Wake Up Male Lead, You Belong With The Female Lead!

Chapter 79: The risk is missed


"... I'm not double eyebrows, you blocked the wrong person."

Lin Chuo looked at Wang Weizhi speechlessly.

Suddenly, her heart shook, and she caught a detail in his words-was it'he' who told Wang Weizhi to go to the East China Sea to block people? 'he'? !

Who else could this'him' be? Naturally, it was Zhuo Jin, the master behind Wang Weizhi.

Did he stare at his eyebrows too? As expected of him!

She suddenly became a little nervous, and her hand hanging beside her clenched unconsciously.

"Huh? Your strength is only at the beginning of the gods." Wang Weizhi hugged his arm, gently rubbed his chin with one hand, and said to himself, "With this ability, how do you become a female lord depends on a man? ."

Lin Chuo looked at him like an idiot: "I said, I am not double eyebrows."

"Quiet," Wang Weizhi laughed, "I guessed it earlier that you wouldn't admit it. I won't talk nonsense with you, or hand over the immortal impression you stole from Penglai, and I will let you go. Or, I will capture you back. , There are ways to ask you to recruit."

Lin Chuo looked at Wang Weizhi coldly.

Now she is already transforming the gods into a cultivation base, and she has an extremely strong sense of heaven and earth aura. She can keenly feel that where Wang Wei is, like a black hole, any aura that reaches him will be swallowed by him, and she can't give her any feedback.

At this moment, Wang Weizhi should already be the Mahayana Sword Sovereign.

A plan floated in Lin Chuo's heart.

She raised the corner of her lips and beckoned to him: "Come on. Let me see what you can do, child."

Wang Wei is happy.

He put his arms on his chest and looked at Lin Chuo with interest.

"In the early days of turning gods, there was no sword intent. What did you use to fight me?"

Lin Chuo didn't have a word of nonsense.

With a move of her eyes, when the sea breeze behind her fell on her back, her body rose with the wind, and after a foot floated out, she suddenly dispersed into a fantasy lotus in the sky!

Wang Weizhi raised the end of his eyes: "Huh? A bit capable."

The long sword was unsheathed, and an epee qi slashed towards where Lin Chiu was. Even though he was in the air, the sea water below a hundred meters was cut into a deep trench by the strong wind, and the white waves surged and spread to the sides. .

In Lin Zhuo's view, although Wang Weizhi's casual sword was powerful and ferocious, its speed was far from enough, and she could easily avoid it without much effort.

When the sky full of fantasy lotus was about to dissipate, an inconspicuous little lotus slowly drifted behind Wang Weizhi.

Lin Chuo's figure was solid, his hand shook, the Liuli sword was held in his palm, and his backhand was cut.

I saw that a strand of black hair that was neither long nor short had left Wang Weizhi's ponytail and was dragged into his hand by Lin Chiu.

With one hit, Lin Chu didn't mean to underestimate the enemy. She knew that Wang Weizhi was only too careless to look down on her as the "early stage of transforming the gods", so that he would be defenseless-although he was defenseless, if Lin Chuo attacked His hair, but his body, would be stopped by his spontaneous aura defense.

After the cut off, Wang Weizhi will start to be serious.

Lin Chuo chuckled lightly, without stopping for a moment, his body swept backwards, half a foot out, and suddenly scattered in the wind.

Wang Weizhi just turned around and cut with a sword, slicing thousands of phantom lotus. This transverse cut was like cutting a school of fish in the sea, and saw them flexibly separate, swaying along his sword wind, swaying far away.

When the lotus was scattered into a fantasy lotus, Lin Chu felt very far away and empty in his heart, as if he could blend into the world with the movement of his mind, turning into wind, rain, and everything.

It's just that she didn't have time to relax at the moment, condensing the gap of her figure, she summoned a golden lotus the size of a fingernail, and quickly tried to separate.

Although he has had successful experience, he was not proficient enough after all, and he failed even after several attempts. In addition, at this moment, one heart and two uses, while trying to break up the little golden lotus, while having to deal with Wang Weizhi, under the distraction, the success rate will inevitably become lower.

She kept showing up and disappearing. Every time she showed up, her left hand would hide behind her to separate Xiao Jinlian, and her right hand would hold Wang Weizhi’s broken hair, swaying arrogantly in front of him, and at the same time chuckled. Full of mockery.

Wang Weizhi's eyes burst into the dark golden lotus one after another, making him feel dizzy and nauseous. The laughter was like bone gangrene, which made his heart more and more irritable, and the strand of broken hair... He was just careless, but the woman was holding her pigtails and ridiculing ceaselessly.

If she escapes, her flaws will be exposed. But she didn't run away, she only appeared, disappeared, appeared, and disappeared beside him.

In Wang Weizhi's view, this woman was playing with him.

Angrily on his head, his eyes became fierce, and he slowly grasped his left hand, which was hanging beside him, onto the hilt of the sword.

Lin Chuo knew that he was going to make a big move. This move was called Tiger Roar and Longyin. It was very powerful, and the violent spiritual current could almost cover a hundred feet.

It just so happened that the golden lotus, the size of a fingernail, was successfully separated.

This little lotus is a very crude and weakened version, not like the one she left for Qianruyu to send messages, absorb magic clouds, and even have a small explosive ability.

And this one just simply "exists", and in such a short amount of time, Lin Chu can only do this one step.

"Existence" is enough.

When the magic lotus gathered in the adult body, Lin Chuo decisively injected aura into the virtual reality mirror!

When she escaped into the void, she bent her finger and flicked it gently, and the golden lotus the size of her fingernail was submerged in the back of the fake body, and it was fleeting.

In the void, a sly smile appeared on the corners of Lin Jiao's lips, his body swept backwards, and Tan Lian transformed and exploded in front of him, colliding fiercely with the corner of Wang Weizhi's sword! Annihilate each other!

With the force of recoil, Lin Chuo flew to a hundred meters away.

There was a pain in her chest, and the blood was surging. After a while, she took a breath.

Although she was only scratched by the tiger's roar and the dragon's voice, it was not her current strength to resist.

She didn't adjust her interest rate, and continued to flee away with the impact force.

And Wang Weizhi, completely frozen in place, stared blankly at the woman who was torn apart by the sword intent in front of him... Oh no, the broken body.

He couldn't even think of scratching his skull. Why was the woman who was still slick like a mud loach suddenly stopped moving? He didn't attack with all his strength, logically speaking, at most she was seriously injured and unable to resist.

Unexpectedly, she suddenly stood there without moving, and suffered a tiger roar and a dragon chant.

Can't stand a body beaten by iron? Not to mention, she is just a delicate and fragile divine repair.

Wang Weizhi was too late to regret, and watched the beautiful woman be cut to a hundred and eighty dollars. It's especially frightening when something beautiful is shattered. This shocking heart caused Wang Weizhi not to focus on the collision of the aura that had exploded not far away. He only tilted his head and glanced, feeling that there was nothing unusual, so he ignored the past.

'It's over. 'These two characters seemed to float in front of his eyes.

He didn't know how he hit and hit the head. He knew that the opponent's cultivation was low and he could only deal with him with a ghostly body method. As long as he was stamina for a while, he would use her aura to catch her. . But I don't know why, the partial life is out of control.

It was about being cut with a strand of hair, and her anger in her heart was hard to dissipate. It was probably because she always laughed with contempt when she appeared, which aroused his anger. In short, this woman is very good at squeezing people's hearts, and constantly poking at the most uncomfortable part of his heart!

But... Anyway, she shouldn't stand still waiting to be beaten!

She wants to die, don't hurt others!

Couldn't it happen that she loses aura at this time, right? How can I explain to that person when I go back like this? It's terrible. Why don't you just say you haven't met eyebrows

In the short time that the fake body "dead", Wang Weizhi's mind floated with a series of thoughts, even thinking of excuses for himself.

Suddenly, a gleam of light flashed from the corner of his eyes.

Wang Weizhi's gaze condensed, and he swiftly swept away, squeezing the glowing object into his palm.

It is a very delicate and gorgeous golden lotus.

It's not pure gold, it's slightly caged with a layer of dark light.

It looks like it's condensed from aura, but it has an obvious metallic texture. He clearly saw that it had fallen out of this woman's head.

"I'll take you to the affair!" Wang Weizhi's mouth was smiling, and he pressed his nervousness, muttering to himself, "If it weren't for killing this woman by mistake, I'm afraid it would be difficult to find some mystery in her head... this Generally speaking, I am not wrong... Anyway, this woman killed Penglai. I don't know how many people died. Naturally, she is not a good bird. She deserves the crime, right. Yes. He shouldn't blame me... Is it? "

He ignored the pile of broken corpses that fell into the sea, and naturally did not notice that the fake body gradually faded and shattered as it sank into the seabed.

Lin Chiu succeeded, fleeing in the distance, watching the figure of Wang Weizhi's imperial sword disappear into the sky like a long rainbow.

The second ha is indeed the second ha.

Everything was in line with her plan, and he was so stupid as to take Quantum Lotus back for business.

Lin Chiu silently praised Wang Weizhi's IQ in his heart.

She summoned Bing Leng. This kind of thing has a strange connection with Wei Liang, something like a spiritual lotus that she summoned with all her strength, but it is not made of aura, as if there is life, and it feels very strange to hold it in the hand.

Bing Ling trembled slightly, and Lin Chu knew that Wei Liang would be coming soon.

Sure enough, after only a few dozen breaths, her back fell into a warm and firm embrace.

The man hugged her tightly from behind, breathing slightly unsteady, and his tone was extremely bad: "Why are you hurt?"

Without waiting for Lin Chuo's answer, his voice had become cold.

"It's Wang Weizhi."

The traces of aura left by the fight just now were so obvious that Wei Liang only glanced at it and knew that the person who had hurt Lin Chuo was Wang Weizhi.

Lin Zhuo quickly turned around, grabbed his sleeves, and smiled slyly: "I did it on purpose."

She raised her left hand, inviting credit, and brought the small golden lotus the size of a fingernail to his eyes, and said briskly: "I'll make a small plan to let Wang Weizhi take the other'quantum lotus' back. "

Seeing her eyes filled with the words'Quickly praise me', Wei Liang's eyes softened and he withdrew what he wanted to say.

He squeezed her forehead fiercely, and entered the icy breath to help her adjust her breath.

The blocked meridians soon became unblocked, and there was a faint cracking pain in the tremor, and there was no serious problem.

Seeing that she was innocent, his eyes became stern, and his tone was quite unkind: "I can't let you leave my side for a moment. How can you not get hurt, eh? When you meet Wang Weizhi, won't you call me earlier? ."

The surrounding air temperature continues to drop.

Lin Chuo was not at all shocked. Not only was she not shocked, but she felt the warmth and sourness in her heart, and she wanted to cry. She knew for the first time that when someone spoke in a vicious tone, it made people feel so warm.

She argued: "If you are called, I can't let him take the goods back."

Wei Liang smiled coldly: "How can't it?"

Looking at his eyes, Lin Chu knew how correct his decision was—At this moment, Wei Liang’s expression told her that if he were there, he would break Wang Weizhi’s bones, insert things into his bones, and then make him crawl. go back.

Lin Chuo didn't care whether Wang Weizhi was hurt or not, but if Wang Weizhi was inexplicably bullied outside, the "he" standing behind Wang Weizhi would definitely not sit idly by.

If that person were also involved, Wei Liang's situation would be very dangerous.

In fact, everything has become faintly clear up to now, and the people who set up this bureau are to target Lin Chu and Wei Liang. So the'he' in this world is the biggest crisis and trap that those hidden behind the scenes arrange for Wei Liang.

Absolutely, absolutely, you can't let the two Wei Liang meet!

Wei Liang's eyes gradually became dangerous: "Aren't you worried about me?"

Lin Chuo was able to see through his mind and didn't know how to answer for a while.

Yeah, how can you not worry about it? The'him' in this world is as mysterious and powerful as him, and is inherently invincible-as long as two people collide, the one in front of him will be swallowed.

This is an extremely scary thing to think about.

Lin Chiu wanted to grasp the whereabouts of that'him' in his dreams, to prevent the two Wei Liang from colliding. Today, Wang Weizhi came to the door, which can be said to be dozing off with a pillow.

But for a strong and conceited person like Wei Liang, worrying about his safety is something he can't tolerate. Lin Chiu knew this very well.

Big men, they are all like this.

Just as she carefully considered what she should say in order to save his face calmly, Wei Liang suddenly took Quan Xiaolian from her hand expressionlessly.

Lin Chuo was shocked, thinking that he was going to throw away that quantum lotus lightly like a domineering president, and then he said "No, when will I need others to worry about Wei Aotian?"

She was about to fish for her lotus, but saw him holding it with his index finger, placing it under his eyes, and said lightly: "Well, I'll just stare at it, you don't have to worry about it."

Lin Zhuo: "... Huh?"

It turned out that she had over-complemented her brain, and Wei Liang was able to bend and stretch, and was a person who could really accomplish great things!

Lin Chuo secretly poked and let out a sigh of relief.

Her slightly broken shoulders made him pick up the corners of his mouth, and he continued: "When I found my whereabouts, I killed'him' to avoid future troubles."

Lin Chuo: "... ????!!!" Brother Liang, that's yourself, hello.

Can I kill myself? !

Very well, she was 100% sure this time. If he asked the "he" in this world to know the truth, Lin Chu would be sure and sure, "he", 100%, would also choose to destroy the people around her. This Wei Liang, there is no discussion!

She took a deep breath.

Seeing her small face tangled, Wei Liang's mood improved a little bit more inexplicably.

He embraced her shoulders and closed his palms, not knowing where he hid Quantum Xiaolian. When Lin Chuo was about to ask, there was a breeze around him, and Lin Xiumu arrived.

"Next, what are your plans?" Lin Xiumu asked.

Wei Liang replied naturally: "I want to take my wife to a quiet place to heal. I think it will take you a few days to find a good place to bury the bones."

Lin Xiumu nodded deeply: "Three days should be enough. Three days later, I will meet in the city where the accident happened, how about?"


Seeing Lin Xiumu's back disappear to the horizon, Lin Chiu's loose eyebrows slowly frowned again: "He really can't wait to split up with us."

Wei Liang smiled low, narrowing his long eyes.

Lin Chiu said, "The black bone is clearly a big problem. If it weren't for his mind, how could he not hear the obvious temptation in your words... Can such a bone be buried? He actually agreed to take it for granted. ."

Wei Liang smiled without saying a word.

"Just let him go like this?" Lin Chu asked, "Do you want to follow me quietly?"

Wei Liang's eyes flickered: "Lin Xiumu is a fox. If he follows up, he will definitely notice it. There is no need to chase after him. What he has to do is not in conflict with us."

Lin Xiumu who was flying by, seemed to feel something, and her figure suddenly stagnated in the air.

'No,' he thought blankly,'I'm too anxious, it's not a step, it's a pit. Wei Liang is not an idiot, he can certainly think of everything I can think of. So, he has seen through my intentions. '

His fingers slowly stroked the Qiankun bag, but his eyes were looking into the distance.

His voice was as soft as a whisper: "But double eyebrows, there is no need for anyone to intervene in the matter between you and me. No one... can't."

After skimming out a huge circle, Lin Xiumu's figure returned to the broken ruins.

At this moment, Wei Liang was covering Lin Chuo's ears, with a warm breath and a low voice.

"Madam, Lin Xiumu is not the only one who can't wait to split up."

He took her to a giant tree.

This place is very peculiar. In the valley, there is only such a towering tree, and the top of the tree almost protrudes from the cliffs on both sides.

Numerous vines grew up attached to this giant tree, and the branches were also covered with soft vines.

In many places, the vines are woven into wide and big hammocks.

There is no wind in the valley and the temperature is suitable.

Lying on the vine hammock, the top of the head is covered with dense branches and leaves, only scattered and fine sunlight come in, the light is dim, and the surroundings are quiet, as if lying in the heart of a giant tree. It feels safe and private.

The temperature is a bit higher, but the tough and soft vines are cold, making people involuntarily lazy and relaxed.

Wang Weizhi's sword moves didn't hurt Lin Yu. The hidden wound on her body was the internal injury caused by the shocking impact that caused the spiritual energy in the body to be disordered when the Yanlianbian collided with Wang Weizhi's violent spirit.

This kind of injury can be healed by double repairing once.

At this moment, looking from mid-air, you will see a very spectacular scene-the towering giant tree protrudes from the cliff like an umbrella canopy, gorgeous frost covering its surroundings, reflecting the crystal clear light in the sun, the eyes are full of green and green. With an ice tree, it was as beautiful as a dream scene.

That was the frost barrier set by Wei Liang.

No one bothers in the enchantment.

Lin Chiu was pressed in the vine.

She noticed that these vines had just been swept away by the frost, exuding cold water vapor.

The body sank, and then he felt the rebounding force of the vines coming from his back, and gently lifted her up. Before he could move, Wei Liang's figure sank under the cover, and shackled her between his arms.

The vines have been lowered a lot.

He copied her into his arms without saying a word of nonsense, and then began to untie her clothes.

Her heartbeat became fast and anxious.

At this moment, he did not hide, his black eyes stared at her, dark and excited, the smile on the corners of his lips was aggressive, his movements were sharp and strong, like peeling an eggshell, peeling her from under his clothes.

"Madam, cooperate with me and heal your wounds as soon as possible." The voice was low and hoarse, and he didn't mean to listen to it well.

Without waiting for her to answer, his kiss fell.

This time, he was more familiar with the road, and Lin Chuo was so dizzy by the kiss, he felt the temperature of his skin in a daze.

Her slightly heavy breathing made her aware of his urgency.

When the feeling grew stronger, he let go of her lips, grabbed her shoulders, and lifted her over again.

Lin Chuo was caught off guard and was turned upside down again.

"No!" Before he moved, she hurriedly stopped.

This time, she has a ready reason.

Lin Chuo struggling to turn his head, said, "My chest was hurt by a shock. It was so stuffy and painful. I couldn't lie on my stomach like this."

"Ah..." She heard the man's low sigh behind her ears, "I was careless."

He grabbed her shoulders and turned her over.

The corners of Lin Chiu's lips curled slightly, revealing a smile of conspiracy.

In fact, there is no difference between lying on your stomach and lying down.

Unexpectedly, he only turned halfway, and his movements suddenly stopped. He grabbed her leg, pressed her into a stepping position, and held her firmly.

She leaned on her side, and before she could react, Wei Liang attacked from diagonally above.

Lin Chu was stunned.

The strange feeling rushed into the brain instantly. She thought that after the three days, she was no longer a novice, but unexpectedly, he brought her a whole new experience.

It's completely beyond imagination.

This... This posture... Desperate!

Such a thought flashed through my mind quickly.

She originally thought that all kinds of tricks just looked pretty, but in fact they changed the soup without changing the medicine, just like men often say that turning off the lights is the same. Only now did I know that it was different, it was really different.

If the last time it was like surfing in the sea, it was a big deal, arrogant. So this time, it was like drifting in a canyon, with a quiet twist, and every piece of protruding rock was terrible.

His back was close to the other's sturdy body, a pair of big hands embraced her, doing whatever he wanted.

Her eyes quickly lost focus, and in a daze, she only knew that she was climbing the extremely fast and powerful aura turbulence, like a drowning man clutching a straw.

But this straw made her shudder and her breath was broken.

She did not know when the injury completely recovered. She discovered that this time his energy was mainly used to heal her. After her injury was completely healed, he began to take her with her, and speed up the movement of the spiritual energy in the meridians. Doubled.

She gradually got used to his strong presence.

His taste, breath, and temperature surround her. It is true that there is you in me and me in you.

"Wei Liang..." She heard her voice fluttering softly, "Is it getting dark soon?"

As soon as the words were spoken, she felt his chest tremble.

He slowed down, his low and dumb voice with a sullen smile, and sounded close to her ears: "Happy times always go by quickly. Madam, it's already dawn."

She was shocked and her eyes widened.

When is it dark already? !

Her body tightened slightly, and she said anxiously: "Lian!"

He smiled sullenly, his slender fingers shook, and Quan Xiaolian was pinched out between his fingers.

Lin Chiu grabbed it in his palm anxiously, his eyes condensed suddenly.

The change happened just at this time.

I saw Quan Xiaolian frozen into a beautiful ice lotus at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then suddenly shattered!

Lin Chiu and Wei Liang are still the closest to each other at this moment, and she knows that he hasn't touched it.


Her heart was beating like a drum in her chest. Without thinking, she decisively brought the dying ice lotus into the sea of consciousness!

No difference from her plan.

That'he' did not hesitate to kill the Quantum Lotus that Wang Weizhi had brought.

A needle-like sting came from the soul, and at this moment, Lin Jiao accurately captured the location where the other lotus was broken.

She opened her eyes wide, her eyes filled with surprise. The violent heartbeat hit her chest, her body was so soft that she almost collapsed on the vines, the trembling of her fingertips spread all over her body, and her teeth gently bumped unconsciously—

"He... he is breaking and returning to the market! How could he be breaking and returning to the market! Okay, so dangerous..."

Risk missed!