Walking by the Abyss on Thin Ice

Chapter 4: The North Sea is cut off and the gates of heaven are opened


"Tianmen Town!"

Qiu Shuijing's mind was shaken and he could hardly control himself.

The fog dissipated, and Tianmen Town seemed to have returned to reality from a ghost town. When the fog dissipated, the buildings in the town were black and white, but gradually, other colors appeared.

The corners of Qiu Shuijing's eyes twitched violently. Even though he possessed the third eye, he could not tell whether this color change was real or an illusion imposed on his vision by someone using magic power.

Tianmen Town was deserted, with only the sound of sea breeze and waves and Su Yun's footsteps.

This town is an empty town, with no one else except them.

After a while, Qiu Shuijing calmed himself down and planned to follow Su Yun.

"Legend has it that the houses in Tianmen Town were also built based on the courtyards in Tianmen Ghost Market."

He thought to himself, "It is said that the people who originally lived in Tianmen Town were all from important backgrounds. There is a rumor that they all came here under the order of the Great Emperor to study the Tianmen Ghost Market and find the secret of immortality..."

At this moment, the sky suddenly shook, and sunlight shone through the sea, shining onto the ghost market in the sky.

In the sky, the Tianmen Ghost Market shook violently like a curtain blown by the wind, and disappeared in the storm of sunlight!

The mysterious ghost market disappeared without a trace, and no one knew where it went!

Qiu Shuijing opened his eyes and saw all kinds of magnificent lights in the sky falling into the huge tombs on the Tianshiyuan wasteland and disappearing.


More than a hundred rays of light fell from the sky and landed behind the archway of Tianmen Town, transforming into vivid figures that appeared on the originally deserted street.

They came and went, greeting each other, and it was quite lively.

Qiu Shuijing's heart was moved: "There are no living people in Tianmen Town anymore. These are just manifested spirits."

Su Yun walked to a large house and seemed to be able to see an old man sweeping the floor in front of the house. He bowed and said, "Good morning, Mr. Qu."

The old man stopped sweeping the broom in his hand and said gently: "Yun'er, are you back from the market? It's getting late, go to bed early." After that, the old man glanced at Qiu Shuijing and ignored him.

The third eye between Qiu Shuijing's eyebrows turned, and from what he saw with his third eye, the mansion behind the old man was constantly collapsing and reconstructing.

Su Yun continued to walk forward and came to another mansion. He bowed and said, "Good morning, Aunt Luo."

"The good boy is back."

The woman was standing in front of the door, busy winnowing rice. She smiled kindly and said, "Go home early, eat something and take a rest. Don't forget your lessons tomorrow."

Qiu Shuijing looked towards the Luo Mansion. The mansion was also constantly collapsing and reconstructing, silently breaking apart and silently reorganizing itself.

Su Yun walked in Tianmen Town, greeting the people in the town as if he was unaware that there was no living person here except him.

"Morning, Sister Fang'er!"

"Morning, Uncle Xu!"

"Good morning, Grandma Le!"

Qiu Shuijing looked at this scene and felt absurd and bizarre.

This scene made him feel as if Tianmen Town was still there and everyone in the town was still alive!

Unfortunately, they are all dead and have been dead for six years.

Su Yun came to a house, pushed the door open and went in. After a while, smoke rose from inside.

Qiu Shuijing stood in front of the dilapidated house and saw the blind boy busy making breakfast for him.

He looked back and saw that Tianmen Town was bustling with people coming and going, no different from an ordinary small town.

"He doesn't know he's the only human here."

Qiu Shuijing thought to himself, "He has always believed that everyone in the town is still alive, and these spirits in the town are also hiding things from him."

He stood outside the yard, quietly watching the boy who was eating breakfast, and silently said in his heart: "Mr. Yehu is right, there are still living people in Tianmen Town. It's a pity that there is only one living person left, and he is a child. That strange thing happened six years ago, so his eyes should have been blinded in the strange thing six years ago. At that time, he was still an innocent child."

After Su Yun finished his breakfast, he cleared the dishes and returned to his room, where he tried hard to recall the lessons that Mr. Yehu had explained. He practiced them for a while before going to bed.

He was busy all night, and although he didn't make much money, he was really tired.

Not long after, he fell into a deep sleep.

As the sun rose, the bright sunshine seemed a little gloomy when it came to Tianmen Town, blocked by the haze above the town.

Qiu Shuijing stood outside the yard and saw that the yellow bell in Su Yun's humble room gradually became clearer.

When people are asleep, their hearts are as clear as a mirror and spotless. At this time, their spiritual powers will be clearly reflected, clearer and stronger than during the day.

Qiu Shuijing looked intently and saw that the bottom layer of the yellow bell was spinning non-stop, and under the bell was a two-inch-tall person, sitting upright, breathing in and out.

That is exactly Su Yun's nature.

Huang Zhong is the result of the thoughts of the soul.

Qiu Shuijing watched silently for a long time and found that Su Yun's spiritual practice was only the most basic part of Master's Qi Cultivation.

The Master's chapter on nourishing qi is simply about nourishing qi and regulating vital energy, and does not contain any content on how to cultivate spiritual and supernatural powers.

So, where did Su Yun learn his spiritual powers

"There is another possibility."

Qiu Shuijing's eyes flickered, and he thought, "That means he imagined a yellow bell in his mind to tell time. He kept imagining it, and even at night his spirit was imagining the yellow bell. Over time, the fantasy turned into visualization, and he cultivated his spirit. If that's the case, then his aptitude is a bit too good..."

He was a little hesitant. Among spiritual practitioners, very few could develop spiritual powers through self-exploration without the guidance of a famous teacher.

The fact that Su Yun was able to do this showed that he was extremely qualified.

It is a real waste of talent for such a person to be buried in the countryside and hang out with wild foxes.

But Su Yun was blind, so it would be very difficult to teach him the complicated knowledge of cultivation. Moreover, even if Su Yun learned it and became a spiritualist, he would have no place to display his abilities since he could not see.

"It was a good seedling, but it's a pity that it was destroyed in the end."

Qiu Shuijing sighed secretly, retracted his gaze, walked in Tianmen Town, carefully inspected the mansions where ghosts and gods were hidden, and observed the owners of these mansions.

Tianmen Town was filled with a faint mist. Six years had made this town far less glamorous than it appeared on the surface. He could see through the essence of Tianmen Town.

Qiu Shuijing had also heard about the strange incident that happened six years ago.

It is said that one day six years ago, a strange phenomenon occurred in Tianshiyuan, and another world suddenly appeared, covering the North Sea.

It was an incomparably magnificent world, as poetic and picturesque as a painting. The sky was like a dome, like a heaven in a cave, and there seemed to be a fairy palace floating in the sky, which was very inspiring.

Rumor has it that it is the world of immortals and the world of immortals!

The gravity from that world caused the water in the North Sea to flow backwards, and a water column over thirty miles thick appeared on the sea surface. The water column was tens of thousands of miles long, connecting that world and forming a channel connecting the two worlds.

The masters near Tianshiyuan rushed to Beihai, trying to enter that cave world.

And the place where they settled was Tianmen Town.

One night, there was a sudden lightning and thunder in the sky over the North Sea. The thunder rumbled all night. On the next day, a flood fell from the sky, causing the sea level to surge. The tsunami rushed to the coast for dozens of miles, drowning countless people in Tianshiyuan in the raging flood.

The next day, the survivors discovered that the strange cave world in the sky had disappeared without a trace, and the sea bridge connecting the two worlds had also disappeared.

People found Tianmen Town, the center of the flood. The strange thing was that all the people in Tianmen Town, including those masters of Yuanshuo Country, had their bodies disappeared, leaving only their spirits!

Since then, Tianmen Town has become an ominous place, seldom visited by people. Sometimes, even if you actively look for it, you may not be able to find it.

As for what exactly happened that night, no one knows.

Qiu Shuijing had heard of this rumor. He had always thought that everyone in Tianmen Town was killed in the incident, but he didn't expect that someone actually survived.

"Su Yun was too young at that time, and probably didn't know what happened."

He said silently in his heart: "This mystery is still a mystery and there is no way to solve it."

After Su Yun woke up, he made his bedding, washed up, and sat quietly to review his lessons to make sure he had not forgotten them before going to cook.

He packed up everything, pushed open the wooden door, walked out of the house, turned around and closed the door.

At this moment, a deep and gentle voice came from behind him: "Friend Yun, can I see your eyes?"

Su Yun recognized the voice, turned around, opened his eyes blankly, and asked, "Is it the gentleman from the city?"

Qiu Shuijing walked up to him, lowered his head and looked into his eyes carefully, and said, "Yes, it's me. My name is Qiu Shuijing, you can call me Mr. Shuijing."

Su Yun asked curiously, "How long has Mr. Shui Jing been here? I didn't hear any footsteps."

"Four hours. While you are sleeping, I will wait outside." Qiu Shuijing's pupils shrank slightly as he noticed the clue in Su Yun's eyes.

It turned out that Su Yun's eyes were not completely without pupils, but his pupils seemed to be stimulated by strong light and gathered into an extremely thin dot, and this small dot was also blocked, resulting in no light entering the pupils.

Qiu Shuijing had strong eyesight, but he could only vaguely see that there was an extremely tiny cold light in each of his pupils, like a needle.

Qiu Shuijing's heart skipped a beat. He suddenly raised his fingers and gently twisted them in front of his eyes.


There was an extremely bright light shining from Su Yun's pupils!

Qiu Shuijing saw a white field in front of his eyes, and it took him a while to regain his sight. He saw a curtain of light shining from Su Yun's eyes and projected into the sky of Tianmen Town.

Qiu Shuijing turned around and looked up.

He saw the sparkling North Sea. On the surface of the sea there was an extremely thick column of water. On the water column, there were actually many ships, setting sail and heading towards the sky.

At the end of the water column is another world.

The cave world where the so-called immortals live!

"But the accident should have happened at night. So what made the night sky so bright?"

Qiu Shuijing looked towards the light source. There was a flying sword floating in the sky, a sword that flew out from another world.

The sword was fifty feet long and nine feet wide. It flashed with an incomparably brilliant light and trailed a flame that stretched for several miles.

And below this long sword is Tianmen Town!