Walking by the Abyss on Thin Ice

Chapter 48: We have a bad morale


The carriage was shaking. Li Muge steadied himself, paused, and continued, "Over time, the flowers, plants, and trees of the previous era turned into ash that can be burned. These kilns and smelters use ash as fuel to refine ore to create things."

Su Yun asked, "The flowers, plants, and trees turned into ashes, but what about the people of the previous era? What did they turn into?"

Li Muge hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I don't know about that."

The front gradually became brighter. Su Yun looked out the window and saw layers of light in the distant sky. Those lights were floating in the air, arranged up and down, very neatly.

What’s even more peculiar is that this light is not in a row, but in hundreds!

"Senior Muge, what is that light over there?" Su Yun asked.

Li Muge was a little embarrassed and said, "If you want to be more polite, you can just call me Senior Brother and I'll call you Junior Brothers. Senior Brother and Junior Brother are how people in Dongdu call each other. In Shuofang, people call each other Senior Brother and Junior Brother."

Su Yun and Hua Hu learned the term "senior" and "junior" from the ancient book "Zanglongling" and did not know the rules of Shuofang.

"The ancient book of Burial of Dragon Mausoleum was written by scholars from Tiandao Academy. Could it be that Tiandao Academy is not the official school of Shuofang, but the official school of Dongdu?" Su Yun thought to himself.

Li Muge glanced out the window and smiled, "That's the building."


Su Yun, Hua Hu and the others were all stunned and asked in a daze, "Such a tall building?"

If those lights are the lights in the building, doesn't that mean the top floor should be among the clouds

Is there such a tall building in the world

You should know that the tallest building in Tianmen Town, Tianmen, is only a few feet high. Is there any building in the world that can reach the clouds

Li Muge asked curiously, "You haven't seen the building?"

Su Yun and the four kids shook their heads together. Hu Buping said, "There are no buildings this tall in the countryside!"

"Ever since the saint Louban built buildings, these buildings have become taller and taller. In the past, buildings were at most a hundred feet high, but now buildings can be thousands or tens of thousands of feet high!"

Li Muge said: "In the past, buildings were built with wood. The best wood grew for thousands of years and was cut down to make pillars. The pillars were only a few feet high and could only support a few floors. If the building was built higher, the wood could not bear the weight, so the palace was only a few floors, or simply a one-story hall. Now, buildings are built with the means of refining tools. The means of refining tools are used in building buildings. This is the creation of the sage Lou Banlou."

"Loubanlou Saint?"

Huahu, Li Xiaofan and others showed admiration: "This man who built the building has become a saint!"

Su Yun was stunned. The ghost he met outside the important man’s temple last night was also called Lou Ban.

Moreover, that Lou Ban also knew Qiu Shuijing and said that he was also a new student like Qiu Shuijing. Lou Ban also gave Su Yun a square wooden box, saying it was a key, and asked Su Yun to take the wooden box to the underground of Shuofang City to see if the things he hid were still there.

Is this Lou Ban the same person as the Lou Ban Lou Saint who used weapon-refining techniques to build buildings as mentioned by Li Muge

"It can't be such a coincidence?" Su Yun thought.

"Lou Ban did not become a saint. The emperor of Dongdu did not confer the title of saint on him. He only conferred the title of Heavenly Master on him. After his death, there was a Lou Heavenly Master Temple to worship him."

Li Muge said: "In the past, saints were highly educated, widely spread, and had students all over the world. Their knowledge was prominent, such as Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, so they were revered as saints. Later, the emperor Yuanshuo could not bear it anymore and wanted to deify himself, so the saint gradually became a title conferred by the emperor. However, among the people, Lou Ban was called Lou Saint."

If officials do not deify people, the people will deify them; if officials do not deify people, the people will deify them. Yuan Shuo's situation is amazing.

Su Yun was relieved: "My friends at the stall in Louban don't know that he has been revered as a saint after his death. When I meet him when I return home, I must tell him the news!"

"Brother Yun, have you seen the Spiritual Divine Weapons? The Spiritual Divine Weapons are made of special metals and materials, and are fused with the spiritual divine power through the method of sacrifice. After thousands of tempers, they are honed into weapons."

Li Muge said: "The spiritual weapons are extremely tough and indestructible. We spiritualists can easily crush rocks and bend steel, but we can't destroy the spiritual weapons. Lou Ban incorporated the skills of refining spiritual weapons into building houses. In his life, he has been refining houses as spiritual weapons! Therefore, Yuan Shuo's building is also indestructible, and it keeps getting higher and higher! I heard that in Dongdu, there are already two or three thousand feet high buildings. It's really like living with immortals!"

Su Yun, Hua Hu and others were fascinated and wanted to go and see it immediately.

"Saint Lou used the method of refining spiritual weapons to build a building. After his ability was perfected, the first building he built was our Shuofang City."

Li Muge said leisurely: "After he became famous in Shuofang, he was summoned by the emperor to Dongdu to build a city for Dongdu. He made building a prominent subject like Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. Now our Wenchang Academy has a course on architecture, which is equivalent to Confucianism!"

Su Yun listened attentively, and the speed of the Land Candle Dragon gradually slowed down.

This Zhulong had carried them to Shuofang and walked into the city. The Zhulong was carrying eighty small wooden buildings, and the passengers in the wooden buildings had already started packing their luggage and preparing to get off.

Huahu opened the window and looked out, only to see bright lights and feasting outside, with lanterns and decorations hanging everywhere.

Su Yun also took the opportunity to look outside, but saw that the city was shrouded in night fog, and tall buildings towering into the sky stood in the city.

He looked at the nearest building and saw that each floor of this tall building was like a palace. The outer periphery of each floor was supported by brackets and beams of traditional buildings and palaces, with long eaves, and the corners of the eaves were like flying wings or swallowtails.

The land Candle Dragon exhaled, and white mist surged in all directions along the ground. The Candle Dragon was getting slower and slower, but it had already arrived in front of the tall building.

Su Yun half leaned out of the window and continued to look around. He saw that on the eaves of each floor of the palace in the building, there were stone carvings of beasts on the ridges, such as immortals pointing the way.

He looked up. The building was an octagonal one. He had no idea how many rooms it had. There were a total of sixty-four floors, and each floor was about thirty or fourteen feet high. The height was probably eighty or ninety feet, much higher than ordinary mountains.

The top floor is a palace-like building, an octagonal building, just like the imperial palace, with bright lights on it!

Then a second tall building appeared in front of him, taller than the previous one!

A third building appeared, much taller than the second one.

Tall buildings reach into the sky, and the light from the lights illuminates the clouds, making them colorful.

What is even more peculiar is that there are high-altitude flying bridges connecting these tall buildings. Su Yun looked up and saw pedestrians walking on the flying bridge that was high up in the clouds, as if they were walking in a city in the sky.

"The flying bridges on these high-rise buildings are interconnected and can even accommodate four or five carriages side by side. People living on them may not even have to leave the ground for their entire lives!" Li Muge said with a smile.

The three little demon children, Hu Buping, Li Xiaofan and Qingqiu Yue, also stuck their heads out, opened their eyes wide and let out exclamations.

Rows upon rows of towering buildings came into their sight. The buildings were flashing with lights of various colors, and the flying bridges were like tree branches. The scene of Shuofang City was truly like a forest made of steel. The buildings were the trees in the forest, and the roads that extended in all directions were the roots of the trees.

"The roe owl in Linyi Village once told us that the city is like a steel forest, and it really is so."

Su Yun leaned against the car window and looked out quietly, thinking, "Liao Xiao said that the city is a hundred times more dangerous than Tianshiyuan, and that the people in the city eat people without leaving any bones. Is it true?"

Beside them, Li Muge said with a smile: "Junior Brother Su Yun, Junior Brother Hua Hu, since you are here to study, why don't you go to my Wenchang Academy? My Wenchang Academy is also a top-ranked official academy in Shuofang City. This season is the time to recruit new students for the next year. As long as you pass the assessment, you can enroll."

Su Yun was quite moved and was about to thank him when Hua Hu asked, "Wenchang Academy ranks high, so who ranks first?"

Li Muge looked unhappy, and said angrily: "Of course, Shuofang Academy ranks first... But my Wenchang Academy is really powerful! Last year, my Wenchang Academy surpassed Moxia Academy among the official schools in Shuofang and ranked third!"

Su Yun and Hua Hu exchanged a glance and thought, "It seems that Wenchang Academy is not that great. It should not have been ranked third in the past. It was only by chance that it climbed to the third place."

Li Muge saw what they were thinking, her face flushed, she stammered anxiously, and argued: "In terms of grades, my Wenchang Academy is not worse than theirs! It's just that the school atmosphere is not good, which delayed us! Really, our atmosphere is not good, but our grades are very good! You will never regret applying to our Wenchang Academy!"

Su Yun's heart moved slightly, and he felt that his injuries had improved a lot. It was obvious that the medicine from Shuofang City was very effective in treating this kind of pain.

But his right arm was still burning and there was no improvement.

He used his right arm to forcibly perform the move of the immortal sword to kill the white ape, and killed the third ancestor of the ape. At that moment, the terrifying impact force of the qi and blood almost crushed the muscles of his right arm!

Even with Shuofang's magical medicine, it will take more than ten days to recover!

Zhulong on land finally arrived at Shuofang Post Station, which was many times larger than Tianshiyuan Post Station. It had official roads extending in all directions, leading to different cities.

When the land Candle Dragon entered the station, Su Yun and others saw several other Candle Dragon chariots coming from other places, exhausted and also entering the post station.

Several huge candle dragons roared and greeted each other. Some spiritualists fetched water to dissipate the heat from the candle dragons, and some brought cattle and sheep for the candle dragons to eat.

Passengers began to get off the bus, and the post station was crowded with people. Su Yun and Hua Hu held the hands of the three little foxes and squeezed out of the crowd. They stood at the door of the post station, looking at the huge and prosperous Shuofang City. For a moment, their minds were blank and they didn't know where to go.

It actually snowed in Shuofang City this winter. The snowflakes were as big as goose feathers, floating in the air and landing on collars, making them feel cold.

Li Muge, carrying a large bag and several other bags, squeezed out of the crowd with difficulty and said with a smile: "Brother, brothers, if you have no place to stay, come to my place. I have rented a house in the city! Tomorrow, I will take you to Wenchang Academy to try your luck. Maybe you can be admitted to our Wenchang Academy! Our Wenchang Academy is very difficult to get into. Really, I'm not lying to you. Except for the bad atmosphere, we are still a good school!"

Huahu looked embarrassed, raised his head and looked at Su Yun, and whispered: "Xiao Yun, look..."

Su Yun lowered his voice and said, "We have nowhere to stay, so let's go to his place first. Tomorrow, I will accompany him to the Wenchang Academy. If we see that the situation is not good, we will turn around and leave. We must not jump into the cesspool!"

Flower Fox and the other little foxes nodded repeatedly. Hu Buping whispered, "From what Brother Mu Ge said, Wenchang Academy should be a big cesspool..."

Seeing that they agreed, Li Muge excitedly led them outside and said with a smile: "My place is next to the robbery ash factory. Although it is a bit noisy, it is cheap. You can stay here for one night. Tomorrow morning, we will go to the academy!"

Huahu asked curiously, "Why doesn't Senior Brother live with his family?"

Li Muge looked unnatural: "I'm grown up, I want to make a career for myself. Staying at home is not enough to have to look after my father. I want to prove that I'm no worse than him!"

Zhaizhu: The annual meeting is over, it’s time to go home! Jiehui is a name for coal in ancient times. During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, someone dug up coal but didn’t know what it was. Emperor Wu then asked a monk from the Western Regions to ask about it. The monk said that this thing was called Jiehui, which was the transformation of people and things from the previous era.