Walking by the Abyss on Thin Ice

Chapter 121: No fierce dragon can cross the river


Su Yun was startled and quickly jumped off the cliff.

Xue Qingfu fell straight back, and was lifted up by a huge wave and crashed towards the cliff.

Su Yun raised his hand and waved it, his blood and qi turned into a dragon. A dragon flew out and rolled up the old saint.

The blood dragon's tail wrapped around Xue Qingfu's body, and its four legs quickly climbed up, bringing Xue Qingfu to the top of the cliff.

Su Yun also climbed up the cliff and felt Xue Qingfu's breath. He found that he was still breathing and his heart was still beating. He breathed a sigh of relief and thought to himself, "Saint Xue was fine just now..."

Suddenly, Xue Qingfu grabbed his wrist, opened his eyes and glanced at him, and said with a weak breath: "You... why didn't you jump up with me..."

Su Yun was relieved to see him wake up. Based on the medical knowledge Chi Xiaoyao taught him in pharmacology class, he gave Xue Qingfu a quick diagnosis and said, "Senior was talking and laughing just now, pretending to be dead to scare off the old demon king. I thought your injury was not serious..."

Xue Qingfu was hanging on with only one breath left, blood gushing out from the corner of his mouth. He said weakly, "Didn't I wink at you?"

Su Yun used his own Qi and blood to seal Xue Qingfu's external injuries, blinked at him, and searched his body.

Xue Qingfu was too badly injured to move, and asked in a hoarse voice, "What are you doing?"

Su Yun continued to search his sleeve pocket and said, "Senior, didn't I just tell you with a wink?"

Xue Qingfu was furious: "How would I know what you mean by blinking... cough cough!"

"So, I don't know what the senior's wink means."

Su Yun found his small comb and combed his beard. There were other small gray ropes in Xue Qingfu's sleeve pockets. Su Yun took one and tied his beard.

He helped the old man up, let Xue Qingfu sit up, and combed his hair and put it up again.

Xue Qingfu was unable to move and could only let him manipulate him.

Su Yun dressed him up, straightened his clothes, and looked him over.

Xue Qingfu suppressed his injuries and stopped bleeding. Seeing him walking around him, he asked in confusion, "What do you want to do?"

"Groom him and make him look lifelike, to intimidate the other generals in the old no-man's land."

Su Yun asked with concern: "Senior, can you still stand up?"

"What does lifelike mean?"

Xue Qingfu's internal injuries, which had just been suppressed, almost recurred. He blew his beard and glared, "Only after death can one be lifelike! And if my injuries were to flare up, they would definitely be torn into pieces by the remaining magical powers of Immortal Tong Lao and the God King. With your skills in splicing corpses, you can never make them lifelike!"

Su Yun asked: "Senior, you are still full of energy, can you still walk?"

Xue Qingfu shook his head: "My injuries are too severe. I need to mobilize all my cultivation to calm my internal injuries. If I move, the recurrence of my injuries will probably cost me half my life."

"Then don't move, Senior. I'll do it."

Su Yun activated his Qi and blood, which manifested into a white ape that walked towards him, matching Xue Qingfu's body. He controlled the white ape to stand up, and Xue Qingfu also stood up involuntarily.

The white ape raised his hand, and Xue Qingfu followed suit.

The white ape kicked, and Xue Qingfu followed suit.

The white ape inserted a finger into his nostrils, and Xue Qingfu followed suit and picked his nose.

Su Yun saw that the saint had rolled his eyes in anger, so he quickly asked the blood-qi white ape to be more serious and said, "If you control the senior to go with me, we can scare away some of the terrifying creatures in the old no-man's land."

Xue Qingfu said, "I have severely injured the Immortal Tong and the God King. Their injuries are similar to mine, so they dare not come to kill me again. The old demon king was scared away by me, so he dare not come again. The eight heavenly generals will definitely come. You can scare them away by controlling my body, but they will definitely keep testing us. If we are not careful and reveal our true colors, we will both die here."

Su Yun's eyes flickered as he said, "They don't dare to test it themselves, and even if they do, they will send some minions."

Xue Qingfu said: "The strength of the minions is much higher than yours. If you can't resist them, they will find out that I am strong on the outside but weak on the inside and can't withstand a single blow."

Su Yun smiled slightly and walked forward: "As long as we get out of the old no-man's land, we can survive!"

Xue Qingfu also followed suit, his sleeves fluttering in the wind, looking indescribably elegant, though sometimes he looked a little monkeyish.

Su Yun practiced the Ape Decision by imitating the white ape's tribulation. He had mastered the white ape's spirit and could not change his habits for a while, so it was inevitable that he made Xue Qingfu behave like a monkey as well.

However, when he paid a little attention, Xue Qingfu became more and more like Xue Qingfu, and his behavior and demeanor were exactly the same as Xue Qingfu's.

"You are very observant."

Xue Qingfu activated his Dan Yuan to heal his wounds, and let him control his body to hurry on. He said, "There are very few people as careful as you at your age. You must have suffered a lot of unimaginable hardships, so you developed this habit of careful observation."

Su Yun controlled his body more and more easily, and said with a smile: "Why do you say that, senior?"

"I can see that every move you make is filled with caution. Every muscle and tendon of yours is in a process of alternating stretching and contraction at all times. There is no moment when you are completely relaxed."

Xue Qingfu speculated: "This shows that you have always been in a state of perceiving your surroundings, trying your best to absorb all the details from your surroundings. I have only seen this trait in assassins and blind people. You observe me so carefully, I think you were a blind man before."

Su Yun did not answer.

"I also think that you may have lived alone, with no one to take care of your daily life, so you must have suffered a lot, suffering that ordinary people can hardly imagine."

Xue Qingfu's eyes flickered as he said, "Every hardship you've experienced has become an advantage in your survival. When you're among the crowds in the city, you can't show how strong you are. When you're alone in the wild, your beast-like state of mind will be activated."

Su Yun laughed and said, "Senior, you are wrong. There are still many people who help me. The help they give me may be unimaginable to the saints. I am just an ordinary boy, not a beast, nor a freak."

Xue Qingfu said quietly, "Are you worried that others will see you as a freak? I was the same way before. I was always too smart and didn't fit in with the people around me. They were jealous of me, excluded me, and even ganged up on me to beat me up. I used to be ashamed of being a freak, until later I realized that I wasn't a freak, but that the people around me were too stupid..."

Xue Qingfu suddenly closed his mouth. It was Su Yun who controlled the white ape with his own qi and blood. The white ape closed its mouth, and he also closed his mouth.

It was dark all around. The night in the old uninhabited area was strangely quiet and no sound could be heard.

This silence made Su Yun unconsciously fall into a hunting state.

Xue Qingfu showed admiration. People like Su Yun were indeed rare.

They were moving in the direction indicated by the river, and the direction indicated by the giant stone statue Li Luhai was also in this direction. If they continued in this direction, they would definitely be able to get out of the old no-man's land.

However, this road is destined to be bumpy.

As they walked in the forest, they could vaguely see cloth bags hanging on the trees in the woods. Su Yun walked forward carefully, avoiding the trees with the cloth bags hanging on them. Above his head, the yellow bell slowly emerged.

Wherever he walked, the cloth bags rotated silently, and the layers of the bags opened, revealing the white bones.

Those were Yanshi puppets, hanging upside down on the trees.

Su Yun continued to move forward without looking around, but the wooden box in his sleeve began to vibrate.

The first Yanshi puppet suddenly spread out its robe silently and flew up quietly. Then in the jungle behind Su Yun and Xue Qingfu, one Yanshi after another spread out their tattered robes and flew into the sky.

The corner of Su Yun's eye twitched, but he still walked forward with very steady steps.

At this moment, suddenly groups of Yanshi puppets flew over, and huge bony hands stretched out from under their tattered robes and grabbed Su Yun!


The Yellow Bell vibrated, and many Yanshi puppets shattered with crackling sounds. Thirty-six dragons flew out of the Yellow Bell and tore the more Yanshi puppets behind them into pieces.

The Yellow Bell rotated, and the dragons returned to the bell body. The Yellow Bell vibrated, and the thirty-six dragons turned into thirty-six marks, which were imprinted on the scales on the bottom layer of the Yellow Bell.

In other scales, more white apes jumped out and smashed more Yanshi puppets!

Suddenly, all the upside-down Yanshi puppets in the jungle flew up, like a black whirlwind coming from all directions, and the Yanshi puppet that was just shattered by Su Yun's magical power also reorganized its body and flew into the air again!

Su Yun shouted loudly, and twelve gods and demons suddenly appeared behind him. The power of the Big Yellow Bell suddenly increased, shattering the surrounding Yanshi puppets one after another!

After those Yanshi puppets were shattered, they gathered again and flew up from the ground. Xue Qingfu suddenly said: "The sun and moon are stacked together, and the six moves are combined into one, which is the magical power."

Su Yun's head was buzzing, and the six martial arts moves from the Sun and Moon Walls to Nourish Qi chapter emerged in his mind unconsciously. He broke down those six moves into thirty-six free-hand moves. At this moment, the image of the thirty-six free-hand moves flashed through his mind, and then returned to the six moves!

Then, the six moves in his mind overlapped.

He abandoned all martial arts moves, and only the Qi and Blood diagram remained in his mind from the six moves of Sun and Moon Wall.

He felt as if he had suddenly become enlightened, and laughed out loud, "So this is the magical power—"


The bell rang, and outside the Huangzhong, a big sun and a bright moon were rotating around the Huangzhong. Then a visible shock wave shattered half of the Yanshi puppets in the forest!

Su Yun leaped up into the air, grabbed the nose of the Dahuang Bell with his hand, pointed the bell mouth downward, and suddenly urged the furnace to transmute, and the furnace of the spiritual world was also ignited!

His energy and blood suddenly became violent, and the power of his supernatural powers also skyrocketed!

Another bell rang, and large tracts of forests fell down. One by one, the Yanshi puppets were lifted up by the terrifying shock wave and flew backwards, constantly disintegrating on the way!

Su Yun landed and rushed forward. Behind him, Xue Qingfu followed him and asked in confusion, "Scholar Su, didn't Qiu Taichang teach you any magical powers? I see that you have cultivated to the Soul Condensation Realm, but you don't even know a single magical power."

Su Yun shook his head and said, "The teacher never taught me that."

Xue Qingfu's face changed slightly: "My silly apprentice is studying with Qiu Taichang, I don't know what he can learn. I seem to be at a disadvantage when exchanging apprenticeship with him..."

In the back, the Yanshi puppet condensed again and flew around, but couldn't find the two people.

Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, he heard a voice laughing and said, "Saint Xue has not made a move. You must be seriously injured, right? You were severely injured by the old immortal and the God King. You look lifelike, but in fact you are at the end of your strength."

"It turned out to be General Baotian."

Xue Qingfu laughed and said, "General Baotian, since you know I'm injured, why don't you take action?"

Su Yun looked forward, but saw a precious light shining on the mountains and forests in front of him. There was a precious temple that was hundreds of feet high and covered hundreds of acres. In the temple, there was a pot-bellied celestial general who sat there with hundreds of arms. Each arm was holding a spiritual weapon, looking very majestic!

He was just sitting in the temple, but his head almost hit the roof of the temple!

Around him, there were strange spirits with many arms. Some had human bodies with bird heads, and some had human bodies with beast heads. All of them had many arms and eyes. They were not human beings. They looked like demons, but not demons.

Su Yun strode forward, and Xue Qingfu said with a stiff face and a smile: "General Baotian, today I will walk through your temple, and I want to see if you dare to move."

Su Yun walked into the treasure temple. The Treasure Heavenly General sat still, staring at Su Yun and Xue Qingfu. Although he held hundreds of treasures in his hands, he did not dare to move.

Inside the treasure temple, one of General Baotian's disciples just took a step to attack Xue Qingfu, when suddenly Su Yun flashed in front of that person, raised his hand and struck the bell, with a loud bang, the disciple was beaten to death on the spot!

Su Yun looked around with a ferocious look, and no one dared to look at him.

Su Yun shook the blood off his hands and strode out of the temple with Xue Qingfu.

Zhaizhu: Calling for recommendation tickets, calling for monthly tickets~~