Waiting Upon You

Chapter 58: ring


Ling Lang fell into a drowsy sleep, as if a copper bell was always ringing in his ears. Feng Hao really did not let him get out of bed for two days as he said, and the bell kept ringing, first in reality, then in a dream, and in the end he couldn't even tell whether it was a reality or a dream.

He turned over and waved his hand impatiently twice, as if he wanted to drive away the source that disturbed his sweet dreams, but the voice still came into his ears intermittently, and it became clearer and clearer.

Ling Lang struggled to open his eyes, and finally confirmed that the sound was not a dream, but came from his mobile phone on the bedside table not far away. Accompanied by the familiar copper ringtone, the screen of the mobile phone also lit up.

Confused, he took his phone, which showed a caller from a complete stranger—a lover.

Ling Lang rubbed his eyes and stared at those two words for three seconds, as if trying to figure out what the combination of these two words meant. When he was in a daze, it was probably because the phone went unanswered for too long and the ringing stopped, but soon the other side called again, this time Ling Lang pressed the answer button and hesitantly said hello.

A voice that was more magnetic due to the filtering of the current came from the microphone, "Have you not woken up yet? My little lazy dog."

Hearing this voice, Ling Lang felt that the blood all over his body rushed to the top of his head in an instant, and the drowsiness just now evaporated and disappeared.

"What kind of ringtone did you set for me?" Ling Lang suddenly realized Feng Hao's evil intentions and couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Of course it's your most familiar ringtone, don't you like it?" Feng Hao asked back with a smile.

Ling Lang turned over again, "Don't use the same thing as training animals for conditioning on me."

"Dare you say you didn't respond?"

Ling Lang lifted the quilt and looked at it. Little Ling Lang had used up excessive physical strength in the past forty-eight hours, and now he was struggling to raise his head again.

"No," Ling Lang said dutifully.

"A liar is a puppy," Feng Hao said with a smile.

"… Wang."

"Who is Feng Hao talking on the phone with? He's smiling so happily," the assistant came in with a stack of CDs, and at first glance, he saw Feng Hao leaning against the window and holding his phone with a sweet smile on his face.

The agent glared in Feng Hao's direction, "Is that even a question?"

"Ah," the assistant snorted briefly, "I'm sorry, I seem to have hit your pain point, Dad."

The agent pointed at her angrily, "Don't mention those two words to me again!"

After speaking, he angrily walked towards Feng Hao, and the assistant behind him blinked innocently, "Okay... PAPA."

Feng Hao was still happily chatting with Ling Lang.

"What's the matter with this contact's name?" Ling Lang asked.

"I wanted to write about the master, but your phone is often placed with the assistant. I'm afraid to scare her."

"Are you sure your lover won't scare her?"

"Then what to do? Change it to a lover?"

"President Feng?"

"I feel like I'm talking about my eldest brother, what about Feng Shao?"

"At first glance, it looks like a playboy who takes care of a little star."

"Then..." Feng Hao was still pondering when he was interrupted by the aggressive agent.

"Go to work! Still calling! Deducting your salary!"

Feng Hao glanced at the call time speechlessly, "I only spoke for ten minutes."

"Ten minutes!" The agent almost jumped up, "Did you know that sometimes the words he talks to me all day don't add up to more than ten minutes!"

Feng Hao suddenly realized when he heard the words, "So you are jealous, Dad."

"Don't call me daddy!!" The agent was mad, "You are given half an hour to sign your pile of CDs! And you!" He called into the phone again, "That late sleeper, get up for me quickly. Already working!"

Feng Hao reluctantly raised the phone to his ear and sighed a long time, "You heard it too, my lover has such a father, I really want Alexander, let's do this first, and we'll talk later in the evening."

"Night?" The other side was puzzled.

"Wait a minute to go to the next city, you may not be able to go back tonight," Feng Hao replied regretfully.

The other end of the phone paused, "Okay."

"Call something."


"Call me if you miss me."

"… Um."

Feng Hao wanted to make another goodbye kiss, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw the agent who was about to breathe fire, and hurriedly hung up the phone. Ling Lang looked at the code name in the address book for a while, and touched his neck with his left hand, only to realize that the collar had been taken off by Feng Hao long ago.

After he got out of bed, he swayed uncontrollably a few times, and quickly supported the wall. His legs were so sore that they didn't look like his own. After taking a shower, his strength returned to his body a little bit.

The breakfast prepared by Feng Hao was still warm. He swept through the day's schedule while eating. As expected, as the agent said, the announcement line was very full. For the rest of the day, he was like rushing to the market. Running westward, he hadn't experienced this busy feeling for a long time.

It was almost midnight when he got home, and he didn't want to do anything but fall on the bed. After lying down for a while, I suddenly remembered the phone call. I took out my phone and saw that there was no missed call from Feng Hao. It must be very busy there.

Ling Lang looked at the time and decided not to disturb him. He followed Feng Hao's rules and went to bed until the first ray of sunlight woke him up in the morning.

The copper bell that he was expecting didn't ring, Ling Lang picked up the phone and hesitated for a long time whether to dial it to say good morning. It was not until the same copper bell came from the microphone that he realized that he had accidentally pressed the dial button when he was in a daze.

Ling Lang was stunned for two seconds, and immediately understood what was going on. Not only did Feng Hao set his ringtone as a copper bell, but even the ringtone he dialed was the same one. The details are simply painstaking.

He looked at a certain part that had just shown fatigue and regained his energy. He simply didn't know whether to admire Feng Hao's good intentions or whether the trick of worrying really worked for him.

During his self-contradictory time, the bell rang again and again, but no one answered, and finally transferred to voicemail.

Ling Lang frowned. It was common for him to not be able to answer the phone at work. At this time, the phone would be handed over to the assistant for safekeeping. Even if Feng Hao couldn't answer, the assistant would answer it on his behalf, or did she get scared by the caller's name

I don't know how Feng Hao kept it, is he a lover just like himself

After Ling Lang washed up, he came to the restaurant as usual, and the deserted table reminded him of the fact that Feng Hao hadn't come back.

Since the last filming, he went on an excessive diet, and his body had a sequelae, such as stomach pain if he skipped breakfast. When Feng Hao was healthy, he got up early every day to prepare breakfast for him, and he would supervise him every day even when he was blind.

As usual, Ling Lang would have eaten breakfast before going out, but today this rule was broken after he checked the time. Before he got into the car, he called Feng Hao again, but there was still no answer.

"Welcome," the proprietress raised her head and greeted when she heard the door of the restaurant being pushed open. Today, the weather was hazy and there was no sunshine, but the visitor wore a pair of sunglasses, lowered his head slightly, and concealed half of his face.

This time is no longer the peak period for breakfast. There are several tables scattered in the restaurant. The man walked to the most inconspicuous corner and sat down and ordered a set meal.

The restaurant's marketing was well done. The proprietress thoughtfully launched the service of buying breakfast and delivering newspapers based on everyone's interests and hobbies when they had breakfast. Ling Lang read the newspapers while waiting for the meal.

If someone opens the newspaper one morning and gets used to seeing his photo in the most prominent position on the front page, this person is either a head of state or an entertainment star. Today, however, Ling Lang, who was so accustomed to making headlines about himself, could no longer be as humiliating as usual.

He has seen all kinds of reports about himself, praised, criticized, true, fabricated... But never has one made him feel like a cave like today.

This is the third time that the gossip boss has secretly looked in the direction of the man with sunglasses. He is like an iceberg, exuding a breath that no strangers should approach, but at the same time he is like a luminous body, making people avoid him and at the same time. He couldn't help but focus his attention on him.

Ten minutes had passed since breakfast was served, but the man had no intention of eating, and focused all his attention on the newspaper in front of him.

The proprietress was curious about what news was more attractive than her own breakfast, so she picked up a copy and opened it. The most eye-catching position was printed with the title of Dou Da—the man behind the iceberg surfaced, and the rumor that the actor was being fostered was confirmed!

The proprietress didn't have time to pay attention to the full page of typefaces, but it was the photo of the protagonist in the middle that caught her attention - this man was so familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.

No, she denied herself, he is a well-known movie star, of course she couldn't have seen him, even she who doesn't chase stars has several DVDs of each other at home.

But where does this strange familiarity come from? The proprietress raised her head suddenly, could it be…

She suddenly remembered that she had a friend who worked in a newspaper, and without thinking about it, she called the other party.

"Hey, what's the matter?" As soon as the phone was connected, there was a urging voice over there.

The proprietress didn't know why she deliberately lowered her voice, "Hey, are you in the newspaper office?"

"No, I'm outside."

The proprietress coughed softly, "Listen to me..."

As soon as she said four words, she was hurriedly interrupted by the opposite side, "I have a very important press conference to be held here. If there is anything else, I will talk about it later."

"Hello, hello?" There was only a busy tone to answer the lady boss. Looking at the hung up call, she raised her phone unwillingly, took a photo from the most hidden angle and sent it over. Sure enough, within three seconds, the phone rang again.

"Where did you take it?" The other party's voice couldn't contain the excitement, "Ah, it's in your store, right? He went to eat at your place, right? Is he alone? How long has he been there? Can you think about it? How to keep him?"

The proprietress was frightened by her friend's barrage of questions, and she only had time to answer the last one, "I am a restaurant, not a police station. He can leave as soon as he wants. Can I stop him?"

"I'll be there soon, try to help me stabilize!" The friend hung up the phone without any reason, and the lady boss could already foresee that someone was turning the steering wheel in a hurry.

She peeked into the corner again, she couldn't say whether she could keep that person, but how the food on the table was brought over, it is still exactly where it was today, and it has not been passive at all.

Ling Lang's third call was to his manager, but this time someone answered it quickly, and the background sound was as noisy as he imagined.

"Hey, listen to me, this time is a bit special... I'm sorry, we're not being interviewed right now... Don't worry, we're already working on a solution... No comments, borrow, borrow, please! "

With a loud closing sound, the noise was blocked from the door, and the agent breathed a sigh of relief.

"A little accident happened to the plan, but it's not that bad. Don't be in a hurry. Today, you must, must, must stay at home. Never go out. All announcements are suspended." He emphasized three affirmations in a row, even if In this way, there is no reason that Ling Lang would obediently do as he said.

"Where is Feng Hao?" Ling Lang asked briefly.

The agent didn't expect that the first question he asked was this, and he didn't respond for a while, "Huh?"

"He doesn't answer my phone," Ling Lang explained briefly.

"Maybe I can't get out. It's too messy here."

Ling Lang paused, "Did he read the newspaper too?"

"Hmm..." The agent hesitated.

Ling Lang immediately understood three points, "Did you see it?"

The agent held his forehead. He couldn't explain this kind of thing in a few words, but he couldn't help thinking about it without explaining it. "That's it. We found out about it through the inside line of the newspaper office in the middle of the night last night."

He waited for the other party to reply, and then continued, "If it was in the past, it would be impossible for this kind of news to appear in the newspaper the next day."

"But this time I don't know who is behind Huyu's backing... The pressure over there didn't work," the agent said when he said this, but Ling Lang didn't ask any further questions.

"Things are a little out of control, but we have already figured out how to deal with it." Although he really didn't want to speak for someone, he finally added through gritted teeth, "Don't misunderstand Feng Hao, he didn't mean to not answer your phone. ."


The call was quickly hung up, and Ling Lang's neat and tidy reply made the agent wonder if the other party believed him or not.

However, time did not allow him to think about it. He took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead. The manager braved the determination to die and opened the door.