Walking by the Abyss on Thin Ice

Chapter 125: Immortal bloodline


The speed of Longxiong was beyond Su Yun's expectations. When Longxiong started, its speed had already surpassed Su Yun's fastest movement. When it ran a hundred feet away, Su Yun suddenly felt like he had hit a wall!

That was a wall of air in front of him!

Longxiong's speed was too fast, causing the air in front of him to have no time to disperse and was piled up. The air seemed to have become a solid, extremely heavy, pressing him to the point of almost vomiting blood.

Suddenly, he heard a loud thunder in his ears, and the air wall in front of him broke, and the pressure suddenly decreased.

Su Yun shook his head and looked up. It was his spiritual power, the Big Yellow Bell, that appeared automatically and hung above his head. The bell was turning slowly, with each ring progressing layer by layer in an orderly manner.

The big yellow bell rotates, allowing the air to flow backwards along with the bell, making a whistling sound.

Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief and looked back, only to see a ball of snow-white cloud slowly dispersing behind him. That was the trace of Longxiong's speed breaking through some limit.

At this moment, Su Yun suddenly saw a dwarf rushing out of the jungle and running towards him. It was General Bao Tian.

Bao Tianjiang was running wildly, his body expanding, and by the time he had grown into a giant, Longxiong had already left him far behind. His speed was simply no match for Longxiong.

The dragon was covered with dragon scales and had dragon claws. It was as agile as a dragon and ran like a horse at an extremely fast speed!

Su Yun blinked his eyes and thought to himself, "This General Bao Tian has actually been waiting outside for three days. He is very patient. Unfortunately, he is a little fat and his steps are too slow..."

Just as he thought of this, he suddenly saw a huge spiritual weapon whirring and spinning, and rushing towards this side from the sky behind!

The spiritual weapon was surrounded by colorful crystals that kept changing colors. No one knew what form it was in, but it was able to catch up with Long Xiang. This showed how powerful Bao Tianwang was!

Su Yun felt a chill in his heart, but unexpectedly Longxiong suddenly turned!

At such a fast speed, it is almost impossible to turn, but this dragon horse actually made a big turn!


When the spiritual weapon fell to the ground, the surrounding rocks exploded. Countless rocks disintegrated in the air and were cut into pieces by the gorgeous crystals.

Longxiong, carrying Su Yun and Xue Qingfu, was rushing past the power of this spiritual weapon. Su Yun even saw crystals floating in the air that were constantly changing their shapes, as if he could touch them with just a raise of his hand.

Longxiong ran forward frantically, and suddenly a second spiritual weapon came from the air, and Longxiong turned again.


“Boom!” “Boom!”

Spiritual weapons fell from the sky one after another, forcing Longxiong to turn around continuously. Su Yun's heart sank gradually, and he saw that Longxiong was forced to turn around and run back.

General Baotian stood there, constantly summoning spiritual weapons to attack them, looking at them triumphantly.

"General Baotian, I asked you to respect my stall mates, didn't you understand?"

General Bao Tian's face changed drastically. He looked up and saw the sky suddenly darken. A fist as big as a hill fell from the sky. General Bao Tian hurriedly urged all his arms and shook all his spirit soldiers to attack the fist. He said sternly, "Master Dong Ling, I have given you face and let them go for three days. Don't bully others too much..."


A mushroom cloud rose slowly, Longxiong stopped in a hurry and crawled on the ground. Su Yun and Xue Qingfu hurriedly lay on Longxiong's back. A hurricane whizzed past, and the wind was filled with raging flames.

After the hurricane passed, Su Yun and Xue Qingfu stood up, and Longxiong also climbed up. In a few steps, they came to the place where General Baotian was standing. Su Yun looked down and saw that the place had turned into a big pit.

General Baotian was lying on his back at the bottom of the pit, staring blankly at the sky with his eyes wide open, his teeth broken all over his mouth, and the magic weapons in his hands were scattered everywhere.

In the sky, another cloud turned into a fist and was about to fall down.

General Baotian quickly shrank his body and turned into a foot-tall little man. He turned over and knelt on the ground, clasped his hundred arms in front of him, prostrated himself, and begged for mercy: "Your Majesty, please stop fighting. I give in!"

The clouds in the sky dissipated.

General Baotian hurriedly got up and rushed out of the pit, only to see hundreds of spiritual weapons flying out of the pit and following him.

Su Yun was very envious: "General Baotian is really rich."

He looked up and saw clouds in the sky emitting light. The chariot of the Lord of Dongling was in the clouds. It was obvious that it was the Lord of Dongling who had taken action just now.

Su Yun bowed from a distance and in the treasured chariot in the clouds, the owner of Dongling bowed in return through the curtains. The sound of stringed instruments came from the clouds, as if responding.

Longxiong set off again and rushed towards Shuofang City.

They passed by Tianshiyuan Post Station and saw that the post station was still very lively at night, with countless monsters heading towards the post station.

And those old soldiers were shirtless, their bodies seemed to be made of fine iron and red copper, their muscles and tendons seemed to be cut by knives and axes. They stood on the high ground on the mountain, blocking the attacks of countless demons and guarding the post station.

Not long after, Longxiong caught up with the land Zhulong that was heading towards the north. On the Zhulong chariot and on the top floors of buildings, the spiritualists used their magical powers to repel the attacks from the Yanshi puppets from the old no-man's land.

The dragon whiskers of the land candle dragon are hundreds of feet long, fluttering in the night wind.

Longxiong surpassed the land Zhulong and galloped away. When Longxiong carried them out of Tianshiyuan, Su Yun looked up and saw a setting sun hanging in the western sky.

But in Tianshiyuan, it was already dark.

"Tianshiyuan's time and space have indeed shifted by three hours."

Su Yun looked at his Dahuang Bell and said to Xue Qingfu, "Senior, Tianshiyuan should have the function of distorting time and space."

"It's more than just distorting time and space?"

Xue Qingfu smiled and said, "It is more related to the secret of immortality. It is said that if you can unlock the secret of Tianshiyuan, becoming an immortal and living forever is not a problem!"

Su Yun asked curiously, "Senior, you must know something about Tianshiyuan, right?"

Xue Qingfu's eyes flickered, and he smiled and said, "I only know the secrets buried in Tianshiyuan. Even if I spend my whole life digging, I will never find out everything."

Longxiong galloped all the way and finally arrived at Shuofang before the sun set. When Longxiong was running wildly in the city and the calamity lamps on the Shuofang road were lit, they came to the Xinglin Medicinal Materials Shop.

Su Yun jumped down, helped Xue Qingfu get off the horse, tied Longxiong to the lamppost, and said, "Doctor Dong is a doctor from Wenchang Academy. He has great skills and will definitely be able to cure the saint's illness."

Xue Qingfu laughed heartily and said, "I am old now. I fought with the old immortal and the God King and injured them severely. Even if I cannot be completely healed, I have no regrets. Then Longxiong, why did you tie it up? Didn't the owner of Dongling ask you to put it back?"

Su Yun remained calm and said, "I'm afraid it doesn't know the way back. When I go to Tianshiyuan next time, I will personally deliver it to your door, so that I can rest assured."

Xue Qingfu followed him into the herbal medicine shop and laughed, "You can't keep this horse!"

Su Yun smiled but said nothing.

In the herbal medicine shop, Doctor Dong diagnosed Xue Qingfu and said, "Saint, you have studied abroad before, right? I see that the medical skills you used to save yourself have many methods of the Semu people."

Xue Qingfu said: "I studied abroad in my early years. I might be one of the earliest people to study abroad."

Doctor Dong used a silver needle to draw blood from him, put the blood bottle aside, and said, "I see. I have heard a lot about the saint, but I didn't know that the saint had been overseas."

Xue Qingfu's eyes fell on the blood bottle and he said, "Considering the country's crisis, I have to go."

Chi Xiaoyao stepped forward, took the blood bottle away, and whispered to Su Yun: "You have been missing for three days. Where have you been? You didn't go to class, and you didn't go home. The little goblins in your family were so worried that they had to keep me here overnight before they dared to sleep!"

"I went to Tianshiyuan with Saint Xue and paid a visit to the God King and the old immortal of the Tong family."

Su Yun wondered, "Where's Brother Hua? Didn't he go home?"

"He was taken away by Mr. Lingyue. He didn't learn his lesson. I heard he even went to a brothel."

Chi Xiaoyao spat and said, "Mr. Lingyue taught him that food, sex and nature are all important. As a result, he was struck by lightning on the first day he arrived at the brothel. In the middle of winter, a thunderbolt came down and pierced through the roof. The people from the brothel sent him here for treatment, and he was taken away by Mr. Lingyue as soon as he was healed."

Su Yun was stunned, imagining the scene where the honest and simple-minded Second Brother Hua followed Mr. Lingyue to a brothel and was struck by lightning, and he couldn't help but feel a headache.

Chi Xiaoyao took out the silver needle and said, "You skipped three days of classes. I will go to Shanshuiju tonight and make up for it for you."

Su Yun nodded and stretched out his arm.

Chi Xiaoyao used a silver needle to draw blood, but failed to pierce through. He couldn't help but exclaimed and praised: "Junior brother, your body is almost the same as mine, you have improved so fast."

She stimulated her qi and blood, infused the silver needle, and finally pierced Su Yun's skin.

Chi Xiaoyao took a small bottle of blood, turned around to get Xue Qingfu's blood bottle, and suddenly exclaimed, "Junior brother, look."

Su Yun looked and saw that the bottle containing Xue Qingfu's blood had become scalding hot, and the blood inside was boiling!

In just a few moments, most of the small bottle of blood was burned!

Su Yun turned his head and looked at Xue Qingfu. Xue Qingfu was completely unaware and was chatting and laughing with Doctor Dong. He said silently in his heart: "You are as cunning as the owner of Dongling. The owner of Dongling is a thief who stole the country and claimed to be an emperor. What about you, Saint Xue?"

"I heard that the God King of the Old No Man's Land has an illegitimate origin. He is not the real ruler of Tianshiyuan. The real ruler of Tianshiyuan is a person with immortal blood."

Xue Qingfu's eyes were gentle, and he smiled, "It is said that the inheritor of this branch of the immortal bloodline fell into this world with Tian Shiyuan. People of this lineage are called immortal bodies, and they are people who can control immortal arts. Has Doctor Dong ever seen such a person?"

Doctor Dong shook his head and said, "I have never seen it. Has the saint seen it?"

Xue Qingfu shook his head and said, "I have never seen it either. But I have seen immortal arts. The God King once performed immortal arts in front of me. After he performed the immortal arts, his arm would explode and he would be seriously injured."

Xue Qingfu continued to treat him, his eyes narrowed into slits, and he asked in surprise: "Is this true? Doesn't that mean the God King cannot use immortal arts?"

"He has a method that can make limbs grow rapidly, but it consumes a lot of vitality."

Xue Qingfu said leisurely, "Back then, I suppressed the Old No Man's Land and fought a great battle with him. I took over his magic and forced him to admit defeat. He told me that he had taken the position of God King from the last immortal. That person was a child. He cheated the child of his magic and took away his position of God King."

Doctor Dong opened the wooden box he carried with him when practicing medicine, put his hands inside the box, squinted his eyes and smiled, and said, "Why are you telling me this, Saint?"

Xue Qingfu whispered: "Because I found the child with an immortal body."

Doctor Dong held the spiritual weapon in the box, veins popping out on the back of his hand, and said calmly, "Who does Saint Xue think that child is?"

"It's him." Xue Qingfu nodded at Su Yun.

Doctor Dong was stunned for a moment, put down his magic weapon, took out a few silver needles, and said, "Saint, lie down."

He sent the medicine into Xue Qingfu's body through a silver needle and said, "Saint, go back and rest first. It will take four or five days to cure your injury. Come here every afternoon from now on. By the way, Saint, you won't owe me money for the medicine, right?"

Xue Qingfu stood up, stretched his body, and praised: "You are really a miracle doctor. Your method is extraordinary. Doctor Dong, don't worry. I will bring the money for the medicine when I come tomorrow." After that, he floated away.

Chi Xiaoyao handed the dried blood bottle to Doctor Dong. Doctor Dong's eyes twitched, and then narrowed their eyes habitually, saying: "Take over the magic? No one in this world can take over the magic, not even a saint, unless..."

Su Yun blinked, lowered his voice, and imitated his voice: "Unless what?"

"Unless he also knows magic..."

Doctor Dong suddenly came to his senses, glared at him, waved his hand, and said, "Go back early! Don't get involved in this matter."

Chi Xiaoyao said quickly: "Sir, my junior brother has been skipping classes these days, I will go and give him extra lessons!"

Doctor Dong waved his hand.

Su Yun and Chi Xiaoyao walked out excitedly. Su Yun smiled and said, "Senior sister, I got a horse. It's very fast, as fast as a meteor! Come on up, let's go for a ride in the city and then go to Wenchang Academy!"

Zhaizhu: If you don’t have a monthly ticket, please give me a recommendation ticket, and I’ll drive you for a ride~~