Walking by the Abyss on Thin Ice

Chapter 43: Flying snow reflects divine power



A melodious bell sounded in the air. The moment Su Yun collided with Patriarch Yuan San, the extremely violent force in Patriarch Yuan San's stick directly crushed his strength.

Su Yun just thought that he was going to be beaten into a pulp by a stick, but with the sound of the bell, he felt that the force that he could not bear was quickly absorbed by the yellow bell.

The attack from Ape Patriarch San was extremely powerful, but most of the force of this attack was absorbed by the Huang Zhong, which was equivalent to him hitting the Huang Zhong with a stick.

Even so, Su Yun was unable to withstand the divine power and was swept away by a stick!

His butt was facing backwards, and his hands and feet were in front, flying towards the sky. This showed how powerful the Third Ape Patriarch was!

But at the moment when Su Yun was swept away, a white ape mark suddenly jumped out from the copper hoop of the mixed iron rod of the Ape Third Patriarch, and with a move of White Ape Hanging on a Tree, it grabbed Su Yun's right foot!

The power of the white ape hanging on the tree exploded, and Su Yun's upward momentum suddenly turned into a downward momentum. He was smashed hard into the snow, and the yellow bell made a loud bang again!

When the first white ape jumped out from the top of the iron rod, the second white ape also jumped out. Just as Su Yun bounced up from the snow, the white ape used the Ancient Stream Flying Move and punched Su Yun in the face.


The yellow bell rang again with a clear and melodious sound. Su Yun was hit so hard that he flew out in the air like a top!

The second white ape fell down, and the third white ape had already killed Su Yun. It grabbed the boy's neck with a move of catching the moon in the well, turned around, swung it up, and smashed it down!

The fourth white ape received the attack of the third white ape, and used the move of the old ape holding the bell, clasping his fists, raising them above his head, and smashing them hard on Su Yun's forehead.

The fifth white ape rushed over from the side. Su Yun rolled and tumbled in the snow. The white ape captured him with one move and pushed him forward by holding his chest!


The white ape pressed on his chest and broke an old tree in the snow, then jumped up. The sixth white ape rushed over, used the move of the ape sword, clenched his right fist, gathered all the strength in his right fist, and when he hit Su Yun, all the energy and blood rushed to his index finger, and it popped out!


The yellow bell rang loudly, and Su Yun was like a puppet stuffed with tattered clothes. He tumbled and rolled, his limbs swinging weakly, and was knocked six or seven feet away.

It only took a breath of time for him to go from a head-on confrontation with Ape Patriarch III in the air, where he was defeated by Ape Patriarch III's divine power, to Ape Patriarch III's spiritual power mixing the iron rod into six white apes that attacked from the front and back.

But Su Yun had already been attacked seven times and was knocked more than ten feet away, with no power to fight back!

The Third Ape Patriarch leaped forward, jumped up from the snow, and swung the iron rod. Six white apes flew up one after another as he swung the rod, making a few crisp ding sounds, and then returned to the copper hoop of the rod, turning into white ape brands.

Patriarch Yuan San swung his stick and smashed it hard at Su Yun who was lying in the snow. However, at this moment, Su Yun, who seemed to have lost his ability to defend himself, suddenly swam like a dragon in the snow, as if diving into a quagmire, silently but extremely agile.

"Thank you, Master Yuan San!"

Su Yun stepped back, walked through the snow, and said with a smile: "I have figured out how to use the spiritual power!"

The stick of the Third Ape Patriarch missed, and a white ape jumped out from the tip of the stick and pounced on Su Yun. At this moment, the yellow bell above Su Yun's head was spinning, and suddenly a white ape also jumped out from the scale.

Two white apes met in the air and fought!

The White Ape God of the Third Ape Patriarch uses the fixed moves of the Ape Decision, while the White Ape God of Su Yun uses the free-hand moves of the Ape Decision, using the fast to defeat the slow, and using half a move to catch the moon in the well, grabbing the white ape's head and twisting it hard!

The white ape of the Third Ape Patriarch exploded with a bang and turned into a ball of blood and dissipated.

When the Third Ape Patriarch was practicing the Ape Decision, he probably did not have the guidance of a famous teacher like Qiu Shuijing, but instead figured out how to practice on his own, which led to his current achievements.

In terms of adaptability, he was far inferior to Su Yun, and had no idea that the Ape Master Technique could be broken down into thirty-six free-hand moves.

A second white ape leaped out from the stick of Ape Patriarch San, and a second white ape also flew out from Su Yun's Huang Zhong, and its speed was a little faster than that of Ape Patriarch San.

The two white apes, one using the complete moves of Yuan Gong Jue and the other using free fighting, decided the winner in an instant. The white ape that flew out of the Dahuang Bell killed the white ape that flew out of the mixed iron rod.

In just a short moment, six white apes flew out from the mixed iron rod and the yellow bell. At the first encounter, the white ape mark of the Third Ape Patriarch was torn to pieces!

The Third Ape Patriarch rushed over wielding a mixed iron rod, and the white ape transformed by Su Yun's blood and qi imprint pounced on the Third Ape Patriarch. Su Yun controlled the six white apes at the same time, performing six free-hand moves in an orderly manner.

These white apes transformed from the imprints of qi and blood seemed to be connected to his mind and could attack as he wished.

The difficulty lies in the fact that doing two things at once is already difficult enough, and doing six things at once is even more difficult. Su Yun has to control the attacks and coordination of six white apes at the same time. The difficulty can be imagined.

The Third Ape Patriarch was extremely powerful, howling continuously, and spreading out his mixed iron rod, knocking, picking, tapping and hitting. With one strike he turned a white ape into a form of qi and blood.

Su Yun immediately felt his Qi and blood level drop sharply, and his vision went dark. He made a prompt decision and raised his hand to point to the sky. The magic rope in the bag on his back flew out and carried him high into the sky.

The Third Ape Patriarch smashed all the white apes and dragons into pieces, turning them into qi and blood and dissipating. Looking up, he saw Su Yun as agile as a monkey, climbing up the rope, diving into the clouds and disappearing.

As the Third Ape Patriarch was about to chase him, he suddenly saw black in front of his eyes. It was because of the wounds he had left from the previous battle with the giant ghost that exploded again, causing him to lose blood. Su Yun also smashed his six white apes, making his blood and qi even worse.

"The little devil is so cruel and merciless. He killed so many of my people. We can't let him go just like that!"

The Third Ape Patriarch sat cross-legged, activating the Immortal Ape Qi-Nourishing Chapter, inhaling and exhaling spiritual energy, absorbing the essence of the sun, and temporarily suppressing his injuries.

After cultivating to the Soul Condensation Realm and becoming a Spiritualist, one needs to change the cultivation method and abandon the original foundation-building cultivation method. However, the Third Ape Patriarch was in the countryside, and in the Tianshiyuan No Man's Land, a place with poor mountains, bad waters and many unruly people, naturally no one was willing to teach him.

He had no subsequent skills, so he could only continue to practice the Immortal Ape Nourishing Qi Chapter. Even his spiritual powers were something he figured out on his own; they were not the authentic skills learned in official schools.

It was also because of this that Su Yun was able to see through the method of using his spiritual power at a glance, and secretly learned it to use against him.

Therefore, neither of them has authentic spiritual powers.

If one wants to develop authentic spiritual powers, one still needs to study in an official school, and after class one needs to seek guidance from a famous teacher. It will take several years of practice before one can master the skills.

Su Yun walked quickly on the magic rope in the clouds. After walking for a distance, he immediately slid down the rope, leaping like a nimble monkey all the way, appearing and disappearing in the snow and woods, and rapidly approaching the Tianshiyuan Post Station.

"I wonder if my second brother and the others have arrived at the post station?" he said silently in his heart.

The sun gradually moved to the zenith, and the sunlight reflected by the snow was particularly dazzling.

The flowery fox was walking on the snow with her three little kids. There was a layer of ice on the surface of the snow, which made a crisp and crackling sound when they stepped on it.

They were really scared as they traveled at night last night, but fortunately they didn't encounter any other dangers on the road.

The four children transformed from fox demons had been walking since night and were all tired and sleepy. Fortunately, there were some wild game such as rabbits and mice in the snow, which could fill their stomachs.

At noon, the snow was exposed to the sun and became much softer. It began to melt, but it became even colder.

Their shoes were filled with icy snow water and they never warmed up even after walking a long distance.

In the afternoon, the sunlight had lost its warmth and the shoes were even colder. The four children wrapped themselves tightly in their clothes and walked along the snowy road around a hill. For some reason, there was no snow on the hill, and the grass and trees were still lush, but the top of the hill was bare.

After going around the hill, they saw a post station with green tiles and white walls appear in front of them.

Outside the Tianshiyuan post station is a long corridor that can only block rain but not wind. Only when you walk forward can you see the houses where you can stay overnight. They are not big and can accommodate about ten people.

The four children walked towards the post station with difficulty. When they arrived at the corridor of the post station, they saw a mountain road leading to nowhere below the corridor. It was about five or six meters wide. There was no snow on the mountain road, which was paved with stone slabs with huge claw marks on them.

At this time, they heard a familiar voice: "Second brother."

The fox shuddered and looked back, only to see Su Yun walking towards them against the setting sun and the cold wind blowing from the valley. His body was covered with red ice fragments formed by frozen blood, and his new clothes were torn in many places.

But his steps were still very steady, his strides were still big, and his eyes were still sharp.

"Brother Xiaoyun is still alive!"

Qingqiu Yue ran towards Su Yun, hugged his thigh and burst into tears. Hu Buping and Li Xiaofan also ran over, hugged his other thigh and cried, "We all thought you were dead. No one dared to speak on the road!"

Su Yun put his palm on their hats and rubbed them, then smiled at Huahu under the corridor and said, "Second brother, I'm fine."

Huahu turned around, wiped away her tears, and said with a smile: "I know you will come here alive. You keep your promise, even if you die, you will turn into a spirit and come here!"

Qingqiu Yue and the other two finally calmed down and stopped crying. Su Yun led them into the corridor and looked along the mountain path. They saw that the mountain path was paved from a snowy mountain. From a distance, the mountain path looked like a dragon or a python crawling on the snowy mountain, and it was unknown where it would extend to.

Looking to the other side of the mountain path, this path passes through several big mountains.

The four little devil kids had already run to the house in front. Su Yun hurried over and saw several old soldiers sitting around a fire in the post station. There were several 16-17 foot long spears leaning against the wall behind them.

They were wearing thick coats, their hands were large and covered with calluses, and their faces were an unhealthy red from the cold wind or the fire.

Su Yun looked carefully and saw blood on the tip of the gun.

They guarded the post station in Tianshiyuan. Every night, they had to be on guard against danger, so their spears were inevitably stained with blood.

"Going to Shuofang City?"

One of the veterans raised his head, glanced at them, and said in a deep voice with a unique Shuofang accent: "Four half-tickets, one full-ticket. Half-tickets are ten cents, and full-tickets are twenty cents. A total of sixty cents."

His eyes fell on Su Yun and his brows raised, obviously seeing the blood on Su Yun's body.

"It's so expensive!" Su Yun felt a little dizzy, not knowing whether it was because he had damaged his energy in the fight with the Third Patriarch of the Ape Sect or because he was frightened by the price. He quickly calmed himself down.

This was almost half of their fortune, but he still took out his purse and counted out sixty five-zhu coins.

Qingqiu Yue looked up and asked, "Uncle, is it okay not to give money?"

The old soldier withdrew his gaze from Su Yun and shook his head, saying, "If you don't pay, you have to walk. With your weak arms and legs, it will take you half a month to reach Shuofang. Moreover, even if there is a spiritualist among you, you will definitely not be able to walk through the no-man's land alive! But if you buy a ticket, you can reach Shuofang at night."

"Spiritual master?" Hua Hu and others were stunned and turned to look at Su Yun.

Su Yun smiled slightly, his Qi and blood moved, and the big yellow bell on his head slowly emerged. He explained: "I just discovered not long ago that I had already become a spiritualist three years ago."

Zhaizhu: It was only when I looked in the mirror that I realized that pigs can be so handsome! They will definitely look good on the table during the Chinese New Year!