Wake Up Male Lead, You Belong With The Female Lead!

Chapter 90: he came


Lin Chuo remained silent, standing quietly in the dark.

She knew that the darkness could not stop the sight of a Mahayana Sword Master, so she narrowed her expression and looked at the ground with her eyebrows down.

"Lin Qiu. Are you... okay."

When the visitor spoke, Lin Chu knew that he was Qin Yunxi.

Wei Liang is not so greasy.

This is not the case in Liu Qingyin's "Jiaozhijiao". Lin Chiu never thought that when facing the vicious female partner Lin Qiu alone, Qin Yunxi turned out to be like a heater.

Do the most unfeeling things with the warmest attitude.

It really is the commonality of selfish men.

Lin Chiu faintly replied, "I blocked the blood puppet with a poisonous paw for you, but you were locked up here waiting to die. Do you think I should be better now or not?"

Qin Yunxi walked into the tower.

The tall figure stood in front of her, and the sky behind him gave him a vague edge of light, and the whole person was like a god descending to the earth, occupying all the romance.

Mahayana Sword Sovereign has a clean physique, with a natural scent of vegetation.

He seemed to understand his advantage. He was less than half a foot away from Lin Chuo at this moment, as if she could hit his chin when she raised her head.

Qin Yun's low voice lingered in the tower: "Lin Qiu, you and me, shouldn't have walked to this day. You did the wrong thing and went the wrong way. Lin Qiu, you and me have a couple together, I really don’t I am willing to kill them all-if you sincerely repent, I am not unable to consider letting you out of the tower."

"Oh?" Lin Chu didn't hesitate, "I was wrong, let me go out now."

Qin Yunxi: "..."

After choking for a while, he said: "Why don't you repent?"

Lin Chuo looked up at him speechlessly: "Didn't I say I was wrong?"

Qin Yunxi took a breath: "Then what's wrong with you?"

"The mistake is to block the blood puppet for you." Lin Chi muttered, "Otherwise, you won't be caught."

Qin Yunxi: "..." I was speechless for a while.

He paused for a moment before saying, "Lin Qiu, you made a big mistake. I asked you to return to Dongting to reflect on yourself, but what about you? First entangled with Wang Hantan, and then eloped with a Southern Xinjiang Gu Master. I have not yet done so. Divorcing your wife is the greatest tolerance for you."

"Then what do you want?" Lin Chu asked curiously, "Didn't you and Liu Qingyin both slept? We are a couple in name. It's not good to live separately now?"

Qin Yunxi: "... Shameless!"

Lin Chiu replied smoothly, "Ashamed."

Qin Yun flicked away.

Lin Chiu watched the dark and heavy tower door shut with a bang, shrugged, and called out, "Is this an old man?"

Suddenly there is a sense of mystery system.

Gu worm: "..."

Lin Chuo said briskly: "Look, you said I shouldn't hold him, I have to see him, I did it, it looks like the effect is pretty good?"

Gu worm: "... IMHO, it may have the opposite effect."

She asked sincerely: "Is it too hard? Or is it because my expression is not sincere enough?"

Gu worm: "..." What do you say to me

It sighed and said, "Forget it, let's improve your cultivation level first."

Lin Chuo nodded and sat down cross-legged.

Soon, she gained a puff of aura enough to impact Yuan Ying. They came out of their own minds, rushed into the pubic area, and instantly became babies.

There is no need to ask questions.

Because here is the robbery realm.

After Lin Jiao tried to ask Gu worm twice, he found that the topic of "Wen Xin Jie" seemed to have been automatically blocked, and it did not respond at all.

She no longer delays, manipulates the spiritual energy, floats in the air lightly, and begins to clean the seal runes on the height of the tower wall and the top of the tower.

After reaching the rank of Nascent Soul, she can gain the five senses through aura. Now she can clearly see the runes on the tower wall, and she can also look inside to observe the Gu worm lying on the heart.

It was not as disgusting as she thought.

This is a golden bug, like a soft ladybug. The difference is that the eight legs are very long, stretched out to enclose her heart, and there are long tentacles on its head. In her meridians, she can flexibly use her spiritual flow to absorb nutrients from the outside world.

The eyes are particularly big, and when they concentrate on swallowing the blood of the marrow, they look a little dull.

One person and one insect quickly demolished the first floor of the Nine Sun Pagoda.

When the spiral staircase appeared in front of him, Lin Jiao was quite emotional.

She followed the spiral staircase with a sense of dislocation to the second floor of the Nine Sun Pagoda.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Gu worm was trembling with excitement, "There are so many magic clouds and marrow blood! How did you know!"

"Otherwise, what do you think I have worked so hard to do to marry in?" Lin Qiu was extremely calm.

"That's not right," Gu worm said suddenly, "Before you got married, you didn't know that this god insect would come to you. If you didn't have this god insect, wouldn't you be an ordinary cultivator who entered the Nine Sun Pagoda in search of death? Hey, Hey, tell me, what was your original plan?"

Lin Chiu smiled mysteriously and ignored it.

Just chatting a few words, I got the information I wanted.

Therefore, this insect controlled Lin Qiu after she married Wan Jian and returned to her clan. Perhaps it was precisely because she was married to Sword Sovereign that she was targeted by the so-called'mother' behind the Gu insect.

Gu worm just mentioned that she wanted her to step on the'female lord' under her feet to help her raise her eyebrows. If nothing unexpected, this'female lord' should be referring to eyebrows!

From this point of view, the intention of the'mother' is actually very obvious, which is to control the partner around the strong man who is most likely to ascend in this world.

What a big game of chess. Lin Chu calmly arranged his thoughts, and his beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, like a hunter who saw the tail of a fox.

Sure enough, this trip is worthwhile.

The magic cloud on the second floor of the Nine Sun Pagoda is much richer, and when it passes over the ear, it can make a "woo woo" sound, and people stand in the tower as if they are surrounded by a bunch of ghosts.

Lin Jiao couldn't help but miss Wei Liang a little when he revisited the old place.

It feels like there are two Nine Sun Pagodas between the two people, as if they have not been seen for many years.

In fact, it hasn't been an hour since he was separated from her.

"I think Wei Liang is now." Lin Juo said to Gu worm.

Gu worm expressed his understanding: "This is just like you. You are not a nympho, I always feel a little flustered."

Lin Chuo: "..."

Gu worm said: "Next time he comes back, you should come according to your own ideas. Don't listen to me for everything. I don't actually have any experience with this kind of thing."

Teacher Chong has realized that his teaching method does not seem to be suitable for students with a special axis like Lin Chu.

Lin Chiu pretended: "Then what should I do? I have been led astray by you, so I can't go back."

Gu worm said: "Just like you usually do, cry when you see him and say you are wronged, then he will coax you. But I don't think you should rush to him. Pounce, did he immediately run away?"

Lin Jiao: "..." It turns out that Lin Qiu and Qin Yunxi's mode of getting along is like this.

The second-layer magic cloud was rich, and Gu worms gradually became less relaxed. Lin Yu was also uncomfortable. If it hadn't been for the Gu worm, she would have been infested by the demon at the moment.

Lin Chiu saw the black faintly glowing in the golden body of Gu worm, and its abdomen was violently undulating, a little overwhelmed.

"Go down and rest?"

"No! I'll do it!" Gu worm said in a warm-blooded second boy's tone.

"The magic cloud eats with marrow blood, it may be easier to digest." Lin Jia thoughtfully.

She walked to the side of the tower, pressed her hand on the rune, and then carefully controlled her breathing rhythm to minimize the intake of magic clouds.

The pressure on Gu worm's body dropped sharply, and its eight legs shook with joy, and said with emotion: "I didn't expect you to be so smart! I really picked up a big leak."

Lin Chiu replied seemingly inadvertently: "Heh, I don't look down on me, right? I feel that my cultivation base is low, and I can't make it into the climate if I marry in with a dead skinny face."

"Isn't it!" Gu worm replied without thinking, "I thought I was alive in a few years. Once you die, they can eat me."

"It's okay, let's eat them." Lin Chiu said with anger.

"Okay!" Gu worm shook the whiskers above his head excitedly.

Lin Yu didn't ask about it anymore. Gradually, the superficial vigilance that floated in Gu's heart also disappeared.

One person and one insect struggled to reach the third floor, and they couldn't bear it.

"Go back first and digest the things you just got."

The three-layer seal was not broken, so the magic clouds couldn't chase it down. They hit the invisible barrier between the third and second floors, and roared helplessly at Lin Yu.

Lin Chuo twitched the corners of her lips disdainfully-if her Jiayelian were here, they would have fled to the corners of the tower like mice, and they had tolerated them rampantly.

The little bug is just not powerful.

Returning to Tower One, Lin Chu quietly waited for the Gu worm to absorb and transform energy.

At this moment, its size was expanded by more than five times, and it almost filled her chest cavity. She was also accustomed to the existence of this guy and only regarded it as another digestive organ in the body.

This time, I absorbed a lot of magic cloud and marrow blood, and it took a long time to digest them. I didn't know the day and night in the tower, and Lin Chu didn't know how long it had passed, when suddenly he heard the sound of the tower door being opened.

Qin Yunxi appeared at the door.

This is the second time he has come to the Nine Suns Pagoda, and he still didn't find that the seal on the tower wall is a problem—a man like him only has big things in his mind, and he doesn’t want to pay attention to this completely indifferent one. no big deal.

"Are you here to kill me?" Lin Chu asked.

It was probably because the night was too beautiful. Standing at the gate of the tower and looking in, I saw her figure shrouded in the faint moonlight, looking very slender, and her face very beautiful.

Qin Yunxi's eyes suddenly flickered, and he said: "No. Just come to see you,"

After a pause, he continued: "... Is there something wrong?"

"Are you afraid I won't think about it?" Lin Chuo asked.

Qin Yunxi did not answer, and silently walked a few steps closer.

Her daily performance was too abnormal, and he did have this concern.

"Lin Qiu," he said, "Anyway, you are my wife in name after all, and I will not embarrass you. I have found out that there is no magic blood on you. When the right time is right, I will let you go. Get out of the tower."

"Oh." Lin Chuo responded indifferently.

She finally knew why the female partner could find a chance to escape the tower. It turned out that Qin Yunxi had been disconnected from her in private.

"Lin Qiu," Qin Yunxi said again, "I and Liu Qingyin are not what you think."


"I will explain to you when I have a chance in the future." Qin Yun said, "After all, you and I bear the name of husband and wife..."

Lin Chuo interrupted him in horror: "Could it be that you want to marry me now?!"

Qin Yunxi: "... No."

Lin Chiu stroked the cold sweat on his forehead: "Then what are you doing in the middle of the night?"

Qin Yunxi was a little weak: "I'm just worried about you, come and take a look. After all, you were injured for me..."

"Ah, so you still remember it." Lin Chuo stretched out his hand, "Have you taken the holy medicine for healing?"

Qin Yunxi: "..." I really didn't bring it.

He said: "Come here, I will see where the injury is for you, so that I can prescribe the right medicine."

Lin Chuo tactfully refused: "It's not very convenient, lonely man and widow, the night is quiet, Liu Qingyin will definitely misunderstand if he knows it."

Qin Yunxi smiled gently and gently: "No. You and I are innocent."

"Yes, so innocent couple." Lin Chuo sneered.

"Grievance-grievance -" Gu worm yelled in his heart when he saw that this style of painting was about to slide into an irreversible abyss.

Qin Yunxi was about to frown, when he suddenly saw Lin Zhuo turn his head away.

"Much more innocent than you and Liu Qingyin."

Qin Yun sighed, walked two steps tightly, and got behind her.

"You blame me. Lin Qiu, what are you complaining about me? If you didn't make a mistake and used medicine to frame Liu Qingyin and Murongchun, how would I send you back to Dongting? If you stayed in Dongting peacefully and thought about it, I would Will forgive you and take you back. But what about you? You met with Wang Hantan privately as soon as you returned to Dongting, and ran to Nanjiang without authorization. Where did you put me?"

Lin Chu chuckled softly: "Do you know how difficult it is for a woman who was driven out of the sect right after passing the door? Everyone will step on her foot. If you don't protect yourself and don't run away, what you see at this moment is already one It's dead. Have you really considered your wife in your name?"

Had it not been for Qin Yunxijiu to occupy the magpie's nest and seize the body of the original gentleman, the tragedy of Lin Qiu's later life would have been impossible.

Qin Yun said: "You made the mistake first."

"Then have you checked, where did Qingxin Yin come from?" Lin Chuo still turned her back to him, only waved her hand, "Forget it, since you took Liu Qingyin back to the cave, took off your clothes and detoxified it yourself. From a moment, I can see you through. Why, Baiyaofeng Manfeng pharmacist, all eat dry food? Can't even such a little poison be dealt with? I have to work as a sword master? It can be solved by taking medicine. , You have to make it so glamorous, you might as well just try to solve it for her directly!"

The atmosphere stagnated suddenly.

Gu worm is unlovable: "You will lose him like this..."

Lin Chiu replied in his heart: "Cut, this kind of scumbag, even if I die, I will never look at him again if I jump from the top of this tower! '

Qin Yunxi quickly stabilized his position and said: "That's because I was so mad at your behavior! The wife who just entered the door gave the apprentice the kind of indiscriminate drugs, how can you calm me down? Come down. Besides, if you don't publicize the matter, your reputation will be preserved!"

Lin Chuo smiled immediately: "Then why, the news that the sword king's wife Lin Qiu was shameless and Wang Hantan eloped with others in southern Xinjiang, but it spread all over the world? If you want to protect it, there is no such thing as a Wang Hantan in a district. Coerce your wife who hasn't left the house? If you want to stop, who has the ability to run thousands of miles away under your nose?"

She chuckled and answered for him: "Because only Lin Qiu betrayed first, you can just be with your apprentice!"

The most secret mind was pierced, and the breathing behind him became much heavier.

"But..." Lin Chuo smiled back and said, "Even if you know, what then? Seeing you were sneak attacked by the blood puppet, didn't you stupidly rushed up to block a blow for you, and then was locked here to wait for death ?"

Stupid, Lin Qiu is really stupid.

With moonlight shining in the woman's clear eyes, Qin Yunxi suddenly discovered that the woman in front of him was as beautiful as a fairy in the moon. Suddenly he was in a daze, thinking that there was a mistake in his memory-the jealous and spiteful woman in his memory was no longer in line with the person in front of him.

Lin Chu turned his head away and turned his back to Qin Yunxi.

'How, how is the performance? 'She asked Gu worm in her heart.

"Very good! Work harder, double cultivation with him, I can steal from him, ah no, take away his pure aura." Gu insect yelled excitedly.

Lin Chuo was extremely calm:'Double cultivation is impossible, and it is impossible to double cultivation in this life. '

Suddenly, Qin Yunxi teleported over, her tall figure heavy and heavy. A pair of big hands fell on her thin shoulders.

Eat tofu! ! !

Lin Chuo jumped out with a Ji Ling. Almost blurted out a triple quality.

"It's too much, it's too much," Teacher Chong promptly prompts, "If you want to refuse and welcome it, it's not like being touched by a ghost!"

Lin Chuo thinks that the analogy of the little old man is very appropriate.

She took two steps backwards with hands and feet, a little closer to Qin Yunxi.

Gu Worm: "... Forget it, you should just play it casually."

She turned around, facing Qin Yunxi, preventing him from stealing tofu from behind again.

He was carrying the light, his expression indistinguishable.

"Lin Qiu..." he said, "give me some time and I will take care of it. Liu Qingyin and I are really not what you think."

Sure enough, there is no distinction between ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, different worlds, the same scum, and even the lines are copied from each other.

Lin Chuo suddenly blessed his soul, raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked, "Did Liu Qingyin and Wang Weizhi meet again?"

Qin Yunxi froze suddenly.

Oh humiliation. bingo. It's no wonder that the greasy person has been rubbing against her, dare to seek psychological balance. At this point in time, Mu Roujia hadn't appeared yet as shallow as Yuyunjian, and Lin Qiu was the only prop that Qin Yunxi could use to comfort himself for the time being.

Lin Chu felt from the bottom of his heart that Qin Yunxi and Liu Qingyin were really perfect matches.

"Have you seen her with Wang Weizhi?" Qin Yunxi's voice was filled with chills.

"I didn't see it with my own eyes." Lin Chuo quickly denied.

Qin Yunxi seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

Lin Chuo added fuel to the fire with a backhand: "I learned about this from other places, ah, more than one place. Oh, I'm not the only one who knows."

Not only did I see the beginning and end of the two getting along in the book, but I also witnessed the dance between the fingers in Wang Wei's spiritual pool with Molian in the next door with Wei Liang.

Although he couldn't see Qin Yunxi's face, Lin Chu knew that his face must be green. The lake was green.

After being silent for a while, his voice came from between his teeth: "She and Wang Weizhi are just friends."

"Yes." Lin Chiu said, "just as innocent as you and her."

Qin Yunxi: "..."

"However," Lin Chiu smiled, "Even if Liu Qingyin is really with Wang Weizhi, what about it? Both are the proud sons of a new generation of heaven. If they can marry, they would be happy to Wan Jianguizong and Wang's family. All benefits without harm."

She pressed for a step: "Since you still recognize me as a real wife, then I also need to start thinking about the future of the sect. Marrying Liu Qingyin to Wang Weizhi will not only quell the rumors of discord between master and apprentice, but also win over Wang Weizhi, a good helper. how do you feel?"

"Impossible!" Qin Yunxi flatly refused.

"Why is it impossible?" Lin Chiu pressed harder, "Because Liu Qingyin is already your woman, right? You didn't want to solve this problem at all, you just wanted to take every woman. By your side!"

Qin Yunxi's breathing was stagnant.

"Lin Qiu." For a while, he said feebly, "The matter between me and Liu Qingyin is not what you think. She is my apprentice and has paid so much for me, I can't ignore it."

"Then why are you still here to talk nonsense with me?" Lin Chuo looked at him.

"I will take care of everything and give a result that everyone can be satisfied with." Qin Yun said, "Lin Qiu, you block that palm for me, I remember this love in my heart, I dare not forget it."

He turned half of his body and said, "Lin Qiu, I won't treat you badly."

With the moonlight, Lin Chu could see the undisguised complex emotions in his eyes.

Well, affectionate and bitter. Anyway, he is right about love and righteousness.

He was raising Lin Qiu as a spare child under a high-sounding banner.

Lin Chiu vaguely understood why the first thing after the female partner Lin Qiu left Jiuyang Pagoda was to rush to Jingluan Peak to assassinate Liu Qingyin.

It must be because Qin Yunxi made some false promises to her, and then confided in some last resort, which made her mistakenly think that without Liu Qingyin, Qin Yunxi would be hers, so she took the risk.

What the scumbag likes to watch most, isn't it that women are jealous of fighting for him

Lin Chu laughed: "Don't. You can make a good pair with Liu Qingyin, so that you don't come out to harm others!"

The moment these words blurted out, Lin Chu could clearly see the other party in a trance for a moment, taking advantage of the moonlight.

Immediately, the moonlight flowed from the top of his head to the surface of the tower, swaying over his body like water, and the whole person seemed to be reborn, with the same figure and appearance, but the temperament was soaring on the ground.

Lin Chuo's heart was heavy.

At the moment of shaking God, everything has settled.

The moonlight was still falling down gently, illuminating a small piece of the tower surface, and he stood in the middle of the moonlight, like an immortal.

The corners of the other party’s lips were slightly raised. Under the moonlight, the silhouette of the Adam’s apple moved, and a cool and pleasant voice echoed in the tower: "If I remember correctly, this is the second time Madam said this to me."

Lin Chuo bounced on the spot with a cautious puff.

He only listened to him with a chuckle and said, "Should I return—then why did you take the trouble to marry in?"

This, isn't this the conversation she had when she first met him on the day she traveled

It's Wei Liang!

For some reason, Lin Chuo suddenly wanted to cry at this moment. She, who was just so powerful, suddenly felt as if she had suffered countless grievances and wanted to confide in him.

She felt that she hadn't seen him for a long, long time, far surpassing Sanqiu.

In the next instant, the man's figure was approaching Shen Shen, and the familiar Gloom Lengxiang pounced on her face, locking her tightly.

"... Huh?" He slowly closed the net.