Walking by the Abyss on Thin Ice

Chapter 18: The town elders are not human beings


Su Yun withdrew his arm. The severe pain made his right arm numb. Veins bulged on his forehead and it was instantly covered with beads of sweat. He almost fainted from the pain.

"Won?" He supported his right arm with his left hand, looking a little confused.

At the critical moment just now, he swung his arm in the same way as the magic sword that killed the divine crocodile, and unexpectedly he actually killed the terrible enemy Yang Sheng.

That magic sword was the cause of his blindness, and it was his nightmare when he was practicing Crocodile Dragon Roar. He didn't expect that after thinking about it for a long time and becoming ill, he had unknowingly imitated the shape of the sword.

He didn't expect that this sword would be so powerful.

"Brother Xiaoyun..."

Su Yun was delighted when he heard the voice: "Buping, you are still alive?"

He was about to walk over when his legs went weak and he almost fell.

On the other side, the flower fox was crawling towards this side dragging a broken leg. Li Xiaofan was leaning against a tree, holding his broken tail and sobbing.

Su Yun heard Qingqiu Yue's cough again. He finally smiled and sat down weakly.

The next morning, Su Yun, Hua Hu, Li Bufan and others appeared in the pharmacy in Tianmen Town.

It was still cloudy in Tianmen Town as usual, with no sun visible, but outside Tianmen Town the sun was shining brightly, which was very strange.

Aunt Luo ran the only medicine shop in the town. She used a cloth strip to hang Su Yun's right arm in front of his chest, used a wooden board to fix Hua Hu's broken leg, and gave him a walking stick to lean on.

"You can't fight, but you're trying to learn how to fight!"

Aunt Luo straightened Li Xiaofan's broken tail, fixed it with a stick, tied it up, and sneered, "Why didn't I beat you to death?"

Huahu, Li Bufan and other fox demons looked at this ghost god with horror, trembling with fear and not daring to speak.

Su Yun smiled and said, "Don't scare them, Auntie. We were almost beaten to death."

Aunt Luo snorted and continued to bandage Hu Buping. Suddenly, she strangled him hard: "You are a bad student!"

Hu Buping was crying and was about to cry out in pain, but the terrified foxes covered his mouth with his hands, so he could only whimper a few times to express his protest.

Finally, their injuries were treated by Aunt Luo. Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief, pulled Aunt Luo to a corner, and whispered, "Aunt, I don't think Qu Bo is a human being."

Aunt Luo was startled and said calmly, "Xiao Yun, what are you talking about?"

Su Yun hesitated for a moment and did not tell anyone about what he had seen and heard in the world behind the Heavenly Gate. He said, "I just have this suspicion that Qu Bo may have died. The current Qu Bo may just be his spirit."

Aunt Luo chuckled, "You little brat is imagining nonsense again. Old Qu can eat, drink, jump and dance, how could he be a ghost? Don't let your imagination run wild. Don't run around these few days, or you'll get beaten up again."

Su Yun responded.

Hua Hu was leaning on a crutch, Li Xiaofan was lying with his butt facing the sky and his tail erect, Hu Buping and Qingqiu Yue were lying on stretchers, basking in the sun in Su Yun's courtyard.

The entire Tianmen Town was dark, but only Su Yun's yard had sunlight shining down.

This is all thanks to Qiu Shuijing.

Ever since Mr. Shui Jing came, he laughed loudly, and the haze in the sky of Tianmen Town broke. As long as it was daytime and the sun was shining, sunlight would shine down, right on Su Yun's house.

Su Yun sat there and thought: "Second Brother Hua, I don't know why, but I always feel that there is something strange about our Tianmen Town."

The four foxes looked at each other, wondering why he said that.

Tianmen Town, when will things ever be normal again

Su Yun continued: "I suspect that one of the elders in our town may not be a human."

The four foxes were choked and coughed.

Just as Hu Buping was about to open his mouth to speak, Huahu stuffed his walking stick into his mouth, making him unable to speak.

Hu Buping felt extremely aggrieved and thought to himself: "Brother Xiaoyun doesn't know that it's not just one elder in their town who is not a human being, but all the elders are not human beings..."

Su Yun added: "But I don't think he has any ill intentions. On the contrary, he is very nice to me."

He calmed down and sat there in a trance. Qu Bo was indeed very kind to him, a kind old man.

The four fox demons also rested and recovered from their injuries.

The Honglu Transformation and Nourishing Qi chapter can strengthen the body and increase recovery speed, so when the sun sets and the moon rises, they go to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon and hone their vitality.

The sword that killed Yang Sheng kept turning over and over in Su Yun's mind.

That sword easily broke all of Crocodile Dragon Roar's moves, even though Su Yun was in despair at the time and used his arm as a sword to wield that sword.

But now he didn't know how to reproduce that sword.

Su Yun tried to stimulate his qi and blood, but the injury on his right arm was really serious. When he killed Yang Sheng, his qi and blood were almost violent, rushing madly into his dislocated right arm, tearing the tendon fascia of his right arm, resulting in bruises everywhere.

Now, when he slightly stimulated his qi and blood, he felt as if his right arm was about to explode.

"After you recover, try to reproduce that sword move."

He then pondered over Crocodile Dragon Roar's free-hand fighting style, and would practice a few moves whenever he felt like it. Every time he tried to practice, he frowned in pain.

"If you don't behave yourself, you'll be crippled!"

Aunt Luo came to change their dressings. Seeing that Su Yun was still practicing free fighting with his left arm, she shook her head and told them, "Don't go out in the next few days. There are some outsiders near Tianmen Town, and they are very fierce."

"Outsider?" Su Yun looked alert.

Few outsiders come to Tianmen Town.

He killed Tong Fan in the ghost market. Judging from Yang Sheng's performance, Tong Fan should be a very important person. Could it be that the so-called outsider came because of Tong Fan's death

Aunt Luo checked them and said, "I heard they are here to catch dragons. It seems someone spread the news that there is a big snake that is going to turn into a dragon, so they all want to catch it. You guys should stay in the town and don't join in the fun."

"You're not here to look for me?"

Su Yun heaved a sigh of relief and thought, "Then he must be here to capture the whole village for food. This snake even invited us to watch him transform into a dragon."

It is a rare opportunity for a snake to transform into a dragon.

Su Yun encountered a fairy picture in the world behind Tianmen and saw a crocodile dragon transform into a dragon, so he was not very interested in the big black snake transforming into a dragon.

Moreover, he was blind and could not see the transformation process.

However, for Huahu and the others, watching the dragon transformation is of great significance. It will greatly enhance their Crocodile Dragon Roar and they definitely cannot miss it!

Su Yun rested his wounds with peace of mind. During the two days of recuperation, he successfully cultivated his Honglu Transmutation to the fourth level, and his vitality became even stronger.

When his shoulder injury was almost healed, Su Yun began to practice free-hand fighting over and over again.

After the battle with Yang Sheng, his understanding of Crocodile Dragon Roar became deeper and deeper. Although he was seriously injured and unable to practice in the past few days, he had already practiced the Thirty-Six Free-Hand Strategy countless times in his brain.

He also figured out the secret of the Crocodile Dragon Roar Thirty-Six Free-Hand Strategy.

In order to think clearly in the mind, one also needs to control the body, so he started practicing as soon as his injury healed.

Huahu's broken bones had not yet fully healed, and he stood aside watching with the help of a crutch. He saw that Su Yun's mastery of the Thirty-Six Free-Hand Strategy became more and more proficient. In a trance, he was like a many-headed crocodile dragon monster, ferocious and vicious, attacking from all directions. It was really scary!

"Xiao Yun's abilities are getting stronger and stronger." Hua Hu was sincerely happy for him.

Suddenly, the sound of crocodile dragon thunder became louder and louder, and the vital energy in Su Yun's chest surged more and more violently, and the four types of crocodile dragon thunder sounds mixed into one.

The moment these four sounds merged, the sounds seemed to have changed, causing the vital energy in Su Yun's body to rub violently and a long groan to come out of his chest.

The dragon's roar sounded like a huge bell, the sounds of metal and stone interweaving. At this moment, blood and energy surged out of Su Yun's body and he turned into a crocodile dragon. Inside the crocodile dragon's body, there was a dragon struggling hard, raising its head and roaring, trying to break out of the shell!

At this moment, Su Yun was like a crocodile dragon undergoing metamorphosis, trying hard to shed his crocodile dragon shell and transform into a dragon!

Huahu almost thought he had seen it wrong, and rubbed his eyes hurriedly: "Is it the third achievement of Crocodile Dragon Yin, to manifest? That's not right, Xiaoyun has just cultivated to the fourth level of Honglu Transmutation, how can he make his Qi and blood manifest?"

Su Yun's blood overflowed from his body, forming a crocodile dragon shape that was constantly turbulent and struggling, like a monster that was about to survive a calamity!

Su Yun was unaware of this, he just stood there with his eyes closed.

At this moment something strange happened inside him.

With his spiritual power, the seventh ring of the yellow bell suddenly had pictures of crocodiles and dragons appearing on the surface!

The ring has 360 scales, and each crocodile dragon picture occupies exactly one scale. There are a total of 36 pictures, occupying 36 scales.

As the ring suddenly rotated, the crocodile dragon image on the thirty-six scales also roared and galloped, which was exactly the thirty-six free-hand moves of the Crocodile Dragon Roar!

Su Yun was surprised.

Others don’t know the origin of Huang Zhong, but he knows it very clearly.

He was blind in childhood and was unhappy. One day, he stumbled to the outskirts of the town and sat under a crooked willow tree and cried. Cen Bo, who was standing under the tree, felt sorry for him and told him the scale of time: year, month, day, hour, word, second, and moment.

Cen Bo told him that as long as he had such a clock that recorded time in his brain, he could survive as if he had eyes even if he had no eyes. He could see everything around him and feel the beauty of the world.

Su Yun believed it to be true. He naively climbed up to the town's bell tower and stroked the bronze bell in the tower bit by bit.

He imagined that he also had such a large brass bell in his mind. Unlike the bronze bell in the bell tower, his yellow bell was divided into seven different rings, each with a different time scale and a different rotation speed.

Later, he learned that this was called visualization.

But Su Yun was only seven years old at the time and didn't know any of this. In order to survive and to be able to "see" his surroundings, he kept imagining Huang Zhong and deepening his impression of Huang Zhong.

Over time, he had such a Huang Zhong in his mind.

However, there is no crocodile dragon image in the scale of his Huang Zhong!

Zhaizhu: Please give me a recommendation. Yes, those are the two round ones in your trouser pocket... No, no, not that one. Put those two round ones down! Those are the ones next to it. Yes, yes, those are the two coins.