Walking by the Abyss on Thin Ice

Chapter 13: Kill one person in five steps


Su Yun's momentum became increasingly high.

Within five steps, he wanted the young man from the city to be found dead here, to avenge his classmates and Mr. Yehu!

"Brother Tong Fan, if there were any good things in the Ghost Market, they would have been snatched away long ago. How could we have had a chance to get them?"

The young man in red was walking with some young men and women. One of the men, though he looked a few years older, called the young man in red "brother" and said with a smile, "Even if there are treasures here, your Tong family may not be able to appreciate them. Why did you bother to come here?"

"Yang Sheng, you don't know something."

Tong Fan smiled slightly and said leisurely: "The old immortal in my family got the news in the capital that many generals died in the battle on the front line. These generals were all important figures, and after their death, their spirits will most likely come here. The old immortal meant for us to come here to get some benefits."

Yang Sheng frowned slightly: "To gain benefits from a general who sacrificed his life for the country is a bit..."

The other young men and women all laughed and said at once, "They sacrificed their lives for the country, how heroic! They are going to be deified! If they were to be deified, wouldn't they be willing to donate even a little of their wealth to us after their death?"

"Instead of letting others get a bargain, it's better to let us get a bargain. After all, we are still scholars! Brother Yang, don't you agree?"

"Yes, yes."

Yang Sheng agreed, and suddenly something came into his mind. He turned around and saw Su Yun walking towards him with a puzzled look on his face.

"The little blind boy who followed the fox to study in the school..."

As soon as he thought of this, his face suddenly changed, and his eyes turned blood red. In a trance, he felt that the ghost market around him was no longer there, but a muddy swamp, and Su Yun was like a crocodile dragon lurking in the swamp!

The reason why his eyes were bloodshot was because he was oppressed by Su Yun's energy, causing his eyes to become bloodshot!

"Crocodile Dragon Roar? Mr. Shui Jing passed this Qi-nourishing Chapter to him? Be careful!"

He shouted out, and at the same time his body reacted, and he grabbed towards Su Yun without saying a word.

Tong Fan and the young scholars turned around and looked at Su Yun when they heard the voice, the smiles on their faces still there.

Yang Sheng stretched out his hand, which was like a crocodile dragon's claw, and grabbed Su Yun's back. What he performed was also the crocodile dragon's roar!

Su Yun performed a complete set of moves, but he had broken the moves down into different separate moves, retaining only the individual attack methods in the moves without sticking to the form of the moves.

This is very clever.

The moves are fixed, but if the moves are broken down into separate moves, there will be more variations and combinations, and the reaction speed will be faster.

Those who can achieve this are all extremely talented scholars!

Unexpectedly, when Yang Sheng's crocodile claws were clasped on the muscles of Su Yun's back, he suddenly felt a series of banging vibrations coming from Su Yun's back, as many as thirty-three times in a row, as if he was clasping a huge crocodile dragon. His five fingers were numb from the vibration, and he was unable to hold Su Yun!

"The crocodile dragon is on his spine. He opened up thirty-three vertebrae in a row. What a great body movement! It takes Mr. Shui Jing a month at most to teach him the Honglu Transmutation. In such a short time, it is difficult for him to fully master the Honglu Transmutation, let alone cultivate the Crocodile Dragon's Roar!"

There was disbelief in Yang Sheng's eyes.

He was one of the scholars who followed Qiu Shuijing to Tianshiyuan and entered the Tianmen Ghost Market that day, so he knew Su Yun.

He also guessed that Mr. Shui Jing stayed here for more than ten days before returning to Shuofang, most likely to teach Su Yun the Honglu Transformation and Yangqi Chapter.

However, Su Yun’s cultivation speed is a bit too fast.

Yang Sheng suffered a lot in order to master the Crocodile Dragon on the Spine move.

This move requires opening up thirty-three vertebrae, and to achieve this step, you need strong vitality to support it. Moreover, you need to open up one by one, and it is impossible to open up all thirty-three vertebrae at once.

It took him three and a half months to master the Crocodile Dragon on the Spine, and he also took a lot of elixirs to improve his vitality.

Qiu Shuijing taught Su Yun for ten days. After Su Yun practiced Crocodile Dragon Roar for no more than a month, he mastered the fifth move of Crocodile Dragon Roar, the Crocodile Dragon on the Spine, which surprised Yang Sheng.

At the moment when he failed to keep Su Yun, Su Yun had already sneaked like a crocodile dragon, passed through the group of scholars and went straight to Tong Fan!

"His target is Tong Fan!"

Yang Sheng was shocked. The Honglu Transformation and Yangqi Practice was the basic practice that Qiu Shuijing brought from Dongdu. This practice did not appear in the official schools in Shuofang. Only the private school disciples who followed Qiu Shuijing to practice had learned it.

Tong Fan doesn’t understand this technique and is afraid that he will suffer a loss!

"But the little blind man has only been practicing for a month, and his vitality is still weak. His Honglu Transmutation has only been practiced to the third level at most. But Tong Fan's Bifang Shenxing Yangqi Chapter has been practiced to the sixth level."

Just as he thought of this, Su Yun had already passed through the crowd and jumped up.


The dragon roar coming from Su Yun's chest made Yang Sheng's face change drastically. This dragon roar was different from the crocodile dragon roar taught by Qiu Shuijing!

The dragon roar made by the crocodile dragon is the whistling sound made when the vital energy is running. The sound is like the roar of a crocodile dragon, like thunder, so it is called the crocodile dragon roar.

However, the sound produced by the circulation of vital energy in Su Yun's chest was not just the crocodile dragon thunder sound, but as many as four types of dragon roar thunder sounds!

"Mr. Shui Jing once said that the reason why this technique can produce thunderous dragon roars is because the vital energy in the body is running extremely violently, and the sound of the vital energy rubbing against each other is produced."

Yang Sheng rushed into the crowd with all his might, his face changing from gloomy to bright. "The blind man made four kinds of thunder sounds, his vitality is four times more powerful than others! Tong Fan is in danger! But..."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Yang Sheng used his crocodile tail to sweep away the other scholars who were blocking his way, his eyes gleaming with brilliance: "If I take this opportunity to save Tong Fan, then my relationship with the Shuofang Tong family will be closer! Maybe I can rise to prominence from this..."

Tong Fan's reaction was also quick.

When Yang Sheng reminded him, he had already noticed that Su Yun had infiltrated the group of scholars and was heading straight towards him. When Su Yun took the third step, his vitality had already been activated.

When Su Yun took the fourth step, his Bifang Divine Movement and Qi Cultivation Technique began to activate.

When Su Yun took the fifth step, the image of the divine bird Bifang appeared behind Tong Fan.

The divine bird was as fierce as fire. Following Tong Fan's hand, it was about to flap its wings and fly out to kill Su Yun!

However, at the same time, Su Yun jumped into the air and pounced from top to bottom. His hands stretched out like lightning and grabbed his chin and the back of his head from above.

Tong Fan only felt that his head was bitten by a crocodile dragon, and everything went dark in front of his eyes. He was shocked.

Su Yun's body in the air was like a crocodile dragon that had caught its prey. He grabbed Tong Fan's head and swung him up, exerting force from his waist and hips, and rolled in the air like a crocodile, trying to break Tong Fan's neck.

Tong Fan's body was thrown into the air, and he could only hear the seven cervical vertebrae in his neck making crackling sounds. He was shocked and horrified: "It's so fast! It's too late to resist..."

At the same time, Yang Sheng rushed over, his pupils suddenly shrank: "The second move of the Crocodile Dragon Roar, the Crocodile Dragon Roll! If he lets him use this move, Tong Fan's head will be twisted off by him alive!"

He stretched out his hands forward, grabbed Tong Fan's feet, and also performed the crocodile dragon roll!

The crocodile dragon roll, also known as the death roll, is capable of breaking one's neck or even twisting off one's head.

The best way to counter the crocodile dragon roll is to perform the crocodile dragon roll as well to offset the momentum of Su Yun's roll, so as to save Tong Fan.

One of them held Tong Fan's head, and the other held Tong Fan's feet. They turned and rolled rapidly in the air and fell to the ground. The only sound was the rustling of clothes breaking through the air.

On the ground, several scholars quickly dodged.

Bang, bang!

Su Yun and Yang Sheng landed on the ground one after another, one of them still holding Tong Fan's head and the other holding Tong Fan's feet.

The corner of Yang Sheng's eyes twitched violently. Just now in the air, they performed the Crocodile Dragon Roll almost at the same time. However, he was exhausted after five turns, while Su Yun only turned seven.

Using the same move, Su Yun turned two more times than him before landing.

The other scholars had not yet noticed it, but Yang Sheng knew that when Su Yun turned one more circle than him, Tong Fan's seven cervical vertebrae had already been broken!

When Su Yunduo was rotating for the second time, Tong Fan's trachea and esophagus were broken, the blood supply to the brain completely stopped, and he fainted on the spot.

When they landed, the blood vessels, tendons, cervical vertebrae and trachea in Tong Fan's neck were completely severed, leaving only the skin of the neck connected.

Tong Fan has died.