Wake Up Male Lead, You Belong With The Female Lead!

Chapter 65: Are you willing to save?


Something happened to Wang Weizhi!

He fell into Ji Yuan's hands and was being sacrificed!

Lin Chuo quickly caught these two messages.

At this moment, Wei Liang had embraced her and swept out for more than a thousand miles.

Two thick and gorgeous dark red wedding robes were hunting in the wind, Lin Chu turned his head to look at Wei Liang, and saw that the ice was still in his eyes, his delicate thin lips were slightly pressed together, and his eyebrows were slightly furrowed. what expression.

It seemed a little impatient, a little annoying, a little angry.

Lin Chiu suddenly remembered the scandal of the demon lord. It is said that the demon lord has fallen in love with Wang Weizhi's mother, Huang Yinyue. But at this moment, Lin Chuo suddenly blessed his soul and felt that Wei Liang's attitude towards Huang Yinyue should be the same as his attitude when he heard about Wang Weizhi's incident.

This time, will he know the origin of Wang Wei's family

Wang Weizhi... Is he still alive

Many images popped up in Lin Chiu's mind. When she was in Bibotan, she had seen how Ji Yuan sacrificed to those Nascent Soul monks in the grievances of the dead.

Horror, cruel, and cruel.

The process was long and painful. The monks were wailing in pain, and they were able to rip off their jaws. It is conceivable that the pain in it was not something humans could bear.

Lin Chu didn't dare to think deeply.

The friendship between her and Wang Weizhi is not deep, but not shallow. After experiencing Bibotan, she couldn't help feeling more sympathy and pity for Wang Weizhi. She hopes that he can survive this hurdle, grow up, and have enough strength to avenge those enemies.

By then, she didn't mind helping him at all.

It would be a pity that this energetic, arrogant and unrestrained young man had not grown into a calm and reliable young man, and then folded in the hands of the demon of Ji Yuan.

Looking ahead, she narrowed her eyes slightly, and a fierce intent burst into her eyes.

She didn't notice that Wei Liang was watching her.

After walking for a long time, the surrounding sky was obviously darkened, thick black fog drifted everywhere in the air, and a mountain was covered by the fog. From a distance, the trees were gray and black.

Silent Demon Hill is here.

This mountain is full of shadowy prohibitions. Wei Liang wanted to descend directly on the peak. Unexpectedly, the black fog was densely covered with prohibitions. Although the removal was extremely simple, the prohibitions came one after another, like Peeling an onion is normal, endless.

There are countless resentment power you Ji hidden under the restriction, and every time a layer of restraint is broken, resentment power you Ji will rush up frantically, blocking Wei Liang's footsteps with her life. The new prohibition came into being quickly, although it was not as fast as Wei Liang's break, it had already greatly delayed his footsteps.

Under the prohibition, there was no sound.

Lin Chuo's heart slowly sank to the bottom.

The demon who reported the news said that Wang Weizhi's cry was loud and tragic.

The silence at this moment means that he has been successfully refined by Ji Yuan

After Wei Liang broke more than a hundred levels of bans, his patience was exhausted, and he led Lin Chu down to Lingxia.

Every step down seems to hide mystery.

Lin Chu knew that he was looking for the hub of prohibition.

The two went around, always circling under the Jie Mo Ling.

The dark dense forest, the cold thick black fog, the rotting stones and soil, the dumped tombstones... the wind gusts, and the cold and damp.

Lin Chuo's heart kept sinking.

Finally, Wei Liang stopped in front of a black stele that was half-covered and half exposed.

He turned his head and looked at Lin Chuo, with a calm tone: "If Wang Weizhi is dead, would you cry?"

Lin Ju thought for a moment, then replied, "Probably not. I have prepared for the worst in my heart."

"Yeah." He raised his foot, stepped casually on the black stele in front of him, and said, "If he dies, he asked for it, and he can't blame anyone."

When the voice fell, the black stele at the foot was also broken!

The dense fog seemed to be frightened, squeaking strangely, and quickly retreated to the sides. A forest path was revealed, winding to the top of the mountain.

Wei Liang's footsteps were not fast or slow, but he moved extremely fast.

Resentment You Ji gathered one after another, desperately trying to stop Wei Liang from moving forward.

Lin Chuo dangled four dark golden little lotuses, spurring the karma lotus, and pulverizing the resentful power youji it touched into a puff of black-gray powder-resentful power youji is not a demon, but a pure resentment spirit body.

The demons are bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty, but they don't engage in these messy things. They are like uncivilized beasts, hunting because of instinct. In Lin Yu's eyes, this is not evil, the real evil is the magic cloud. So she was willing to relieve them of their pain, and did not hold them accountable for killing evil in the past.

But the magic repair like Ji Yuan is different. They are not demons at all. In order to chase power, they draw demons into their bodies, use various cruel methods to kill their lives, make victims experience extreme pain and despair, stimulate resentment, and use these resentments to improve their own cultivation.

Such a means of acting is simply "evil" or "evil", and it is no longer enough to describe.

Even if the demons were driven away, would people like Jiyuan stop? Will not. This kind of demon should stay in hell.

The more you move forward, the more intense Yu Ji's offensive is. The woman's ears were all screaming sharply, humming, and Lin Chu had a headache.

All of these resentment You Ji didn't want to die, and they only thought of Lord Ji Yuan.

Lin Chiu really couldn't understand, she couldn't help asking Wei Liang, "Is Jiyuan really so charming? Why do so many resentment You Ji give up for him?"

Wei Liang's lips twitched slightly, and said with disdain, "That's all about the magic trick."

Lin Chiu looked at You Ji who rushed up desperately. He was upset and puzzled: "Aren't the love between men and women exclusive? What kind of harem sorcery can make countless women go for him? die?"

Wei Liang suddenly leaned over and whispered in her ear: "Is Madam suggesting that I'm not doing well enough to make Madam slam the ground?"

Lin Chuo: "... I'm not that I didn't."

She was ashamed, and finally no longer gloomy. Wei Liang looked into his eyes, slightly curled the corners of his lips, held her tightly, and moved quickly.

A dark and damp cave appeared in front of him.

"Here." Wei Liang looked down at Lin Chiu, with a slight worry in his eyes.

"I'm ready!" She nodded firmly.

Lin Chiu knew Wei Liang quite a bit. She knew that in this situation, he could still talk and tease, it must be because he was about to face the most tragic scene. He deliberately said that to adjust her emotions. .

The dark red lavish clothes moved in this gloomy Silent Demon Ridge, like a touch of blood that had flowed out of the body for a long time and was about to dry up.

Wei Liang waved his long sleeves, and a crisp cracking sound came from the mouth of the cave.

He embraced her and stepped into the cave, and the frost spread behind him, sealing the entrance of the cave, and sealing the countless roaring resentment You Ji outside the cave.

Lin Chuo's heart hung high, "puff and puff," as if beating in his throat.

Ji Yuan must have known about their invasion like this.

Could he have escaped, leaving only Wang Weizhi's body

Lin Chuo breathed deeply.

The cave is hundreds of times more spacious than imagined.

After not taking a few steps, Wei Liang and Lin Chu stopped at the edge of the cliff—the bottom of the entire Jie Mo Ling was hollowed out, and the darkness spread heavily, as if going straight to hell.

A powerful and evil aura diffused from under the abyss, and when it touched it, it was frightening.

"At the time of Bibotan, didn't you have ruined his blood puppet?" Lin Chuo asked in amazement, "How can he be stronger than before?"

After the Battle of Bibotan, Ji Yuan concealed his whereabouts. Righteous Tao has been searching for him, but it has been to no avail.

He did not have the opportunity to cause a major tragedy to advance to the ranks-he had done so many tragic evil things in the past, and with the help of the monstrous resentment in the Bibotan, he also repaired the Baiying blood reduction technique to 70%. Now that the blood puppet has been destroyed, he has no chance to kill the Nascent Soul cultivator in large numbers, how can his cultivation base advance instead of retreating? !

"Wang Weizhi." Wei Liang had cream on his eyebrows.

Lin Chuo's heart beat hard.

Wei Liang said, she felt it too. Although this breath is extremely evil, it has a faint sense of familiarity.

Not Ji Yuan, but Wang Weizhi!

So... What happened to Wang Weizhi

Wei Liang embraced her and jumped straight into the bottomless abyss in front of her.

He didn't use any magical powers, but let his body fall naturally.

Underneath, there was a faint sound of waves.

The further down, the more pungent the fishy smell. Lin Chiu threw Probe Xiaolian down.

Under that endless abyss, there is actually a sea of blood!

Lin Yu's thoughts turned, urging Ye Lian to make Probe Xiao Lian try to extract the magic cloud from the sea of blood.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came into contact, there was a sharp pain like a needle prick in the sea of knowledge.

Detecting Xiaolian was actually burst into life in an instant!

Lin Chuo took a breath, unconsciously raised his hand, and covered his forehead.

Wei Liang put her in his arms heavily and said, "Don't move, let me come."

Lin Chuo: "..." This sentence seems to have been heard somewhere not long ago.

"If you see a phantom, don't panic. I'm here." His voice was still cold and calm.

"Where is it down here?"

"Earth Ein."

The land

The more he went down, the more Lin Chuo felt that something was wrong. The two had already descended to the place where they had only detected Xiaolian's contact with the sea of blood, but there was still darkness under their feet.

Where is the sea of blood

Wei Liang embraced her, his expression still careless.

The two continued to free fall.

Lin Chuo could feel that the distance from the evil and terrifying aura was gradually shortening.

Judging from this depth, I am afraid that it has already reached the mantle, right

However, the temperature here is not high, and the stone walls behind him are still wet and heavy. After the Nascent Soul Stage, you can see things in the dark. This is another kind of "vision"—

Through the Yuan Ying, interacting with the aura between the dense world, wherever he looks, the Yuan Ying will transform the information collected by the aura into a familiar "vision" and present it in front of the monk.

The information that aura can sense is omni-directional, that is to say, Yuan Ying monk can not only see a flower in the distance, but also smell its fragrance and feel the texture of the petals.

This feeling sounds mysterious at first, but it's just a medium like aura. It's like a bat that can use ultrasound to detect terrain.

Lin Chiu sniffed, and found that there was no smell of sulfur on the stone walls.

Could it be that this is not the real underground

What is it

The sound of waves below is close and sometimes far away.

At this moment, she had been held by Wei Liangtuan in front of her chest. His simple movements made her feel completely safe with one arm around her back.

The tip of his nose was lingering around his breath, and his forehead was against his solid chest. Although he was surrounded by thick and delicate clothing, his temperature still envelops her. At this moment, Lin Chu couldn't help feeling a sense of fatigue and attachment in his heart. I want to hug him like this and fall until the earth is gone.

Thoughts stopped abruptly.

The accident came suddenly.

Lin Chu heard the wind. She looked up and saw an extremely huge corpse, sinking towards the two of them.

This body seems to have been soaked for ten thousand years. It didn't melt away, it just sucked enough water, the skin became transparent and swollen, and the arms were as big as Lin Chuo's whole person. Under the skin is pus in the four colors of yellow, green, red and black.

It spread its arms, face down, and fell towards the two of them with the fishy wind, getting closer and closer.

On his extremely swollen face, his facial features were blurred, and two huge eyeballs were squeezed to the left and right, like dragonfly eyes.

Suddenly seeing such a disgusting and terrifying thing, Lin Chuo's first reaction in his mind was not the safety of his life, but that this thing must not be bombed on him!

"Wei Liang... Is this an illusion?" Lin Chuo took a breath and tugged at his clothes.

"No." His voice came out of his chest, looking very empty and gloomy.

Lin Chuo's heart suddenly tightened.

She felt that his tone was not right, and hurriedly raised her eyes to look at him.

When she glanced over his Adam's apple, she saw it moved, and a faint voice floated from the top of her head: "I am an illusion..."

Lin Chuo's scalp exploded with a "huh".

She saw him raise a hand full of black blood vessels and strangled her neck in one fell swoop.

The nails on this hand are extremely long, and the metal nails rubbing against each other around the back of her neck, making a toothy sound behind her head.

She did not feel suffocated.

He just forced her to look up at him.

She saw that his handsome and unparalleled face was also covered with black blood vessels, which protruded on the surface of the skin one after another, slowly squirming, extremely shocking.

She couldn't help taking a breath.

He exerted a little force, she gradually couldn't catch her breath, opened her mouth unconsciously, and there was a painful air in her throat.

"I look like this... Are you afraid of it?" he asked.

She saw a smirk on the corner of his lips. She felt the pulse on the side of her neck beating quickly under his fingers, very fragile.

'It's an illusion. 'Lin Chiu told himself,' believe Wei Liang. '

She was still leaning in his arms a moment ago, and she didn't believe that any power could take people away from his arms.

"Huh? Are you afraid? I look like this... Are you afraid?"

His palm continued to shrink. What Lin Chiu felt most deeply was the strange sound of those long nails rubbing against the back of his head. It's as uncomfortable as scratching a blackboard with your nails.

Her head was a little dizzy.

She unconsciously opened her mouth wider, like a dying fish, gasping for breath that couldn't breathe in her lungs.

He leaned over and kissed it.

The lips were pale in color, and black teeth and tongue were exposed between the slightly opened lips with a grinning smile.

The suffocation caused her body to twitch slightly, and she forced her urge to resist and closed her eyes.

"Not afraid." Her voice was fragmented, "I am not afraid of what you look like. As long as it is you, Wei Liang."

She couldn't close her mouth, her tongue was sticking out slightly, and she didn't know if he could hear his own whisper.

When his lips fell on hers, a large amount of fresh air suddenly poured into her lungs, and she coughed violently.

There is clarity in my mind.

Only now did she realize that there were no black hands on her neck.

She was just fascinated by the illusion, she held her breath and broke her breath.

Looking up, he saw fire and ice burning in Wei Liang's eyes at the same time.

He is still holding her back with one hand, and the other big sleeve is constantly dancing in the wind. Every time an arc is crossed, there is a crisp cracking sound that explodes in the dark.

"Huh, isn't this the illusion created by your own heart, what did you hit me for? The unconscionable guy, if it weren't for me, the little blood guy would have run away..." a whisper filled The entire dark space.

It is a female voice, extremely charming, making the skull crisp.

"Looking for death." Two words burst out between Wei Liang's teeth.

Lin Chuo had never heard Wei Liang speak in such a terrible tone.

"Hmph, I won't fight you, so fierce, do you want to have a wife? Come on, I'll wait for you to come back at the extreme of the sky, my good husband, you are going to put me in my arms after all... I don't mind the flowers and plants you are outside, anyway, you throw it away when you get tired of it..."

The tone is extremely sweet.

After a very clear sound of broken gold, the female voice suddenly disappeared.

Lin Chuo hadn't recovered yet, Wei Liang's face was already pressed up again.

He rubbed her cheeks and put a cold and powerful force into her body to help her recover. His voice was low, his anger suppressed, "Don't believe it."

Lin Chuo has adjusted her breathing, her voice is still a bit hoarse, and when she speaks, her throat is dry and painful. She smiled, "You said that getting a wife is troublesome. One time is enough. I believe you."

Whether Wei Liang is blind can see how well Wei Liang treats her. Although the relationship between her and Wei Liang is not deep, they can't be provoked by just a few words.

"Yeah." He didn't seem to know what to say, and he let out a gasp in his chest.

"The extreme of the sky." Lin Chu asked softly, "Is that... where you came from?"

"Yeah." Wei Liang's palm gently stroked the black hair behind her head.

The extremes of the sky, the bounds of the earth.

Lin Chuo looked up and saw that the dead body had disappeared without a trace.

The next moment, she heard a surge from under her feet.

Looking down, I saw that the boundless sea of blood was already close at hand!

Above the sea of blood, there was a person hanging.

The whole body was red, and the surging blood condensed into handsome eyebrows, semi-liquid and semi-solid, but he could recognize it at a glance. This person was Wang Weizhi.

No, he is no longer human.

This is a blood puppet, Wang Weizhi's blood puppet.

The evil spirit is soaring, and the bloody smell makes people feel faint.

Lin Chiu's pupils tightened, staring at the blood puppet Wang Weizhi in shock. Yu Guang suddenly caught a glimpse of something floating and sinking in the bloody waves below.

A closer look revealed that it was Wang Weizhi's body.

He faces up, his eyes are angrily open, and his face is extremely hideous. There was a rotten cavity the size of a bowl in his abdomen, his skin was pale and dry, and there was no more blood left in his body.

But he did not succumb to death.

There was no trace of fear on his face, and the painful torture did not destroy his will, but no matter how strong the will was, it could not help him escape the end of death.

Ji Yuan floated beside his corpse.

She was still wearing a bright red dress, and her eyelids were no longer glittering powder, but two long bloodstains that seemed to be wiped out with fingers, starting from the eyelids and extending into the temples.

"Ha, ha ha ha..." Seeing Wei Liang, Ji Yuan grinned in a dark voice, "Forgive me for my clumsy eyes. It is really rude to recognize Lord Demon Lord as Sword Master!"

Wei Liang didn't look at him, his eyes were like ice, falling on the blood puppet that looked exactly like Wang Weizhi.

Ji Yuan Xiemei smirked: "Master Demon Lord borrows the corpse to return to life and resurrects from the dead. As a subordinate, you must prepare a good gift and honor your lord!"

Seeing Lin Chuo in Wei Liang's arms, he no longer pretended to be "fear" of her, but gently curled the corners of his lower lips, his eyes flashed, and he stopped looking at her.

He is so confident and fearless because the blood puppet has become a master.

In the original book, Dacheng's blood even Wei Liang couldn't resist. What's more, there is a sea of blood for some reason. It is conceivable that the strength of the blood puppet and the blood demon will be blessed in this weird place.

Lin Chiu's heart moved, and he asked softly, "Is this the'Earth'?"

"Well, boundary." Wei Liang seemed to be lazy, but a layer of hoarfrost was already floating in his eyes.

Before he finished his words, he saw the smirk on Ji Yuan's face solidified, that Xiemei face became stiff, and a frost crack slowly opened from the corner of her forehead.

Once Wei Liang made a move, it was already a Xeon killer move.

This person doesn't pay attention to the gentleman's style in fighting, and he does it when he talks about it. Ji Yuan thought that he had to confront him with a few ruthless words.

Fortunately, there was a sea of blood below him, and his body suddenly scattered, turning into a handful of thick blood, leaping into this boundless sea of blood.

At the same time, the blood puppet moved!

I saw Wang Weizhi's blood puppet opened his mouth, and began to tremble rapidly from the mouth. Under the influence of this tremor, the semi-liquid body quickly turned into a large human-shaped vortex, and suddenly attacked Wei Liang at a speed that was difficult for the naked eye to catch. And Lin Chiu.

Wei Liang lifted his hand flat, and saw exquisite and dazzling frost barriers continuously appearing in front of the blood puppet. The blood puppet slammed into it, and the barrier shattered with a crisp sound of crushing ice.

At the same time, the surface of the blood puppet's body was also frozen with a layer of hoarfrost.

I saw the trembling blood circling, and in an instant, the part of the body surface frozen by Bai Frost was released from the frozen state.

The blood puppet is gradually approaching.

Ji Yuan re-condensed his figure in the sea of blood.

This time, he stuffed a cavity of blood into Wang Weizhi's body.

Just like the "Wang Hanling" in the Arakawa Secret Realm, the Jiyuan Monster twisted Wang Weizhi's body in a weird manner, pulling the rotten meat around the big hole in his abdomen in vain, as if he wanted to repair himself intact.

"Master Demon—" Ji Yuan dragged a long tone, and said in Wang Weizhi's voice, "Initially, your loyal subordinate, that is, me, wanted you to be the main ingredient for making blood puppets, who knows , Between the world, you can't find the slightest breath of you, my lord, I think you have returned to the ruins, and I have been sad for many days..."

He wiped his eyes pretendingly: "If I had known that you had taken Wei Liang away, how could I still see a small dish like Huang Yinyue and Wang Yangyan? Even if I fight for the life of Jiyuan, I will come to you. What can I do now, I have chosen Wang Weizhi, I can only let the adults down and send you to death!"

"Oh, yes," Ji Yuan stretched out a finger and nodded his forehead. "This kid is really stupid. I just released some news, saying that Wang Yangyan is in Jimoling. I just came to the door, thinking about Father Shi, really laughing at me!"

Lin Qiu pressed her lips tightly, ignoring the noisy Jiyuan, only paying attention to the battle between Wei Liang and the blood puppet.

Four dark golden little lotuses turned outside the battle, investigating Wei Liang to guard against Ji Yuan's sneak attack-although he may not need her help.

She found that Wei Liang showed mercy to this blood puppet.

"Chuo'er," his eyes were pale, his voice hesitated, "Wang Weizhi still has a ray of life, are you willing to save it?"