Walking by the Abyss on Thin Ice

Chapter 63: When we were young, we parted, and when we met again, our hair was gray


"There really is a poisonous dragon in the city!"

In the Shenxian Residence, teachers from the four major academies cried out in surprise and looked out of the window, but they did not see the girl on the dragon's head.

It was as if that girl had never existed!

Someone cried out: "The poisonous dragon appeared. Could it be that Zuo Pushe's news is true?"

"Impossible! The Jiaolong is such a powerful beast, and the Poison Jiaolong is a rare species that only appears once in a thousand years. How can it be given such a weird name as "The Whole Village Eats a Meal"?"

"Why don't you just call him and find out?"

A teacher pushed open the window, flew out, stood on the eaves, and shouted: "The whole village is having dinner—"

The poisonous dragon that was fighting with Monk Tu Ming and Taoist Xian Yun forced the two to retreat. A loud and clear voice exploded in front of the Immortal Residence like thunder: "Who is calling my nickname?"

The thunderous sound caused hundreds of windows in the Immortal Residence to shake violently. The window frames were opened, and there was a rattling sound. The air wave actually rushed straight over!

Several teachers raised their hands and pressed on the windows, and saw all kinds of strange patterns appear on the window frames, gradually brightening, and the shaking of Shenxianju stopped immediately.

—The buildings in Shuofang City were originally built according to the specifications of spiritual weapons. It is said that if the blood and energy are strong enough, the buildings can even be sacrificed as spiritual weapons.

"It seems that we have misunderstood Zuo Pushe. There really is a dragon named Zuo Pushe who invites the whole village to eat!" The teacher on the eaves laughed.

Before he could finish his words, a sword light suddenly flew over and attacked him.

The teacher was very capable. He immediately jumped up and avoided the sword light. Wherever the sword light went, the eaves exploded and rocks flew everywhere.

"It can even blow up the buildings in Shuofang. The power of this sword is incredible!" The teacher was shocked.

Before he could even breathe a sigh of relief, a sword suddenly flew out from the dust and smoke, piercing him like lightning. He hurriedly activated his spiritual power, and an alchemy furnace appeared behind him. Flames roared out of the furnace, forming a thick flame shield around his body!

The sword pierced through the fire shield with a hissing sound, but was blocked by the fire shield and slowed down. The teacher dodged sideways, but was injured on the shoulder skin. He thought to himself: "This little wound... is poisonous!"

He immediately felt half of his body losing consciousness, and could no longer control his energy and blood and supernatural powers. He fell down without a sound.

A teacher from the Immortal Residence rushed out and caught the teacher. He saw that the teacher's face was black and he was dying. He couldn't help but cry out: "What a strong poison! Hurry up and call a doctor!"

On the other side, several teachers opened the window lattice, jumped out, stepped on the edge of the eaves, leaped hard, landed on the back of the Tianlin Shangjingtu, and rushed towards the poisonous dragon.

The Tianlin Shangjing Tu has now included the three thousand scholars on this platform in the picture. This picture is like a side of land facing downwards, rising slowly.

Those teachers were running on the back of the land at a very fast speed.

Suddenly, a sword whistling sound came from behind them. The teachers turned their heads hurriedly, only to see that the sword light was actually a hollow bone sword.

Because it is lighter, the flying speed of the bone sword is many times faster than that of ordinary spiritual weapons. When the air passes through the hollow sword body, it makes a sharp whistling sound.

The teachers left two to deal with the bone sword, and the other two continued to rush towards the poisonous dragon.

The two people who stayed behind each activated their spiritual powers. One of them should be a Confucian scholar. A golden book appeared in front of him and unfolded with a swish. The Confucian scholar took out a two-foot long golden pen and waved it. Golden words came out.

Those words turned into golden swords and iron horses, galloping in the air. The sound of chanting became louder and turned into the noise of carriages and horses. The murderous aura filled the sky and went towards the bone sword!

Behind the other teacher, bricks and tiles flew, beams and pillars stood up, pavilions and towers formed rapidly, and a treasure tower fell obliquely from the sky, ready to suppress the bone sword!

Both of these teachers had extraordinary abilities, but the bone sword was too fast. It whizzed past them before their abilities could fully unleash, avoiding their abilities!


The two men realized something was wrong and stood up at the same time.

The scholar flew across the sky like a flying swallow, with his robe sleeves spread out, and flew across the picture of the scenery above Tianlin. Then he was stabbed by the sword, and fell to the ground with a muffled groan. He slid more than ten feet on the picture before he finally stopped.

The moment the other teacher turned over, bricks and tiles flew all over his body, forming an airtight cage that tied him up inside.

The bone sword hit the cage with a clang but failed to pierce it. The sword light circled lightly and flew away with a whistling sound.

The teacher breathed a sigh of relief and dispersed the cage.

He had just taken back the Qi and blood in his magical power when his expression suddenly changed: "The Qi and blood are poisonous!"

His face suddenly turned dark and he fell on his back without a word.

Supernatural powers are driven by qi and blood. Just now, the bone sword pierced his cage-like supernatural power, and the poison in the bone sword also fell on the cage-like supernatural power. He took back the qi and blood in the supernatural power, which meant he took the poison into his own body. It would be strange if he didn't get poisoned!

At the moment when the teacher fell to the ground, he caught a glimpse of the two teachers in front of him being hit by the sword and falling down.

There was an uproar in the Shenxian Residence, and everyone came to the window. In just a short moment, five teachers fell down. The poisonous dragon really had the power to feed the entire village!

However, the strength of Monk Tu Ming and Taoist Xian Yun was also surprising. The two of them were not well-known in the academy of Shuofang City, and they were not renowned masters.

But these two were able to force out the poisonous dragon, and they still looked calm in their battle with it, as if they were just doing their job without putting in any effort. On the contrary, other teachers who were much more famous than them were powerless to resist the poisonous dragon's sword.

It can be seen that the strength of these two people is many times greater than their reputation.

"I've seen this dragon!"

A scholar beside Tong Qingyun, the Minister of Shuofang Academy, whispered, "Minister, this poisonous dragon is the one I encountered in the uninhabited area of Tianshiyuan! That dragon was also called the village's meal by the monsters in the uninhabited area. But his strength at that time was far from as strong as it is now."

The Confucian scholar was none other than Tong Xuan, who had once used words to transform into magical powers and hunt down Su Yun.

Tong Qingyun frowned and looked out the window. He saw that the black poisonous dragon was being beaten by Monk Tu Ming and Taoist Xianyun when the bone sword flew out. When the bone sword flew back, Tu Ming and Xianyun actually ran away and no longer paid any attention to the poisonous dragon.

"The origins of these two people are suspicious..." Tong Qingyun thought.

"The ability of the whole village to feed itself has increased more than tenfold!"

The scholar Tong Xuan continued, "His strength has increased so quickly, could it be that he has been possessed by a demon?"

Tong Qingyun's eyes flickered, and he whispered, "That's not the case. He should have received guidance from the human demon, and his cultivation has greatly increased. The human demon has not yet taken over the body. The human demon needs a sacrifice. The more people die, the stronger the human demon will be. It seems that there is really a human demon in Shuofang City, and it is nearby..."

Suddenly, Zuo Songyan, the Minister of Wenchang Academy, shouted, "Everyone, it's not too late to stop the exam now! Tell all teachers to stop offering sacrifices to the picture immediately!"

Wen Lifang and Tian Wuji were a little hesitant.

Tong Qingyun snorted coldly and stood up, giving people a strong sense of oppression: "A mere human demon wants to run rampant in Shuofang? Zuo Songyan, you are too conservative. Stopping the exam now will only alert the enemy and allow the human demon to escape into the city. There are so many people in the city. That will only cause greater damage! On the contrary, if the human demon enters the Ten Brocade Embroidery Map, it will be easier to search for it!"

Many ministers from the academies nodded.

If the demon leaves here and possesses someone else in the city, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack and nowhere to be found.

Tong Qingyun looked around and said in a deep voice, "Leaving the human demon here, in the ten embroidered pictures, is like catching a turtle in a jar for us. Gentlemen, go and capture this whole village for dinner, and the rest of you should pay close attention to the changes in the embroidered pictures."

One by one, the teachers leaped up and rushed towards the poisonous dragon Jiao Shuao.

Zuo Songyan frowned deeply. At this time, Qiu Shuijing stood up and came behind him.

Zuo Songyan had already recognized him, and his body tensed up involuntarily. He said calmly, "Qiu Shuijing, the Imperial Master of Tiandao Academy in Dongdu, Mr. Shuijing, or I should call you my senior. I have grown old, but you have the secret to keep your youthful appearance, and you still look so young, with no signs of aging."

Qiu Shuijing said slowly, "Zuo Songyan, I am not your senior. Back then, you and I took the entrance exam to Tiandao Academy together. I was notified that I passed the exam the next day, but you took the exam for five years and still failed. You and I are not classmates, so there is no need to call each other senior and junior."

Zuo Yansong's white hair trembled, and he didn't know whether it was because of anger or the wind. He gritted his teeth and said, "I heard that you left Yuanshuo to study abroad, so I didn't take the exam. I will also go abroad. Otherwise, I can pass the exam with my qualifications! Don't you think it's infuriating? You took the trouble to take the Tiandao Academy exam just to study abroad. I don't need to take the Tiandao Academy exam, and I will still go abroad!"

Qiu Shuijing was not angry at all, and smiled and said, "I heard about it. When I was studying abroad, I went to the best academy of the Semu people, and traveled between the academies to learn the best knowledge of the Semu people. The Emperor of Dongdu paid for all the expenses along the way. When you were studying abroad, it seemed like you were studying while washing dishes for others."

Zuo Songyan blew his beard and glared.

"But I admire you."

Qiu Shuijing said sincerely: "You are not as talented as me, but you make up for your shortcomings with hard work, and your achievements are not inferior to mine."

Zuo Songyan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly a feeling of relief was released from his heart. He smiled and said, "It is worth my life to hear Qiu Shuijing say that I admire you."

They were all scholars from Shuofang back then, and often ranked first and second. Of course, Qiu Shuijing ranked first and Zuo Songyan ranked second.

Zuo Songyan has never been convinced by Qiu Shuijing, and he is determined to surpass him, win first place, and hear a word of admiration from Qiu Shuijing.

Therefore, Qiu Shuijing went to Dongdu to take part in the Tiandao Academy entrance examination, and Zuo Songyan also went. Qiu Shuijing was admitted to Tiandao Academy, but he failed to pass after taking the exam for five consecutive years.

Tiandaoyuan became his lifelong obsession, so much so that he has not completely resolved this obsession to this day.

But Qiu Shuijing's words of admiration made his obsession disappear, and he felt his mind become open and his heart became clear.

"Shui Jing, what do you think of human demons?" Zuo Songyan asked.

"This human demon is not very powerful at the moment, but it is more difficult to deal with. It should not be a newly born human demon, but has existed for a long time. It has wisdom and deliberately set up confusion, trying to trap us by using the entire village to eat."

Qiu Shuijing's eyes fell on the dragon Jiao Shuao who was fighting with many teachers. He saw that Jiao Shuao had already killed his way to the Tianlin Shangjingtu. The dragon was running like the wind, fighting against more than ten teachers at the same time, and was not at a disadvantage at all.

Zuo Songyan's face changed drastically: "You mean..."

Qiu Shuijing looked down at the Tianlin Shangjingtu below, his eyes flickering: "It knows that it needs to kill and needs more blood to condense its body, so it needs to stir up a big turmoil to improve its strength. But before that, it needs a body."

"Its purpose is to select the strongest body, the body with the most potential, and allow it to be reborn."

Qiu Shuijing's eyes flickered with an unknown light, and he whispered, "Its goal is to defeat the strongest of the 30,000 scholars. After it is reborn, it will start killing to make itself stronger and stronger."

"The number one among thirty thousand scholars?" Zuo Songyan's face was solemn, and Su Yun's face appeared in his mind.

A picture of the scenery from heaven.

Su Yun stood by the lake and looked up.

In front of him, hundreds of scholars blocked all his ways, leaving only Tianlin Lake behind him.

"There will also be a day when my cultivation realm is sealed and I have to fight against these scholars who are one realm lower than me."

Su Yun was somewhat helpless: "How can I make them retreat? Forget it, I might as well just kill them directly."