Wake Up Male Lead, You Belong With The Female Lead!

Chapter 76: Quantum entanglement


No one cared about this ordinary corpse. After taking out the puppet talisman, it was randomly thrown on the side of the cave wall. Until this moment, the mud on the face of the female corpse slipped, revealing a pale and beautiful face.

"How, how..." Qian Ruyu looked at Lin Chuo, shocked.

This female corpse that was manipulated to attack Shallow Ruyu gave birth to a face exactly like Lin Chuo!

The female corpse opened a pair of godless eyes, and, by mistake, she met Lin Chuo's eyes directly.

At this moment, time seemed to be drawn to an infinite length.

Lin Chu heard a loud "bang" in his head, and then there was nothing.

Anyone who sees his corpse off guard will be shocked and lost like her. Not to mention, at this moment, she knew in her heart that seeing herself in this world was the end.

Could it be that this bureau is aimed at her? !

She opened her mouth slightly, still feeling short of breath, thinking of nothing in her mind, but there seemed to be a tsunami hitting in her chest.

"I… "

Wei Liang had already stood in front of her.

He took one of his hands, and the icy edge appeared between his hands, like a beating heart. The cave was instantly full of ice flowers, and a string of ice ridges came out from the black mud, reflecting the little light flowing in from outside the cave into a dark color.

Suddenly, it seemed to have gone through a century.

Lin Chiu saw that the back in front of her was very tight, and she could see that her body was shaking gently under her clothes. Although he could not see his face, she knew that his eyes must have turned white.

I don't know how long it took, Lin Chuo finally took a breath and recovered. The heart that had been stagnant for a long time seemed to come back from the dead, crashing crazily in the chest cavity. The limbs were sour and numb, and the muscles that were so painful because of excessive tension relaxed, the whole person seemed to be a pile of tattered cotton wool.

The cave has been completely covered by frost.

She was shaking with the cold, and a stiff hand was slowly placed on his shoulder.

As soon as he opened his mouth, a big white mist sprayed out: "Wei Liang... I'm fine."

He seemed stunned for a while.

After a while, he turned around very slowly.

Lin Chu saw the thick white ice in his eyes melting away, as if some mark on his forehead had disappeared, and there was still a few traces of condensed cold air that lingered between his eyebrows.

The lips were also full of cold, as if some slight changes had taken place.

With a peek of his arm, he clasped her back in front of him.

The ice and snow melted, and the black mud in the cave turned into muddy water, washed down from the ceiling and wall of the cave, and merged into a black mud stream, rushing out of the cave.

The female corpse has been completely frozen.

The smile on Wei Liang's lips gradually expanded until it became ferocious.

"That's not me, it's Lin Qiu." Lin Chuo also had lingering fears, panting for breath, "fortunately, it's not me."

"Yeah... I know..." Wei Liang's voice echoed in the melting cave, obviously very gloomy.

Both of them actually knew that Lin Chu was not Lin Qiu, but when they saw that face exactly like her, they all lost control instinctively.

Qianruyu stood aside and trembled blankly.

She didn't know the turns, but she saw the "corpse" of the big living person next to her. She was so frightened, she was thrown into the ice cave and froze for a long time before she recovered. .

At this moment, her body and thinking were completely stagnated, but when Wei Liang spoke, she still felt an unstoppable chill, as if it was straight through the soul.

She couldn't say a word, she stared blankly at the pair of Bi people embracing in front of her.

Amidst the ice and snow, only Wei Liang's body was hot.

Lin Chiu snuggled on him, his mood slowly calmed down.

She thought for a moment, and said: "When I think about it now, I found that when I entered the puppet city, I felt a very strange feeling. It was very similar to when I encountered the woman called your husband at the bottom of Jimoling. This was set for me by her. Bureau, right?"

She asked, looking up at him.

I saw an icy grin on top of that peerless face.


After a while, he calmed his expression and looked down at her, "Although I have forgotten a lot of things, I still remember that you are my wife, and that getting a wife is troublesome. One time is enough."

Lin Chuo thought without hesitation: "I believe it."

Wei Liang was startled, then laughed: "Madam is too good to coax too."

"Because you are the one who coaxed me."

There was a smile from the bottom of her heart on her face.

He just blocked her subconsciously just now, as if it reappeared yesterday—the black crow just guarded her behind without hesitation.

In these two moments, the faint sense of powerlessness inadvertently leaked from the peerless strong man made her heart bitter and sweet, sour and swollen.

She can be sure that no matter what is coming to her face, he will stand in front of her, carrying everything for her, even if she is crushed.

How lucky she was to meet such a person.

"Wei Liang..."

Qian Ruyu: "..." You two, have you forgotten that there is a poor sad man standing beside him? Can these words be kept in private and talked about slowly

Although it was determined that Lin Qiu's body could not cause damage to Lin Chuo, Wei Liang did not hesitate to dismantle it into broken ice ballast that was invisible to the naked eye, and buried it deep underground, which was considered to be buried in the soil for safety.

"Lin Qiu has been dead for many years." At the end of the matter, Lin Chu didn't bother to circle around and said bluntly, "She was killed by Qin Yunxi himself decades ago."

"I know," Wei Liang said, "I saw his memory when Qin Yun robbed him of'Wei Liang'."

"Ah!" Lin Chiu suddenly, "no wonder you know everything!"

It turns out that he didn't even watch those extravaganzas!

Suddenly, he was a little envious and jealous.

Wei Liang smiled faintly: "Even if I don't look at it, I can infer that it's inseparable from each other."

"Yes, yes," Lin Chiu said, "you are the best."

He suddenly leaned over and said in a low, dull voice that only she could hear, "Leave this sentence. Soon, you will have a chance to tell me."

Lin Chuo: "..."

Soon, Lin Chu knew what Wei Liang was going to do.

He didn't chase his eyebrows, but took her and Qian Ruyu straight to Huiyunjian.

The Huiyunjian of this world is Liu Qingyin's small medicine library, but now Liu Qingyin's cultivation base is so high that he doesn't like the things here.

Today Huiyunjian is in a semi-destroyed state.

Wei Liang penetrated the frost into the ground, cut out the abdomen and put it in the Qiankun bag, and then went straight across the Qianqi Pass.

Ninety years later, the demons have been beaten back to the south of Qianqi Pass. Several passes and the nearby fairyland are occupied by the Wang clan. Under the leadership of the lord Wang Weizhi, the Wang clan’s power has expanded nearly a hundredfold and become a rooted one. A behemoth in the entire fairyland.

Needless to say who is behind the scenes.

The demons couldn't break through those fortresses, and their bloodthirsty killing intent could not be restrained, so they could only start to kill each other. Over the past few decades, the monsters walking on the southern land are all ferocious and brutal.

Wei Liang and the three passed by Hengduan Mountain, and the demons swarmed like sharks smelling blood in the sea.

Lin Chiu has long been used to it. No matter how cruel the demons are, she has a deep-rooted impression of them, only remembering them squatting in line in the Qianqi Pass.

Shallow Ruyu doesn't feel good anymore, and a pretty face is pale and white.

When living in Penglai before, she had never seen the Demon Chief. After the fall of Penglai, the battle of the fairy demons in the Central Plains was completely over, and the demons were driven out of the customs. After she came to the Central Plains, she never had any face-to-face contact with the demons.

Today, it was the first time that she saw a living demons, and she was overwhelmed at first sight, making her scalp numb, and even the sword was almost insecure.

She is a self-disciplined person, even though she was so frightened that she felt weak, she didn't even mean to ask Wei Liang for help. She pressed her lips tightly, followed Wei Liang's scalp, and swept straight into the demons.

Wei Liang's eyes were slightly glowing with white light, without squinting, he went straight to the south. His whole body seemed to be covered with an invisible screen of killing, when the Demon Race approached him within ten feet of him, it would burst into blood and ice flowers from the inside out.

Without exception.

Strong and cold-blooded.

The demons gathered more and more densely, and the three swords were in the air, but they seemed to be walking through the pure black ocean floor. Wherever he went, there was a bloody storm.

At first, the demons seemed to be crazy. They threw themselves on the ten-foot-diameter killing circle, and died like moths to the fire. The death of their companions infinitely aroused their ferocity and made them even more crazy.

Gradually, the clever demons began to hesitate, and no longer slumped their heads forward, but shrank back and waited for the opportunity to find Wei Liang's loopholes. Soon, they realized that this person had no flaws at all, and no signs of exhaustion.

Afterwards, no matter how stupid the monster was, it stopped ramming it up. They did not leave, but surrounded Wei Liang's body ten feet away with extreme precision, and moved with his movements.

Very occasionally, one or two unsure monsters strayed into the killing circle, exploding into a pool of broken ice flowers, and shocked the rest of the monsters.

After going forward for a while, the bold and straightforward monster began to shout loudly to express its willingness to surrender.

After another journey, Wei Liang landed on a flat ground.

I saw that the overwhelming monsters swept back their wings and landed on the surrounding plains, touching the ground on one knee, bowing their heads to their ears.

Following this journey, Lin Jiao gradually figured out some ways—strong, cold, and clear rules, and it was easy to win people's hearts. The way he conquered the demons was really simple, rude and effective.

The minds of monsters are not as complicated as those of human beings. Wei Liang used their fate to make their way out, and they could easily go on the way.

Wei Liang took a step forward.

The demons all took a step back, always keeping a distance of more than ten feet from him.

This place is already the rear of the demons. Countless demons came after hearing the news, either being torn apart by the same kind in the periphery, or honestly joining the ranks of the surrendered army.

Wei Liang nodded in satisfaction, walked around, and drew an open space of one hundred meters square, planted the hermit in the ground, and then asked Qian Ruyu to plant the marrow jade flower on her head.

Qian Ruyuben was a little reluctant, because she was worried that the soil of the demons was not suitable for planting the last plant in her hometown, but Wei Liang's momentum was too strong, and she was froze back when her resistance just took off.

Look at what these things are around you, and think about the end of the rebellion.

She planted the marrow jade flower unwillingly, thinking that it would be a big deal to give up this spirit and grow flowers with spirit.

Unexpectedly, after less than half of the incense, I saw numerous buds appearing around the jade flower, growing wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The birth mother is as horrible as a companion.

Qian Ruyu: "??!!!"

Wei Liang took Lin Chuo and walked to a higher place, used frost to clean out a huge smooth bluestone slab for her, and helped her sit down.

"I'm tired." He touched her forehead with a slender finger, and plunged into the cold aura.

When saving Wang Weizhi, her soul was severely injured and was almost torn apart alive. There are only two marrow jade flowers in the Hehua Sect. Although it is extremely symptomatic, it is far from enough to help her recover from her injuries.

After the injury, her head has been hurting badly, but it's a little bit accustomed to it. It's useless to complain anyway. She just kept holding it hard, showing almost no strangeness.

Until he was taken aback by Lin Qiu's body. The moment she lost her mind, her injuries started to flare up. She forced her patience and didn't want to behave abnormally, but people inevitably felt a little faint.

She didn't want him to find out, but he did not expect to see it.

It's no wonder that he gave up chasing eyebrows with Lin Xiumu, and instead took the Ximu and ran to the demon territory to farm.

But this way, won't you let the enemy go

He knew what she was thinking at a glance.

A smile appeared on the corners of his lips, and his words were gentle, but he couldn't hide his coldness, "They will understand that death is actually a blessing."

Lin Chiu couldn't help but mourned for his enemy for three seconds in advance.

"Wei Liang," she asked, leaning her head gently on his shoulder, "you and me, do you have a deep relationship?"

He looked down at her, his eyes full of puzzlement: "You are my wife, aren't you deep enough?"

The line of sight suddenly condensed, Wei Liang thoughtfully.

"Um... not enough... deep?"

Lin Chuo took a breath, his temples jumped suddenly, and said angrily: "Wei Liang!"

This person, how is this!

"Huh?" He tucked the corner of his lips and smiled innocently.

She glared at him for a while, then slid down on her own arrogance and lay on his lap.

The sun was in the sky at noon, and the sky overhead turned grayish white, and the colors around the sky gradually darkened and turned into blue.

The sun is shining, the breeze is gentle, leaning on the lover, leisurely watching a peerless beauty farm the land.

Comfortable and leisurely time always goes by quickly.

As if just taking a nap for a while, the busy figure as shallow as Yuyu was already submerged in the sea of flowers.

During this time, Wei Liang seemed to be in a good mood. He occasionally lowered his head, stared at Lin Chuo for a moment, and said a word or two to her. When her injury broke out, he would not quarrel her, but instead cast his eyes to the other side.

His eyes are always cold, sometimes falling on the clouds in the sky, sometimes falling among the endless submissive demons, sometimes falling in the sea of flowers, and sometimes his eyes will inadvertently sweep across the shallow jade, without avoiding or not. Stay.

When he looked at them, he was like watching the ants moving under a tree, without a trace of mood swings in his black eyes.

Occasionally meeting his gaze, Shallow Ruyu doesn't feel the slightest strangeness. She discovered that this Wei Liang Jianjun was different from anyone. He seemed to stand on the cloud, keeping an insurmountable distance from people forever.

It's like being overlooked by heaven and earth or gods.

I will not, nor dare to have any fluctuations in my heart.

Wei Liang made Qian Ruyu and Lin Xiumu psychic, and learned that Lin Xiumu was chasing his eyebrows and went to the sunken Guixu neighborhood of Penglai. The spiritual energy there is agitated and disordered, and the area is wide, making it extremely difficult to search.

He and Lin Xiumu agreed on a date to meet.

Another day, the marrow jade blossoms.

That really happened overnight.

Among the turquoise bushes, the drooping buds raised their heads one after another, and the green turned around, spitting out the already swollen and unbearable flowers.

In an instant, thousands of flowers blossomed. Xinrui swayed in the wind, and when the tender petals burst open, they made a slight "pupu" sound, endless.

Amidst the green leaves, there was instantly covered with cotton-like jade flowers.

"It's ready to be used!" Qian Ruyu's cheeks flushed, and she ran to Lin Chiu carrying the skirt, with a restrained smile on her face, "I have kept the seeds, and I can use the flowers here as much as possible. "

Wei Liang got up and raised two wide sleeves.

The frost fell and the flowers withered.

Numerous marrow jade flowers were made into condensed dew and passed into Lin Chuo's body.

The aura accumulated in her body had long been enough to shock her spirits. At this moment, her injury recovered, and with the nourishment of a large number of jade flowers, the whole person was like a head filled, her nasal cavity heated up, and her head was dizzy.

It's time to transform the gods!

She hurriedly sat down with her knees crossed, mixing her breath.

Wei Liang rolled his sleeves lightly, touching her forehead to protect her.

The feeling of transforming gods is extremely mysterious and unspeakable.

The Huaguang above the Yuan Ying flickered, as if it was about to collapse and shatter.

Lin Chuo was a bit empty, but the frosty air that Wei Liangdu entered into the heart of his forehead was extremely firm, guiding her, helping her to circulate aura, and merging into the soon-to-be-broken Nascent Soul.

Is this really okay

No matter how much support it is, Yuan Ying will really burst.

Do not break or stand!

She was heartbroken, and drew out the dark golden aura with a large metal texture from the sea of knowledge, followed Wei Liang's guidance and circulated for a week, and then rushed into the Nascent Soul!

In front of him, the boundless white light suddenly floated.

There was a roar in my mind. In the dantian, the tingling and swelling were intertwined, the Nasal Infant expanded rapidly, and the radiance in the baby's body could not be covered, and the dantian overflowed from the broken gap.

Soon, the Nascent Soul was completely shattered, and the infant body turned into thousands of divine and soul fragments, and plunged into her soul. Ten thousand tingling pains came from the depths of the sea of self-knowledge, and the divine soul seemed to be shattered and reorganized, bit by bit, broken. , Fusion, and then Nirvana.

The marrow jade flower gel that had just merged into the soul was like a layer of warm and docile plaster, soothing the broken and reborn soul for her.

Lin Chuo soon felt that he was reborn. Originally, Divine Soul was only a very vague existence, and only when Divine Soul was injured, could the existence of "it" be truly felt.

But after successfully transforming the gods, she was able to clearly realize the existence of the gods and souls, it is it that controls the body, the will comes from it, and the joy, anger, sorrow, and joy come from it.

The induction with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has reached an unprecedented depth.

With a thought in his heart, Lin Chu said silently: "Solution, lotus, crossing."

This was Yelian's third secret technique that she hadn't had time to try.

Immediately, her body disappeared in place, turning into thousands of dark golden lotus between the virtual and the real, scattered in all directions.

She felt herself melted in the wind, everywhere.

My heart moved again, interacting with a small lotus floating on the tip of the jade flower, a beautiful woman, graceful and immortal, standing at the end of the flower.

This style is not an attacking technique.

She also has a ghostly body from now on!

Lin Chuo looked back at Wei Liang, with joy, "Come and catch me!"

A faint smile appeared on the corners of his lips, his long sleeves flicked, and his body disappeared.


Lin Chu originally thought that after he was transformed into a god, he would be able to capture the trajectory of other people's teleportation. He never thought that until his whole body fell into the warm embrace of the man, he was still ignorant and didn't react at all.

Wei Liang pretends to be serious: "Madam, accept."

Lin Chuo: "..." Lie flat and don't struggle anymore.

Qian Ruyu: "..." Sympathize with the poor single flower farmer, right

When the two of them were tired and crooked, Qian Ruyu took a gap and stepped forward to speak.

"I won't go back to the market anymore," she said, "I can't help much, but it's a burden if I go. When I trouble the Lord Sword and his wife, they will talk to him and tell him that I am fine."

She raised her head, looked at the boundless land of the Demon Race, and said, "For the rest of my life, I will stay here to plant flowers. I will plant this place into the second Penglai."

Lin Chiu couldn't help sighing when seeing her full of longing.

Qian Ruyu was really naive. Seeing these demons honestly, she thought that after losing Wei Liang's constraints, they would still dare not move rashly, and would obediently squat by the side to guard her planting flowers.

How can it be

Unless it is as shallow as jade, it can also help them get rid of the magic cloud.

In Lin Chiu's mind, a thought suddenly appeared that made her scalp numb.

With a move of her mind, she condensed a small golden lotus that had almost faded its dark color and held it up to her fingertips. After pondering for a moment, he slowly peeled it into two with his mind.

"Crack." Broken.

She summoned a little lotus again and continued to try.

"Zi." Half broken.

She continued to try.

Wei Liang was puzzled, raised his eyebrows and looked at her.

After failing again and again, she was gradually able to split a small part of Dark Golden Lotus into two. The two split lotus petals are exactly the same, perfectly reproduced.

When doing this, she was quite strenuous, and she soon became a little unconscious, but she didn't mean to give up at all. If she failed, she immediately summoned a new little lotus and continued to try.

'If you want two lotus flowers, why don't you just summon them directly? 'Wei Liang and Qian Ruyu both had the same question.

Rao is Wei Liang's omniscient power, and at this moment he is also confused by his little wife's actions.

Gradually, he saw the doorway—she was separating from Yin and Yang. Just like the Tai Chi diagram, the Reiki Hualian is disassembled into a Yin and a Yang, with a sense of harmony.

There were waves of weakness and tingling in Lin Chuo's soul.

She knew this was an overuse of the spirit.

The best time, the dark golden lotus in his hand successfully peeled off two-thirds, but unfortunately, it failed when peeling the last part of the lotus petals.

Although she was unsuccessful, she was delighted to find that her idea was completely feasible.

Between the peeled two dark golden lotus, there was a very mysterious feeling surging. She has a hunch that if she can successfully split it into two, she will surely get miraculous powers as she wishes.

She grabbed Wei Liang's clothes, stood on tiptoe, and slapped his lips heavily, drawing momentum.

Before he reached out to catch her, she scattered into thousands of phantom lotus, escaped his embrace, floated into the distance to condense her figure, and continued to try her lotus demolition.

When the sky dimmed, she finally succeeded.

Only two dark golden lotus of the same size and the same texture appeared at her fingertips. When one was manipulated, the other one would undergo exactly the same changes. It was as if a mirror stood between two dark golden lotus, one of which was just the shadow in the mirror.

Wei Liang watched her, his eyes gradually becoming serious.

"This is called quantum entanglement." Lin Chuo's eyes lit up with pride, "I succeeded!"

She handed one of the little lotuses to Qian Ruyu's hands, and said, "Try it and use it to touch the devil."

She herself was incarnate as Sanlian, and she swept three thousand feet away-at this distance, she could no longer perceive and manipulate the lotus in Qianruyu's hands. It stands to reason that it should disperse, but it is still there, and it did not disperse.

Qian Ruyu was puzzled, but didn't ask much. After Lin Chuo disappeared, she honestly held the little lotus, walked to the side of a nearby demon, and touched the demon's finger with it. .

Three thousand feet away, the lotus in Lin Chuo's hand suddenly felt a clear and extremely clear touch.

With a thought, the double lotus resonated, and the magic cloud was successfully taken away by Lin Yu!

"I did it!" Lin Chuo was ecstatic.

In this way, as long as the golden lotus in her hand is immortal, no matter how far away she is, she can achieve ultra-long-distance communication and absorb magic clouds through the "quantum lotus" in Qianruyu's hand, and even injure the enemy.

She had a vague hunch that this would become a milestone event in the world of comprehension.

What kind of ultra-long-distance real-time communication, strong protection of cubs thousands of miles away, young ones who are old... all kinds of common male frequency comprehension routines are about to bloom everywhere.

"That's amazing! I am also a person who can change the world..."

In the moonlight, Lin Chuo's slightly sluggish expression caught Wei Liang's eyes.