Wake Up Male Lead, You Belong With The Female Lead!

Chapter 94: Not necessarily human


Lin Chuo cried uncharacterly.

Wei Liang lost his temper because of her crying, so she reluctantly pushed her on her lap, grabbed the two small paws, and kept her from scratching around.

He really didn't think there was a big deal.

She is so small and so soft, let him poke a few holes in her? Forget it, it's easier to poke himself.

It was just a small matter, he really didn't understand why she was crying like this.

But the way she was crying was really cute, which made him feel bad intentions in his heart. He began to wonder if he could bully her more and make her cry softly next time he had sex. , Thinking about it makes people excited.

Lin Chiu finally stopped crying, raised his eyes and took a look, only to see that Wei Liang was staring at her in a trance, a mysterious darkness in his eyes.

"Wei Liang..." Her nose was slightly red, and she twitched and said, "I, I will be good to you. I will be good to you in the future. I will always be good to you."

There was a strange look of being caught in his black eyes.

After fixing for a moment, he was sure that she didn't know that he was thinking about how to cry her, and then he calmly said, "Well, I know."

Lin Chuo's mood gradually calmed down, and she helped Wei Liang to stand up and looked at him up and down.

He consciously explained: "It's not really hurt, it's just transferring the pain you feel to me. It will be fine in a while, no need to worry."

Lin Chu couldn't help trembling and walked up to him, like embracing a precious vessel that was shattered at the touch of a touch, hugging him preciously and putting his face on his right chest.

She remembered not hurting here.

He gently stroked her black hair.

This moment is quiet and beautiful, even the bugs crawling between the grass roots can't bear to make noises to destroy the atmosphere.

The situation on the other side is rather dire.

Qin Yunxi carefully hugged Liu Qingyin back to the cave mansion, placed it on the jade couch, and protected her with concentration.

A few hours later, she saw her eyelashes trembling slightly, and her eyebrows stretched out, seeming to return to the cage.

Qin Yunxi let out a sigh of relief, removed the Qingxin Jue in his hand, and stared at her expectantly, waiting for her to wake up naturally.

He wasn't very worried that there would be a problem with her questioning. Although the voiceless voice is more stubborn and self-willed, she has always acted openly and honestly, without any unspeakable thoughts.

It's just that, knowing that you know, it's unavoidable to be nervous.

The pair of bushy crow's eyelashes trembled more and more violently, their cherry lips opened slightly, and a low breath sounded in their mouths—"Um..."

At the moment when the misty eyes were opened and her face showed a trance look, she suddenly saw her face convulsed heavily, her pupils shrank and trembled in her eye sockets, and a terrible and terrible moan was uncontrollably uttered in her throat—


Immediately, she hugged her head, turned her body over, and rolled off the jade couch.

Fortunately, Qin Yun's eyes were quick and quick, and he took her into his arms.

He saw that Liu Qingyin's beautiful eyes were rapidly congested, but his cheeks and lips had completely lost their blood.

She gripped her hair tightly with her hands, and snorted in her throat: "Lin... Autumn..."

A stream of red blood ran down the corners of his lips.

Qin Yunxi only felt that his soul was smoking, and rushed to pinch the clear heart, constantly washing her meridian dantian with aura, and calmly said in a low voice: "Unvoiced, I'm here, it's okay, I'm here."

Her appearance is too horrible. At this moment, Qin Yunxi had already made up for the picture of losing her forever.

His voice trembled involuntarily, calling her again and again: "Unvoiced, unvoiced, unvoiced..."

How come, how come

Having successfully overcome the catastrophe, how can you be caught in the heart

Lin Qiu

How could Lin Qiu's unvoiced Wenxinjie be related to Lin Qiu? !

Could it be that the theft of Lin Qiu's body a few days ago affected Qingyin Dujie? impossible! After they have cultivated to the Mahayana, no one's will can be so fragile.

I don't know how long it took, Liu Qingyin finally found a trace of sanity.

Her eyes gradually focused, and she saw that when she was lying in Qin Yunxi's arms, she gathered all her strength, raised her hand, and slapped his face.

Qin Yunxi was caught off guard and was slapped.

Before he had time to wonder, he saw Liu Qingyin roll his eyes white and fainted.

He clutched his hot cheeks, feeling mixed for a while, not knowing what to say. He didn't think too much about himself, because compared with the few high-level female cultivators he had been with over the years, his relationship with Lin Qiu was simply too innocent, and it was a little shabby.

Moreover, in the end, Lin Qiu was also killed by his own hands, and in front of the voiceless face, he stabbed her into a hornet's nest.

Lin Qiu, Lin Qiu, how can Lin Qiu and Ho De, actually hurt the voiceless voice like this? !

Qin Yunxi calmed Liu Qingyin well and carefully checked her whole body.

Her aura became more vigorous, and she knew that Wen Xin Jie had successfully survived. He settled down and wanted to sneak into her sea of consciousness to explore, but was sharply turned away by her mind.

Why did she reject him

The two of them have already entrusted everything to each other. During the dual cultivation, the entanglement of the spiritual consciousness is often accompanied by the fusion of the spirit and the flesh to the extreme.

Even on the days when the quarrel was the fiercest, as long as she got on the bed, her sea of knowledge would always be open to him.

Why did she refuse him so firmly when she was the weakest and needed his help the most

Qin Yunxi couldn't figure it out, so he could only do something else first.

He took various herbs that are beneficial to the soul from Baiyaofeng, grinds and decocts them by himself, and feeds her mouthfuls one by one. After three full days, Liu Qingyin finally opened his eyes again.

There was not much look in her eyes, and she knew that she had a terrible headache at the first glance.

"Qingyin, how's it going?" Qin Yunxi leaned forward with concern.

Liu Qingyin stared at him for a while, his pale lips moved slightly, and said, "Nothing."

Her eyes were too complicated, so complicated that Qin Yunxi had an illusion for a moment, thinking that the woman in front of him was not the Liu Qingyin he knew, but was possessed by something weird.

At this moment, Liu Qingyin's thoughts were not much different from him. She was thinking sadly. It turned out that for so many years, she had never known the real him—the real him. In fact, she liked to squeeze flowers and grass, and was extremely gentle with every woman. However, once his interests were violated, he would Will be ruthless and ruthless.

Over the years, after experiencing Mu Roujia Qianruyu and Yun Jianbai, she no longer foolishly thought that he was infatuated with her.

The reason why he is still with her now is just a balance of interests. Among these women, she has the highest cultivation level, and she is the one who is most likely to fly with him, and the relationship between the two is well known in the world. If he wants to change, the price is too great, and there is really no need.

If it was... It was not Lin Qiu who threatened him with his fame and fame, but his own words, would the people who died under his sword... Liu Qingyin shuddered.

Her breathing became rapid unconsciously, and there was panic in her eyes.

"Unvoiced, unvoiced..." Qin Yunxi hugged her tightly, "Don't scare me, unvoiced."

She opened her mouth with difficulty: "My head hurts."

"Your soul is injured." Qin Yunxi carefully held her cheek and asked, "What happened?"

Liu Qingyin shook his head slightly, and with a sway of his head, he felt that bursts of needle-like stings hit his head.

She snorted, closed her eyes tightly, and tears rolled down.

Qin Yunxi was heartbroken, and he didn't dare to urge her. He just kept condensing the most pure aura on his fingertips and gently rubbed several acupuncture points on her head for her.

"I... I don't know."

Liu Qingyin really didn't know. After escaping from the tribulation realm, she would be plunged into a brief period of deep darkness. Just in that trance, Divine Soul seemed to be slapped and slapped heavily by a large palm, almost slamming her to death on the spot.

At that moment, she seemed to hear Lin Qiu's voice, and she seemed to hear nothing.

Thinking of that scene, her forehead was covered with dense cold sweat, and she tremblingly said: "I obviously have successfully overcome the calamity, and there are two more breaths, no, one breath, I can completely wake up. At that time, I don't know. Where does the power hit my soul..."

In just a few words, she exhausted all her strength and fell into his arms.

"I'll go into the sea of knowledge and take a look for you." Qin Yun said.

Liu Qingyin unconsciously shook her hand hanging aside.

When she was in a coma, she already felt that he wanted to invade her sea of consciousness, and the trace of her mind at that time resolutely rejected him. If she had the strength at the time, she would definitely slap his spiritual consciousness.

But now, she was sane.

Even if he knew he was a ruthless and unjust bad man, what about it

I won’t talk about the future. At this moment, I’m so weak, who can I rely on without relying on him

Those things... must rot in the stomach temporarily! At least you have to endure until the strength is enough to contend with him, and then you can turn your face on and settle with him!

Liu Qingyin closed her eyes and let out her clenched fists with a soft "um".

Qin Yunxi sneaked into Liu Qingyin to know the sea.

The moment he saw the broken soul, he almost failed to control himself and set off a soul storm in the sea of her knowledge.

Although the spirit is a vague shape, Qin Yunxi can clearly feel that half of Liu Qingyin's face is almost slapped away!

How can it be? When she crossed the robbery, he clearly stayed on the side, guarding the law all the way. Want to bypass him and attack her spirit? Impossible, absolutely impossible.

There is absolutely no one in the world who can have this kind of ability.

So this is not manpower.

What is it that is not human? Heavenly Tribulation? !

Qin Yunxi wanted to roar at the sky very much, but he couldn't. At this moment, he could only calm down, put his soul on it, and carefully appease his Taoist companion.

In a pure white mountain, two figures, one high and one low, holding hands, slowly walked out through the snow.

None of them released aura, their shoes stepped on the snow, making a nice "squeaking" sound.

"Are you sure? Mother Gu is the extremely heavenly woman?" Lin Jiao asked Wei Liang with his head tilted.

She was more than 80% sure in her heart, only waiting for his final confirmation.

"Yes." Wei Liang's eyes were cold, "I don't remember who she is, but I really want to kill."

Lin Zhuo nodded: "So, it is this woman who is occupying the body of the eyebrows at this moment."

"Not necessarily human." Wei Liang was meaningful.

"Hmm..." Lin Chiu thoughtfully.

"Ah!" She stopped suddenly and looked at him sideways.

Wei Liang's eyes opened slightly: "What's the matter?"

I saw Lin Chuo put on an expression that was indescribable, the corners of his mouth twitched lightly, and said, "So, the smell that Ji Yuan has been searching for... is it a wormy smell?"

Wei Liang: "...That seems to be correct."

She smiled and curled her eyes, and the corners of his lips couldn't help but smile, her eyes softened a lot, and she fell softly on her body.

"Wait...Wait!" Lin Chuo was suddenly startled.

"Huh?" Wei Liang stared at her.

"I understand!" Lin Chuo picked up a dead branch and drew it on the snow. "Look, for example, here is the world, and here is the world we live in now."

She drew two circles, a small part of which intersects.

"In this world, there is no'Lin Qiu' carrying a Gu worm, so the eyebrows only get the energy of the gu worm in Mei Niang. According to the little old bug, these three worms will have to fight to the rest. Only when the last one is eligible for promotion, if Gu Mother descends..."

The dead branch in her hand drew a straight line, from a large circle, through the intersecting part of the two circles, into another circle.

"So the eyebrows came to this world, and took Lin Qiu's body-two birds with one stone, so that the Gu worm in the belly can eat the little old man to advance to the ranks, and it can also set a game against me."

Wei Liang thought that she seriously called the Gu worm in Lin Qiu's body the "little old man" and looked very cute. He had already thought of what she said, but he didn't say anything, just staring at his wife with a smile, with an agreeable expression on his face.

"But..." Lin Chiu looked at him, "Why didn't Gu worm come to me?"

Wei Liang smiled faintly: "Perhaps because Chiu'er is invulnerable."

"No," Lin Chu laughed, "because insects are afraid of birds. Who made me call Chu Chu."

Wei Liang smiled softly.

He suddenly felt that the meaning of all his fangs and scales was to protect the little soft creature in front of him.

He didn't tell her, it was because he was by her side.

The Heart of Frost can see all the demons and demons, if they dare to show up, he will let them lie dormant forever.

He made a fake Frost Heart with his unique imprint out of wood, replacing it with Lin Qiu's body. When that Gu mother descended on her, he had already marked it.

Its true body has no way to escape. Just go back to the extreme of heaven...

When his thoughts drifted away, the corners of Wei Liang's delicate and unparalleled lips provoked a cold arc.

Lin Chu turned his head abruptly, and was caught off guard against his cold eyes.

She was slightly surprised to see that the frost disappeared from his eyes quickly, and there was only one Wang Lianying Chunshui.

Her cheeks were quietly red, and she reached for her hand, hooked his little finger with her little finger, and went out of the valley.

The two returned to the brothel and received a message from Lin Xiumu.

After Lin Xiumu was decadent for a while, he regained his spirits. He disguised himself and looked around for news. Almost nothing happened outside these days that he could hide from his eyes.

The most important thing is that the Murong Chun outside managed to find the whereabouts of her eyebrows before she abolished her sword intent. She hid in Silent Demon Ridge, where there were bloody enchantments, and there was no way to break through. .

Lin Xiumu has already gone to Jimoling at this moment.

The other is that Liu Qingyin suffered the Tribulation of the Heart. Although he succeeded in surmounting the calamity, his soul was severely damaged. Qin Yunxi was about to set out to search for Qianruyu, and wanted to find the last jade flower in Qianruyu's hands for Liu Qingyin. .

Another thing is that Wang Weizhi, the head of the Wang family, is crazy. The guests at the banquet said that his good deeds are approaching, and they all celebrate in advance.

One more thing, Wang Chuanen, the ancestor of Wang's dragon who saw the head but didn't see the end, appeared in Peach Puppet City, without any action for the time being.

Lin Chi hesitated for a moment, and asked, "In Qin Yunxi's memory, have you found a shallow jade and a marrow jade flower?"

She can't remember whether there is this paragraph in the book. Since Qian Ruyu walked away with guilt and Liu Qingyin was injured during the robbery, the follow-up plot is obviously a bit unfinished, fragmented and messy, the plot is incomplete, and the logic is not coherent, as if the author drank fake wine.

In the end, it only took a simple sentence—the two of them soared hand in hand to achieve the supreme fairy tale, which ended this bloody sadomasochistic story.

So, did Qin Yunxi meet Qian Ruyu again at this time

Wei Liang was startled slightly. After a moment of recollection, a fine light flashed in his eyes: "Yes."


Wei Liang pondered for a moment: "A city suitable for seclusion."

Lin Chiu said, "But the shallow jade in this world is not in that place right now."

As shallow as jade, plant flowers in the devil's domain to cure diseases.

Wei Liang nodded slightly.

If Qin Yunxi couldn't find Qianruyu, would he give up searching, or would he capture her breath more carefully

Qian Ruyu didn't deliberately sneak in, if he wanted to find it, Murong Chun could find even his eyebrows, let alone a Qian Ruyu with traces everywhere

Lin Chiu didn't want the small flower farmers in his backyard to be disturbed by the heater.

If Qin Yunxi discovered that Qianruyu and the Demon Race had become one, it would surely cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

But now the eyebrows are what matters. If you go to the Demon Realm to help Qian Ruyu first, it will probably take a lot of time to come and go.

Lin Chuo turned his eyes and fixed on another body that was as shallow as a jade.

The one in front of him is as shallow as jade, who has followed Lin Xiumu from this world, and he doesn't know people like Qin Yun Xi Liu Qingyin.

"Friend shallow Taoist." Lin Chu asked friendly, "Can you do me a favor?"

Shallow as jade nodded: "Please speak."

After a stick of incense, the three of them left the Peach Puppet City and greeted them in the direction of Wan Jian's return, trying to intercept Qin Yun on the way.

She is as shallow as a jade-born sex flower, and she carries several pith jade flower seeds, which can be used to cope with Qin Yunxi.

Lin Chu Cao Cao Cao confessed to her and told her not to talk to him much after seeing Qin Yunxi, just give him a jade flower.

Three people hurried on the road.

In the middle of the journey, suddenly a clear light swept from the sky.

"It's him! Qin Yunxi!"

Lin Chuo's heart jumped as she greeted Qian Ruyu and descended to the cloud. There happened to be a city in his field of vision. Before he could think about it, the three of them fell straight into the city.

Lin Chuo and Wei Liang concealed their breath, allowing Qian Ruyu to walk on the street at will.

Along the way, Qianruyu did not hide his aura. Qin Yunxiru flashed across the top of the city. After a while, he caught Qianruyu's trace in mid-air. After turning back, he also fell into this simple and idle place. small town.

After not taking a few steps, he encountered a dazed, shallow face.

Qin Yunxi was overjoyed and hurriedly greeted him.

"Shallow girl!"

Qian Ruyu was startled when she saw him.

Lin Chuo had already confessed in advance that the person who came was exactly the same as Wei Liangsheng, so Qian Ruyu was ready. Although he was prepared, Qian Ruyu was still in a daze when he saw this face at first glance.

She frowned immediately.

The appearance is not bad, but this person feels terrible to her, and those two eyes fall on her, both hypocritical and offensive.

"... Are you okay?" Qin Yunxi asked greasyly after standing less than a foot in front of Qian Ruyu.

This scene is really familiar.

The tone was exactly the same as when he was condoning Lin Qiu in the Nine Sun Pagoda.

Qian Ruyu suppressed the disgust between her eyebrows and eyes, took a step back, stretched out her hand, and threw a small bag to Qin Yunxi.

"The marrow jade flower is given to you, take it to save someone, not to send it."

As shallow as Yuqing, cold and authentic.

Qin Yunxi stared at her closely, and couldn't help saying: "You haven't told me, are you okay? I think you have reduced it a bit."

Qian Ruyu took a breath: "I'm fine."

Can you go now

Qin Yun teased the corners of his lips: "Are you mad at me, right? Girl, I was sorry for the previous thing. The voiceless misunderstood the relationship between you and me, and often offended, I will pay you on her behalf. No, I hope you don’t mind. I said, if you need to come to me as much as possible in the future, I will always treat you as a confidant."

Qian Ruyu raised her eyes and looked at him, her face puzzled: "Did you make a mistake? It seems you are here to ask me for a jade flower?"

Qin Yun was choked hard. After a long while, he said: "You are generous, and you don't care about it. If the voiceless voice is like you, then it will be fine..."

He smiled bitterly: "I can't bear the voiceless temper from time to time."

This sticky energy took Qianruyu a step back: "Is the patient not in a hurry to treat the disease?"

Qin Yunxi's face was a little uncontrollable, the corners of his eyes fluttered lightly, and he said, "Then...Thank you very much for the kindness of Miss Qian who presents flowers. Someday, you will surely return it."

Qian Ruyu felt awkward everywhere, she lowered her head, gave a soft "um", and added: "Walk slowly, don't send it."

Qin Yunxi glanced at her deeply, and saw that she didn't mean to tell him at all, so she had to take up her sword and disappear into the sky as a streamer.

Looking back, it was a bit lonely.

Qian Ruyu stood silently on the street. After waiting for a while, he saw Lin Jiao and Wei Liang coming hand in hand.

She couldn't help but said something more: "Excuse me, even in ten thousand years, Wei Jianjun will never become like him."

Lin Chu couldn't help but laugh, and said, "Well, yes, that's just a fake."

Shallow as Yu nodded slightly, no longer asking.

Wei Liang's expression has gradually become solemn since the beginning, he frowned, his narrow eyes narrowed a little, and he kept looking around.

Just about to leave, I suddenly heard him say something.

"In Qin Yunxi's memory, this is the place to find a city that is as shallow as a jade."