Wake Up Male Lead, You Belong With The Female Lead!

Chapter 97: You are fierce to me!


Both eyebrows were trapped by Xingluo Ju and Wumu Sky.

"Adulter, silver woman!" she scolded softly, "Wow, two shameless guys, they hit me together! Lin Xiumu, you really are the number one hypocrite in the sky and the earth! I am a ghost, and I will never I will let you go!"

She turned to Qianruyu, and cursed: "Bitch, I have brought you up since I was a kid, and you seduce my husband and do such a shameless thing, you still have a face to live! If I were you, I would have already judged myself. Heart veins, so as not to embarrass the Qian clan!"

Qianruyu's expression did not change, but his face instantly turned pale, a mouthful of blood poured out from the corner of his lips, Xingluo suddenly became unstable, and he broke a small hole.

The eyebrows succeeded in breaking through the shallow jade heart defense, and he couldn't help showing his face, twisting his body into a blood cane, rushing out like Lin Xiumu escaped from the void in the first place.

Seeing, eyebrows are about to break through!

I saw that a cyan vine sneaked up to her side at some unknown time, intertwined with blue and red, strangling it tightly, and dragging it back into the star and Luo Ju.

It is Lin Xiumu's vine.

The poisonous thorns rolled on the red vine and penetrated deeply into every part of the vine.

"Master!" Qian Ruyu exclaimed, vomiting blood.

"Seal." Lin Xiumu's voice came out from the game smoothly, "City, firmament, forbidden."

As you can see, the sycamore firmament entwined in the star and Luo Ju quickly turned into a cocoon. The cocoon is full of old tree roots and densely packed hard branches that bind the two green and red vines together. Each segment of the vine is fixed in a motionless posture, locked in the cocoon.

"Honorable Lord!" Qian Ru Yuteng hugged the cocoon into his arms.

At this moment, the cocoon had shrunk to the size of a foot, and it was impossible to see that there were two large living people sealed inside.

She flew in front of Wei Liang, floating in the air, bowing down.

"Ask Lord Sword to save the two Lords."

She explained: "Once the sky forbidden is activated, all the states of the sealed person will be frozen at the moment of the seal until the day of unblocking. Only then, when the Lord turned into a vine, he was nailed by the female deity. Inject venom into the death point. If the Lord unblocks the seal, you will immediately die..."

And the female lord would naturally die in the hands of Wei Liang.

She lifted her face and said: "The sycamore sky is connected to the Lord's life, and the Lord's body is very poisonous, and the divine sword can't last too long. Once the divine sword withers, the divine master and the female master will be wiped out together. I understand. The lord’s temperament, he, probably... planned like this! If I support with all my strength, I can last at most seven or forty days, Lord Sword, please save them!"

Wei Liang didn't move his eyebrows, and said coldly, "Say it again."

At this moment, he had no mind what Lin Xiumu would do.

He asked Qian Ruyu to take the tree cocoon and his wife back to the brothel to protect him, while he himself rolled Lin Chuu into a ball in his arms, rushing to the Demon Realm at full speed.

Lin Chuo's injury mainly hurt his soul and heart.

When she condensed all her strength into an edge, and when she cut through the whirlpool tail needle, the soul suffered too much backlash and shock. She did not faint on the spot, and she was already extremely determined.

It is a miracle to be able to escape from the eyebrows and hands alive after suffering such a severe injury.

Although the finger marks on the neck looked terrifying, to the monk, it was only a slight injury.

The bites on the ankles and arms were bloody and terrifying, and there were many large and small lacerations and bite marks on the body, but these were also good.

The heaviest body injury was the heartbeat that shattered when the eyebrows were met at the end.

Wei Liang sent Lin Jiao to Huanong Qian Ruyu, and told her to grind the jade flower into juice and feed it as much as possible. After leaving for a long time, he swept away all the holy healing medicines he could find, moved back to the Demon Realm, and wrapped Lin Chuo into a mummy.

I left a mouth for filling with jade flower juice.

I also left a pair of eyes to observe her state.

When Lin Zhuo woke up in a daze, he thought he would be a beautiful picture, leaning softly in Wei Liang's arms, accepting his tender attention and care.

Unexpectedly, I found myself standing straight through, with demons walking around from time to time in front of her. When every demonic passed by her, he couldn't help but glance at her with his eyes, and then put on a stern smile and suppressed internal injuries. Look like a ghost.

what's the situation

The body is too weak to death. The head is also dizzy.

Where is Wei Liang? Where is Wei Liang? !

His wife was hurt so badly, didn't he accompany the bed!

Lin Chuo rolled his eyes laboriously.

"Hey, hey, awake, awake, she's awake!"

The demon in front of him suddenly opened a pair of green eyes, clapped his hands and jumped up.

An afterimage suddenly crossed Lin Chuo's eyes.

With a flick of his eyes, he saw a peerless handsome face teleported in front of him, his face looked quite stinky.

The desire to survive made Lin Chiu decide to act like a coquettish.

She said softly: "Husband... hug me."

She leaned against him.

Hearing the sound of the wind as the heavy object fell, Lin Chu felt that he had hit Wei Liang heavily.

The outer part of his forehead hit his shoulder bone, making a loud "boom".

Immediately, she was hugged flatly, um... not very appropriate. The feeling at this moment is hard to describe. If he insists on saying it, the feeling that Wei Liang catches her is a bit like Sun Monkey wielding a golden hoop while pondering.

Lin Chuo: "..." What the hell.

All he can move is one pair of eyes and one mouth. Lin Chiu stared and stared, and couldn't see what was happening at the moment.

After Wei Liang laid her flat and slanted, he finally stood her straight on the ground.

Lin Chuo: "..."

He held his hands, bowed his waist, his eyes were level with her.

A little gloomy.

Lin Chuo was staring at him so that his hair was frizzy, and suddenly he saw the corners of his lips slightly curled up, gritted his teeth and said coldly: "It's better to tell me if you are tired of life..."

Lin Chuo knew he was angry.

Thousands of words poured into his throat, blocked for a moment, and suddenly all turned into grievances.

Before opening his mouth, I saw a string of tears rolling down those big black and white eyes.

A pair of tearful eyes are set in the pile of mud herbs in the porcelain, which seems a bit strange and happy. If not, Wei Liang would have disarmed and surrendered at this moment.

Fortunately, she wrapped her up.

Wei Liang felt that he could stand up for a while, so that she could teach her a few words so that she would firmly remember not to commit personal dangers in the future.

He curled up the corners of his lips coldly and said, "Cry? Do you think I will feel soft when I cry."

I saw her blinking her misty eyes, her mouth flattened, and she whimpered weakly, "I'm so uncomfortable..."

Wei Liangqiang supported the last trace of cold aura, stood up, turned his head and ignored her: "You asked for it. Shut up and sleep, and give me a full seven to forty-nine hours in it."

Lin Chiu's whimper seemed to be suddenly cut off.

Wei Liang waited for a while, but he didn't hear her protest. He couldn't help but turned back to look at her hurriedly.

She saw her pressing her white lips, her big watery eyes, and her tears accumulated silently, and then rolled down.

Wei Liang's expression suddenly cracked.

He walked hurriedly to Lin Chu’s mummy, and was about to do it, but Qian Ruyu hurriedly stopped him: "Sword Lord! No matter how distressed he is, he has to stick to the entire course of treatment—forty-nine hours are almost over. At this moment, the medicine cocoon is broken, isn't it all at a loss?!"

Wei Liang took a breath: "I know. Only one hour left."

Qian Ruyu: "..." So you know what? Fortunately, tweeted awake late enough, otherwise this person must be soft-hearted! She can bet a thousand marrow jade flowers!

After a while, Wei Liang beat Lin Chuo's mummy horizontally, slanted in his arms, and sat down on a higher hill to blow the air.

He didn't dare to irritate her with harsh words, for fear that she would cry again and cause him to break the power.

The whole person looked a bit irritable, and from time to time he raised a pair of long eyes and glanced at the sun coldly.

It is too slow.

Lin Chiu became tired after crying, and fell asleep in a daze.

I don't know how long I slept, I vaguely felt that there was a pair of big hands, pulling her out of the eggshell.

Then, those hands rubbed her various joints unskillfully until they all became warm and soft.

The stiffness and tightness on his body disappeared without a trace. Lin Chu felt that after he came out of the shell, he became a snake again, holding his most precious treasure.

When she woke up again, she was finally no different from what she had imagined-she was leaning weakly in Wei Liang's arms, and he was encircling her, his eyes full of focus and tenderness, and he was expecting her to wake up.

"Ah..." Lin Chu sighed softly, "I had a terrible nightmare. I dreamed that you were murdering me!"

A trace of guilty conscience flashed in Wei Liang's eyes, and his voice was low: "Well, it's okay."

He lowered his head and pressed his forehead against hers.

"Recover well, don't think too much."

What can he do? When he saw her dying of blood, he hated her so much that he wanted to strangle her with his own hands; when he wrapped her in a medicinal cocoon, he could still feel cold a little bit, remember to teach her; wait until she is peeled, so The little ball shrank softly in his arms, he already... had nothing to say to himself.

Lin Chuo closed his eyes, and forced the tears that had poured into his eye sockets back.

She still remembers that when she became ill for the first time in her previous life, she was driven out of the house to fend for herself.

It was very cold that day, it was raining, and she shrank under the wall that could not stop the rain, painful and cold. That night, she knew that crying was useless, and that weakness would not bring herself any help. As long as there is a breath, you have to struggle and persevere. If your bones are broken, you have to crawl forward!

She thought she would not cry anymore.

However, this person took off her guard time and time again, peeled off the ice-covered shell on her heart layer by layer, leaving her nowhere to escape, and confessed to him the softest part of her heart.

"Wei Liang..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he cried again.

His body shook, and he stared at her nervously: "Where does it hurt?"

"Have you caught your eyebrows?" She blinked, closed her tears, and raised her head to stare at him.

Wei Liang took a breath: "Grab it."

Lin Chuo breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on her face: "That's good. She wants to break the border again, but fortunately I stopped it in time."

"Very capable..." He softened his heart as soon as he grinds his teeth, and said frustratedly, "Well, thanks to you, avoid a catastrophe."

Lin Chuo smiled and curled his eyes: "Tell me what happened after I was in a coma."

Lin Chiu couldn't help frowning when he learned that Lin Xiumu's life was hanging by a thread and sealed himself and his eyebrows together with the wumu sky.

"Is there a way to save people?"

Wei Liang shook his head.

After a while, he said: "Don't be sad, Lin Xiumu seeks benevolence and benevolence, and there is no regret in his heart."

Lin Chu sighed silently, knowing in his heart that even though this situation was not perfect, it was a good ending-the eyebrows were tied, and Penglai would not be destroyed. Lin Xiumu's wish was fulfilled, and he was sealed in the sky with his wife. He didn't need to meet each other, but lived and died together. Perhaps he was already satisfied.

Is it over like this

Lin Chuo's heart became quiet.

Wei Liang looked at his wife whose expression was gradually calm, and his thin lips moved, pressing down the words that floated to his lips.

The wumu sky and Lin Xiumu's life are connected. When the sky forbidden is activated, Lin Xiumu has been pierced into a dead spot by his eyebrows and injected with poison. Therefore, the wumu sky is dying.

It is absolutely impossible for Lin Xiumu to release her eyebrows. Whether it's for Penglai or for eyebrows-Gu mother controls the body to do all kinds of evil things, the most painful person is the eyebrows himself.

Once Wumu Cangqi dies, the two people trapped in the forbidden sky will also be wiped out with it.

Wumu sky can last at most seven or forty-nine days.

If Lin Xiumu and both eyebrows died in the sky, who was the "lord" behind Wang Chuanen

At the time of Qin Yun's catastrophe, he clearly heard Wang Chuanen next to him saying to a person very respectfully: "Wang Chuanen, respect the Lord and ascend to heaven."

This is the sky climbing on Qin Yunxi's corpse.

Qin Yun struggled, wanting to open his eyes to see who the ultimate winner was. However, it was really exhausted, and all unwillingness to resentment could only be held back in his chest until he deepened into the endless darkness.

This person Qin Yunxi really made Wei Liang a little irritable. He didn't see anything that should be seen.

Looking at his memory, it was all entanglement calculations with Liu Qingyin, Wei Liang felt that the emotions and behaviors of the two men were really stupid and hopeless.

In Wei Liang's opinion, if you like someone, you just want to put all your most precious things in front of her, completely occupy her, and let her own all of yourself.

What a simple thing.

Wei Liang raised his eyebrows and looked at his wife with satisfaction.

The days of being tired and healing always flies quickly.

Dazzling, more than forty days passed. Wei Liang knew that the limit of Wumu sky was approaching. Whether Lin Xiumu and his eyebrows were completely dead, he had to stare at him personally to see the end.

It is not suitable for Lin Chu to travel a long distance at this moment. He can only bear her pain and leave her in the Demon Realm, summoning more than a hundred great demon from the Divine Demon Realm, so that they can be well taken care of.

On this day, when Wang Weizhi returned to his magnificent room, he was shocked to realize that there was a beauty lying on his golden silk couch.

Liu Qingyin.

Qin Yunxi headed to the East China Sea to check the condition of the Eye of Hell. Liu Qingyin slipped out and used the token left by Wang Weizhi to enter the Wang family's main residence.

For more than forty days, with Qin Yunxi's meticulous care and care every day, Liu Qingyin was not only unhappy, but also nauseous.

The most fascinating thing about the scumbag is his hot and cold, unpredictable. Unable to grasp his heart, and unwilling to let go, will create one after another.

After getting tired and crooked for a long time, this advantage disappears.

Now Liu Qingyin dealt with Qin Yunxi, day by day more easily, and quickly fascinated him-man, it is indeed such a cheap bone.

Of course, Qin Yunxi is not the only one who is mean.

Liu Qingyin hadn't seen Wang Weizhi nor received any news from him for some days. On the contrary, he missed it hard. Looking back, Wang Weizhi looks handsome and has a romantic temperament. He has a deep love for himself, and I don't know where he is better than Qin Yunxi.

When Wang Weizhi teased her, she never felt disgusted. Recalling those warm scenes at this moment, I just feel like a deer.

What is not obtained is always the best. Thinking of Wang Weizhi, Liu Qingyin couldn't help remembering the words he had said, thinking that he was full of confidence and said that he would bring her bliss that her Taoist companion could not give. I don't know, what will it look like

Once a thought arises, it is difficult to eliminate it.

If there is love for Wang Weizhi, it is far from possible.

It's just affection.

So Liu Qingyin took advantage of Qin Yunxi's journey to the East China Sea, dragging his sick body and crawling onto Wang Weizhi's couch.

Of course, she wouldn't be so explicit-she naturally couldn't lie on a man's bed soberly like a woman who recommended herself on a pillow, she was just extremely weak and fell asleep.

Wang Weizhi looked at Liu Qingyin who was "sleeping" and blinked, then blinked again, with an extremely complicated look in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, that woman actually did it! She is indeed very capable, able to solve her own knots, and also solved Liu Qingyin's knots, so that she can deliver it to the door by herself.

So, are you going to get Liu Qingyin now

Wang Weizhi's Adam's apple moved, and slowly walked to the side of the golden silk soft couch, and then he pulled a large soft chair to sit down.

A pair of slender eyes flashed with complicated light that no one could understand. After a moment of silence, he cast his eyes out the window.

The feeling of having to love someone is like being wrapped in a poisonous snake.

He knew that he should climb onto the golden silk couch at this moment to take advantage of the danger. When she "woke up", he had made raw rice into cooked rice, and then coaxed and tried to make her unable to tell. In a word, you can only accept yourself innocently and passively, so that it will not be in vain to send the willow's voice to the couch not far away.

However, Wang Weizhi only felt his body limp, and didn't want to move at all.

For a moment, he even wondered if he had lost the ability to be a man.

Liu Qingyin waited and waited, never waiting for the unexpected scene, she could only wake up faintly, and a pair of beautiful eyes fell on Wang Weizhi's body in confusion.

Wang Weizhi just retracted his sight from the window.

"You Ran..." she said, "I knew you were a gentleman, and treated me very well."

Wang Weizhi: "..." I can't admit that it's the little brother who is not up to date.

He caressedly put his feet on the edge of the couch, and said, "Why, which confidante did your Taoist couple have trouble with?"

Liu Qingyin was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but laugh at himself.

Before, when Wang Weizhi always said something like this, she never really listened to it. In fact, thinking about it now, Wang Weizhi had already seen through that man, but she had always deceived herself and others, and she didn't want to face it.

"Lin Qiu." Liu Qingyin said lightly.

"Hey, you don't believe me..." Wang Weizhi took his boots back abruptly, "What?!"

If you want to ask Wang Weizhi what he is feeling at this moment, you are probably lying in a big groove. He could accept that the woman next to Wei Liang succeeded in persuading Liu Qingyin to let her put Wei Liang down, but he couldn't imagine that someone like Liu Qingyin who was so proud of his tail would actually admit that Wei Liang's pipa should not be hugged.

"Lin Qiu." Liu Qingyin added, "it was the woman he married into the sect back then."

"No, didn't that woman die long ago." Wang Weizhi was truly dumbfounded.

"It's dead." Liu Qingyin's eyes drooped, tears fluttered in his eye sockets a few times, and then slowly fell. "Before dying, they were together... I was always kept in the dark. . You Ran, why does he treat me this way?"

The tears were quite scheming this time, and Liu Qingyin could guarantee that this was definitely the most beautiful cry in her life. Do not believe that Wang Weizhi is not distressed.

Unexpectedly, Wang Weizhi's focus is not here. He said, "You mean, before you were with Wei Liang, he had other women?"

Liu Qingyin could only wipe away his tears and nodded.

"Shit," Wang Weizhi laughed, "What's the matter? When you are with him, he has always had other women. I think you don't mind. Besides, Lin Qiu originally married him. Isn’t it right for a wife, a husband to sleep with his wife? What is there to cry about? If you want to cry, should it be Lin Qiu crying?”

Liu Qingyin: "..."

Wang Weizhi laughed and said: "So you want to retaliate against him. No, I said that without a voice. You don't want to be like Wei, quietly raising others outside, right? Hey, I can tell you that I, Wang Youran, will never do it. The kind of people who can't see the light, you want to be with me, just be upright, or else, I will return tens of thousands of swords to the sect right now and ask you to come over!"

Liu Qingyin: "..."

She only felt that a mouthful of old blood was stuffy in her chest, and she didn't know which sentence to refute him first.

Hearing what he meant, when she was with the master at the beginning, she was the one who couldn't see the light? Then he has been pursuing other people's Taoists dignifiedly, especially glorious

"No!" Only then did she realize that she had done a big stupid thing.

For a man, when he climbed onto his couch, he had already determined that the woman was going to seduce him. Once this bad move was taken, he became extremely passive at once.

Wang Weizhi was unhappy: "Why, you still can't let it go?"

"No," Liu Qingyin cheered up and argued innocently, "You Ran, can you not be so naive! I just treat you as my best friend, so I can say nothing to you. I'm here today, just I want to ask you what you think about it, where did you think about it!"

Wang Weizhi touched his chin: "That's not interesting to me."

Liu Qingyin looked down, only to feel that the situation between himself and Wang Weizhi seemed to be reversed. After a long while, he weakly argued: "I am a person with a Taoist companion."

Wang Weizhi leaned back in the back of his chair and said, "Let's go. Then, tell me, what the hell did Lin Qiu do to you, which made you have this ghostly virtue."

Liu Qingyin: "..." Wang Weizhi is a good person, but he can't speak his brain, his heart is good, and he always doesn't listen to his words.

She hesitated for a moment, and said: "She, I don't know."

His eyebrows slowly frowned. Thinking of Lin Chiu's appearance, Liu Qingyin couldn't help but drop in: "A coquettish face, like a cat, I don't know where it should be."

Wang Weizhi's pupils shrank slightly.

Although there are only a few short words, when Liu Qingyin said this, a person suddenly appeared before his eyes.

Regarding her face, she was indeed coquettish, but that woman's expression was lazy, with a trace of cunning flashing in her eyes from time to time, like a cat.

It's like that kind of cat that sleeps very lazily and contentedly in the afternoon under the sun.

Especially, the appearance of nesting beside Wei Liang.

Wang Weizhi couldn't help asking: "Is it a small head, only to Wei Liang's shoulders, his eyes are crooked when he laughs, and there is a pear vortex on the left."

Liu Qingyin looked up at him: "Have you seen Lin Qiu?"

"She is Lin Qiu..." Wang Wei broke out in countless cold sweats behind his back.

Liu Qingyin didn't have much thought, only when Wang Weizhi saw Wei Liang and Lin Qiu together many years ago, he felt cold in his heart.

Sure enough, he was the stupidest one.

"You Ran..." Liu Qingyin raised his sleeves and motioned to Wang Weizhi to look at her elbow, "Look, I have broken my bones and returned the carved bones to him. Only when he is willing to return my carved bones, I have nothing to do with him anymore."

White lotus-like forearms stretched under Wang Weizhi's nose, and Liu Qingyin suddenly let out a weak cry, then fell into Wang Weizhi's embrace.

Regrettably, there was something in Wang Weizhi's heart at this moment, and he was completely out of state.

He helped her back on the golden silk couch and said: "Don't move around anymore, I'll let someone send you back later."

After all, the stride meteor left the main house and swept towards the mortal world.

Liu Qingyin: "..."

Intuition tells Wang Weizhi that this matter is by no means easy!

Wang Wei's path reached the small courtyard where Zhuo Jin lived, and he told Lin Qiu about Lin Qiu's resurrection from death.

"After doing it for a long time, that woman is Lin Qiu?! Sir, this is really fucking a hell... Don’t you know, when I heard this, even Liu Qingyin lay on my bed and waited for my luck, I couldn’t mention it. Get a little bit of interest!"

Wang Weizhi whirled around in the same place: "What the hell is going on? Dare to plan Lin Qiu's grave with both eyebrows, there is still a mystery in it?"

"She is also the woman who pretended to be Huang Yinyue!" Thinking of this, Wang Weizhi could only feel that he was sweating constantly.

"Catch her back." Zhuo Jin said coldly.

"Um..." Wang Weizhi scratched his head in annoyance, "I don't know where she is."

The corner of Zhuo Jin's lips evoked a sneer, and with a flick of his fingers, a lotus core frozen into ice crystals floated on his fingertips.

He deliberately kept a hand when he exploded the little Jinlian sent back by Wang Weizhi.

With a pinch with two fingers, the ice crystal lotus core shattered.

"Southern Demon Territory. Feng cut off the eastern plains." His voice did not contain a trace of human emotion.