Waiting Upon You

Chapter 47: Son of Heaven


Ling Lang was still obsessed with his role when he returned home. Today's filming was not smooth. The last scene was never completed. The director had no choice but to call it quits and let him go back and figure it out.

He worked hard to replace himself as an emperor, every move of his hand and every move, he showed the appearance of an emperor. When Feng Hao saw him like this, he knew that he was acting like a demon again.

After entering the door, Ling Lang didn't get Feng Hao slippers as usual, Feng Hao reminded him aloud, "Slippers."

Ling Lang flicked his arm and turned his head to the side, without thinking about it, he shouted sharply, "Pride!"

Feng Hao didn't say a word, and Ling Lang realized what he had said, and immediately knelt down, "I'm being presumptuous."

He brought the slippers to Feng Hao's feet, but Feng Hao didn't change them, and went straight in. Ling Lang saw him entering the living room, and hesitated for a while, but he went back to the bedroom to change his clothes before going out, and knelt down in front of him again. it is good.

"Your mission today failed..."

Ling Lang knew that he would mention this when he opened his mouth, and respectfully replied yes.

"You'd rather be detained three than you can complete the mission, right?"

Ling Lang lowered his head and wanted to intercede with Feng Hao, but he was afraid that it would have the opposite effect.

Feng Hao sighed, "Let me think about it."

After speaking, he closed his eyes, as if thinking.

When Feng Hao had never let his words loose, Ling Lang felt a bit of luck in his heart when he heard him say that.

Ten minutes passed, Feng Hao was still silent, Ling Lang was uneasy, he barely passed the director's test when he changed the script on the spot, but he didn't know if he could pass Feng Hao's test.

According to Feng Hao's consistent style of behavior, probably this mission will definitely be judged to be a failure. Thinking of this, Ling Lang bit his lower lip aggrievedly. He didn't remember a few people at first, but he deducted three more at once. If this goes on, maybe he won't be able to let Feng Hao remember all his phone numbers. Not good and owe a few more.

Just when Ling Lang was thinking about it, Feng Hao coughed lightly, Ling Lang straightened up subconsciously, and nervously waited for the result of the other party's consideration.

Feng Hao pointed his hand to the side, but said something else, "There are two boxes on the lower level of the cabinet, you go get them."

Ling Lang found two boxes according to his instructions. The first was a large rigid cardboard box, slightly flat, with a golden-yellow body; the second was a brocade box about a foot long, with a yellow and white body and delicate carvings. There is also a green round jade inlaid in the center of the box lid, which is quite heavy when weighed, much heavier than the big box.

He brought the two boxes to Feng Hao, Feng Hao pointed at the larger one and said, "Open it."

Ling Lang lifted the lid of the box, his eyes widened in surprise, and inside the box was actually a golden dragon robe. From the exposed part, it was much more gorgeous than his costume when he was filming.

"This..." He looked at Feng Hao in confusion.

"Your mission has not been completed, and you deserve to be punished," Feng Hao casually folded his legs, "but your performance later satisfied me, so I will give you a chance to make up for it."

He made a gesture of invitation, "Your Majesty, please change your clothes."

Ling Lang had only been wearing a shirt, and in a blink of an eye, he was gone.

Under the watchful eyes of Feng Hao, he put the dragon robe on his body and fastened the belt. On the surface, it looked the same as when he was filming.

Ling Lang didn't realize it when he was wearing only one shirt, but now the long hem of the dragon robe hangs down to his feet, covering his body tightly. Instead, he felt that the lower part of his body exposed to the air was cold.

There was always a smile in Feng Hao's eyes, and Ling Lang always felt that he could see clearly his naked body under the dragon robe through the cloth.

"Come on," Feng Hao beckoned to him, Ling Lang walked over, but Feng Hao pulled him onto his thigh. This posture was full of naked humiliation, just as frivolous as an ancient man playing with a little boy.

"Are you comfortable?" Feng Hao's hands were not polite at all. He stroked him through the dragon robe. The robe was made of silk, and it felt delicate and silky when it touched the skin.

He touched enough from the outside, and when he pulled it hard, half of Ling Lang's shoulders were exposed, and his hands went in along the front of his clothes, wantonly playing with Ling Lang's nipples, Ling Lang's nipples were extremely sensitive, and he rubbed his body three times and two times. They reacted together.

Feng Hao obviously found it too, he sarcastically said, "The emperor is too eager and dissatisfied, can't the three thousand beauties in the harem be able to satisfy your majesty?"

Ling Lang was even more ashamed when he said this, his lower body was uncontrollably raised even higher, and he could feel the dragon robe getting wet with his own cum.

"The dignified ninety-five-year-old is so thirsty," he squeezed hard at the bulge, in exchange for a low voice, "Don't you lose all the face of the royal family?"

Ling Lang wanted to know how humiliated he was now, being held on his lap by another man, with his shoulders exposed and his face crimson, like a lowly prostitution boy, but wearing a suit that symbolized a The dragon robe of the king of the country, each dragon embroidered on the robe seems to mock him.

"What, is what I said wrong?" Feng Hao asked contemptuously.

Ling Lang was too embarrassed to speak, so he buried his head in his arms.

Feng Hao forcibly raised his chin, and the gentle Feng Hao disappeared again. At this moment, there was only a sneer in his eyes, "Why are you pretending to be arrogant?"

Ling Lang has absolutely no resistance to Feng Hao like this. As long as he looks into his eyes, his hands and feet become weak and his whole body becomes weak. Even with the dragon robe in his body, he feels that he is extremely humble. He just wants to crawl at his feet and kiss him. of feet.

Feng Hao seemed to see through his mind, he loosened his waist, opened his lips lightly, and spat out three words, "Get off."

Ling Lang hurriedly crawled down, kneeling on the side without daring to lift his head.

Feng Hao sneered disdainfully, "Looking at you, how can you still look like an emperor?"

He reached out and took the brocade box on the side, and casually handed it over, "I feel sorry for the emperor's lust, and specially ordered someone to carve a jade article to relieve the emperor's hunger and thirst for the dragon body, and hope the emperor will laugh at him."

Ling Lang lowered his head, raised his hands high, and respectfully took the brocade box and opened it. Inside, it turned out to be a three-inch long and two-fingered jade pot. Light, one end is round, and the other end is engraved with a delicate coiled dragon pattern.

Ling Lang couldn't imagine where Feng Hao got this thing, he just said lazily, "Do you like it?"

Ling Lang put the brocade box in front of him and bowed down, "Xie Aiqing."

With a chuckle, "try it if you like it."

Ling Lang was still hesitating about how to try it, but Feng Hao had already stood up and gestured towards the sofa, "Your Majesty, please take your seat."

Ling Lang sat down obediently, but Feng Hao stepped back and stood aside.

"Show the ministers what the emperor is wearing under his robe."

Ling Lang's face flushed red, and he glanced at Feng Hao uneasily.

Recently, when filming every day, Ling Lang was sitting on the dragon chair, and the people below were full of darkness. Feng Hao's understatement brought him into that scene. The ministers raised their faces and waited. Appreciate the spring light under the emperor's robe.

Ling Lang's hand grabbed the hem of the clothes, and his fingertips were trembling slightly. Just as he was about to pull the hem of his clothes away, he heard Feng Hao say again, "Don't be quick, you have to lift it slowly."

His hand paused, but the movement did not stop. The dragon robe was lifted bit by bit. The slow movement made the process extremely long, and the humiliation multiplied with the passage of time. When the naked lower body was completely exposed When he came out, he was standing upright with excitement.

Feng Hao chuckled, "Your Majesty is really interesting."

Ling Lang knew that he laughed at his bald private parts, and he didn't know where to put his eyes. He didn't dare to look down at himself, and he didn't dare to turn his head to look at Feng Hao. He looked forward as if everyone was in private. There was a sneer on everyone's face.

"Your Majesty," Feng Hao said again, "The civil and military officials can't wait, so please reward the ministers."

Ling Lang's eyes drifted to Yu Shi, who was beside him with difficulty, swallowed his saliva, raised his legs on the seat, and moved away bit by bit.

"The angle is too small. What do you want the ministers on both sides to think?"

Ling Lang was forced to spread his legs a little further, almost reaching the limit.

The chatter of the ministers stopped, and everyone's eyes were focused on the same place, staring intently at the emperor's private parts. Under the watchful eyes, not only did it not soften, but a viscous liquid overflowed excitedly, under the gravity. Under the traction, a long transparent silk thread was pulled out.

"The emperor really deserves to be the most coquettish king in five thousand years," Ling Lang shook his body, and the thin line was drawn longer, "The historian must record this scene well, so that the world will know that there is something in the heart of the emperor of the dynasty. More slutty."

Seeing that Ling Lang didn't move, Feng Hao ordered again, "Continue."

Ling Lang had to put his finger in his mouth, licked it wet and touched the hole, and expanded it by poking and poking. When the index finger was able to go in and out smoothly, the middle finger also joined in until it became soft and elastic.

He took the jade in his other hand, pressed the rounded end against the entrance, and then opened the folds little by little and entered the narrow corridor. The icy chill of the jade made him shiver.

"If the emperor himself doesn't want to move, how about summoning a minister to help you?" Feng Hao saw that he stopped again, and said sarcastically.

Ling Lang closed his eyes tightly. Last time he was in front of the camera, he had done something even more embarrassing than this, but that time he had the courage to drink alcohol, but this time he was fully awake, and the same action seemed extremely difficult. many.

He began to pull the jade potential in his body little by little, the smooth surface of the jade potential rubbed against the intestinal wall, gradually generating a temperature, as if there was life, but the hard texture made it seem cold and ruthless.

His other hand covered the sore body, and in order to maintain the balance of his body, he had to send his hips forward, and the curvature of his waist became more curved.

Ling Lang moved back and forth together, the speed involuntarily accelerated, the fog gradually filled his eyes, and everything in front of him became even more hazy, only the light emitted by a pair of eyes penetrated the layers of fog and landed straight on. On his body covered with fine sweat, everyone's eyes ignited every inch of the body's skin. The body seemed to be on fire, and the temperature was so high that even jade could melt.

He felt that he was rising higher and higher, only one step away from the clouds, and suddenly a magic palm stretched out from hell, pulling him down by surprise.

"Ha," Ling Lang gasped, returning to reality from the illusion, only to realize that Feng Hao came to him at some point and held his hand.

"The emperor performed very hard, but," he leaned down, "the ministers didn't think it was exciting enough."

He twitched gracefully, untied the girdle of the dragon robe, and tied a bow on Ling Lang's burning desire. Ling Lang was no stranger to his behavior, and his eyes immediately showed a pleading look.

Feng Hao turned a blind eye, pulled out the jade in his body again, and threw it aside. Ling Lang's body, which had tasted the affair, was terribly empty. He twisted slightly, trying to relieve the itching sensation in his body.

"Want it?" Feng Hao smiled like an angel.

Ling Lang nodded somewhat embarrassedly.

"What kind of formality is it when the dynasty is promiscuous," Feng Hao replied like a devil.

Ling Lang bowed his head in shame, but the little brother jumped excitedly.

"But if the emperor orders, the ministers have to obey."

Ling Lang's heart beat violently, he licked his lips, "Zhen, I ordered, ordered Aiqing..."

Feng Hao didn't move, and responded lazily, "Huh?"

"Order Aiqing... to serve the bed..."

Feng Hao lowered his head and laughed for a long time, "I'm not the emperor's concubine, and I don't have the ability to serve as a bedchamber, so I ask the emperor to take it back."

Ling Lang racked his brains for a while, "Having sex with me?"

This time Feng Hao laughed longer, and when he finished laughing, he simply said, "Your Majesty, this minister is a military officer, and he doesn't understand the written language. The Emperor should say some swear words that the minister can understand."

Ling Lang thought to himself, you are obviously a prime minister, but when you became a military attache, you are clearly trying to force me to make a fool of yourself.

But even though he knew it well, he still had to respect what he meant, "I ordered Aiqing... fuck me."

Feng Hao turned Ling Lang over and knelt on the sofa, the weapon pressed against the target, but he didn't move.

Ling Lang couldn't bear it any longer, and said, "Come in."

"Where to enter?" Feng Hao answered quickly.

Ling Lang blushed and went out, "My dragon's cave."

Feng Hao raised his crotch, "The minister follows the order."