Walking by the Abyss on Thin Ice

Chapter 114: Spend money to get beaten


The Fushan chariot was still moving towards the Tianfang Tower. However, this not-too-long journey seemed extremely long to Wushenbu and other officers.

Powerful men from the underground world from the 108 counties of the 17 states of Shuobei kept coming, guarding the car as it moved forward without saying a word.

They are tall, short, fat, thin, old, young, strong, and teenagers, girls, women, boys, and men.

And these people, without exception, are on the wanted lists of local governments in various provinces and counties, and are well-known!

It can be said that each of them is in charge of the lower world of a city or a county. Not only are they powerful, but their influence is also extremely astonishing!

"I have asked all my questions, and it's time for Constable Wu to answer." Su Yun looked at Constable Wu quietly, waiting for his reply.

Wu Shenbu suddenly laughed out loud: "I have seen you before. I know you are not a demon, but you are not a special envoy sent by the Emperor of Dongdu. You are just a young boy in Tianmen Town. When I first met you, you were still blind. I didn't expect that in just a few months, you would come to the city and play tricks!"

He was shrewd under his cheerful appearance, and said sarcastically: "So when I saw you in Shuofang City, I felt extremely absurd. I didn't expect this little liar to come to the city. You can fool others, but you can't fool me! Are you interrogating me?"

Su Yun smiled at him, and waited for him to finish before saying, "Whether I am an imperial envoy or not is not up to you, the emperor has the final say. But whether Wu Shen Bu is dead or alive is not up to you, the emperor has the final say either. What I say counts!"

He chuckled and said, "Captain Wushen, explain what you did in Tianshiyuan, and you can leave alive."

Wu Shentong snorted, and suddenly chains shot out, and with a few popping sounds, they pierced the heads of the five officers who followed him!

The corner of Su Yun's eye twitched.

Wu Shentong exhaled a breath of foul air and said in a deep voice: "It's my fault. I didn't expect that you could mobilize so many big shots in the underground world to help. But don't forget, you are not a real imperial envoy after all."

He killed the five officers who followed him because he was worried that the news of him being interrogated by Su Yun would spread.

If this gets out, I will surely die!


Su Yun raised three fingers, slowly bent one of them, and said slowly: "Two."

Wu Shentong gritted his teeth and said, "I said. Someone asked me to rescue the whole village and send him to the Dragon Burial Mausoleum. As for what happened after he was sent to the Dragon Burial Mausoleum, I know nothing!"

Su Yun looked at him coldly for a long time before he said, "Do you know that as long as I give the order, you will be torn to pieces immediately?"

Wu Shentong laughed loudly: "Master Su, you underestimate me too much. Before I die, at least I can take you with me. Do I have to lie to you?"

Su Yun pondered for a moment and said, "So, who asked you to help rescue the whole village for dinner?"

"Tong Pushe Tong Qingyun."

When Wu Shentong said this name, Su Yun was really stunned. He thought it would be the saint of Shuofang, but he didn't expect it to be Tong Qingyun, Tong Pushe of Shuofang Academy.

"Tong Pushe is my teacher. He taught me the method of feeding the whole village."

Wushen Tongdao said: "This time it was Tong Pushe who asked me to investigate you. I just didn't expect that a blind kid like you from the countryside could make such a big deal."

He showed a sarcastic look: "I am defeated today, but I really want to see how you will end up in the future!"

Su Yun looked at him deeply and said, "Are you so sure, Constable Wu, that I am just a blind kid from the countryside?"

Wu Shentong was stunned. Could a blind kid from the countryside really stir up the situation in the north as soon as he entered the city? Could he really mobilize the leaders of the 108 counties and prefectures in the 17 states of the north

Not to mention a little boy from the country, even the nominal master of Shuofang, Marquis Shuofang, does not have such great power!

"I have one last question."

Su Yun said: "After answering this question, you can leave."

Wu Shentong was greatly encouraged. Although Su Yun was only a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old, he gave people a great sense of oppression. He had only experienced this kind of oppression from Tong Qingyun, Zuo Songyan, Shuofang Hou and others!

He even felt like a tiger was by his side!

The longer I stayed in the same room with Su Yun, the stronger this feeling of oppression became.

He is obviously just an ordinary boy, I don’t know where he gets such great momentum from!

"August 7th, August 8th, where is the Wu Shenbu?" Su Yun asked.

Wu Shentong's forehead was covered with beads of sweat. As long as he answered this question well and satisfied Su Yun, he could survive. But at the same time, as long as Su Yun was not satisfied, he would be "dealt with" quietly!

"On the seventh and eighth day of August, I was ordered to rush to Wuyuan County to capture the bandit Hu Fei'er. He was not in Shuofang or Tianshiyuan. I have the pass from Wuyuan County. Your Excellency can go check it out."

Wu Shentong said carefully: "I came to Tianshiyuan on the orders of Tong Qingyun after the Tong Fan case happened. Tong Fan was not an important figure in the Tong family, but just a concubine's son. I am not going to investigate the cause of Tong Fan's death. There is no need to alarm me about Tong Fan's death. I was ordered to rescue a transformed viper. This viper is called the village's meal by you locals."

Su Yun's eyes twitched, and his voice was a little hoarse: "You are the county lieutenant of Shuofang. Can Tong Qingyun mobilize you? Moreover, the Tong family has already sent three people to Tianshiyuan. The three of them plan to capture the whole village in Shejian for food. Why do they send you to save the whole village for food?"

Wu Shentong smiled bitterly and said, "The old immortal of the Tong family is a high-ranking official in Dongdu, and he is in a very high position. Tong Qingyun can naturally mobilize me. As for why the Tong family captured the whole village for food and sent me to save the whole village for food, I have no idea. Tong Qingyun asked me to do this, so I spent three days to scout the area and inspect the surrounding geography before I started."

He calmed himself down and said, "Actually, it doesn't matter whether I step on the spot or not. Tong Qingyun has been guiding my every move from beginning to end."

"Tong Qingyun..." Su Yun fell silent.

The Fushan chariot drove out from one cloud bridge and entered another cloud bridge. More and more powerful people came outside the chariot, surrounding the chariot in a mighty manner, so that no chariots from the surrounding dared to approach.

"You should be thankful that you did not enter the Dragon Burial Mausoleum, otherwise you would be a human-demon martial arts master."

Su Yun waved his hand, indicating that he could leave: "Tong Qingyun made it useful for you to live, and it is also useful for me to keep you alive."

Wu Shentong was shocked. Human-demon Wu Shentong? What did Su Yun mean by this? Could it be...

He stood up and was about to leave when Su Yun said indifferently, "Take the five bodies with you. I won't help you deal with them."

Wu Shentong activated his spiritual power and shot out chains, which rolled up the four corpses in the building. He then flew out of the window, rolled up the corpse on the roof, and jumped off the carriage.

Countless chains entangled his body, transforming into a large cocoon, hiding himself and his corpse in the cocoon. The large silver cocoon roared and fell towards the lower world.

The moment Wu Shentong jumped out of Su Yun's chariot, he looked up and saw figures flashing around Su Yun's chariot like ghosts, and the leaders from various states and counties disappeared one after another.

He was awed in his heart: "This young man is so steady! Oh, and the driver! There is also the driver!"

Even though so many things happened in the Fushan Chariot, the driver remained calm and continued on his way without any sign of panic. It was obvious that this driver was not an ordinary driver!

Wu Shentong felt a little scared in his heart. He and the five officers got into the car and waited for the opportunity. Unexpectedly, he had already fallen into Su Yun's calculations and became a turtle in a jar!


He fell to the bottom of Shuofang City, and suddenly the chains spun open like a python untying its body. By the time Wu Shentong landed, the five corpses had been hidden in the sewer of Shuofang City at lightning speed.

Wu Shentong left in a hurry.

"Yes, and the driver."

In the Fushan chariot, Su Yun also came to his senses: "The driver should also be Lao Piaoba's man. Zuo Pushe's arrangements are really flawless!"

He admired in his heart and looked out the window. Just now there was a long team guarding the Fushan Chariot in front and behind, but now those people were nowhere to be seen.

However, Su Yun knew that the people arranged by Zuo Songyan, the old boss, must still be following the car to protect his safety.

At this time, Bai Yuelou woke up with a yawn, looked around in confusion, and said in surprise: "Why did I fall asleep?"

"I just used my Qi and blood cultivation to suppress your Qi and blood, causing your brain to be deprived of blood and temporarily fall into a coma."

Su Yun explained: "How long you sleep depends on how long I want you to sleep. Saint, this is the difference between you and me in realm."

Bai Yuelou was startled and asked in a lost voice: "How long have I slept?"

"Just took a short nap."

Just as Su Yun finished speaking, the mountain sedan chair stopped and the driver's voice came: "We have arrived at the Tianfang Tower Immortal Residence."

"Have we reached Tianfang Tower?"

Bai Yuelou said in a lost voice: "Tianfang Tower is forty miles away from the gate of the academy. I slept for forty miles?"

Su Yun stood up and got off the carriage. Bai Yuelou hurriedly followed him. Only then did he notice that there were four pools of blood in the small building. He was horrified!

He got off the car, only to see the driver carrying a bucket with a rag hanging next to the bucket, and was wiping the bloodstains on the top floor!

Bai Yuelou was even more shocked: "What on earth happened while I was asleep?"

Su Yun walked into the Immortal Residence of Tianfang Building. After informing them, a maid led them into the Immortal Residence. Bai Yuelou looked around and could not help but admire.

Su Yun asked, "Young Master, you are a disciple of a saint, have you never been to the Immortal Residence?"

Bai Yuelou smiled and said, "The place where the saint lives is extremely simple, not as elegant as this."

The Shenxianju where Qiu Shuijing lives is like a fairyland. It is elegant everywhere, with the zither table, ink pool, inkstone, and bronze crane lampstand. It contains deep Confucian and Taoist culture. Some places have some exotic style, which is obviously decorated by Qiu Shuijing himself.

This fairyland covers an area of more than 20 acres. Although it is in the sky, it looks like the ground, with mountains and rivers flowing, and winding paths leading to secluded places.

Of course, this place is far from as luxurious as Li Zhuxian’s Shenxianju.

Su Yun had never been to the Li family's fairy residence, but just by listening to the descriptions of Huahu, Qingqiuyue and others, he could imagine how magnificent it was.

Bai Yuelou followed Su Yun's footsteps and whispered, "Brother Su, what happened while I was asleep?"

Su Yun didn't answer.

Bai Yuelou said again: "Since you won't tell me, can you give me a chance to fight?"

Su Yun was helpless and said, "I went out this time because I encountered difficulties in my cultivation. I came to ask for advice, not to beat anyone."

Even though Bai Yuelou had a good temper, he couldn't help but feel a little angry: "Brother Su, how much time can I waste by competing with you?"

Su Yun shook his head and said, "I can't beat you to death. Fighting with you would just waste my time. I don't do business at a loss."

"I'll buy it with my own money, okay?" Bai Yuelou said angrily.

As they were talking, the two came to the garden and saw Qiu Shuijing teaching some scholars to comprehend spiritual powers. Those scholars should be from wealthy and powerful families. Some of them were Su Yun's acquaintances. They also practiced Honglu Transmutation, but were eliminated by Su Yun from the Ten Brocade Embroidery Map during the final exam.

Su Yun looked around and saw wonderful spiritual realms emerging above the heads of these scholars, like a different world in a dream, with all kinds of strange things. The souls of those scholars were practicing, visualizing, and creating their own magical powers in these spiritual realms.

Several scholars are close to condensing their spiritual powers, and their aptitude is extraordinary!

Su Yun actually saw the figures of Li Zhuxian and Li Muge!

Qiu Shuijing stood by and entered their spiritual world from time to time to correct the mistakes they made in their practice.

Seeing this, Bai Yuelou whispered: "As expected of the Emperor's Master, the Master is really amazing!"

Qiu Shuijing saw them and waved to them.

Su Yun walked over quickly, and Bai Yuelou wanted to follow him, but found that he was still more than ten feet away from the two of them and could not get close.

Qiu Shuijing walked in front with a calm expression, leading Su Yun to the floating bridge in the garden, stopped to watch the fish swimming in the water, and said, "Yun, you came to see me, have you saved enough money?"

Su Yun shook his head and said, "No. It's just that I encountered a difficult problem in my practice, and it can only be solved by you, sir."

Qiu Shuijing turned around and looked at him. The more he looked at him, the more he admired him. He smiled and said, "I was surprised that you didn't encounter any difficulties until now. I thought you would come to me soon after entering Tiandao Academy. One Qinghong Coin."

He stretched out his hand.

Su Yun hesitated for a moment, took out ten Qinghong coins and put them in his hand: "Mr. Shui Jing, this disciple's question may be more expensive."

Qiu Shuijing laughed and returned the nine Qinghong coins to him. He only took one and said calmly, "The problem that is worth ten Qinghong coins in your eyes is only worth one Qinghong coin in my eyes."

Su Yun showed admiration, and immediately told him about how he had comprehended the Great Unification Technique and cultivated the Twelve Sacred Seals, and how Doctor Dong said that it would be life-threatening. He said, "Sir, I have unified the Twelve Sacred Seals, but I have no idea how to go further. Please teach me, sir."

Qiu Shuijing looked dazed, and it took him a moment to come back to his senses. He looked at him deeply and said, "Give me the nine Qinghong coins you just gave me."

Su Yun took out the Qinghong coin.

Qiu Shuijing took it and put it in his pocket, then asked, "Anything else?"

Su Yun searched his purse: "I still have three dollars..."

Qiu Shuijing took the remaining three pieces, thought for a moment, and asked, "Anything else?"

Su Yun hesitated for a moment: "Please wait a moment, sir."

He turned around and walked to Baiyuelou, saying, "Sir, I'm going to beat you up... Well, let's have a fight. How much money can you give me?"

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