Waiting Upon You

Chapter 46: Loyal dog


Ling Lang took the thing in the opponent's hand with a sullen face, and then withdrew his gaze, creating an aura that no strangers should approach.

The visitor smiled slightly, bypassed Ling Lang, walked straight to Feng Hao, stretched out his hand, "Wu Guanfeng."

No matter where Feng Hao goes, no matter who he is, he is always polite. However, at this moment, he sat in the same position without moving, only glanced at the other party lightly, neither introducing himself nor showing any intention of shaking hands with him.

Seeing this, Wu Guanfeng was neither embarrassed nor annoyed, he took back his hand that was hanging in the air, and put it in his pocket.

"I've admired the name for a long time, and I've never been able to see it. I'll see you today," he once again looked at Feng Hao from head to toe meaningfully, "It's really extraordinary."

Feng Hao still didn't say anything, but Wu Guanfeng didn't mind talking to himself, "I've listened to your new song, it's really good, but..."

He leaned down slightly, "The MV was even more breathtaking."

The two looked at each other calmly, and there was a tense confrontation beneath the calm surface.

"People who don't understand can't understand it, but people who can understand can understand it at a glance," Wu Guanfeng spat out word by word, "Your cabinet is too obvious."

Only then did Feng Hao react. He smiled noncommittally, "I don't understand what you are talking about. If you are praising the effect of the MV, I thank you for the director."

Wu Guanfeng straightened up again, as if he had long expected that the other party would use this excuse to cover up the past, and he no longer asked, but turned the blame on Ling Lang, "As for the actor's name, it is even more familiar, although he has never cooperated, But I also heard a lot of rumors…”

His eyes continued to go back and forth between the two, "It's just that at this moment, these rumors may not be true."

He looked at Ling Lang, "a senior," then looked at Feng Hao, "a junior, when there was only one chair in the room, it wasn't the junior who took the initiative to give the chair to the senior, but the opposite," he said. When I got here, I paused, "This doesn't fit the image of the Iceberg actor in the public's mind at all, does it?"

Ling Lang only took him as air, no matter what he said, he ignored it, but Feng Hao smiled dismissively, "The so-called image in the minds of the public is nothing but created by the media. You are in the entertainment industry. After so long, I must not have known that nine out of ten of the media's words are unbelievable, just like the media has portrayed you as a three-good youth, but what is the truth, who knows?"

"Senior is sympathetic to the younger generation and gives up your position. This is called caring and courtesy. If you have such a big obsession with this chair, I don't mind being sympathetic and sympathetic to you. This is just an ordinary seat, not the throne, anyone can You can sit if you want, the movie hasn't started yet, you really don't need to get into the movie so early."

None of the three people in the room spoke again. There was a tit-for-tat aura in the air, which intensified until the director, producer and others pushed the door and entered to break the strange silence. Feng Hao saw them coming, so he got out of his chair. stood up.

"Eh? The three of you came so early, what are you doing standing up? Sit down," the producer immediately adjusted his voice when he saw that the atmosphere in the conference room was wrong, but he looked around and realized that something was wrong, "Where are all the chairs?"

A person who looked like a secretary behind him quickly explained, "Yesterday, the conference room next door was not enough, so I moved over there. I'll move back immediately."

Ten minutes later, a group of people finally sat down. Ling Lang sat next to Feng Hao, Wu Guanfeng sat directly opposite, and continued to provoke this side with his eyes. Feng Hao regained his usual polite and gentle image, turning a blind eye to the provocation from the opposite side.

The producer could see it no matter how blind he was. He coughed twice when he was talking, "It's rare that the main actors of our film are all from the same agency, so everyone must be familiar with each other..."

"NONO," Wu Guanfeng shook his finger and interrupted him, "Although we are all artists under the Ye family, I'm just a small person. As for those two big names who don't even bother to attend the company's annual meeting, How dare I climb high."

"Uh," the producer choked, "then it's good to take this opportunity of filming to cultivate a relationship with each other."

"I hope so too," Wu Guanfeng said without changing his face. "After all, he is a senior apprentice from a company, and I don't want the negative news that the actors are incompatible before the film is shot."

"I feel the same way," Feng Hao agreed quietly.

Wu Guanfeng grinned, showing his white teeth, "In the future, please take care of the two brothers and sisters."

Feng Hao tilted his head slightly, and returned him a charming smile, "each other."

Ling Lang ascended the throne under the attention of all the people. He has never been seen as a director of a costume drama before. After his first appearance in the first show, he was stunned. above millions of people.

He secretly rejoiced that the role had not been chosen by the wrong person. The performances of Feng Hao and Wu Guanfeng were also remarkable. They fought with each other in the court and fought between the court and the opposition... Even in the real crew, the relationship between the two was incomparable. subtle.

Ling Lang was reviewing the script for the next scene, his brows furrowed into a Sichuan font.

"What's the matter," Feng Hao came over, "Is there any difficulty?"

Ling Lang was silent, it was the default.

"I know that the next scene may be a little more difficult for you," Feng Hao reminded him, "but don't forget that you are an actor."

Ling Lang raised his eyes to look at him, the embarrassed look still remained between his brows.

"Start!" The director gave an order, and the cameraman slowly pushed the camera forward.

In the imperial study, Ling Lang threw the memorial on the case, "Tell me, what is written on this memorial?"

Feng Hao stood aside with his hands down, although he was respectful, but his attitude also had the firmness of admonitioning ministers, "I think there must be something strange about this matter. I hope Your Majesty Rong Weichen will find out and play it again."

The prefect of Huzhou was an official promoted by Feng Hao, who was in charge of important states and counties in the imperial court. In order to loosen this brick, Wu Guanfeng made a lot of private efforts. Now that the prefect has been given a copy of the ginseng, how could he not take this opportunity to add fuel to the fire? Downhill.

"Everyone knows that the relationship between the prefect of Huzhou and Feng Xiang is very unusual. Now that the prefect has committed a crime and ordered Feng Xiang to investigate, who can know that Feng Xiang will act impartially, or take the opportunity to destroy the stolen goods and destroy the traces?"

Feng Hao glared at him, "Feng has always been upright and upright in his work, and the emperor has his own decision, where is your turn to intervene? If the prefect of Huzhou is really framed, Wu Xiang must have contributed greatly."

Seeing Feng Hao say this, Wu Guanfeng naturally wouldn't show weakness. The two of you argued with each other, completely treating the emperor as a decoration.

"Enough!" Ling Lang shouted angrily.

The slick Wu Guanfeng accepted it when he saw it, and the emotional Feng Hao turned his anger on the emperor, "If Your Majesty continues to believe in this kind of villain, no matter how indiscriminately harming Zhongliang, I'm afraid that everyone in the world will scold His Majesty behind your back!"

"Bold!" Ling Lang raised his right hand high, but was unable to drop it.

"Ka! What's going on?" The director didn't understand why Ling Lang's movements had stopped suddenly.

Ling Lang's brows furrowed even more, he put down his hand and shook his sleeves, "Sorry, try again."

Feng Hao brewed his emotions, and scolded Ling Lang again, "...I'm afraid everyone in the world will scold His Majesty behind his back!"

"Bold!" Feng Hao raised his neck fearlessly, ready to meet Ling Lang's next slap, but Ling Lang seemed to have been casted by a body-fixing spell, unable to move at all.

After NG for three times, Ling Lang's hand finally fell down, but it didn't touch Feng Hao's face at all, and softly brushed past the other person's ear, from a certain angle, it looked more like a tender caress.

The director was helpless and ordered to rest for a while. Ling Lang followed Feng Hao to a corner with few people.

"You are an actor, you have to be dedicated."

"Sorry, I can not do it."

Feng Hao sighed, "You are just acting now."

"I know, but I still can't do it."

"When filming, you have to forget my identity."

Ling Lang thought for a while, "Impossible."

"Look at me," Feng Hao forced him to look directly into his eyes. "You are now the ruler of a country, and I am your courtier. If I upset you Longyan, it is only right that you hit me."

Ling Lang looked at him seriously for a long time, but still replied, "Impossible."

He lowered his eyes, "I know that my behavior is naive, but for any reason, any occasion, let me act disrespectful to you," he raised his head, "I'm sorry, I can't do it."

Feng Hao looked at him for a moment, and finally laughed, "I don't know if I should be happy now, or..."

Wu Guanfeng caught a glimpse of the two whispering in the corner, and slowly walked over, "Why, the relationship is so good that I can't bear to slap it? If I don't do it, I don't mind doing it for me at all."

When Ling Lang saw him coming, he raised his legs and walked away. Before taking a few steps, Feng Hao grabbed his wrist from behind.

He leaned into Ling Lang's ear, "A number."

Ling Lang opened his eyes in surprise.

Feng Hao smiled, "Old rules, if you can't do it, you will be deducted three."

Ling Lang's brows tightened, Feng Hao had already walked to the previous position and stood up, waiting for him with a smile.

Wu Guanfeng also passed by him, looking at the two with interest.

Ling Lang walked over step by step, seemingly calm on the surface, but in fact every step was difficult.

He walked to Feng Hao, stood still, turned around, and looked serious.

"Okay, let's start!" The director saw that the three were ready and ordered the machine to start.

The green light of the camera turned on, and Feng Hao reiterated his lines impassively.

With a "bold" sound, Ling Lang's hand in mid-air was trembling slightly.

Wu Guanfeng, who was beside him, raised the corners of his lips and walked over slowly.

"Feng Xiang dares to make such a rebellious remark, and the crime deserves death, but why should the emperor get his hands dirty, it is better to let the humble post do it for you."

When the last word fell, his hand was raised high, and he slapped it involuntarily. Unexpectedly, before he touched Feng Hao in the slightest, he was ruthlessly stopped in the air.

Wu Guanfeng turned his head in surprise, only to see Ling Lang clasping his wrist tightly, his sword brows furiously raised, his starry eyes filled with prestige, the strength in his hands made him unable to move for a while, their hands were stalemate in the air, the atmosphere of the scene was Strange to the extreme.

"Stop! What are you guys doing!" The director looked inexplicable.

The two of them put their hands down slowly, until they were sure that he was no longer a threat, then Ling Lang threw off his hand in disgust. Wu Guanfeng rubbed his wrist, leaving a few fingerprints there.

"Do it again, I know what to do this time," Ling Lang returned to his place expressionlessly.

The crisp sound of hitting the board only heard the sound of "bold", Linglang Longyan was furious, he raised his right hand high and his breathing became heavier, as if he was trying his best to restrain his anger.

Finally, he swept the dragon case with his backhand, and the wide sleeves rolled up the origami paper and splashed the ink all over the floor, dyeing the floor of the imperial study black.

There was silence all around, only the teacup rolled on the ground a few times before it stopped.

Ling Lang waved his hand and turned his back, his voice full of supreme majesty, "Go check!"