Walking by the Abyss on Thin Ice

Chapter 3: The Huang Zhong tells time, and asks the world about the Spring and Autumn Period


The scholars behind Qiu Shuijing felt uneasy.

Although the young man named Su Yun had a sunny smile, he looked even more eerie and terrifying in this gloomy ghost market.

A boy of thirteen or fourteen years old, who was blind, actually mixed up with a group of fox demons and followed an old fox to go to school!

It would be fine if he followed the fox demon to school, but the key point is how did he break into the Tianmen and run to the ghost market

You should know that the Tianmen Ghost Market stands high in the sky. Ordinary people cannot see the road to Tianmen at all, let alone enter the ghost market behind the gate.

How did a little blind man get here from such a high altitude

If he entered the Ghost Market from Tianmen, he would definitely not be able to hide it from the eyes of Qiu Shuijing and others. If he did not enter the Ghost Market from Tianmen, is there another way to enter the Ghost Market

What’s even more bizarre is that he actually set up a stall in the ghost market just like the ghosts and gods in the ghost market!

Could it be that he is not a living person at all

If he were a living person, how could the ghosts and gods in the ghost market tolerate him setting up a stall in this place

However, if he was dead, how could he appear in front of everyone alive

The scholars wanted to catch the little guy with the harmless smile and study him thoroughly!

At this moment, a scholar suddenly realized and cried out: "I know, he is a human demon!"

When these words were spoken, even Qiu Shuijing couldn't help but tremble.

Human devil!

The spirit attaches itself to a person and turns into a demon that destroys humanity!

This young man named Su Yun first studied with a fox demon, and now appeared in the ghost market. Neither ghosts nor fox demons regarded him as an alien. Could he really be an extremely evil human demon

Qiu Shuijing suddenly lowered his voice: "There is a fourth rule in the Tianmen Ghost Market: Take care of yourself and never ask too many questions about other things! Sometimes asking too many questions can kill people."

The scholars were awe-inspiring. They believed that there should not be a fourth rule in the Tianmen Ghost Market. Qiu Shuijing was worried about their safety, so he warned them not to meddle in other people's business.

"Are you the gentleman from the city?" the blind boy asked with a smile.

"Yes." Qiu Shuijing looked deeply at the young man named Su Yun and said.

He was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt relieved: "He is not a demon."

He saw Su Yun's spiritual power.

Su Yun's spiritual power was so light and faint that the scholars' divine eyes could not detect it, and Qiu Shuijing had to look carefully before he could see it.

Su Yun's magical power is very strange, like a big yellow bell that is constantly rotating.

This yellow bell is unique. It seems that it is made up of different rings buckled together inside, and the rings seem to be connected by gears.

The gears on the upper ring are large, and the gears on the lower ring are small, which causes the lower ring to rotate much faster than the upper ring.

The ring of this Huangzhong has a total of seven layers.

The first layer is almost still, the second layer rotates extremely slowly, and the third layer rotates more than ten times faster than the second layer, but it is still very slow.

The fourth level of the Huang Zhong is more than ten times faster than the third level, but the rotation speed is not fast.

By the fifth level, the speed of rotation can be easily detected.

The speed of the sixth layer is three to four hundred times that of the fifth layer, and the speed of the seventh layer is three to four hundred times that of the sixth layer. It can rotate dozens of times in the blink of an eye!

"This is… "

Qiu Shuijing was extremely surprised and immediately guessed the purpose of Su Yun's spiritual power: "His Huang Zhong is used to tell time. The first layer is for years, the second layer is for months, the third layer is for days, the fourth layer is for hours, the fifth layer is for words, the sixth layer is for seconds, and the seventh layer is for seconds."

He looked thoughtful. "I know his purpose. He is using the scales of the Yellow Bell to calculate where he has walked. However, ordinary people would not use hu to measure time. Using xiao is enough."

People who cannot see have difficulty walking and need someone to lead the way or use a cane to explore. However, this young man named Su Yun did not use a cane, and no one led the way for him.

The reason why he could move freely was that he was familiar with the geography around him.

It is not enough to just be familiar with geography; he must have a time scale and use time and his own speed to judge where he is.

"He uses the timer to time, which means that every move he makes is extremely precise! In a place he is familiar with, he will never go wrong!"

Qiu Shuijing even thought of more. If the Huang Zhong was used in battle, then every move of this young man named Su Yun would be extremely accurate, without wasting any strength!

"At such a young age, he was able to cultivate spiritual abilities and reach the realm of soul-enriching. His aptitude is extraordinary, but it's a pity that he is blind. It is countless times more difficult for a blind person to learn than for other people."

Qiu Shuijing sighed secretly. In his heart, Su Yun was a promising talent, even better than the scholars behind him. But being blind meant that no matter how good Su Yun's talent was, he would never achieve anything.

"This Huangzhong is so sophisticated, how did he cultivate such spiritual powers?" Qiu Shuijing was quite curious.

The Huang Zhong is so complicated and precise that it cannot tolerate any mistakes. Even the officials in charge of the calendar at the imperial court may not be able to cultivate such spiritual powers, let alone a child

He became more and more curious about this young man named Su Yun.

"Su Yun, Tianmen Town, Tianshiyuan, thirteen years old. When he was seven years old, something happened in his family. Seven years old, that is, six years ago. Six years ago, Tianmen Town..."

Qiu Shuijing's expression changed slightly. He looked at Su Yun again and led the scholars towards the depths of the Ghost Market.

The ghost market is extremely large. Many people have tried to find the end of it, but no one has ever been able to explore it overnight.

Qiu Shuijing also planned to explore the ghost market this time, but after meeting Su Yun, he was no longer in the mood.

He found the spirit of the great man and asked the scholars to go and ask about his last wishes.

Qiu Shuijing listened silently to the great man's spirit expressing his last wishes, feeling filled with emotion.

He knew this great man. Not only did he know him, but they had a close relationship back then, and could even be called close friends.

Later, the two discovered that they had different ideas because of a trivial matter, and they gradually became estranged.

Although they had different ideas, he had no resentment towards this great man, only respect in his heart, which was why he brought the scholars with him to fulfill the great man's unfulfilled wish.

"… My treasure is called Fu Shi Qian Hua Bi, which I have spent my entire life refining. There is only one request for you to take this treasure, and that is to serve your country until you die."

When Qiu Shuijing heard the great man's words, a smile appeared on his face, but he felt a little sad in his heart.

This close friend of mine could not let go of this country even after his death.

Both of them chose the path of saving the country, but although their goals were the same, their methods of achieving them were different. Therefore, it was the difference in concepts that led to their parting ways.

However, when it comes to the sincere desire to serve the country and save the nation, Qiu Shuijing feels that this close friend is more pure.

Looking back at myself, I had lost all my enterprising spirit by middle age. I left Dongdu in a panic and hid in Shuofang.

Hearing voices from behind, Qiu Shuijing calmed down and turned around to look, only to see other people coming to the Ghost Market, dozens of them one after another.

It should be that Tianmen was open for business, and the powerful people in Shuofang also sent people to try their luck. As for Tianshiyuan, because of that incident, there were no powerful families left.

By the second half of the night, the scholars had made some gains, so Qiu Shuijing ordered them to leave the Ghost Market first, saying, "Go to Tianshiyuan Post Station and go back to Shuofang City first. I may stay here for a while."

The scholars left.

Qiu Shuijing watched them walk away before returning to Tianmen and the Ghost Market.

He stood far away, staring at the young man named Su Yun.

Su Yun had no idea that the objects he was selling were all funerary objects from tombs. However, compared to the treasures of ghosts and gods, his objects were ordinary things and could not be called treasures and were of no use.

People who came to the ghost market to hunt for treasure would just take a look at his stall and leave.

As the night deepened, the ghost market gradually became deserted.

Su Yun began to pack up his things, rolled up his stall, put it in a basket, carried it on his back, and walked towards the depths of the ghost market.

Qiu Shuijing followed the young man quietly and silently.

Before they knew it, they had arrived deep into the ghost market.

Looking up from the ground, the ghost market is a golden and magnificent city, vast and endless. Walking in the ghost market, the deeper you go, the darker and colorless the surrounding buildings become.

The air under their feet became softer and softer, as if they were walking on clouds.

Even Qiu Shuijing hesitated. The Ghost Market was too big. If he continued to follow the young man, what if he didn't have time to turn back? Wouldn't he be buried in the Ghost Market

He just thought of this when Su Yun suddenly paused.

The little blind man did not continue walking down the street, but walked into the alley on the left.

Qiu Shuijing raised his eyebrows. The alleys are the most dangerous places in the ghost market!

There are some incredible things left over from ancient times, things that cannot be explained. More importantly, the alleys are winding and the paths are complicated, like a maze, and no one has ever been able to get out of it!

Qiu Shuijing hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, and followed the little blind man into the alley.

The houses on both sides of the road gradually became less like houses and more like tombs.

Coupled with the night, the tomb blends into the darkness and only its outline can be seen vaguely.

The wind was howling, accompanied by the wailing of ghosts and gods, and the surroundings were becoming more and more terrifying.

In front, the little blind boy Su Yun could not see the situation around him. He could only identify his position and path according to his footsteps and the rotation of the Huangzhong.

He had obviously been here before, and more than once. He walked forward with ease and without any hesitation.

"Only a blind man like Su Yun who has mastered the Huang Zhong can remember such a complex terrain!" Qiu Shuijing was secretly shocked.

The paths inside the ghost market are extremely complicated, filled with countless forks, and each fork is almost exactly the same, so it is easy to be deceived.

Only Su Yun can find a way out in the ghost market!

Suddenly, Su Yun stopped under a big willow tree in front of a desolate grave.

Qiu Shuijing's heart moved slightly, he saw the blind boy grabbing a "willow branch" with both hands, swinging down, and actually sliding down along the "willow branch" and soon disappeared without a trace!

"It's not a willow branch! It's a divine rope!"

Qiu Shuijing was startled and hurried forward, looking down, only to see a hole under the willow tree, two feet square and pitch black, with a chilly wind blowing from the hole.

The "willow branch" that Su Yun had just grabbed actually grew longer in the wind, allowing the young man to pull the "willow branch" all the way deeper into the cave.

Looking closely, the "willow branch" was actually a hemp rope as thick as an egg, which was exactly the "magic rope" that Qiu Shuijing mentioned.

Qiu Shuijing hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, reached out to grab the hemp rope, and slid into the cave.

He slid like this for only six or seven feet when suddenly there was nothing underneath him!

Qiu Shuijing grabbed the rope tightly and looked down. He saw himself holding a hemp rope, hanging high in the air. The hemp rope swayed in the wind, and he was also swaying in the wind.

He looked up and saw the Ghost Market above his head, with a hemp rope hanging down from the hole.

"This immortal rope is the spiritual power of a powerful person..."

He felt relieved and slid down the willow branch, feeling curious again: "The Immortal Rope is obviously prepared for the young man Su Yun, so who prepared it for him?"

He was quite puzzled: "And that yellow bell is not something that Mr. Yehu can teach. There must be some secret about Su Yun!"

Qiu Shuijing slid down from the sky, and after a long time, he finally landed on the ground.

He looked up and was startled to see that he was standing under a crooked willow tree, no more than two meters high, with a rope hanging on the crooked trunk.

And there is an abandoned grave under the tree.

Just now, he was sliding down from a great height while holding onto this rope!

"This hemp rope is the magic rope, and this willow tree is the willow tree on the grave that the magic rope is tied to! I slid down for several miles, but why was I only two feet after landing..."

Veins popped out on Qiu Shuijing's forehead. Su Yun was a blind man and could not see such strange situations, so he never thought about such strange questions.

But he could see that he was disturbed and distracted by these strange things.

"Lack of vision may not be a weakness, but may also be an advantage."

Qiu Shuijing checked the abandoned grave under the tree and saw that the tombstone had fallen down, obviously no one had taken care of it for many years.

"The person buried in the desolate grave must be an important figure! The Immortal Rope must be his spiritual weapon. Why is he taking care of a little blind man like Su Yun?"

The east is gradually getting brighter and the night is about to end.

The young man named Su Yun was walking in front carrying a basket on his back. There was a mist in front of them. In the mist stood a huge archway with five doors, carved with dragons and phoenixes, which was very gorgeous.

However, this archway is dilapidated and has fallen into disrepair, and it seems like it will collapse at any time.

Qiu Shuijing followed the young man and walked closer, looking up. In the dim light before dawn, three ancient red characters on the archway came into his sight.

Tianmen Town.

"This is the famous Tianmen Gate. Legend has it that it was carved by skilled craftsmen in imitation of the Tianmen Gate in the Tianmen Ghost Market."

Just as Qiu Shuijing thought of this, suddenly, a cool sea breeze blew away the fog behind Tianmen, and Tianmen Town, built on the cliffs of the North Sea coast, appeared in front of him like a city on the sea!