two beings with the same hair color watched the sun slowly disappear at the end of the sea through the iron fence.

All Ling Lang's words were only spoken to Golden Retriever at first, and it was a few hours in the play, but no one could understand what he was saying. The psychiatrist called by Feng Hao suggested that he send Ling Lang for formal treatment, but Feng Hao remained unmoved.

Ling Lang's appearance is cold, but his heart is extraordinarily soft to animals. He quickly developed feelings for Golden Retriever. Golden Retriever also likes to stay with him, but except for the animal trainer, it only obeys Feng Hao's commands.

"Sit," Feng Hao gave an order, Golden Retriever sat down obediently, and Ling Lang almost knelt down in reflex.

"I let it sit, but it didn't respond," Ling Lang was a little dissatisfied, obviously the person who spent the longest time with it was himself.

"It seems that it treats you as a companion and me as its master," Feng Hao replied with a smile.

"You are not its owner."

Feng Hao looked around and saw no one, and quickly stroked his head, "Why do you have to eat a dog's vinegar?"

Ling Lang was stunned for a long time before realizing that what he said meant that Feng Hao was not the owner of the Golden Retriever, but the animal trainer, but Feng Hao misinterpreted it as a rivalry and jealousy, and he could not laugh or cry.

"Look at this," Feng Hao took out a dog biscuit from his pocket, Golden Retriever's eyes lit up when he saw it, and his tail swept the ground.

"Freeze," Feng Hao gave another order to Golden Retriever, and the well-trained Golden Retriever immediately stood still, like a statue.

Feng Hao carefully placed the dog biscuit on the bridge of Golden Retriever's nose, Golden Retriever stared at it intently, as if it turned into a pair of eyes, and the saliva flowed down, but it remained motionless.

Ling Lang was amazed at its endurance, until Feng Hao said "OK", it couldn't wait to lower its head, ate the biscuits that fell to the ground, and asked Feng Hao for a reward.

"This training is difficult. Not every dog can do it," Feng Hao explained. "Even if they know that they will end up with two biscuits in the end, they may not be able to endure the temptation of the first biscuits."

Ling Lang admitted that it was really difficult for a dog.

"What about you? Can you do it?" Feng Hao suddenly turned to Ling Lang and asked with a smile.

Ling Lang felt that his IQ was insulted.

The filming started. Ling Lang was in a rare good mood today. He spoke to Jin Mao some language that humans could not understand. Jin Mao responded with two barks under the animal trainer's gesture. Ling Lang said a few more words, and Jin Mao again With a bark, one person and one dog chatted without pressure.

Feng Hao pushed open the door and entered, and what caught his eye was this scene. The setting sun dyed their hair, which was originally the same color as the sun, with a golden light. He was shaken for a moment and couldn't open his eyes.

When he found out that there was one more person in the room, the faint smile on Ling Lang's face disappeared in an instant. The change in his attitude before and after annoyed Feng Hao. He thought that in the eyes of the other party, he was not as good as a dog. .

He grabbed Ling Lang by the collar and pulled him up, causing the shackles on his feet to make a dull sound.

"Laugh at me," he ordered unreasonably.

Ling Lang looked at him indifferently, as if there was no such person in his eyes.

"I said laugh at me," he ordered again sternly.

Ling Lang's face remained expressionless.

Annoyed, Feng Hao grabbed him by the throat, and the force in his hand became stronger and stronger, and he almost killed the person in front of him. In his life, he was disrespectful and fearless. Only two people gave him the frustration of being powerless. , these two people have the same face, and this face seems to be his nemesis from birth, so he can't wait to obliterate it forever.

Ling Lang let him hold his throat without struggling, and even seemed to be looking forward to dying like this. Jin Mao angrily rushed over to protect his master. called.

When Ling Lang was dying, Feng Hao finally realized what he was doing, and when he let go, Ling Lang fell to the ground.

Feng Hao narrowed his eyes and called a psychiatrist.

No matter what the doctor asked Ling Lang, he would not say anything. After he checked Ling Lang's condition, he dared to ask Feng Hao to send him for treatment again, but he still refused without any reason.

"Last time you said he had depression, I gave him a dog," Feng Hao's voice was ruthless, and anyone who listened to it felt terrified.

"Now that he talks to the dog every day, you say he has schizophrenia?"

Feng Hao's eyes fell on Jin Mao who finally crawled over and leaned on Ling Lang's body, "Since this is the case, why don't we just wipe out the root cause of schizophrenia and let him be depressed."

Ling Lang's eyes suddenly widened, realizing what he wanted to do, and desperately protecting Jin Mao behind him, Jin Mao also seemed to feel the murderous aura from Feng Hao, sobbed and retreated.

Feng Hao walked over step by step, Ling Lang and Jin Mao were forced to a corner together, and there was no way out.

Ling Lang finally opened his mouth. He didn't speak human words for too long, and his pronunciation became stiff, "No... but... with..."

Feng Hao didn't listen, he took out his pistol and aimed it at Golden Retriever's head in the air, Ling Lang blocked it without thinking.

"No... you can..." he repeated.

Feng Hao finally spoke, and he said three other words.


Ling Lang was silent, and Feng Hao didn't move either. The two were silently confronting each other, one of them pointed a gun at the other's head.

It seemed like a lifetime had passed, and the corners of Ling Lang's mouth curled up in an invisible arc, and then a little bit, a little bit, upward, until he pulled out the most poignant smile in the world.

"Why don't we try it, sit down." The two had already returned home from the set, and Feng Hao was still thinking about the question he asked Ling Lang during the day.

Ling Lang, whose IQ was insulted twice in one day, knelt down obediently.

"Don't move," Feng Hao gave a second order.

Ling Lang didn't move at all.

"Even if you are interested in dog biscuits, I can't put them on your nose," Feng Hao joked with him happily, "Why don't you change something you are interested in, one that can exercise your endurance. thing."

He took a step forward, took out his organs, and placed them on Ling Lang's lips.